What If ISIS’ Leaders Have Read Sun Tzu?

Sun TzuMany fear ISIS will try to double down on its horrific success in Paris by attacking another Western capital as soon as possible. Consider an alternative strategy, however, that is straight out of Sun Tzu’s The Art of War:  Limit the attacks so that you don’t rouse your foe to mobilize for all-out war. France’s Hollande declared war on ISIS immediately after Friday’s attacks, but without U.S. military backing, his words are likely to beget little more than Homeland Security-on-steroids. If ISIS is gambling that our delusional, alarmingly incompetent president will resist joining the fray for as long as he can, then we might expect them to space their attacks so that Obama is not goaded by the American public into taking the offensive.  Where establishing a caliphate is concerned, even ISIS has the ability to take the long view. For inspiration they need look no further than Minneapolis, where the implementation of sharia looks like a hundred-year project.  If ISIS does nothing for the next several months, than neither, likely, will we.

  • Benjamin November 17, 2015, 3:27 pm

    I don’t know about ISIS biding its time, Rick. If you have 45 minutes to spare, look up ‘Bill Warner Why We Are Afraid: 1400 Years of Fear’, on YouTube. He explains Muhammad’s rapid success, which in turn explains the staying power islam has ever since had.

    Though jihad as it is commonly thought does play its part, islam is much more a political activist system than it is a religion, and seems to gain more by “stealth”/cultural jihad. One modern example of this…

    Though it may seem ridiculous to say, the #BlackLiesMatter will soon enough convert American universities into centers for sharia law. Seriously, they sound and act just like those “palestinians” over in Israel. They just bully and intimidate before crying victim again. But the clearest sign of their allegiance is their latest hashtag #F..kParis!

    Because the French are just a bunch of white colonial oppressors, you see. Their liberal professors have already gotten them that far. And since the West is of no value to them, then they’re all just one nudge away from converting to islam, if they have not already done so. Then the brainless brats will go home on break, and probably convince/force their families into joining them. And if those “Syrian refugees” are brought here, then the caliphate can gain ground a lot quicker than any of us ever thought possible (though there are a lot of muSlums here already, so maybe the “Syrian reufgees” don’t really matter).

    Mark my words, this will happen.

    All I can say is: stay frosty, my friends!


    Although the collegiate crowd and their professors are halfwits — witness the popularity of Bernie Sanders — I hadn’t given much thought to the possibility of sharia gaining traction on the nation’s campuses. I have serious doubts, though, that the kids would be able to cope with the ascetic lifestyle that that would require. Did you see the news feature last week concerning Westerners who have flocked to ISIS? They are complaining about the lousy coffee, about the very limited selection at clothing stores, and about the fact that jihadi women don’t seem to get much respect. Nor is there a “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy for LGBT types who are irresistibly drawn to ISIS’ ultra bad-ass style of dress. RA

  • Phil November 17, 2015, 1:44 pm

    HI Rick

    Take a look at Mike Maloney’s episode 6
    Big deflation next, then likely hyperinflation following.
    So everybody is right, just that both happens, one after the other.
    Make sense to me.


    Actually, most everybody was very wrong, Phil. Recall that the inflationists/monetarists/Fed worshipers treated deflationists like nut jobs until after the Thai baht collapsed in the summer of 1997. (I say deflationists, plural, but I was the only one writing about deflation back then in major publications, including Barron’s and the San Francisco Examiner. Search the record and you’ll find only a passing mention of deflation by Forbes columnist Ashby Bladen, and by Bill Helming, an agricultural forecaster.)

    It’s only been for the last couple of years, as deflation crushed everything but financial assets, college tuition and healthcare premiums, that the inflationists realized they were dead wrong. Even now, there are still more than a few yo-yos who evidently think the “inflation” they experience shopping for groceries is Inflation. In contrast, the deflation that’s occurring in the energy sector alone more than offsets the relatively piddling sum of inflation’s many red herrings. Just wait till the quadrillion dollar derivatives bubble starts to deflate. We will see then how impotent the central banks are when they try to reverse it. Ruinous deflation comes first; then, possibly, but by no means necessarily, hyperinflation to mop up what debts remain. RA

  • BDTR November 17, 2015, 12:42 pm

    To partial paraphrase a sentimental conclusion of the late Daley the Great, ‘..the government’s here to preserve disorder’ ..captures the counterintuitive essence of postwar foreign policy.

    Ike and JFK both cautioned the nation, and JFK died as result of his intent to thwart the MIC cabal descent into more contrived war.

    Iraq, never what it was made out to be since we installed Saddam. After our purpose was essentially complete we hung him as renegade renewing the Sunni /Shia bi-polar tension to fuel and recruit the manageable jihadi proxy war to finally dislodge Assad. We got the Putin calculus very wrong.

    Recall that Carter signed in the Petro $ and O is the perfect foil from a CIA family to enable by division an already poisoned polarity electorate. We not only got fooled again, at least I was by O at the outset, it’s perpetual pretense and has been so since the same criminal cabal offed Kennedy.

    Pro Jihadi is correct, Rick, but it sure doesn’t end with O. A review analysis of PNAC’s manifesto from ’99, a read of Zig’s tome as mentioned above for breadth, and for detail of subversive corruption methodology go with John Perkins’ Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. It’s all there.

    So, yeah, it gets deep, but extremely few of us have any real idea of how deep and just how evil. I’ve barely got a clue.

    But, just to flesh things out, so to speak, try penetrating, (sick pun intended), the dark world of Dennis Hastert and his pedo friends if you want some real gut real wrenching filth as example of utterly depraved American politics. His plea-cop was a terrible miscarriage of the intent of law. A very dark day for DoJ.

    But, O’s a solid company man, Rick. A racial baiting marionette for the bosses little sideshow and lefty pacification program. It’s shameful how fooled I was in ’08 after seeing how wrong we were in Y2k, ..and ’92, and ..’88 etc. all the way back to JFK.

    How fooled too many of us still are thinking these psychopaths want anything but exactly what we have now in terms of process.

    Ultimately, hell on earth, I’m thinking.


    Sometimes even cynics have to avert their eyes, Ralph. To paraphrase Jack Nicholson, most of us can’t handle the truth. RA

  • BDTR November 17, 2015, 8:25 am

    “..there’s just too much confusion, I can’t get no relief.” – Dylan; All Along the Watchtower

    Sophisticated as you are, Rick, and I mean that, you don’t seem to understand something very basic here.

    ISIS is ‘us’. It is a Frankenstein policy feature of US black-operations of long standing. It’s historic incarnations span from Operation Gladio; postwar stay-behind political subversion in Europe, to Gladio B; which incorporates the CIA’s formation, and explicit naming, of al Qaeda in the ’80’s and run by Ziggy Brzezinski.

    ISIS. ISIL, or simply IS is the most recent incarnation of this US foreign policy device that insures the massive expenditures filtering to the matrix of defense contractors in the trillion$.

    ‘Doing nothing’ doesn’t exist. While Paris is at best being characterized as ‘blowback’ on France for decades of post-imperial interventions in the ME and Africa, in reality France itself is vassal to US foreign policy aggression detailed in Bzrezinski’s own confessional; The Grand Chessboard. Absolutely essential reading to ‘get it’.

    Meantime, Gladio B is alive and operational to achieving the encirclement of Russia on it’s southern flank primarily in the Balkans onto the Steps of the ‘Stans’.

    ISIS ‘r US, ..or perhaps more accurately; U$. jus’sayin’, Rick, ..too much confusion.


    Sounds plausible, Ralph, although empowering ISIS by pulling out of Iraq seems like one domino too many to have planned in advance. And could Carter’s White House conceivably have anticipated a big boost for Iran from a president as breathtakingly inept and pro-jihadi as Obama?