Brian Catalucci

$ESZ18 – DEC E-Mini S&P (Last:2742.25)

– Posted in: Current Touts

Bears were on the ropes when last week ended, with stocks gaining buoyancy from Trump’s optimistic remarks concerning China. Assuming no news comes out over the weekend to queer Wall Street’s good mood, expect the futures to easily hit the 2754.00 target shown (see inset).  Just a slight overshoot would surpass an important ‘external’ peak at 2755.75 recorded October 13 on the way down. That would refresh the bullish impulsiveness of the hourly chart, setting the tone for the near term.

Test Newsletter Headline

– Posted in: Free

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec id quam dignissim, mattis ante a, volutpat lacus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi in auctor diam. Nunc maximus, urna at lacinia congue, augue magna varius tellus, nec ultrices sem lacus vel metus. Nunc convallis, justo in tempus fermentum, lorem lorem condimentum augue, a porta velit sapien quis diam. Praesent ut felis at elit cursus lobortis. Donec a auctor libero. Morbi sit amet urna viverra, fermentum enim et, tincidunt neque. Donec hendrerit rhoncus dui, nec pulvinar odio vestibulum quis. Nunc blandit dolor id dapibus facilisis. Proin ac tincidunt eros. Aenean vitae semper libero, ac pretium enim. Aliquam et elit quis ipsum volutpat consequat. Morbi condimentum pretium posuere. Nulla eget nunc a massa rutrum porta. Maecenas ultricies risus non mauris vulputate iaculis. Integer vitae sagittis lorem. Praesent libero lectus, rhoncus ut egestas faucibus, mollis dapibus sem. Donec commodo mi ut elit varius, imperdiet efficitur libero elementum. Phasellus placerat enim sed enim interdum, eu luctus nisi varius. Nulla facilisi. Nulla et sapien feugiat, finibus tellus a, hendrerit nisi. Curabitur dolor diam, sodales aliquam magna ac, feugiat suscipit metus.

ESZ15 – Dec E-Mini S&P (Last:2083.50)

– Posted in: Current Touts Rick's Picks

The pattern shown should be starting to look familiar, even if not in the way of a dear old friend.  Last week, I'd suggested a mechanical entry to get long for a ride to as high as D=2126.25.  That Hidden Pivot is now within shooting distance, but we shouldn't expect any easy opportunities to get long, since they were so hard to come by last week.  However, if one were to arise, it would begin with a thrust to around 2104 followed by a pullback to p2=2094.50. A bid there with a 2062 stop-loss would apply, although I'm not recommending this strategy unless you understand why. There may be ways to significantly reduce the implied entry risk of $1600 per contract. If you're interested, tune to the chat room in real time after the criteria I've noted have been met. ______UPDATE (November 23, 12:19 a.m. Brian Catalucci - Catman): The futures are still trying to close in on the long standing 2126.25 rally target. They've gone sideways for the last two trading days, bouncing off the 2094.25 p2 Hidden Pivot. We are nearing the Thanksgiving holiday and trading volume will lighten up. Using camouflage and tight stops to catch another ride up to the p2 pivot may be the order of the day.