3-D Viagra in Our Future?

iPads flew off the shelves over the weekend, at least for a while, but most stores reportedly still had a few of the devices left after the initial buying panic subsided on Sunday. Although there’s been plenty of speculation that the device will be a paradigm-changer for users, the question of which paradigm it will change remained murky at press time. Just about any new device in the computer family is going to shift the game away from Microsoft in some small way, at least, since the Redmond-based software monolith hasn’t brought anything exciting to the marketplace since it introduced the Office suite in 1989.  Apple hasn’t exactly been standing still in the meantime, and the company looks like a good bet to surpass Microsoft in market capitalization sometime this year or early next.  Actually, there’s no reason why this couldn’t happen in mere days if investors were to suddenly grasp how Steve Jobs & Company has already eaten Microsoft’s lunch going out to 2015 and beyond.

Remember when Microsoft was planning to dominate our living rooms with a “smart” home entertainment center that would have made going out on Saturday night unnecessary?  There were predictions that all of us would eventually pay the company a royalty for just about anything that made us feel good. Instead, they produced Windows 7 – a pretty decent operating system by most accounts, but not something you’d find at the top of the hedonist’s shopping list.

Microsoft’s Last Chance

Microsoft has been marking time for so long, accumulating cash it has no idea how to use, that it has forgotten how to innovate.  Our suggestion would be to team up with Sony, another company that has lost its way, to deliver the ultimate killer software that we all know is coming anyway.  We are talking about 3-D pornography, of course, but with A-list “talent” and the kind of interactivity that would stop men’s hearts, titillating all five senses.  Digital Viagra. More than merely broadening the appeal of video games beyond teen-aged male sociopaths and twenty-somethings, this videogame would be so enthralling that men of all ages would not be able to leave their desks.  So powerful would be their addiction that they would eventually stop going to work. We can’t think of anything to prevent such a game from reaching the marketplace once the technology has been perfected.  Which Hollywood starlet will become the first to earn a billion dollars in royalties for providing the content?

(If you’d like to have Rick’s Picks commentary delivered free each day to your e-mail box, click here.)

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  • chartguy April 10, 2010, 6:58 pm

    I’m no fan of Microsoft, but Win95, WinNT and finally Win2000 were all “exciting” introductions after MS Office in 1989. I agree that there’s been nothing exciting since then. Before Win95 and WinNT, MS Office had promise, but was more a bundle of disparate programs than a real suite.

    When Apple started, they were building computers for people who were going to write their own software, since there wasn’t any available. With the Mac, they grabbed the desktop publishing market, which would later be considered part of “content creation”. If the iPad represents a significant shift, it is the shift away from content creation to content consumption. The iPad does a great job of letting you view/read/consume content. It’s lousy at producing content. As computers have become a part of daily life, the ratio of content consumers to producers has grown dramatically, so they’re aiming at the “sweet spot” of the market. In my mind, this is what the sub-notebook computer was trying to be, only it forgoes the restrictions of the keyboard and folding screen layout.

    This expands on Apple’s success with iPods (and all their variations), which were entirely content consumption oriented.


    With the omission of Flash, and the absence of wide-screen viewing capability, I’d say Apple has done only a so-so job of letting you view/read/consume content. RA

  • Chris T. April 6, 2010, 12:42 am

    DG has some great comments.

    As someone who has always liked Applewares, from IIe to Mac, this isn’t really the same company. They are making money with stuff (consumer electronics really), that I bet even a 1982 Jobs and Woz would have sniffed at.

    They caught the pulse, and as you point out ID and such are a part. But really, despite the better-than-others execution, at core, at least some of that success is surface and convenience. Nothing to sneeze at, but the ipod concept was around before it, any small mp3 player at the time already did it, and no need to spend $1 per tune.
    The adoption was thus much more deep in the US than in many other parts, where many smarter people just used a 29.99 mp3 player and stole their songs for free.
    Capitalizing on the cool-factor, as Apple did, is smart and credit goes to them, but what it says about a culture that allows success because of this…?

    Rick a while ago pointed out, that it would take a lot to divorce the last 1/2 gen of its addiction to electronic toys, they would almost rather starve, and that is much of Apples success.

    Now if Apple could bring a sixth sense device out soon, before that kicks its butt, that would be something.
    (for anyone interested, google Sixth Sense, Pranav Mistry, TED for a rather desirable implementation of the cloud and human interfacing)

    And no matter how many reports will yet come out about pulse-code modulation; blue tooth; or other wi-fi devices causing brain cancer, the addicted masses will either ignore or say WTF.
    Sad, sad

  • Jim April 5, 2010, 11:12 pm

    Re: 3-D Viagra
    Hi Rick, Scary thought. One more reason for me to pray “come Lord Jesus”.


  • JohnJay April 5, 2010, 7:52 pm

    I’m no computer maven, but won’t any laptop download the same book PDF file as the I Pad? What is the point other than conspicuous consumption? Isn’t it an expensive one trick pony? Help me out.

  • kevin April 5, 2010, 6:40 pm

    You know, a high correlation has been found between sex addiction and making poor investments.

    Pervert. Thanks for printing such a great article.

  • DG April 5, 2010, 5:46 pm

    Its a flash, flash world.
    It has been an interesting race. Jobs has to win the tech marathon award for staying in the race for 30 years, falling way,way back, and just keeping at it, finally….and now is about to catch his arch rival…and Gates left the race for Balmer to struggle with defeat. Nice. Like riling up the kids and then leaving them for someone else!
    Apple has everything Microsoft has, and more. OS, apps, hardware. I look at Microsoft and ask, “why?” As in, why are they even here? The Yugo of electronics and software? Just a bad example? Take the zune. Please. Are they stupid? Their lead color was BROWN. as in Brown 25. Does Apple have double agents in product development at Microsoft?
    Apple had a single digit market cap in 2003, pretty much equal to cash on hand. Here is a snapshot of relative values Mar/April lows 2003/
    DJIA: 7500
    gold: 340
    oil: 26
    Apple: 6.4
    MSFT: 19

    no splits, and we know the results. Apple first, gold and oils second, and dow and msft last.

    I think, the lift-off for Apple was cheap flash memory. The first flash ipods arrived in 2005….They have always been good at industrial design. Ok, great. But cheap flash allowed their ideas for ID to become reality. Flash removed the mechanical shortcomings of hard-drives, especially obvious for handheld devices (you could drive over a nano and it would still work). Battery life? fugettaboutit.
    The irony, is that the chip makers that supply the flash are in such a competitive battle, that their valuations are even worse performers than the general indexes and microsoft during this same period!
    Maybe our government should take a lesson from the semiconductor industry. They didn’t bail anyone out when it crashed in the dotcom aftermath. And that WAS armageddon. They just let people go, companies folded, and the survivors knuckled down…yielding Superman results – faster, smaller, cheaper. Anything there that we could apply to the financial industry or healthcare? I think so.
    All hail Jobs and the flashmakers. (and don’t forget Tony Fadell, the “inventor” of the ipod)

  • Rich April 5, 2010, 5:11 pm

    Yes, AAPL deserves a bigger market cap than vapourware competition crusher Softie and IBM combined for putting out better products with a healthy profit margin, even if they were not compatible with each other.
    Although AAPL was a screaming buy at a split-adjusted 7.07 in March 2003, we think Apple overvalued at 238.73, although we use Trailing Stops to get in and get out.
    Yes, Steve Jobs is a high tech savant despite Lisa, Newton, NeXT and at least ten other giant Apple belly flops, including hiring John Sculley from Bermuda, who fired Jobs and almost put Apple out of biz on repeated occasions because he knew nothing about silicon except Pepsi bottles.
    At least one commentator so far pointed out the $499 iPad price tag is bogus. By the time apps, downloads and fees are incurred, iPad is $1000 and up, beyond the range of most unemployed geeks who have the time to play digital status games.
    The Tablet Computer was the graveyard for at least a dozen companies or products including Convergent Technology,Dynabook, EOS, Go, IdeaPad, Momenta and the Radio Shack Genius.
    Maybe this time will be different?
    For value with better earnings growth prospects, join Carlos Slim Helu, richest man in the world, with BRNC above 3.33 as they expand Central and South American oil and gas drilling in a joint venture with his IDEAL infrastructure company…

  • EmAn April 5, 2010, 3:22 pm

    What a concept, and it even involves an apple.

  • Chris T. April 5, 2010, 3:18 pm

    funny thought.

    But, as far as gaming “adults”, >35s have already taken to the kid stuff.
    And just yesterday, we had another indication of how “mature” our “adults” are, when a retired NYC worker camped out for 4 days at the 59th street Apple store, to be first to buy an ipad. Get real.

    Hey look everybody, I got the new toy first, I really am somebody now. We have become so childish over gadgets, whether worthwhile or worthless, it’s a joke.

    I would probably be crazy enough to camp out for days to get tickets to see Led Zep at MSG (of Mr Platn ever consents, doubtful), but that would be a scarce “commodity” in short supply, where this would at least make some rational sense.

    Like you can’t wait a few days for an ipad, because Apple won’t make more!
    What it also shows, is that the product is mispriced. In a fully rational world, the item would be priced higher initially, no lines, then dropped.

    Foregoing that extra market rent must thus be an advertising expenditure in order to capitalize on the hype…

  • TahoeBilly April 5, 2010, 3:02 pm

    Baseball will be the only thing left that looks anything like it did when we were kids! I bet the New World Order crowd cannot wait to get rid of baseball so they can squash any last remembrance of Americana.

    • Benjamin April 5, 2010, 9:31 pm

      Yeah, especially if profits are up after making the game so damn safe that there isn’t even a game to speak of. And you know they’ll trump up those savings because everything the Nazis do is the best thing since sliced apple pie. And if you know that, then you definitely know how we Americans love profits from trumped-up savings due to excessive safety and other “i Smart!” moves.

      So I got a great, innovative idea for all you Americans out there. I think I’ll make the first video game about baseball. God, I’m so smart and innovative!

      But that’s not all. I’ll ban baseball, even after it’s reduced to plastic, over-padding, and tees. Sometimes my brain is so big, it must creep out into the world around me. Creeps me out, too, but all human minds are scared of great ideas when they first come out. That’s why I love to innovate. It’s the perfect lobotomy… I mean Zen… for facing one’s fears. And we can only profit by overcoming our wimpy fears. So get them brains out, folks!

      Anyway, here’s the very best part and where things go from being just mere innovations to being untouchable divinity: In that innovative video game I’ll be sure to remind the kiddies and big kiddies alike that those digital players are using only safe, state approved equipment. And every homerun will cut to the marquee board and say…

      “Another safe, responsible, and profitable play!!!”

      And once that propaga… I mean profitability message… is displayed, the marquee will show Apple’s stock and the player’s bank account going up.

      I’m American and we Americans love to innovate. Sure, life will change, but that’s the price of being profitable. It’s all as American as, well, Apple pie (play responsibly, kids, and buy an iCondom).

      And speaking of your Apple sweety-pie, have you bought him or her a Hallmark Holiday gift yet? And don’t give me that crap about not being to afford it after all those capital gains taxes you paid. Millions of players are hitting safety and profit homeruns. So do that special someone a favor and pay their health care fines for them! What, you think because it’s digital it’s no-strings attatched? Ha! That wouldn’t be good innovation, and we know how smart and innovative we are!

      But taking oil and gas out of the ground, on the other hand (pay attention, Rich, for you listen to the wrong message), is not safe and therefore not profitable. Or is it? I mean, think of all the eviornmental fines and other taxes that can be levied against these companies. Oh, right. Well, think of some _more_ then. Oil is evil enough for more reasons!

      So there ya have it. We’re all recovering and hitting homeruns on this sunny day. No, make that day. If I include sunny, that sounds very gold-like and gold is not a good idea. It’s a barbarous relic!

  • Benjamin April 5, 2010, 10:02 am


    Bill Clinton: I did not have sex in the oval office. Really, I didn’t! I just downloaded her to my ‘Pad, man!

    What a world we will live in some day. I just hope the tech geeks delay it until after I die, as it’s bad enough that everywhere you go everyone is yakking on the cellphone or worsening their carpal tunnel through endless texting. I don’t need to see people going blind, but I do need people who are going blind to see ME, especially if they’re dirving while they’re getting interfaced.

    Anyway, Apple screw… messed up this time around. Well, they messed up at the iphone, but I suppose some will beg to differ on that. The point is, just look at that sherman tank! Everyone was so impressed with the fact that the technology was getting smaller by the minute, but along comes this iPad, which looks about as big as my monitor, and they’ve suddenly forgotten how, um… important… small is (but I guess since 3-D sex is right around the corner, this will matter, albeit in a differnt way) (and was that the reason for the title of this article?)