SIZ10 – December Silver (Last:26.200)

December Silver (SIZ10) price chart with targetsI’ve avoided effusing over the weekly chart because it projects to 30.005 and I didn’t want to get everyone stirred up about it, at least not before today.  Now is a good time to stretch our bullish imaginations, the moreso because real bulls take $50 Silver, eventually, as an article of faith — and what can it hurt to view $30 as being in-the-bag? I’ll add the target to our matrix of possibilities. Keep in mind, however, that the futures will need to get past a midpoint resistance at 26.425 to make the higher target a high-confidence number.  That’s just 5.5 cents above yesterdays high, and it deserves to be watched closely.  If the futures blow past it effortlessly today, we can be confident that 30.005 will be reached.