Turkey and Trimmings at a Federal Prison

Liberty has been under assault lately, with Big Government seizing on economic adversity as an opportunity to further its reach into every home, into every life. We are reminded of how precious are our freedoms by the letter below, from an old and very dear friend of ours who who recently began serving a six-year sentence at a minimum security prison. A commodity trader and hedge fund manager, his crime, mainly, was to have promiscuously mingled personal funds with those of clients. Although he does not profess his innocence, the experience of being “put away” has made him fearful of a federal judicial system that be believes has concentrated too much power in unjust hands.  He writes as follows:

A heart-felt generic message to you my dear friends, who maintain contact with the evil felon during the holidays. Send me a note, an e-mail, and any prayers such as lighting candles, toasting to my health with strong or mild drink or just a joke or three. Life here is not really hard, but it IS after all, voluntary incarceration. Voluntary you ask? Yes, no fences, no guns or gun towers — just a severe consequence should we walk out and be brought back chained and disgraced, resentenced and sent to a minimum (fenced, gunned) security prison. But, today, some of our Mexican drug types disappeared, presumably southward (I do not know, or only knew them by sight) into the obscurity of perhaps the Mexican nation? In any event, I wish them well in their furtive freedom.

First “Secular” Holiday

Freedom is such a precious thing as you all know. The Thanksgiving celebration, the world’s first secular ‘holy” day under Lincoln, was designed to bridge the various faiths, most of which clashed seriously, and have a common ground. But, one thing that can be recalled about the awful puritans that applies to all men who love liberty. They (Puritans) were a severe and legalistic cult of extreme Calvinists who did not accept the Church of England’s worship,  not only thinking it too Catholic (which it was and is today even, outwardly). Plus, as head of the Church of England, the Kings of England were to be respected as such, something Calvinists and Protestants in general do not accept. Hence, it could easily be concluded that the loyalty (to the king and the English nation) could be called into doubt and the Puritans were seen as a force of rebellion. They were being persecuted for their views, so many of them sought political refuge in the colonies. Of course, once they settled in, they themselves became the model for a form of oppression even greater than the Kings of England: Puritanism, a severe form of prohibitionism which still casts a shadow on American culture, albeit with subtle historical effects.

Rolling Back Tyranny

Here we sit, federal laws abounding in money, relative to vegetables, e-mail, airports, media, money interference and the list goes on and on, not the least of which is the mandatory schooling, mandatory inspections and car registrations, mandatory taxation (called voluntary in the statute books), and so on. So, unlike the men in Black who landed at Plymouth Rock in 1620, we have nowhere to go to recover our liberties from Big Government. We will not see that sacred liberty until the tyrannical abuses of power are curtailed and rolled way, way back. I am certainly not the only one who in retrospect sees in my own case abuses of power, of due process, of the timidity of the legal defense system, and the arbitrariness of the federal judiciary. No matter my own conscience in the matter, I could not have gotten fair play, and neither can you, or you…or you. There is too much power in unjust hands which belongs entirely to the people, power which was usurped behind war emergencies, and economic depressions probably easily engineered by central private banks.

So, to those Puritans of old, I will thank them for their disgust with the King. No decent man could help but agree with their desire for religious freedom. Just for the record, of course, I think no decent man could agree with them on their religion, period, being the bane of American culture for nearly 150 years and counting. But, we can eat our special turkey (they served turkey wings and legs here, with mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes and cranberry sauce), and remember the years ahead in which we wish to gain property and money, live without interference from officials, nosy officials, and enjoy the simple pleasures of tyhe family gathering.

If I were with you, after I got off my political high horse, I would of course continue to eat and drink and be thankful for that little freedom, which means so much to me, and of course to the other 499 men who stood in line outside the mess hall waiting for a little turkey and the trimmins’. May the Lord richly bless you.  Jim.

(If you’d like to have Rick’s Picks commentary delivered free each day to your e-mail box, click here.)

  • Benjamin November 29, 2010, 12:03 am

    We’re all in prison. It’s just that the warden hasn’t gotten around to checking in on you yet. And despite the great number of inmates, year in and year out the net of rules is added to and refined to catch and punish as many as they can.

  • Peter November 28, 2010, 6:07 pm

    Jim is in the criminal “justice” system. Seems justice left a long time ago and instead of rehabilitation, it is about remuneration – for the attorneys, judges and anyone else connected who collect all along the way.

    The innocent until proven guilty are arrested and by the way they are treated and unless they have the funds to secure their freedom, are treated as guilty along the way.

    I know firsthand after facing this over 20 years ago, a white collar record that cost me a professional certification and almost a family could have ruined my life. Every job interview since, the dark shadow of that contradictory white collar record hovers.

    So to Jim and one of our most famous behind bars messengers, Martin Armstrong, I say persevere and continue to communicate with us please.

    And for those who one day will get that knock on the door, if hardened against those who’ve run afoul of the system, your attitude about it will change very, very quickly.

    grace and peace to you

  • mario cavolo November 28, 2010, 3:28 pm

    …let me add in from many experiences I am aware of including during my own divorce over a decade ago where you find out quite rudely that parents don’t have the right to their own children even if they have not harmed them; many parents and children in the court system are victims of abusive, idiotic, senseless judges threatening to take children from their parents, ordering children from parents under a variety of circumstances far from where such an incredibly extreme and damaging choice is reasonable or needed…nasty stuff.

    Cheers, Mario

    • Rich November 28, 2010, 11:36 pm

      Yes, thank you Rick for reminding us the US is #1 in incarceration per capita and in absolute numbers, China, Cuba and North Korea included.

      And thank you Mario for reminding us of the deprivation of father’s rights, expense and humiliation with a one-year old daughter taken by hostile divorce with predatory attorneys and a family court support system staffed by sexual deviants and law firms. (At 21 she is just beginning to enjoy and rediscover her father.)

      Let us not forget Martin Armstrong still rots in the Federal Prison high security system, after denied habeas corpus 7 years by a Bush cousin judge appointment in NYC, appeal denied by now SCOTUS Sonia Sotomayor, then caving in after being beaten to death’s door by a new cellmate and put into solitary, sentenced to 5 additional years without credit for time served, still denied computer and email, all because he claims he refused to sell his Princeton Economics proprietary analysis to the CIA after his Japanese trading losses were made good by First Republic Bank who allegedly caused them before their founder was burned to death in his Monte Carlo penthouse…

    • Rich November 28, 2010, 11:53 pm
    • Benjamin November 29, 2010, 12:16 am

      I have a brother who had to go through this. It’s beyond nasty, reaching well into the realm of the absolutely absurd. If one is ever in doubt as to whether or not their liberties are intact… get a divorce and go through a custody battle. You’ll find out right quick just how free you aren’t!

  • richard November 27, 2010, 7:13 pm

    Dear Rick’s friend in federal prison camp: as a former federal inmate my condolences to you at this time of year.
    At the Maxwell AFB camp I was Jewish Community Spokesman…so this coming week is Hanukkah and to those behind the fence or even in minimum security prison camps this is also a sad time…..(though I did at first go to Coleman-FCC to be near relatives)…the turkey leg ( if that was what it was) is well remembered.
    Keep you chin up and pay attention to the rules as you eventually enter the “free world”….Your point is well taken that the escape hatch to a “virgin land” no longer is available to dissidents or the former prison colonies of the US eastern seaboard or Australia…so go within and find that place where former revelationaries have always lived..peace, out

  • jon November 27, 2010, 2:54 am

    Yes, Yes, You are a hero my friend, because the freedom is not being fought for you in a desert, it is fought every moment of every day inside everyone. OUR freedom and OUR religion is inside of every single human being and although it may seem different that eveyone else it is the same. The INHERENT right as a human being to be happy and content. Thank you Rick for p0sting this.