SPY – S&P (Equity) (Last:129.78)

S&P (Equity) SPY price chart with targetsSPY appears hellbound for at least 136.25, a Hidden Pivot that comes from the weekly chart, where A=87.00 on July 10.  Let’s try a very low-risk directional play, butterflying the Feb 133/136/139 strikes.  To put the position on, and to virtually eliminate theoretical risk, we’ll need to short two Feb 136 calls for as much as we pay for the offsets — a single Feb 133 call and a Feb 136 call.  That would effectively be “doing” the butterfly for “even’ (i.e., no credit or debit), and it would yield a maximum theoretical profit of $300 per butterfly with the stock trading at 136 on expiration day (February 18). We’ll want to be careful about putting on this position, since little errors in a three-sided position can whittle away our edge. We may wind up legging into the position by buying a Feb 133-Feb 136 vertical bull spread when SPY dips to a Hidden Pivot low, and then shorting a Feb 136-Feb 139 call spread on a subsequent rally.  Those two action together add up to: long 1 Feb 133 call; short 2 Feb 136 calls; long one Feb 139 call.  However we do it, I will signal the appropriate strategy intraday in the chat room and by way of an update to this tout.  This may seem like a lot of hard work, but I am going to work hard myself in an attempt to make back for you the cost of a one-year subscription.