It’s the Press That’s Schizophrenic, Not the Economy

Wall Street’s Christmas-in-July revelry proved short-lived when it was reported on Friday that the U.S. economy had created just 18,000 non-farm jobs in June. Recall that a day earlier, speculators goosed the Dow Industrials more than 200 points above the previous day’s lows on word of a faint blip in retail sales and a drop in jobless claims. Not much to celebrate, really, but it was all the mainstream media (MSM) needed to cheerlead the officially sanctioned story of a strengthening U.S. economy.  Alas, as the week drew to a close, traders sank back into apparent despair, evidently persuaded by the news of the moment that Thursday’s statistical oasis had been but a mirage. For their part, the news media showed no discernible embarrassment over their ongoing, schizophrenic coverage of the economy’s supposed ups and downs.  When will they cop to the fact that regardless of whether stocks are rising or falling, the economy is down-and-out and likely to remain so for as long as the government acts out the fable of a Keynesian recovery?

We wonder whether the financial press is even capable of understanding that it’s not the news that causes stocks to rise and fall, but cyclical forces that lie beyond our understanding. Moreover, it is the movement up or down of stocks that colors our perception of news rather than the other way around. Thus, on days when the broad averages have rallied on “bad” news, the network anchors will assert that “investors,” prescient and wise as ever, have looked beyond the negatives to glimpse sunshine on the horizon. Similarly, when stocks fall on “good” news – say, a downtick in unemployment — the mainstream media (MSM) will play down the statistic and magnify another that seems more simplistically compatible with falling stocks.

Obama’s Fate

Overall, economic coverage by the MSM has been heavily skewed toward the positive, notwithstanding the fact that reporters continually refer to these “hard times” and “The Great Recession.” As we pointed out here earlier, the news media’s use of the term “Great Recession” is a disingenuous way of acknowledging that no matter how rosy the government’s statistics, the economy still stinks. The American public already knows this – knows, in fact, that however many trillions of dollars the government has borrowed trying to induce a recovery, that the effort has failed. Instead of reporting on this simple fact — a fact that is by now obvious to everyone — the MSM prefers to base its coverage of the economy almost solely on what the stock market has done on a given day or week. The result is that we read of a recovery that is weakening on Tuesday, strengthening on Wednesday and Thursday, and faltering on Friday. What poppycock! In fact, outside of Wall Street, the economy has been sinking for years and can only continue to sink as the government borrows us into servitude. Obama is fated to lose by a landslide because of this. When it happens, of course, the news media will act surprised.


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  • g lachner July 17, 2011, 9:04 pm

    It has been a while since I have taken this opportunity. As a Wharton grad, ex emmercial banker, it seems to me that the stock market goes up if Goldman Sachs, now a “commercial bank” ala Tarp funds and qualification over a weekend to obtain that “free” money, wants it to. What is missed is that the CEO psychopaths who ship America’s jobs to the lowest cost labor, maybe, COMMUNIST China, and will do so to COMMUNIST N. Korea, if the price is right, the governors who shill for them, and who now are engaging prison labor in this country after firing public employees, are emasculating every bit of what could bring our economy back. “Deficit talks” after their responsibility ala Reagan, Bush 1, and Bush 2 who are responsible for 1/3 of all the deficit, period, were all Republican, and self-avowed “conservatives.” There are none so blind as those who will not see. As with most of the financial world in this country, you misdirect, mislead, and miss the point. Your “conservatives” have won the right to retrograde the tax code, ensure that the ultra rich keep every bit of their inherited wealth, start wars whenever your paranoia or greed kicks in. So, we have no FDR to kick us back to reality, we forget Maynard Keynes who argued that in good times we need to pay down debt (GW Bush, that MBA told us we had to give it back in tax breaks, Randian acolyte Greenspan, the “banker” agreed). I can only believe that like the speaker who speaks over his opponent bcuase he’s afraid the argument will be over if he let’s his opponent be heard, you continue to repeat the mantra, of government is inept. Fact is, most are self-interested, America be damned. Thank you

  • david July 12, 2011, 4:36 am

    Ron Paul anyone,anyone anyone?as long as we are a 2 party system..called divide and conquer.All this talk is mute as you wont get REAL HOPE AND CHANGE…Remember that slogan!Well remember my slogan .Todays liberator is tomorrows dictator.History may never repeat but it sure as heck rhymes!

  • mike July 12, 2011, 4:05 am

    “It is important to distinguish between the relativity, of which, the laws of nature are the same for all observers anywhere, and the philosophical doctrine of relativism, which holds that there are no absolute truths”

    The greater % of “Humanity” is manipulated by their very own collective ignorance i.e “relativism” in which the Absolute Truth of the Rule of Law is scorned and made to appear as a joke. The Rule of Law is Responsibility and there is no Freedom without being Responsible for one actions. Freedom without Responsibility is choas Relativism is choas, relativity is the Unity of Truth. But people are lazy and want to be told what Truth is, instead of living the Truth everyday in their own lives. They would much rather tell others how to live which reminds me of the heart of the banksters and their cohorts the politicians .

  • ag July 12, 2011, 2:31 am

    Add in Russian news – RT, they are the same as Al Jazeera (in terms of real journalism)

    • Mava July 12, 2011, 3:35 am

      I am Russian, and I am very careful about trusting RT. They sure look good and say all the right things, but I can’t shake off the knowledge that it is Moscow, behind the RT.

      I can see that they did not change their ways one iota since I left the country. There is still no guarantee of private property in Russia. Without this, everything else they declare is just words. Anyone who grows their business in Russia gets accused of tax evasion, “his property” is confiscated, and he flees to London.

      I can’t find any sinister motives behind the RT placate, but I can not believe there are none.

      It may be that I am forever marked with distrust to Moscow. May-be. But I don’t trust them, until there is Gold, privately issued, not compulsory money and a guarantee of private property no matter the nationality or accusations.

  • SD1 July 12, 2011, 2:08 am

    Wasn’t it Time Magazine that recently published an article called, “Recovery? What Recovery?” I though I saw that on a magazine rack. If so, not everyone in the media is a cheerleader all the time.

  • Mava July 11, 2011, 9:03 pm

    “Until we Americans decide to NEVER again vote for another politician who accepts one red cent of money from Special Interest Groups, we will keep getting the same results.”

    Is a large group of voters demanding an act of theft to be perpetrated upon a smaller group of voters (referring to it as fairness), so that they can partake in the proceeds of the theft, not the same as a special interest? Is paying for a crime with votes not the same as paying for a crime with money? The only difference I see is that paying for a crime with votes insures that the majority is the group ordering the hit.

    • redwilldanaher July 11, 2011, 9:21 pm


    • Jill July 11, 2011, 10:55 pm

      Interesting point, Mava. So your proposed solution is what? A monarchy to keep the majority of would-be voters from ruining the country?

      And what large group of voters has ever demanded and gotten as much money from government as the bank bailouts cost?

    • SB July 12, 2011, 3:07 am

      Jill, the answer is that we were, and technically still are, a constitutional republic. All states are too…had to be to enter the union. When you get into trouble it’s always good to go back to the basics.

      Reminds me of this Casey Anthony stuff…I didn’t follow the case but, wow, the reaction was pretty disgusting. 1) Only those people sitting in the court knew all of the facts. 2) It is the prosecution’s job to prove guilt. 3) People are blaming the jurors because the prosecution tried to convict based on circumstantial evidence? I for one, will always trust 12 of my neighbors over any government judge, beaurocrat, officer, etc. I don’t remember which of the founders stated that they would rather let 10 guilty people go free rather than send an innocent to prison. The importance of the individual is what it’s all about.

    • Mava July 12, 2011, 3:25 am


      Actually, I would like to do it an American way. Meaning that:

      1). I can not vote to tax you, no matter my majority of votes, because your labor is not my property. Just as I can not take it from you, I can not delegate that which I do not have (the right to decide about your income) to anyone, including the government. This would be Jeffersonian (not Hamiltonian, not communist).

      2). The power of my vote should be determined proportional to the amount of my tax contribution.
      Therefore, if you don’t pay tax, you can’t vote, and, conversely, if you pay taxes like Bill Gates, your vote weighs much more, accordingly.

      3). Gold money. Just weight in gold, no dollars. Separate, fake money for taxes only.

      Some of the results of such an arrangement:

      The government can not bail out the banksters. Why? Because the people deciding about the bailout are the same people who paid these taxes to be used in bailout. They can’t print, because that would be pointless, – they simply devalue the same money they pay the taxes with! And again, someone without much voting power, due to small tax contributions, is not hurt, since again, his holdings of fake tax money are very trivial.

      I do predict, however, that such system is not possible to achieve, because the majority of people are thieves. And you can not build a honest live around thieves.

      I hope that my main point is noted, that the bailout (theft from poor in benefit of rich) is only possible because the theft in general is allowed. For instance it is frequently exercised by poor against the rich. (Corp. Jets anyone?) Who it is in particular getting robbed today is but a sport statistics.

  • david July 11, 2011, 8:52 pm


  • Jill July 11, 2011, 8:41 pm

    The problem with political solutions to our problems is that the banks and other huge Special Interest Groups own BOTH parties. So nothing will be different if Obama loses next time than if he wins. Scroll down to the cartoon at the bottom for an illustration of this.

    Until we Americans decide to NEVER again vote for another politician who accepts one red cent of money from Special Interest Groups, we will keep getting the same results.

    • gary leibowitz July 11, 2011, 10:01 pm

      Like your very concise arguments. I am afraid that both federal judges and the supreme court have already dictated the future course. With unlimited money being allowed to corrupt politicians of good intent “corporations are people too…” it would not be surprising to see the latest tea party members cave in. I suspect a very deep protracted depression is the only way laws and behavior changes.

  • gary leibowitz July 11, 2011, 8:07 pm

    News media?

    I find that funny considering that such outragous practices as “Insider Trading” by Congress gets totally ignored. I am sure most will go back to the Democrats and their Liberal “entitlement” projects for the cause of all evil. Me I will stick to logic and facts. If a group of individuals and large corporations profited handsomely from this last economic debacle why look any further. Once the fox is caught with chichen feathers in its mouth need we enquire further?

    This is an excerpt from a newsletter I receive:
    “Eric Cantor the leader of the house has taken a short position against Treasury Bonds while walking out of debt ceiling talks. Conflict of interests means nothing to congress nor does insider trading as they have exempted themselves from laws related to those activities. “

    • Jill July 11, 2011, 8:47 pm

      Yes, what mosty decides our fate as a country is whether people in power are corrupt or not. But instead of focusing on findng non-corrupt people to elect to office as true public servants, Americans focus on some appealing ideology or another that corrupt politicians are hiding behind.

    • redwilldanaher July 11, 2011, 9:16 pm

      The system(s) have been compromised in numerous ways. The vainglorious and vapid that fill the starring roles are of no consequence as the outcomes are determined by those playing a game that’s unseen by most. Looking to DC for solutions is what they want you to do and largely why we find ourselves in this woeful state of existence.

    • fallingman July 13, 2011, 4:52 am

      Yeah, if we could just find some honest, true public servants to steal the money and redistribute the wealth, everything’d be hunky dory.

      Virtue and the criminal business of government can’t co-exist. Organized crime has always attracted lowlifes and sociopaths and always will.

  • VegasBob July 11, 2011, 7:59 pm

    Obama is fated to lose by a landslide…

    Of course Obama will lose in a landslide. I’m of the Democratic persuasion, and I am absolutely appalled at Obama’s (non)performance. I’ll sit on my keister in November 2012 rather than vote for Obama’s re-election.

    Given that we’ve gotten trillion$ in bailouts for banksters, no criminal prosecutions of banksters, 4 more years of Ben Bernokio at the Fed, expanded war in Afghanistan, and a Rube Goldberg health care law written for the benefit of Big Insurance and Big Pharma, we might as well have elected George W Bush to a third term. Obama’s record is definitely not “change we can believe in.”

    It is far better that the American people elect a real Republican in 2012, even if it is Michele Bachmann and her running mate Jesus, than a fake Republican like Obama.

    I won’t hold my breath, but with the Republicans we might get some coherent government policies that can actually be judged on the basis of success or failure, rather than the haphazard nonsense from the Obama Administration that purports to be policy.

    • PhotoRadarScam July 11, 2011, 8:16 pm

      Obama will lose but ONLY IF the Repubs can put up a semi-compelling candidate. Unfortunately I don’t see such a candidate… yet.


      My statement that Obama would lose in a landslide was unqualified, implying that even Sarah Palin — my worst-case GOP nominee (I like her personally, by the way) — would beat him. Maybe I’m lacking in imagination, but on what success(es) would Obama run? He has not only done poorly by those who despised him from day one, but by those who liked and voted for him. Yeah, there are the growing legions of Food Stamp voters mentioned elsewhere in this thread, and there’s the teacher’s union — and even some Jews who will continue to vote like Puerto Ricans (as the saying goes)> But is that enough votes to carry an election in a country that will have slipped even deeper into The Great Recession by 2012?


    • redwilldanaher July 11, 2011, 8:40 pm

      Wait VB! You’re saying that NeoCon Bush and Liberal Barry aren’t really much different in terms of actual performance and policy? That can’t make sense! Except it does and has for a very long time just with different looking at sounding puppets at the helm of distraction. Yet a puppet is still a puppet and they all do what their masters dictate.

    • VegasBob July 11, 2011, 11:37 pm

      Of course Obama is just another puppet.

      However, he will lose for the simple reason that Main Street almost always votes its pocketbook. Main Street understands that there is not and has never been any ‘economic recovery’ despite the statistical manipulations and lies put forth by the government and its media shills. Main Street understands all too well that the US now has a Potemkin economy, and that as soon as one dares to scratch beneath the surface, there is nothing to the US economy except smoke and mirrors.

      When Democrats like me are disgusted enough to stay home rather than vote for more of the same, you can bet that a landslide is coming and it won’t be for Obama.

    • fallingman July 13, 2011, 4:40 am

      You got it VB.

      Obama is GWBush 2.0

  • Robert July 11, 2011, 7:43 pm

    Regarding the MSM: I think the schizophrenia is easily understood when you realize that the value of independence of thought is presently sitting at a secular bear-market bottom.

    The MSM does not employ journalists. The MSM employs reporters, and as such- it is important they maintain presentation over substance. Rick Santelli must be a very lonely man during his work-day.

    In a modern revision of the movie “Network” based in today’s world, I’m sure the Protagonist Howard Beale would simply walk in front of the camera, put a pistol to his temple, and pull the trigger….

    And, since today’s “talking heads” themselves are all pretty much products of public school systems, and therefore indoctrinated into the “buy stocks with your savings” mentality- what we are seeing when they vacillate wildly between jubilation and despair is a glimpse into their own complete personal confusion regarding what’s going on in the world… They have skin in the ponzi game, so it MUST be continued to be played at all costs. Replacing the game with a new game is unheard of.

    This is the thing that facinates me- this debt based, fake money system is so ingrained into the common psyche that, much like a dysfunctional family headed by an abusive father, everyone has decided that leaving the house is not an option.. they will instead choose to defend the family and will accept the beatings (aka rising debt and gov’t tyranny) until the whole thing implodes…

    They would rather be completely broken by a total collapse than to entertain the option of any practical alternatives to the system.

    Tim Geithner screaming that the world will end of the US does not make it’s debt payments on August 2, and therefore screaming that Congress must raise the amount that we can legally borrow today so that they can pay what they owe on the money they borrowed and spent yesterday…? SERIOUSLY?

    It sounds very much like the following dialog that I’m sure is happening in more than one household out there:

    “Honey- I need to go to the bank to get a cash advance on the Visa Card”


    “Because the bill on the maxed out Mastercard is due”

    I mean, that’s it- that’s the whole argument. Treasury needs a raised borrowing limit so that they can borrow the money required to pay the interest on the money they already borrowed and spent.

    Jill said that the media today is all about entertainment, and I gotta admit- it’s all pretty entertaining to me…

  • redwilldanaher July 11, 2011, 6:12 pm

    “In fact, outside of Wall Street, the economy has been sinking for years and can only continue to sink as the government borrows us into servitude. Obama is fated to lose by a landslide because of this. When it happens, of course, the news media will act surprised.” – It would appear to be the case but just to be sure keep your military industrial complex stocks close to the vest, ya never know when a tried and true false flag maneuver will unfurl from out of nowhere. Empirically there’s a solid inverse correlation between curiously timed events and approval ratings in the commode.

    • John Jay July 11, 2011, 6:45 pm

      I amazed that everyday, more and more people in America and Europe are finally waking up to what has been going on since the LBJ administration.
      It might be related to the fact that the illusions of prosperity that cheap credit and government subsidy for everything from housing to education to defense spending are evaporating. You can read the comments sections on any blog and there is outrage and predictions of revolt, but no one is defending the current system at all. It seems to have been growing in intensity the last 90 days or so.

    • Robert July 11, 2011, 7:54 pm

      “the economy has been sinking for years and can only continue to sink as the government borrows us into servitude. Obama is fated to lose by a landslide because of this. ”

      – I’m just not so sure… Just look at the stats regarding the number of new enrollees in the foodstamp program… This is Obama’s primary voting bloc. Throw in the number of unemployable “progressive” idiots being spit out by the nation’s colleges (AKA- food stamp enrollees of the future) and a systemic collapse with Obama at the helm, whether during term #1, or term #2) seems a foregone conclusion to me…

      History shows that the people who prepare for unpopular inevitabilities are often ridiculed or treated by their couterparts as being completely insane- the fable of Noah seems apt.

      Still- I feel compelled to keep working on this Ark.

  • PhotoRadarScam July 11, 2011, 5:28 pm

    ‘How can a nation of 310 million people expect to pay off a (funded) government debt amounting to U.S. $14.5 TRILLION?‘ If you do the arithmetic, you will see the ratio of debt to population is slightly lower in Greece than it is in the U.S.”

    The question needs to be extended: “How can… …$14.5T, especially when the US has given up its manufacturing base and is thwarting or otherwise obstructing all progress mining, oil development, and even agriculture?”

    There is no path to any possible recovery. We don’t make anything anymore. Laws and regulations hamper farming, mining, and oil industries. The only thing left is tourism, entertainment, service industries, and paper (financial instruments).

  • Rich July 11, 2011, 3:40 pm

    Looking for a wild and woolly week culminating in a Friday Full Moon Capitulation…

  • John Jay July 11, 2011, 4:25 am

    The kind of sober, in depth coverage that we had on TV for the Vietnam war back in the day is no more. The news rooms were gutted a long time ago. Now it is either pro government propaganda or celebrity worship.(Including sports of course)
    For TV coverage your only choices are the foreign news shows on PBS which actually has a good cross section of overseas news. Anyway, just like the housing bubble was capable of being reduced to one question: “Will all those mortgages, HELOCs etc. ever be paid back?”
    The answer was always no, the only mystery was the timing of the roll over. Now the question is “Will all that National Debt, pensions, entitlements, etc. ever be paid for?” The answer is still no, the mystery is still when will it all roll over for the plunge.

    • Rich July 11, 2011, 3:46 pm

      Al Jazeera (The Island) now has the best journalism in the world thanks to the 7th Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani and the Qatar Petroleum company, the third largest oil and gas company in the world by reserves…

  • Jill July 11, 2011, 3:46 am

    U R right about the ridiculous “reporting” in the MSM, Rick. The media nowadays is completely entertainment, which means they think their job is mainly to tell stories. So they make up stories about anything, including why the stock market went up or down. I am showing my age here, but I remember a time when there was actual journalism being practiced.