How Much Longer Can Europe Totter?

Jitters over Greece’s increasingly dire financial plight are waxing yet again, taking Wall Street traders by surprise if no one else. The Dow Industrial Average dove 303 points Friday on speculation that Greece would fall into default when the new week began. As of late Sunday night, however, there was barely a word about Greece on Google’s news page – only a story about rioting in the streets following enactment of a new, $2.7 billion property tax in the name of austerity.  That’s the relatively good news. The bad news is that France, of all countries, was generating scary headlines of its own: Woes at French Banks Signal a Broader Crisis, declared the Wall Street Journal.  “France’s largest private-sector banks will likely suffer further credit-rating downgrades this week, the latest sign that the debt crisis on the euro zone’s periphery is slowly infecting the core of the region’s financial system,” noted the article.  Just when we thought the panic was about to engulf Spain and Italy, the spinmeisters insert France into the picture as a buffer, a default risk calculated to be at least somewhat less thinkable than the one threatening to inundate France’s two large neighbors to the south.

We doubt the diversion, if that’s what it is, will last for long, however, since, as everyone but the Powers That Be seems to understand by now, we’re all in this together — Europe, the U.S., China, Japan, South America, Russia et al.  That fact hasn’t stopped U.S. banks from choking off lending to their European counterparts in recent weeks in a delusional attempt to distance themselves from the coming euro-implosion. Do Citibank, J.P. Morgan, Chase, Bank of America and their ilk actually believe their timid, eleventh-hour avoidance maneuvers will keep the blood-dimmed tide at bay when market forces ultimately overwhelm the central banks, as seems inevitable? The bankers might as well be piling sandbags against a nuclear blast.  Note the steep trajectory of the dollar’s rally in the chart above. We told subscribers last week that if it pierced the 77.38 peak labeled in red, a major breakout was in the offing.  As of Sunday night, the peak had been exceeded by a decisive 0.14 points, implying the upthrust is just getting started.  If so, from a financial standpoint it is August 1914 in Europe, with bleak implications for the rest of the economic world.


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  • gary leibowitz September 13, 2011, 12:39 am

    One more possible short term rally is in the cards. Looks like the dollar has broken out of its consolidation. Not exactly good for Gold, but I have been wrong before. Deflation is now a given since the 10 year broke below 2 percent.

    The macro view I had eons ago seems to finally be coming together. Non-recoverable debt, deflation and depression on a world wide level. I still say the dollar will benifit as real estate, equities, and commodities fall out of favor.

    I also have a long standing fibonacci number that should place the SPX at or above 1255. This should happen this week or the chances of it ever happening are dwindling fast.

    I do love this fast action.

  • mikeck September 13, 2011, 12:00 am

    Thanks for the forum Rick,

    Since thing have been kinda quite today, I’m going to re-post a comment to Steve that apparently appeared too late on the other forum for him to see.

    Thanks for the response Steve,

    It seems to me that you have much more faith that government will do the right thing than do I. We may also disagree on what the right thing for government to do is, i.e. steal from some to give to others or nothing. Is that what you mean by, limited anarchy? The theft is okay if it goes for the right cause and/or provides false security for some?

    I’m not sure what you mean by political anarchy. Maybe this: Those are podcast by Stefan Molyneux…number 0., 1. and 2. will give you a good feel for where he is going. I’ve not met Stefan, but have followed his work for a few years.

    Or maybe you mean by political anarchy, something like this: This is a study course designed by Jim Davies to show one how to attain true freedom. I have met and had some discussions with Jim…he really thinks his study course is going to change the world as we know it…I hope he is right.

    PS: The best $40 I ever remember spending was for a cheap mp3 player. I can get information regardless of what it is that I am doing. True, I may be blowing my ear drums out when tilling my garden or mowing the lawn, but I do much driving and that player allows me to listen to what I want when I’m on the road.

  • Jill September 12, 2011, 11:50 pm

    Well, looks like the Europe problem is completely solved now, LOL, because the market closed green today. The news says China’s going to bail them out.

  • redwilldanaher September 12, 2011, 8:00 pm

    How many American Ethereals will the FED secretly send across the Atlantic this time around? Shouldn’t we be close to hearing about how well things turned out after another round of “stress” tests? Who knows? Maybe they’ll roll out a new and improved ploy this time around…

  • C.C. September 12, 2011, 6:31 pm

    We’re simply in need of roughly a quarter of pain. A solid quarter of pain and a DJIA index heading south of 9500 along with an unemployment number heading pall mall towards 10% will put all fears & anxiety of further ‘easing’ to fade.

    If by next week the trajectory is in a steady southward direction, you can almost count on at least a commitment, if not an actual proposal of liquidity underpinning measures. However, if the market remains choppy/undecided, look for commitment but no actual policy action. Late October/early November should provide us with a clearer focus on what and how soon we can expect actual policy moves as the stock market tank finally runs out of gas.

    And after all, in an era of perception equaling reality, isn’t keeping the stock market propped up (M.O.P.E.) what it’s all about…?

    • fallingman September 13, 2011, 5:12 am


  • Craig September 12, 2011, 4:02 pm

    Gold is a lock for two years…with alot of $100 up and down days inbetween. I think the swiss franc peg is the offical white flag to the gold price. The controllers are losing control here and there. They will temp gain control of the Euro problems. This is all unexpected to them as they thought they could run the price of oil up to $150 but they could not do it without crashing the US stock Market. Then Libya provided a thorn to their side and the interwoven paper with Libyian banks is causing major headaches with the Euro. Just sets up a bigger currency implosion with the SDR introduced to be our savior.

  • mava September 12, 2011, 3:53 pm

    Agree, JJ, I don’t believe a word they say, it is all a cover for something else, some crime they are committing.

    As for the Europe, I wonder what excuse FOFOA is going to invent to explain the failure of his theory that EURO is the future and was created as a step to FREEGOLD. I told him how ridiculous this idea was, all the arguments, but instead, he just switched to registration-based comments (weakness). What now?

    I don’t know who will be first Rick, but the Europe will likely go before US, as US has been a dead man for a long time, being propped upright by the printing press and the military for the sole reason to wait till there is someone to blame.

    If US should fall and the people might see it as a fault of game points FRN system, which makes near future “rebuilding” impossible.

    If, on the other hand, US fall can be blamed on Europe, and thus on extraordinary circumstances, then the link could be made by all the hired economists, pointing to the capitalism as the cause for the collapse. They will say that too much free market integration, unchecked by the government caused the collapse when Europe fell. That is all they are waiting for.

  • roger erickson September 12, 2011, 3:41 pm

    Watch helplessly as Bernanke AGAIN executes $US/euro currency swaps in whatever amounts necessary to maintain control. Heck, to other countries too.(Indonesia?)

    It flouts the concept of a floating-Fx regime to allow central banks to unilaterally try to stabilize Fx rates & int’l interest rates. Knowingly or unknowingly, they’re crossing the boundary of treason to country.

    • John Jay September 12, 2011, 5:27 pm

      It’s a question of semantics.
      What you and I might call treason, is, to TPTB, simply “Policy”.
      Thirty years of shipping jobs and factories offshore via “Trade Agrements”, thirty years of open borders to destroy wages and create vast refugee camps in LA, NY, Chicago, Miami, thirty years of inflation to destroy the dollar and increase house prices and oil prices ten times, thirty years of deficit spending to put us in a hopeless situation, etc. That looks like treason to you and I, but to TPTB it was simply working their plan. The more they got away with, the more confident they became. Example, after the first S and L scandal when about 1500 execs went to prison, they just worked to change the laws to make it all legal, and then had the government supply the ZIRP and tax free 250/500k tax incentive to make it all happen.
      They even had Greenspan/Bernanke and the Fed as cheerleaders, saying there is no housing bubble and this is a great time to use an ARM to buy a house.
      They took Leo Bloom’s advice (The Producers) and became really bold, and it payed off big time.
      This time, no big shots go to jail, and they get the taxpayers to take the fall, (TARP/QE1,2,3) and will pay maybe 20 billion for a “get out of jail free card” and a full pardon.
      The MIC division did the same with endless foreign wars, no bid contracts and missing trillions in defense spending. Government insured student loans and the HEC (Higher Education Complex), ditto, now almost 1 trillion in that scam on the books.
      Not to mention rigged elections with the Supreme Court deciding our fate. The “War on Drugs/Terror” and the PSIC (Prison/Security Industrial Complex), another enterprise in action.
      It’s a done deal now for sure.

  • John Jay September 12, 2011, 2:52 pm

    I don’t know what the hell is going on anymore.
    I’ve grown so suspicious, as I watch or listen to the news, I try to guess what they are covering up or putting spin on. I am not going to read Dick Cheney’s new book, but I bet the spin in his accounts is awesome.
    As I have stated before, I see our only hope as a European or Japanese collapse to send foreign money our way. The Swiss don’t want the safe haven job, thank god. From 1.4167 to 1.1342 at this moment, all in a month. Fukushima is a big mystery, but the radiation levels keep climbing. I am not wishing disaster on anyone, but if it happens and keeps us afloat, I can accept it.

  • Benjamin September 12, 2011, 10:22 am

    France should be no surprise. The nuclear energy program, alone, born many years ago, doomed them to bankruptcy. Or, going back a bit further, that they couldn’t or wouldn’t deal with Ho Chi Minh and Vietnam on their own… and then had the U.S. intervene (devalue the dollar), but later tried to snatch up much gold from a fixed exchange rate… Well, modern-day France just never was destined for greatness.

    None the less, tossing France in at this late hour will not detract for long. Hard to imagine another country could be in worse shape, though (and still exist). Car-RAY-zee world, we live in!

    • fallingman September 13, 2011, 5:07 am

      I’m no fan of French centralized decision-making, but France’s nuclear energy program “dooming them to bankruptcy”… Huh? What are you talking about?

      It’s the smartest thing they ever did. When the Germans are shivering in the dark, the French will be just fine.

  • Craig September 12, 2011, 9:03 am

    Rick…and EVERYONE…please spend 7 minutes of your time to watch 3 videos. Don’t let the lies of 911 continue on. Don’t let all the dead firefighters, police, military, Pat Tillman and all the innocent civilians both in the USA , Iraq, Afganistan and now Libya die in vain. Watch these videos…spend 7 minutes. EXPLAIN TO ME HOW THIS IS NOT THE MOST IMPORTANT TRUTH that we are all lied to and still enslaved to, to this very day. 7 minutes of your time thats all. Rick I will subscribe for life if you watch the videos and prove I am wrong about them….I even pay for a few family members if you convince me.

    watch Loose Change Final Cut…its on you tube for free and learn for yourself.


    I will run this down myself by calling John Loiseaux, who pioneered controlled demolition. I met him many years ago when his company, CDI, took down the Traymore Hotel in Atlantic City. I trust his judgment on this matter. RA