Feel the Excitement in…Natural Gas?

The March futures are within pennies of achieving the uber-bearish 2.305 target given here around Thanksgiving, when they were trading nearly 60% higher.  While there can be no guarantees that a major bear rally is about to unfold, it is an opportune moment for camouflageurs to hunker down on the lesser charts, there to await a potentially tradable turn. _______ UPDATE: I posted the following in the chat room shortly after 1 a.m. EST:  To see (almost) exactly the kind of opportunity I’m talking about, locate the following NGH12 coordinates on the three-minute chart: A=2.334 at 9:30 p.m. EST; B=2.350 at 9:54 p.m., and C=2.343 at 10:09 p.m. If you spotted the flaw — a two-bar point ‘C’ — then go to the head of the class. The bad news is that if the little sonofabitch is not giving us exactly the pattern we want on the first instance of an upturn on the very lesser charts, it’s going to be tricky to get on board. Regardless, I’d stick with the ‘3’ to find a way aboard.   Click here to find out about the upcoming Hidden Pivot Webinar and receive a $50 discount.