GCM13 – June Gold (Last:1449.60)

Traders should ponder the many beautiful crags and crevices on the 18-second (!) chart accompanying this tout.  Each is potentially a handhold for us — if not exclusively, then certainly in a way that limits competition so that we will have entry points that are relatively easier to exploit than in the past. Charts divided into sub-minute intervals are a new Tradestation feature, and their appeal is dazzling. For me, at least, the hard part will be getting used to trading from the short side, since our strategies in gold and equity shares have generally had a bull-market bias. If you’re signed up for this morning’s weekly tutorial session, please come prepared to trade.  If not, and the art of ‘camouflage’ trading sound appealing, consider taking the Hidden Pivot Webinar in June. For further details click here and use the code 7D5629 for a $50 discount.