Dow Looks Primed to Fall Another 220 Points

Subscribers who legged into the Feb 7 155-158 put spread a while back were able to cash out of a third of them yesterday for a gain of $480 or better. Since the Dow looks like it’s about to fall a further 220 points, you may have an opportunity to cash out at even better prices. For specific details and a precise target, check out today’s update for the DIA tout.

Subscribers who have access to the recorded tutorial sessions should audit the latest addition to the library, since it contains an illuminating discussion of how to catch the easiest trade of the day — i.e., the one that surfaces amidst chaos and fear in the opening minutes of a session.  Click here for information concerning the upcoming Hidden Pivot/Camouflage Trading Webinar and receive a $50 discount coupon – Use Code 7D5629.