Rallies in Everything, Everywhere…

My intention is to keep riding the rallies and getting short at their respective Hidden Pivot targets.  The short positions face long odds in a bull market now in its 64th month, but if we can limit our losses with tight stops, or perhaps even make a few bucks even when things don’t go our way, then why not try?

To be candid, and looking at the big picture, with gold, stocks and bonds moving synchronously higher around the world, I suspect that this is not the kind of bull market that will make it possible, let alone easy, for inveterate bears to get short intraday — especially when stocks are in a ratcheting short-squeeze. More likely is that the ‘perfect’ short will come at the top of a spectacular spike that has gutted and disemboweled the last of the bears; or perhaps at the end of a quiet day, just before some hellacious piece of news overnight re-orders our lives.