Election Mainly a Referendum on Obamacare

The campaign has been non-stop since the 2012 Congressional election, and voter turnout is certain to be heavy. It will be interesting to see whether the markets even flinch if there’s a Republican landslide. Politically speaking, the best thing that a GOP Senate majority would bring is the elimination of that unmitigated and unrelenting scumbag Harry Reid from the seat of power. It would also set in motion a serious effort to repeal Obamacare, arguably the worst piece of legislation ever enacted by Congress.  Finally, it would deny Obama a chance to tip the Supreme Court even further to the left, since a Senate Judiciary Committee under Republican control would never assent to another Kagan or Sotomayor. Those who profess to see not a dime’s worth of difference between Democrats and Republicans should consider what this country will look like if the ‘pen and phone’ of our arrogant, inept, narcissistic, race-baiting, America-hating President go unchecked for two more years.

The pundits, including such usually astute prognosticators as Karl Rove and Larry Sabato, think that although the GOP will win the Senate, the race will be very close in a few states. New Hampshire and North Carolina in particular have been deemed too tight to call. It is understandable that Rove, Sabato et al. have somewhat hedged their bets, since it will always be difficult to handicap the outcome of an election in a country where perhaps half the voters are so stupid they don’t even know in what century the Civil War was fought, how many Senators sit in the upper chamber, or why the American Revolution was fought. (See Jesse Watters’ man-on-the-street interviews on Fox if you doubt any of this). My prediction is that the election will be a GOP blowout, and that even Hagan and Shaheen will go down badly.  There is one reason for this: Obamacare.  Hatred of this law transcends politics.  Americans fully understand what a catastrophe Obamacare has been, since probably well more than a hundred million of them have seen their health bills soar, their policies canceled and/or their choice of doctors limited. It’s not as though the Democrats will be able to sweep all of this under the rug. They are solely responsible for Obamacare, and that is why they will be dramatically repudiated and rebuked by the voters.