How America Lost Its Way

[In the essay below, Tom Waldenfels, aka “fallingman,” a regular contributor to the Rick’s Picks forum, explains how an America steeped in the ideals of freedom lost its way.  A political perversity of the day, he notes, is that one earns the label “progressive” by arguing for more  government control over our lives.  Is the system too far gone to save? Read on for Tom’s answer. RA]

What constitutes progress for us as a species? Is it defined by advancements in science and technology?  Can we point to the rise in living standards these advances have made possible and say that’s what progress is all about? Sure, that’s a big part of it, but I’d like to suggest that this kind of visible and easily measurable progress is actually an artifact of an advancement that’s more fundamental and far less appreciated.  I’m alluding to the spotty but impressive progress we’ve made over the centuries in relating to each other on a non-violent, consensual basis.

Lord knows, it wasn’t easy.  Those who enjoy dominion over others don’t readily give up their control, and much of the world’s population still suffers under the thumb of the some ruler or another who uses brute force or threats of violence to keep the people in line.  Subjugation by force is still the norm, unfortunately.  But a radically different arrangement has been pioneered in the last few hundred years where the power of the state and its thuggish rulers is minimized.  People are far more free to do what they want, with whomever they’d like, and that has changed the world, unleashing an incredible surge of creative energy.  The result?  A level of material prosperity no one could have dreamed of, for one, and the priceless ability to control one’s destiny.

True Progress

In this country, we chose to have no ruler and no suffocating “swarms of officers to harass the people,” just a strictly limited government charged with what amounted to keeping the peace … defending the population from attack, policing crime, and adjudicating disputes in the courts.  The use of force as a means of exerting control was kept to a minimum.  Now, that was progress, the progress that flows from liberation.

So, what the hell happened?

Today, financial institutions who effectively control the government can engage in serial fraud with absolute impunity while I can’t legally buy a quart of raw milk.  The things our government was originally designed to do, it isn’t doing or doing very well, and the things it has no business doing, it’s into in spades.   The government has been taken over and is being used as an agent of the rich and powerful.

How did it happen?  Here’s my take.

Elites Are Back

The “elites” who used to rule the roost before the American and French revolutions are back and increasing their power once again.  And they’re doing it by selling the idea, through the publick skools and the enemedia that the coercive power of the state can be used effectively to solve problems.  It’s an easy sell.  Lord knows we have plenty of problems and most people are perfectly willing to order other people, at the point of a gun — literally or figuratively — to comply with whatever assorted diktats and mandates they come up with.  “There oughtta be a law!”

In complete contrast, I believe the society that has to resort to force to solve problems is a failure, by definition, simply because the use of violence for anything besides self-defense is wrong.  We should be resisting the increasing use of the coercive power of the state at every turn, but only a relative handful do, and they are marginalized as kooks.  In a perverse twist, nowadays, the way you earn the label “progressive” is to rally for ever greater government control and ever more coercive behavior.  Phooey on that.


Look, this is no slam on the motivations of those who are trying to solve real problems through government regulations and programs.  I don’t question their good intentions, for the most part.  But what they don’t seem to get is that government = force, whether they’re holding the gun or a USDA raw milk swat team agent is, and violence is never the answer.  It must be rejected, period, because it’s WRONG.

On a more practical level, the empowerment of government is almost always counterproductive, as well as damned dangerous.  When you create a government powerful enough to give you everything you want, you also create a goon squad powerful enough to take everything you have.  You’re playing with fire.  As George Washington said, “Government is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.”  AND, you play right into the hands of the elite, who will use that power to protect and enrich themselves…and milk you, which is exactly what’s happened.

Fed as Instrument of the Powerful

Look at how they got the Federal Reserve.  The Powerz, working behind the scenes, orchestrated the propaganda campaign, selling the Fed to the populists/progressives and the largely clueless Congress as a way to rein in the “money power.”  Hahahaha.  It did just the opposite.  They played the reformers for the fools they were.  And variations on the same con are being played out today.

Progressives, my fanny.  Progress toward what?  The gulag?  The new serfdom?

The temptation is great to try to control the behavior of others.  To a certain, limited extent, it’s undeniably necessary.  We have laws against murder, theft, fraud, etc., and a police force and courts to enforce the laws.  But the job of the true progressives – i.e., those who reject the use of force and the threat of force to achieve social, economic, or political goals — is to say no to the expanded use of violence and to demand a rollback of the coercive power of the state.

I, personally, suspect it’s too late.  I’m afraid the “silent coup” is complete, and there’s not much we can do to prevent the rule of the few, but I keep trying.


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  • roger erickson November 4, 2011, 12:03 pm

    > ‘I, personally, suspect it’s too late. I’m afraid the
    > “silent coup” is complete’

    This is, of course, a bit comical in it’s absurdity, and ridiculous in it’s arrogance – unless placed into context, where the author is simply trying to goad or tempt us.

    Over 4 billion years of known earth history, it has ALWAYS been too late, and implacable obstacles have ALWAYS been present. You could go back as far as you want – say limits to the growth of unicellular organisms – and argue that a silent coup had occurred.

    Check later, however, and you’ll never fail to find some indirect route that left the supposed coup plotters in the dust – in this case the rise of multi-cellular species.

    Switch forward several billion years, and look at human tribal mechanisms. They just couldn’t scale up either, were messily dismantled, and replaced with the ongoing experiment we call city-states and nations.

    Nations, you now say, can’t keep themselves organized, and hence the world will end? Dream on. If we don’t find a way to organize on a larger scale, someone else will. Your job is simply to prepare your children to be part of that better way, not the detritus left behind. It’s easily doable, so quit whining and start using your head instead.

  • Robert November 3, 2011, 9:54 pm

    “Where is the peace dividend that was supposed to come after the end of the Cold War? Where are the fruits of the amazing gains in efficiency that technology has afforded? It has been eaten by the bureaucracy that manages our every move on this earth. The voracious and insatiable monster here is called the Federal Code that calls on thousands of agencies to exercise the police power to prevent us from living free lives.

    It is as Bastiat said: the real cost of the state is the prosperity we do not see, the jobs that don’t exist, the technologies to which we do not have access, the businesses that do not come into existence, and the bright future that is stolen from us. The state has looted us just as surely as a robber who enters our home at night and steals all that we love. ”

    -Bill Bonner, The Daily Reckoning

  • mava November 1, 2011, 10:29 pm


    Like it has been said, relying on violence will not lead you anywhere good. Thus, I consider violence a non option.

    Voting is violence too. Agree? If not, there is no point to continue. If you vote, you are no different than any tyrant. So, voting is out of the question, for the same reason as simple violence, – no possibility of good outcome.

    What remains is the option to peacefully reject the violence of the state. This only work when the legitimacy of jurisdiction becomes questioned. Read Robert’s comment on courts, – very practical! So, in this option we need many many more people that in others.
    But, because we allowed government indoctrination camps (schools), now, we can not chose this, peaceful, option either . This is simply because you will never ever be able to make the zombies to understand. Without understanding, there can be no hope for a sustained, deliberate action.

    Pretty much we have thus locked ourselves in to a bad outcome, as you can see.

    • cosmo November 3, 2011, 7:49 am

      Mava, It sounds like you have totally rejected the Occupy Wall St.movement even though it is what you are calling for; a peaceful movement, with numbers. If what they need is understanding, perhaps YOU should go down and take the mic for a few moments and let them know you support them in what they are trying to do and give them the understanding you think they need. As they say, “in my opinion, this is what we should do”. Put your 2 cents in the bowl and have a listen, share what you know, and bring that education that many have failed to get. Peace

      You have given up hope for exactly what you are calling for

  • Chris T. November 1, 2011, 7:52 pm

    “…and there’s not much we can do to prevent the rule of the few…”

    As much as I would like to believe otherwise, everytime I hear that just-recently-unknown, (other than as member of the Federal Reserve system) media-creation spout his annoying 9-9-9 (which is just so much fluff anyway), I can see this system at work.
    Dilute any real chance of a message, but never long enough to let anythign come of it.
    Bachman? had her time
    Pawlenty? never even got there
    Gingrich? nope
    Cain? still there a bit, but the knives are already out, next up?
    They will give us “Ken” yet, and with that we might as well keep the current puppet = “of the few”.
    : ..(

  • fallingman November 1, 2011, 5:28 pm

    Thanks H. Lange. Well said.

    If I might say something to the community at large. Thanks for your comments. It seems I touched a nerve among many when I said I suspect it’s too late. It’s just a suspicion. I’ve traded long enough to know just how that whole certainty thing works out.

    I’m not coming from a place of hopelessness and I’m not saying that life in the forcibly united states is awful. I have a great life and I’ve done pretty darned well. And I’m not whining that I could have done better if I hadn’t been oppressed by the system. If that’s what it sounded like, I missed the mark. I’m happy to have what I have. I’m blessed and I know it. I’m grateful. I just don’t like what I see happening and what I see coming.

    I don’t scare easily, but I’m more than a little bit scared about what’s in store for us in the next decade or two.

    We were granted a legacy of freedom and opportunity by the early Americans and “we’re” now living off of it like a bunch of trust fund babies. That’s not to say all of us have taken our inheritance for granted and traded it away for promises of security and the good life, but most have. Roger is right about that. And, the party may be over.

    The main point of the essay that I want to highlight here again is this: When people look to use the coercive power of the state to achieve positive societal outcomes, they’re making a faustian bargain. They’re dancing with the devil…and that story never turns out well. Giving up freedom in exchange for any cheap promises the state makes is a bad trade. It’s selling your soul. I’m asking people of good faith who have good intentions not to go there. It’s a trap. We can’t and we won’t improve things if we go there. It’s the path to hell.

    Last thoughts: Looking at the facts on the ground with the mindset of a coldblooded trader, I just don’t like a lot of the trends I see. Some I do. Yes HL, the internet is a powerful thing. And, as Marilyn has pointed out, a lot of young people seem to be “getting it.” Looking beyond the horizon, I think things look pretty good. Over time, the benefits derived from freedom and voluntary, cooperative arrangements are so clear and compelling compared that I have to believe that’s the direction we ultimately go.

    But the road may be winding. Right now, I look at the sky and see a massive twister approaching and I want to head to the storm cellar? (Where is that exactly?)

    So, is there hope? Sure. Is there trouble ahead? I’m afraid so. Will I keep standing for truth, justice, and the American way? Uh huh. On some days, I feel hopeless. Most days, I’m ready to go.

    Okay, so where do we start? END THE FED!

    Thanks everybody. And thanks to Rick for providing me with the opportunity to express my thoughts and for providing us with this forum. It can’t be easy to produce a quality offering day after day with such style, but he does it. Kudos. You da man.

    • Farmer Tom November 1, 2011, 10:12 pm

      Thanks Fallingman. I think I underestimated your resolve to be part of positive change and to engage directly with the world we all live in. I agree with much of your commentary in this last post and your ideas are much clearer now. The rest is water over the dam hopefully.

    • fallingman November 2, 2011, 2:46 am

      Absolutely. Thanks.

  • H. Lange November 1, 2011, 7:07 am

    Your article today is my favorite of the many you have written. May I submit it is NOT too late. The effects on our children and grandchildren are not negative forgone conclusions. If anyone should breed cynicism, it may as well be me. I am an immigrant who came to the US as a child after WWII. My family’s hope and freedom evolved to oppression during the last 50 years. I’ll grant you that. Forget the rest of history. It does not matter. History is being made in new ways. And as nuts as the Occupiers may appear to be, they do exhibit a stirring of souls who intuitively recognize the Bik Boyz have gone too far.
    During this last decade alone, the speed of communication, aka internet, has given the average person all the information he needs to learn about whatever he wants. This is simultaneously leading to a new consciousness. Once that knowing generates greater structure and leadership, I submit the dysfunction of government regulations and guns will give way to an unprecedented public that no longer will accept its overlords’ practices. And just as the last ten years have flown by in what feels like ten minutes, this new order will prevail. Why would it not? Evolution vs. revolution is merely the rate of change and we are rapidly approaching constant revolution. I choose the glass as half full.

  • Farmer Tom November 1, 2011, 3:39 am

    You sure stirred up a hornets nest today Falling Man. Good stuff. I really enjoyed the back and forth. The article was a great way for each of us to define which side of the fence we stood on. For better or for worse; no right or wrong answers. Hope to hear from you again.

  • ricecake November 1, 2011, 2:51 am

    p.s 2

    Don’t you worry about the money and money is coming your way. According to what been read from some very creditable Chinese websites, about half of the the wealthiest Chinese plan to immigrate out of China (bring their wealthy with them) for their Children’s future and education. So if the Senate pass the new housing immigration act, U.S will get large portion of that wealth to revive the whole housing market and therefore the U.S economy as well. Please note that not only China but the other countries wealthiest also will want to come to the U.S to make homes for themselves too.

  • ricecake November 1, 2011, 2:40 am

    Lost patience on you people. Why don’t you people go ask your wealthiest to spare few coins but instead of crying poor gloom and doom all the time here?

    The Americans (1%) are still the richest in the world because they own the world! Don’t cry poor please. Although the U.S government is poor, “The Americans” – the PEOPLE are the wealthiest in the world! Of course I’m talking about 1%, the American’s multi-national companies. They benefit most from the globalization trade. They may not have enough morals but they have more than plenty of money to save the world many times over. The portion China gets in comparison is only a small slice.


    The root of the problem is the cancer of GREED IS GOOD from Wall Street goes societal systemic and terminal in the main street. When the selfish by nature and brainer washed by commercial ads and CNBC masses decided that Greed is Good that houses are as good as casher and the printing press, nothing can stop them. Besides, regulations are out or regulations are not good enough. You have all kinds of creative scams, from the Wall street financial scams to the main street housing scams, medicare medicaid fraud, disability fraud, insurance fraud, pension fraud, overtime pay fraud etc. These are very normal events because they are “OK” as long as you don’t got caught. “To Get Smart Get Rich Quick” is the social motto. Many people owns some stocks think that they are part of the Wall Street and that they are on their way to become the 1% – the happy end of the American Dream.

    Of course who wants to work so hard for so little except the stupid Mexicans and the Slave Chinese labors?

    • Robert November 2, 2011, 6:17 pm

      Greed is not good.

      Ambition is good. Motivation is good. The quest (and struggle) for personal reward is good. These are all attributes of the pursuit of happiness that is a fundamental inalienable right of all human beings.

      I’ve never known a greedy person who was legitimately happy.

      Greed inspires the house to rig the game to their advantage.

      Greed inspires the cheat to undermine the rules of the game (especially if the game is commerce) for their advantage.

      Greed is fraudulent.

      I don’t disagree with you Ricecake, but I think you see a much smaller picture of reality than you could.

      The 1% of Americans can not rule the minds of nearly 7 Billion- therefore their power is purely illusional.

  • Steve October 31, 2011, 11:17 pm

    Okay, fallingman is honest. Charlotte is honest. Carol is honest. Steve is honest. Robert is honest. Rick is honest, etc. & etc. etc.

    The rule to judge delusion is what? Is the Law over the Constitution, that only allows a Republican Form of Government, judge of delusion? Or, is it the Laws of Nature, that allow the force of democracy to compel democracy by deception and force, the judgment in current reality, delusion? Or, is the consensus of opinion from the masses, irrespective of the base Law, that judges to determine delusion?

    We are the enemy under the Trading with the Enemy Act – is that delusion, or honesty? Is it delusion to ignore the flag of the commander in chief flown right in your face? And, is it dishonest to say this Nation is a democracy when in fact we are a Republic faced with an internal rebellion in democratic treason?

    I believe some writing here today honestly want to overthrow the Republic to complete their delusion that the Constitution does not secure the Republic, and deny that fact that the congress is rebelling in treasonous designs.

    Delusion seems to reside not in the supporter of the Republic, and the promoter of treasonous democracy, but; in some other realm of reality where one or the other refuses to accept that the Republic is overthrown by treason, or the individual who does not know they practice high treason by supporting democracy. So far the Government says we are a Republic even if the government is pushing democracy high treason across the globe to cover their sin of TREASON.

    Please tell me. Has the Republic been overthrown by military powers to form a democracy never to return to the Rule and Order of Law that is the basis of a Republic, for which it Stands? On one side stands delusion Robert, which side is it the delusion resides?

    • Robert November 1, 2011, 12:49 am


      You, Fallingman, Carol, myself, and a few others understand where the delusion resides… However, the crime of Treason can not be tried when the courts are accessory to the commited act.

      The crime is commited in full view of the Judge- We have seen the enemy- and he is us.

      I am personally encouraged at least by the number of defections I see coming from the other side of the trench every day. The ranks of the disenfranchisees are swelling…

    • Steve November 1, 2011, 7:12 am

      Always remember that the current courts are administrative courts of the rebellion. What waits is the Constitutional Court of a real Separation of Powers when the emergency of the War Powers Act is voided by the means necessary.

  • Roger, Canadian Libertarian October 31, 2011, 9:13 pm

    Good for you “fallingman”..nice to know you have absolved yourself and it is very encouraging to find an “honest” man..or should I say Delusional???

    • Steve October 31, 2011, 9:29 pm

      I’ll add myself – even this forum thinks I’m incomprehensible in gibberish that is anachronistic delusion in lawful tripe.

    • Robert October 31, 2011, 10:05 pm

      Honesty is nothing more than the rational understanding, and acceptance, of your own true nature…

      I submit that Fallingman has provided more than ample evidence to the quality of his own personal introspection… therefore I can not join you in declaring him delusional.

      Delusional people are the ones who believe that their reality is something to be sold to them via the ideas and inventions of others.

  • mava October 31, 2011, 8:58 pm

    Nope, people. Try it all you want, but for as long as we have democracy, there will NOT be any change to the better.

    We have no liberty nor law, we have democracy. We have no choice, instead, all we have is election.

    • Steve October 31, 2011, 9:27 pm

      mava, you have no Individual Liberty or Law. The election tripe is assent to democracy excuses for not taking personal responsibility. Every word I see is about what I cannot do, or what cannot be done by anyone. What is it that creates this fear mava? It all starts with the individual, even Robert’s Dolphin who first turns toward the shark and runs full speed into him with blunt force trauma. Winning is about turning toward the problem instead of running away and making excuses.


  • fallingman October 31, 2011, 8:54 pm

    The hell.

    I didn’t create the oppressive laws, encourage the creation of the laws, support the laws, or accept the laws. I’ve been working since I was in my 20s to change the laws with not much success beyond stopping a forced annexation and the fluoridation of my town’s water supply. I’ve never enabled this system, unless by enabling you mean I didn’t active oppose every moronic and criminal thing they did.

    So leave ME out of your WE. I’m sure quite a few of my compadres here feel the same way.

    The blame belongs to people who committed the crimes and took advantage of others, not the victims of those crimes. If you were, in fact, complicit, then accept the blame and apologize to those of us who weren’t.

    • Steve October 31, 2011, 9:21 pm


    • redwilldanaher November 4, 2011, 7:15 pm

      Great piece and comments fallingman and steve, as always.

  • Roger, Canadian Libertarian October 31, 2011, 7:58 pm

    As Libertarian Rick I gree with the problem and result but disagree with the cause….In truth WE are the cause:
    Some of us created the Oppressive Laws; some of us Encouraged the creation of the Laws; Many of us supported the laws; MOST of us just accepted the laws.

    In the END we ALL ENABLED the corrupt system we have now, in a misguided desire to live the good life we fell for the propaganda of LAWS protect us and DEBT is good for us BECAUSE it allows us to buy the “good life”.

    All we did was ENRICH the Elites ( Establishment) and IMPOVERISH ourselves with Assets we dont really own( our creditors do) and SLAVERY to Government. Poor Paying JOBS and BANKS ( and Finance companies).

    We gave our FREEDOM and SECURITY away an NOW we must to truly STRUGGLE to get it back..IF we ever can!!!

    • Mark Uzick October 31, 2011, 8:03 pm

      Well said.

    • Farmer Tom October 31, 2011, 8:17 pm

      Nicely said Roger.

    • Steve October 31, 2011, 9:19 pm

      I didn’t do it boyz. I fight for Liberty. I will be back in court Thursday fighting for YOUR Unalienable Rights. I believe they are my Covenant Endowments Indivdually and yours as a consequence. Don’t tell me what you cannot do because it is an excuse for fear. I fight for Allodial Title this week.

      Me, I’ll be very fearful on Thursday because I believe that without a doubt no other individual is willing to do anything to help Carol defend what she should not have to defend in Unalienable Rights. Right now it is the Jury of YOU guys that is the problem. Disenfranchise from evil.

      I’ll move forward in just 3 day; in fear because long experience tells me that the masses do not care about another Man’s Covenant Endowments – that truth really hurts me, but that truth is an absolute truth.

    • mario cavolo November 1, 2011, 2:40 am

      Nonsense!!! WE are the cause???? Incredible…. The principles you are trying to cite and defend are correct and appreciated, but they are not related to reality which has many other influencing and controlling factors… WE did not ALLOzw them to run amock on wall street,THEY did it and do it and the rest of us get screwed by THEM.

      THEM are self-serving people who happen to be in control… The choices they make don’t serve society to great enough degree…that’s the problem. Cheers, Mario

    • Steve November 1, 2011, 7:25 am

      And, the do nothings who hide in fear waiting for someone to make them feel secure are the problem. Nothing happens – read about Aaron Burr – he was a man who took on the british banking system. If every little penis would just stand erect – miracles would appear in a number that would overwhelm. You control your Liberty Mario. As to me I have fought and I have seen death. Now I hope to live into something as the time ripens for others to fight.

  • Goodsport October 31, 2011, 7:54 pm

    I have faith in today’s youth. Once they see the amount of debt that we have saddled them with, the will all become conservatives and start to vote. These kids have been spoiled all their lives and will not stand for the disappointment that the elite have in store for us.

    • Steve October 31, 2011, 9:10 pm

      If the youth do not understand that the vote box is rigged – nothing will change. Goodsport I didn’t saddle anyone with debt – if you did – shame be upon you. What is needed is for Goodsport to stand up for the Covenant Endowments of the young before the Tree is sprinkled with fertilizer – it is not too late for each individual to act by disenfranchisement – BUT IT ISN’T EASY IS IT Carol?

  • CharlotteP October 31, 2011, 7:28 pm

    NOT voting doesn’t solve the problem. Democracy could work if people would work at it.
    If you don’t like the system of govt. in the US move to another country. I do believe in democracy but it takes EFFORT and WORK and VIGILANCE to protect it.

    Most people who even vote–rarely participate the other 365.

    I’d prefer you leave the religious hyperbole HS out of your posts.

    • Mark Uzick October 31, 2011, 8:01 pm

      Democracy is inescapable; it’s how political change comes about even where democratic institutions don’t exist.

      Democratic institutions only enable political change to manifest in a peaceful process.

      Complaining about democracy is as futile as complaining about gravity.

      Democracy may work for good or for ill, but it always works.

    • Robert October 31, 2011, 8:28 pm

      At the highest most macro level of human interaction- It is either democracy (the will of the people in collection), or jungle law… the choice is (and always has been) ours.

      Notice I (unlike some others) do not equate jungle law with chaos. Dolphin societies are hardly chaotic, even though every dolphin lives every day of their life as potential Orca fodder… a simple fact that dolphins might actually be intellectually advanced enough to maintain a clear and fully formed awareness of….

      This is Jungle law in its simplest sense.

      Communism is democracy. Socialism is democracy. Fascism is democracy. Passifism is democracy- all these “systems” simply represent a different theme riding atop a common meme. Whatever humanity (as a whole) is willing to accept- humanity will endure.

      Chaos CAN be peaceful- IF the sum total of all humanity agrees that they (representing only their individual self) would choose NOT to trespass upon the rights of others. Sadly- this is seemingly too tall an order to fill- Humans are, after all, merely animals; and the vast majority are behaviorally pre-disposed to the adherence to jungle law…

      Damn- there’s that majority word. Democracy strikes again.

    • Steve October 31, 2011, 9:05 pm

      Robert, the distinction was made very long ago. Democracy is the will of the masses over the Rights of the Individual. Republic is the Rights of the Individual as Covenant Endowments superior to the will of the masses.

      Your peaceful dolphins blungen sharks to death, lustfully and with joy as will they prosecute any threat against them by the Laws of Nature in Liberty to use blunt force trauma to kill.

      @ Mark; I’ll take Mr. President James Madison over anything said, summary of #46 ‘Democracy is a tyranny run by despots leading to violent destruction.’ Madison, brighter, shaper, and more experienced in what mobocracy brings – always evil.

      Democracy never works because the Individual is always at Liberty to hunt down and extinguish rebellion. It has always happened, it will always happen. Eventually the abuser in mobocracy will meet Liberty first hand and bluntly. I would not practice being a shark to the sweet Dolphins, which are not fish, but mammals by their real name. One here, two there to die first for the Tree. Then 100 will die for the Tree. Eventually, the coward democracy flees when it can no longer abuse without individual fear.

      Fear is coming Mark. Fear is starting slowly. Fear will grow greater. Democracy is nothing more than a bunch of cowards joining together for abusive powers against the Peaceful Individual. Democracy is fear to be at Liberty and Responsible.

      Be fearful Mark because Liberty is always availible to the individual. Men like Madison knew the tripe of democracy works in any way over time.

    • Robert October 31, 2011, 9:26 pm

      “Your peaceful dolphins blungen sharks to death, lustfully and with joy as will they prosecute any threat against them by the Laws of Nature in Liberty to use blunt force trauma to kill.”

      – I never said dolphins were peaceful… I only pointed out that their society is realtively well-ordered, as would human society if we (the collection of individuals) all understood that our individuality is our GREATEST asset, and it is individuality that would/should prevent our species from evolving into land faring dolphins (every one effectively identical in appearance, behavior, and habit, all buzzing around in familial collectives trying to find the next school of sardines)

    • Robert October 31, 2011, 9:38 pm

      In other words:

      The individual’s rights are irrelevant when there are no individuals left. Hence the uniformity of the Dolphin society.

      Yes- more and more I am lending personal creedence to the premise that humanity might actually be speciating between those who want to thrive within the constantly changing human environment (the Universe), and those who want to push headlong down the path toward terrestrial dolphinhood, and are willing to accept that they might end up getting eaten by a killer whale allegory along the way.

    • Steve October 31, 2011, 9:59 pm

      Robert, isn’t that what Jefferson said about the Tree of Liberty? That we must be willing to face the Killer (whale) accepting he is an Orca, and fight against that. That individuals all fighting for individual rights of others to be INDIVIDUAL, is what makes greatness.

    • Steve October 31, 2011, 10:18 pm

      @ Charlotte “NOT voting doesn’t solve the problem. Democracy could work if people would work at it.

      First, Charolotte – ignorance of history and democracy as mobocracy, as anti-American is just fact.

      @ Charlotte “If you don’t like the system of govt. in the US move to another country. I do believe in democracy but it takes EFFORT and WORK and VIGILANCE to protect it.”

      Second, I guess the constitution and the Republican Guarrantee is something that is forgotten – you move to your mobocracy nation/country/mobocracy – LEAVE MY REPUBLIC and the Fight my family carried out at Concord Bridge in A.D. 1775 out of it.

      @ Charlotte – “Most people who even vote–rarely participate the other 365.”

      It is idiotic to register to a voluntary military voter scheme to create a new feudal monarchy in succession all created after 1867.

      @ Charlotte “I’d prefer you leave the religious hyperbole HS out of your posts.”

      I cite History Charlotte; like the Treaty of Peace A.D. 1783 and the actual words that were spoken “In the Name of the Most Holy and Undivided Trinity” see; U.S. TREATIES, CONVENTIONS, INTERNATIONAL ACTS, PROTOCOLS AND AGREEMENTS 1776-1909 (Part I) Volume I. I would guess that book, cited above, scares the byjesus out of you.

      I see that Charlotte neither supports the Nation, as the Republic, nor cares for the facts in history. I waste my time with you because it allows me to show the idiocy of mobocracy and the fear of the truth.

      Why does truth create such fear ? I restate ” what do you fear of the truth about the Treaty of Peace A.D. 1787″? Is it because the truth is light light upon the darkness of the practice of democracy?

      This is a Republic – YOU LEAVE – and; by the way; what government agency do you work for ?

  • Mark Uzick October 31, 2011, 7:26 pm

    1. Yes; liberty IS the source of order and so it’s also the source of law. As Judge Napolitano says, “An unjust law is no law at all.” A corollary to that is: An unjust (lawless) government is no government at all.

    You are confusing the state with government, but the state is arbitrary raw aggression, the very opposite of law and government; it’s the essence of anarchy.

    2. If you exercise your right to self defense, does that make YOU force? Your self government is your self control. I hope that most of your life consists of your peaceful control of your action and that you are never reduced to defining your existence as a series of violence and threats in defense of your rights.

    Government is defined as management or control. All legitimate government, from individuals and organizations to agencies of civil government is an extension of self government, governing by the consent of the governed. There may be agencies that specialize in defense and enforcement of law but their specialty isn’t what defines them as governments any more than the government of a shoe manufacturing company causes government to be defined as shoe making.

    3. Governments of more than one individual are enterprises formed to meet market demand. Sometimes they can be criminal organizations that meet demands based upon fear, hatreds, bigotry and feelings of unearned entitlement which is the state and, in reality, no government at all.

    The government of a society is a reflection of that society’s mix of virtues and vices. It’s only natural that those who make their livelihood from society’s vices will promote these vices as virtues and anarchy as government, just as makers of cigarettes and junk food promote their wares.

    Defenders of liberty must learn to do a better job of promotion through education and moral enlightenment.

    4. Remember that Lincoln was elected by the people. The most successful political entrepreneurs are those who give the people what they think they want.

    There are no laws and no system that can protect us from democracy; only education and moral enlightenment of the people can do that.

  • Steve October 31, 2011, 7:10 pm

    Robert, I believe science has clearly established that all people are not created equal at birth. About as basic as it gets is the study of newborns. Place a kerchief over the face of two identical newborns and one will fight to remove that obstruction. The other will just lay there accepting the force of others in the form of a foreign kerchief blocking reality. There are also ‘types’ who want to be tight packed into small spaces so that they can control, or be controlled by others because they are fearful herd people. Some have different DNA hormone re-uptake inhibitors that make them warriors and others are created at birth with DNA to tollerate anything anywhere getting ahead by any means of subversion – might call this passive/agressive. Unless Robert can see a perfect image of a Blue Bird in a solid block of wood mentally in full color we were not born similar, or the same Robert. And if we both can see the Blue Bird we are but 1 in 10,000, or maybe even 1 in 100,000 or more. What makes men great is supporting and defending the Rights of others to Liberty.

    As an aside in regard to Bill Gates – successful yes – moral and honest NO NO NO NO; Gates has been a thief in abusing powers allowed to him. I have family that was inside the Gates’ circle from the beginning where there are private compacts to take care of the class from the U of O. Even to the point that when one dies he makes sure the circle receives from the estate.

    The Liberal Progressive (U’Ren Progressive Party of 1868 – ie; communist party) believes all people are the same, should be the same, and are bigoted to that end. Most often today the words used are manipulated to make evil appear as good. Take your democracy being spread around the world as the American Model of Government – it is all B.S. Robert – fancy worded B.S. by intellectuals who think everyone is just like them.

    • Robert October 31, 2011, 7:44 pm


      Salient points-

      Regarding the blue bird in the block of wood… I might see a Marlin in the same block you see a bluebird, but I get your point…

      The possibility that the human race is genetically speciating has been covered by others as well- lot’s of interesting reading out there on that topic. The natural history sciences suggest that speciation does not occur gradually over long timeline as once thought, but instead occurs infrequently, in very rapid moves as environments favorable to the strongest genes suddenly nurture their rapid and aggressive advancement (a concept geneticists and archeologists call “evolutionary radiation”)

      Regarding Gates and morality- my crack about Franklin’s dallies in France was intended to buffer the fact that I was focusing on the topic of accomplishment, and not particularly on moral superiority… There are many who would have found Franklin’s lustful nature around women to be morally inferior (if not merely offensive).

      I agree that history has very few examples of accomplished men composed of an unquestionable moral constitution (interstingly, Eisenhower springs to mind again- unless you are open minded to the fact that perhaps he really DID assist to conspire in having Patton put on ice in order to quiet Patton’s venomous stance vis-a-vis the Russians post-WWII)

    • Steve October 31, 2011, 8:48 pm

      Robert, I appreciate the conversation and the distinction between the Marlin and the Blue Bird. Franklin’s fancy for fancy women might be moral if they were single and availible in Law. I use the Mosaic Law over a state sponsered 501(c)3 abuse making moral ordinances in regard to self interest instead of the Law.

    • Robert October 31, 2011, 9:17 pm

      ” I believe science has clearly established that all people are not created equal at birth. About as basic as it gets is the study of newborns. Place a kerchief over the face of two identical newborns and one will fight to remove that obstruction. The other will just lay there accepting the force of others in the form of a foreign kerchief blocking reality. There are also ‘types’ who want to be tight packed into small spaces so that they can control, or be controlled by others because they are fearful herd people. Some have different DNA hormone re-uptake inhibitors that make them warriors and others are created at birth with DNA to tollerate anything anywhere getting ahead by any means of subversion – might call this passive/agressive. ”

      – Ok Steve- after reading this section one more time, I have to point out that what you highlight above are merely differences, but they do not denote genetically inherited inequality. The differences you highlight might certainly afford advantage in life, but they do not make one baby any more “equal” than another.

      I must declare that my original observation withstands your scrutiny (you are free to disagree); but regardless of whatever personal genetic advantages certain people are born with- we are all created equal (The slate of justice is clean), and that inequalities are bestowed upon us by our environment & personal circumstances, and also by how we personally choose to deal with (accept or not accept) these inequalities thoroughout our lives.

      I’m afraid I can’t jump the logical gap that suggests that the genetic “advantage” that inspires one infant to swipe a kerchief away from their face is really a demonstration of God’s favoritism for that person.

    • Robert October 31, 2011, 9:45 pm

      “I’m afraid I can’t jump the logical gap that suggests that the genetic “advantage” that inspires one infant to swipe a kerchief away from their face .”

      Should actually read:

      “….is really a demonstration of God’s (or nature’s) biased favoritism for that individual person. ”

      Individual genetic advantage may indeed be 100% random in origin… until we can see into the mind of God, we are left to the whims of Nature.

    • Steve October 31, 2011, 10:33 pm

      Robert, clearly stated my DNA is different from the masses. It was that way at my birth. Is that a consequence of hazard, or of devine intervention? Today, my DNA is disadvantaged in a country of persons who’s DNA is not like mine. A few hundred years ago my type of DNA was needed on a National level. Today my DNA type is only needed under the deception control of the democratic government to accomplish military abuses across the globe. 200 years ago my DNA type was an advantage, and it will become an advantage again as the mobocracy dissolves from it own internal corruption, if any of us are left.

      Or, within the hope of many; I and those like me will be the Last Dinosaures as everyone falls lock step into the security of democracy without every needing to feed the Tree of Liberty.

      There is no question that my DNA severely limits me in this national democracy practice bigotry. There is no equality Robert. There are just those who wish to let people live as they are, and then there are the others who wish to force me to live like them.

      Go practice your democracy Sin people.

      As long as I do not individually injure your rights under the Common Law – please leave me alone. Wish that was true Robert. Life has taught me that people who know they sin try with every fiber of their being to get others to accept their individual sin by sining. When deception is not successful the sinner turns to force – which is what we see when Charlotte cannot practice the Rules and Law of the Republic Nation – now she wishes to force me away from the Republic and Individual Rights – shame be upon them all.

    • Steve October 31, 2011, 10:36 pm

      I just re-read my post Robert – no offense taken toward you. I still carry some anger at the idiocy of saying my Nation is anything other than a Republic, and that I should leave because of the SIN of democracy in treasonous designs. I really hear what you are saying today Robert !

  • Robert October 31, 2011, 6:35 pm

    So many common memes here…

    The one that stands out most obviously to me is that people are still blaming other people for their stupidity and short sightedness… and that’s a shame.

    “The Elites are to blame”

    “No, the Elites are tools of the Central Bankers”

    “No, the Contral Bankers are tools of the Elite”

    Blah blah blah.

    The rest of this comment might sound as if I am elevating myself above my fellow man, but that is only a consequence of the linguistic and vocabulary constraints I am forced to abide by.

    All people are created equal. What they do post-creation is entirely and exclusively up to them, and only them- God favors no one.

    That being said:

    A stupid person can only be what they are. To expect more from them than they are able to provide, or to trust them to solve the most complex common societal problems, places you (or us in a collective sense) in a position of great disadvantage.

    The rational person must expect that any person who elevates themselves through society via the pursuit of political gain and advantage MUST be incapable of realizing the fullest value of their personal potential on a level playing field. This includes every elected official, appointed bureaucrat, or unionized minion. If you are endeared to a system of corruption, then you are corrupt. There is no way to maintain an uncorruptable personal integrity within such an arena.

    Consider for a moment: What would Barney Frank have done over the past 30 years assuming that there were not people more stupid than him ready, willing and able to elevate him to the piller of “greatness” that he curently occupies? Would he have cured cancer? Would he have discovered or developed new forms of renewable energy?… If you’ll pardon my personal bias- I think NOT.

    Who would have purchased Barrack Obama’s books if he had published them without ever appearing on a television screen first? Indeed, who would have CARED enough about Barack Obama’s childhood that they would pay to read about it?

    What would Nancy Pelosi’s greatest accomplishment be if she had not had Sugar Daddy there to finance every misguided effort, and to backstop every blunder?

    Now consider that Benjamin Franklin developed and published an exceptional (for the time), and very popular Almanac; he scientifically demonstrated that lighting is electricity, and he invented the concept of bi-focal glasses. In other words, he improved society and created wealth and knowledge…

    Oh, and then he moved on to help draft a little diatribe called the Declaration of Independence which was intended to assist others who would dare to later walk in his footsteps (explorative men like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates).

    You see, a free person, independent of the shackles of stupidity, can accomplish things of tremendous value for humanity.

    Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are the best modern allegories to Benjamin Franklin, and yet neither of them would dare to venture anywhere near the arena of common politics, nor dare to draft a controversial, revolutionary document (a document that today’s legal system would promptly use to declare them “domestic terrorists”), so they must both exist at least one notch below Franklin for all eternity…

    Ask yourself why.

    The accomplished people that are probably most capable of correcting society’s ills know that the political system will never let them into the sacred temple of stupidity- for there is always one feature of stupid people that seems to be inescapable (in an ipso facto sense):

    Stupid people are always fearful of, and threatened by people of real achievement…. So they always choose to run for “elected” office, instead of putting in the time and effort required to ascend through society naturally and on a platform of accomplishment.

    Benjamin Franklin never held elected office. He always had better things to do (like flirting with the hotties over in France 🙂 )

    I have to say that the last person I can think of who legitimately EARNED the President’s office was D.D.Eisenhower. That’s not to say that we haven’t had a couple meaningful Presidents since then; but I’ve often wondered if Kennedy’s assasination was intended to be the “Stay away intelligent people” warning beacon that it has seemingly morphed into…?

    • Mark Uzick October 31, 2011, 7:47 pm

      While I agree with your arguments about the difficulty of changing a corrupt system from within, you forget that our system still allows for non-violent change from outsiders via the ballot box.

      The only real obstacle to liberty lies not in the established interests, but, as a people, it lies within our own hearts and minds.

      The only real unknown is the level of suffering and disgrace to which this society must descend before we open our eyes.

    • Robert October 31, 2011, 9:02 pm

      “you forget that our system still allows for non-violent change from outsiders via the ballot box.”

      I didn’t forget- I merely understand that the voting and ballotting process is as corrupted as every other facet of the system… ref: hanging chads in Florida, etc.

    • mario cavolo November 1, 2011, 2:30 am

      Hi mark, the ballot box allows and enables no such change. Those in control now are not part of the voting system of elected officials. That’s what you seem to be missing, the bankers the lobbyists the elites have absolutely taken over the system…. This is not N idea…its. the reality

    • Steve November 1, 2011, 7:33 am

      Mario, What is missing is the truth about voluntary military voter registration under the acts of 1867, 1868. There are no electors as the Sovereigns in Common. There are only inferior voters advising – oh please mr. commander in chief – do this.

      Disenfranchise from democracy.

  • dan October 31, 2011, 6:15 pm

    All is not lost if we could repeal ALL federal laws enacted since 1913… best thing elect Ron Paul…and not the lesser of the two evil choices…

    the state dept and DC have to be gutted…for any chance to restore our Republic…only Ron Paul can do this…all others are not capable or Constitutionally equipped to succeed

    • Steve October 31, 2011, 6:47 pm

      Dan, the 14th amendment as a private corporate political act must go. Then the state constitutions forced under the Reconstruction Acts of 1867 must go. And last, the high treason by the senate must be prosecuted. The Republic was under water in 1865, 1913 only the white headed pimple appearing.

      Until the ‘new’ 1868 constitutions go in favor of the Original Footing constitutions based prior to July 4th 1776, the operation is still of inferior states and inferior federal citizens all created under the Reconstruction Acts of 1867, now enforced by the Trading with the Enemy Act – see note above – we are damned in our eyes that do not see.

    • Steve October 31, 2011, 6:48 pm

      Ron Paul cannot do what you want. He would either be a good start toward transition, or another failure for the people who will not leave the security provided by others. Ron Paul is the lessor of the evils, but; his political world is still the world of democracy evil.

  • CharlotteP October 31, 2011, 5:57 pm

    PS/ the OWS’ers are nearly completely absent from the election pix. they run 10% in national elections–non existent in mid-term or local. If they spent 10% of the time squatter and 90% participating and becoming educated to civics and government–they’d have the changes they want.

    National candidates are the results of 20 -30 years of local elections–that’s how it works.

    If you DID vote get someone else to vote next week!

    • Steve October 31, 2011, 6:41 pm

      CharlotteP, why not do something real and support Carol’s Unalienable Covenant Endowments instead of supporting democracy. The system of democracy is the problem. One cannot fix the problem when voting to keep the Trading with the Enemy Act in place allowing #44, or #43 absolute powers of executive abuse. Go read the The State of Georgia v. Stanton and see how Electors were changed to voters under the military authority of the commander in chief. Open your damned eyes and look at the flag flown in your courthouse and statehouse. I use the word damned because of the blindness of your eyes. In other words your eyes are damning the heart and soul in deception.

    • Robert October 31, 2011, 8:58 pm

      “Open your damned eyes and look at the flag flown in your courthouse and statehouse.”

      -Here are some resources for you if you think Steve’s comment above is a little bit cryptic:

  • CharlotteP October 31, 2011, 5:53 pm

    Why it doesn’t work???

    Because the ordinary citizen for the most part DOES NOT VOTE in local elections. It’s not a democracy when a tepid 50-60% vote only every 4 years. Local elections have a MUCH greater impact on economy services and regulations than national elections, yet off years can run as low as 15%! Candidate nights in local elections draw less than 50 -100 people in communities of 10k residents. If you don’t participate ALL the time you have abdicated control. The politicians know this and count on this. Do you hear any national candidates right now saying vote next Tuesday it’s REALLY important –hell no. In a hotly contested mid-term election for a prominent bedroom county of NYC last year only 35% of REGISTERED voters cast a ballot–that means the neighbor on either side of the few that did vote didn’t vote. That statistic is LOWER if you factor in ELIGIBLE.

    First and foremost we have abdicated our responsibility to participate–and we got what we DIDN’T vote for!

    • Steve October 31, 2011, 6:36 pm

      @ ‘. . .ordinary citizen. . .’ Until one understands this is a Republic and that a Republic and a democracy are absolute opposites there will be no hope. The ordinary citizen is a subject and the enemy under the Trading with the Enemy Act. Obama is your king and he only allows you to suggest things to him. The game players keep the game from going viral – for the time being.

  • davidnrobyn October 31, 2011, 4:37 pm

    The end of progressivism is always the gulag. Progressives have always been what they are, Tom. It’s only that now their true colors are becoming apparent. Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson wouldn’t (and didn’t) hesitate to use force to achieve their ends. How do you achieve “progress”? Why, you have to force the unwashed masses to accept your enlightened rule, of course.

  • Mark October 31, 2011, 3:04 pm

    The elites are not progressive or liberal. They are subversive to conservative principles. I still have hope. You can keep the change.

    • Darren October 31, 2011, 4:11 pm

      They may not call themselves progressives or liberals but they sure have adopted much of the left’s agenda. Even today’s conservatives advocate ideas found in the Communist Manifesto. The four of the ten planks in that book that have been implemented in the United States are most relevant to this discussion:

      2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax. – Not only does this furnish money for the government’s use (such as paying for war), it provides them with one of its worse organs of plunder and domestic repression, the IRS.

      5. Centralisation of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly. – The Federal Reserve System, the United States’ central bank, is the greatest enabler of the government has. It creates the money that finances them.

      6. Centralisation of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State. – The corporate media are but the government’s propaganda arm. The government owns the roads, most public transportation, ports, and the airports, giving it control of vast resources.

      10. Free education for all children in public schools. – Government schools are in reality also indoctrination centers. They produce loyal citizens for the state.

      How many conservatives actually want to turn these things over to the private sector? Answer, not many.

  • Darren October 31, 2011, 1:38 pm

    Mark U,
    By the numbers:
    1. Liberty is the source of order. Govt (force) is the destroyer of order & therefore civil society. Of course, the govt portrays itself as the keeper of all things good but that is but an illusion to maintain control.

    2. “…the use of force and coercion for self defense.” Make up your mind. Is govt force or not? You can’t have it both ways.

    3. When the govt controls education & the media it is very difficult for people to learn or know what’s really going on. That’s how govt perpetuates itself. Throw in some phoney elections so people think they have a voice in it & the fraud is complete.

    4. No, the elites came about by manipulating the markets through the govt’s force. In free markets competition flourishes limiting the power of any would be elites. Much of it started with Lincoln & his railroad building. Subsidized transportation’s lower costs favored the larger, national level manufacturers over the local ones. This is part of what lead to the rise of big business.

    • Mark Uzick October 31, 2011, 7:16 pm

      1. Yes; liberty IS the source of order and so it’s also the source of law. As Judge Napolitano says, “An unjust law is no law at all.” A corollary to that is: An unjust (lawless) government is no government at all.

      You are confusing the state with government, but the state is arbitrary raw aggression, the very opposite of law and government; its the essence of anarchy.

      2. If you exercise your right to self defense, does that make YOU force? Your self government is your self control. I hope that most of your life consists of your peaceful control of your action and that you are never reduced to defining your existence as a series of violence and threats in defense of your rights.

      Government is defined as management or control. All legitimate government, from individuals and organizations to agencies of civil government is an extension of self government, governing by the consent of the governed. There may be agencies that specialize in defense and enforcement of law but their specialty isn’t what defines them as governments any more than the government of a shoe manufacturing company causes government to be defined as shoe making.

      3. Governments of more than one individual are enterprises formed to meet market demand. Sometimes they can be criminal organizations that meet demands based upon fear, hatreds, bigotry and feelings of unearned entitlement which is the state and, in reality, no government at all.

      The government of a society is a reflection of that society’s mix of virtues and vices. It’s only natural that those who make their livelihood from society’s vices will promote these vices as virtues and anarchy as government, just as makers of cigarettes and junk food promote their wares.

      Defenders of liberty must learn to do a better job of promotion through education and moral enlightenment.

      4. Remember that Lincoln was elected by the people. The most successful political entrepreneurs are those who give the people what they think they want.

      There are no laws and no system that can protect us from democracy; only education and moral enlightenment of the people can do that.

  • jeff kahn October 31, 2011, 1:30 pm

    Gee, I never cease to be surprised how relatively informed people can be see utterly deluded. Government is just a convenient tool of the banks. The Central Banks run everything, including the government – which is a relatively toothless ogre that has only the power to make our lives more or less annoying. Identifying them as the EVIL is doing the Banks work for them. Wake up.

    • fallingman October 31, 2011, 3:51 pm

      Yes, the central banks and the banker “elite” run everything. Uh, that’s what I said above.

      And…if the government were a toothless ogre, the banks wouldn’t have wanted to take it over. What would the point be? As I’ve asserted many times in these pages, they are conjoined twins.

      The Feds are the enforcer for the Fed and the bankers…the muscle.

      “You need a dumpstah.” Who’s gonna argue with that?

      Just like the mafia, the government started out as a protection racket. Interesting to hear that that’s not evil.

    • Farmer Tom October 31, 2011, 4:20 pm

      I just cannot subscribe to your ideas Fallingman. They are defeatist and suggest you have absolutely no control in your own life. Here is how I interpret your message. “We are all just little pawns in a big game and nothing we do will ever make anything better because those big bad banks and elites are in a conspiracy against us are now in total control” Is that about right?

      I would have to kill myself if I woke up and felt that way every day. Good grief, man. Way too negative an outlook on life. Blame, blame, blame. Maybe take a closer look at your own personal decisions in life and see if you can’t make things better for yourself.

    • davidnrobyn October 31, 2011, 4:52 pm

      Good reply, Fallingman. If government is “a relatively toothless ogre” then why is everyone fighting to achieve control of it? The precise analogy is the oft-repeated movie scenario having two guys wrestling for control of a revolver. The thing is to get control of the gun. Nothing else matters.

    • davidnrobyn October 31, 2011, 4:56 pm

      Farmer Tom, you are jumping to conclusions and adding a nasty ad hominem dig re Fallingman’s personal situation. For all you know, Fallingman may have made his personal life quite good, thank you. It may compare quite favorably to your own. I would be very careful about psychologizing or attributing personal motivations to what he’s saying.

    • Carol October 31, 2011, 5:06 pm

      Ok farmer here is your list of things that I can make “better” if I just try hard enough:
      1) I need to ask the benevolent government permission to travel around and get to and from work and to the store to buy my groceries.
      2) I now need to purchase health insurance that I don’t want or do not need thanks to good ol obummer and his lackeys in congress.
      3) I need to give up 50-70% of my productivity (earnings) to pay for others to sit on their hind quarters and for others to invade innocent countries and make it “better for democracy” (read for the banks to loan shark in and the oil companies to build pipelines through).
      4) I need to get permission from the benevolent government to build a house on what I perceive to be my land.
      5) I need to get permission from the benevolent government start a business.
      6) I need to get permission from the benevolent government marry my sweetheart.
      7)I need to get permission from the benevolent government
      8) I need to inject my children with tons of toxic substances so that my children can be part of the “herd”.
      9) I need to ingest a toxic waster product produced (unfiltered) from the processing of phosphate fertilizers in my water.
      10) I need to ingest genetically modified poisons that produce pesticide in ALL processed foods.
      11) I need to pay “rent” (property taxes) on property that I falsely believe I own or be thrown out on the street.
      12) I need to purchase car insurance to travel around in what I beleive to be my private property.
      13) I need to wear a seat belt in what I beleive is my private property or “get a ticket” (pay a fine).
      14) I need to pay taxes on everything I consume or use like phone taxes, utility taxes, sales taxes, property taxes, on ad infinitum.

      OK farmer I could go one for another 100 points but I think you get my point. Get your head out of the sand man.

    • fallingman October 31, 2011, 5:16 pm

      No FTom, life is pretty good here in Syria.

    • Farmer Tom November 1, 2011, 6:53 am

      My goodness, you are a very helpless anarchist Carol. And here I thought you had set yourself apart and were leading a life that was free of all interference from above.

  • Darren October 31, 2011, 1:26 pm

    Progressivism & further left is derived from the classical liberal ideology of limited govt. In thinking that they could turn organized robbery (govt) into a force for good they set the stage for the communist/socialist/fascist dictatorships that followed. After all, if govt is good why not expand it? The truth is that oppression & corruption are the nature of the beast. There is no such thing as good govt. The best we can do is get rid of it & go over to a stateless society.

  • Mark Uzick October 31, 2011, 9:54 am

    1. Don’t blame government:

    Government is the essence of all order; for humans it covers everything from self government and the government of businesses and organizations to civil government.

    It’s the absence of or the perversion of government for which our ills, both personal and societal, are to blame.

    2. Government is NOT force:

    Government is control. The means by which legitimate government controls is by cooperation/contract and, only when necessary, the use of force and coercion for self defense.

    3. It’s never too late:

    People can learn though education and example or, failing that, they can learn by paying the price of their mistakes. Things may have to first get horrific before people will learn, but when the people are ready, we can start moving in the direction toward liberty.

    Don’t blame the elites:

    Look to yourselves for the causes of intolerance, bigotry and injustice. How many of us say we want liberty but demand protectionism? The elite only become so by being the most successful at supplying the market with what it demands. When society is ready for liberty, the elites will be those who are most successful at creating institutions consistent with principles of liberty.

    • mikeck October 31, 2011, 3:52 pm

      Well presented Fallingman.


      Quite an attempt there at brainwashing. Sorry, it won’t work here.

      Here is a video showing some of the actions of our benevolent, banker controlled, government that you seem to worship:

      Will this be the last generation of combat veterans the world will ever know? We can hope, but considering how effective brain-washing has become, I doubt it unless there is, somehow, a real awaking and acceptance of the fact that our real enemy resides within.

    • fallingman October 31, 2011, 3:56 pm

      Maybe that’s the way it is on your planet.

      The elites get what they want by co-opting the government and using its power to protect them and promote their interests.

  • Burly Cain October 31, 2011, 9:04 am

    Well put, Fallingman!

    I have chased the idea of if we are too late. I am in my thirties and I debate if I should simply work to protect my own and our future or work for our country and I keep telling myself that it is work worth doing.

    I think that Mava’s statement of your generations not being smarter than our founding fathers does say a lot about the dire straits we are in. We have mountains to scale like no other. The edumucation of our citizens has provided a libertyless society that believes we are on the right path but we only need to stop the wall-streeters. When they line up in front of the man who controls the price of money I will feel a little better.

    It might be that I am tuned into the right crowds these days but I am hearing more and more people talking about the right things from many perspectives, they just need a little fine tuning to allow the full spectrum of the problem to show itself.


    • fallingman October 31, 2011, 3:33 pm

      “Last I checked…”

      Keep checking.

    • fallingman October 31, 2011, 3:36 pm

      Thanks Burly C.

      I guess you figured the comment directly above is for FTom.

      “When they line up in front of the man who controls the price of money I will feel a little better.”

      Amen, my friend.

    • Farmer Tom October 31, 2011, 3:58 pm

      So I checked again. Yup, I found it. Somewhere between the classroom and the local bar we all got another education called “common sense meets reality”.

      That is where some people learned that the way to get ahead was through personal effort and hard work while others learned you could make hay with constant blame and lack of personal responsibility.

      Both methods seem to work equally well most of the time despite being at opposing ends. So I guess we can just choose to sit and cry that the so-called elites are taking over (most ridiculous comment I have heard in quite a while) or we can take the initiative and behave as if we still have the freedom to make our own lives better.

      Seriously man, stop blaming. When you got married and had a bunch of bad days with the wife did you also conclude the “elites” were conspiring against you or did you think maybe…”that argument was partly my fault”?

    • fallingman October 31, 2011, 4:58 pm

      You might want to read Simon Johnson’s essay in the Atlantic. He’s the former chief economist with the IMF.

  • Farmer Tom October 31, 2011, 7:03 am

    Gulags, serfdom, murder, silent coups….??? Are you writing from Syria by any chance? Just wondering. Last I checked this is not a dictatorship and we still have the freedom to express our opinions and get on with our daily lives. I don’t get the animosity to everything government does all of the time. Did we not elect them? Do we not have the right to vote them out still? Blame is a waste of time but I have come to expect it in an entitlement society that is all take and no give. We are not seeing a takeover by the elites but rather the natural outcome of an entire society that will happily take something for nothing while screaming bloody murder if taxes rise by ten cents. Hey, you get what you pay for and utopian fantasies don’t really come free.

    • mario cavolo October 31, 2011, 12:12 pm

      Hi Farmer Tom…

      Cannot let you make this mistake FT….

      “Did we not elect them? Do we not have the right to vote them out still?”

      The answer is an unequivocal NO, not because the right does not exist but because the mind to do so does not exist. Because the voters are human beings who have been psychologically and behaviorally brainwashed. Pure valid sociology and behavioral psychology of persuasion here my friend. I am not exaggerating this point. People in their right minds make free choices, people who have been conditioned behaviorally, as many societies do, do NOT, no matter how hard you wish to argue otherwise, have the free will to choose in their right mind what is best and what they want, because they are not IN their right mind. They are conditioned, brainwashed sheep who can’t think straight.

      Counter-argument: Yes, I do understand individuals can wake up, find awareness, awakeness, think different and revolt and move on. Yes that is true, but I am talking about the state of the societal masses. They are, by their very nature, brainwashed and incapable.

      Cheers, Mario

    • Carol October 31, 2011, 2:57 pm

      Great retort Mario, I would add that when there are no real choices offered, how is that a “choice”. I mean look at the republican field of potential POTUS candidates (minus Ron Paul of course) and tell me there is a real choice. Then throw in the mass media refusing to give RP any voice and you can easily see why and how the public is manipulated.

    • RP delegate November 3, 2011, 5:12 pm

      Carol, if you become a republican delegate for Ron Paul, it doesn’t matter what the media does. Are you willing to do some homework and some work to become a delegate? The delegates, not the media, actually control the Republican party.

      Ready to get involved?

  • John Jay October 31, 2011, 5:04 am

    I think you are correct in your read of the US situation.
    What we have become is exactly what TPTB planned.
    I just heard a non MSM economist on the radio explaining that Caterpillar, GE, Wal Mart, and the big banks don’t want the USA to fix our trade imbalance with China, they are making money off it. He also said that the WSJ and other establishment media told him to his face that they would never give him any chance of explaining how and why we could fix our trade imbalance with China. Legislation without representation is tyranny. And that is where we sit right now.

  • martin schnell October 31, 2011, 3:20 am

    Great time to shrink the military by 80%. That would save enough to solve one heck of a lot of problems.

    Let’s face it the enemies the US faces these days can do more damage with a few keystrokes, or a couple of box cutters, than an enemy of old with a full army.

    Violence does not work … and it is bloody costly too. The US is well past being able to afford to be able to enforce its will around the world. Realizing that is Step 1 on the path to recovering the way it has lost.

  • mava October 31, 2011, 3:18 am

    Nice article, Fallingman!

    I agree it is too late. We are several generations too late. The people around me, do not know any other life, but the life where someone must be murdered, others jailed, and yet others scared into giving up what is rightfully theirs, least they will be murdered or jailed.

    So, we have effectively not only did not progress from the time this country was founded, but we have regressed, by arriving in an age where the state of mind of a common man is below that that of a founding father.

    All word and language terms were subverted to mean nothing. Progress, today means iPod where the manufacturer encoded a feature to be available, which he previously encoded to be inaccessible. We can no longer exchange our thoughts and ideas with understanding of each other, how can we arrive to an understanding that violence is wrong?

    The only ones who condemn violence today, are the murderers themselves, as a spectacle of a perverted mind, I guess. Communist hippies, who will necessarily execute anyone should they happen to install the way of life they promote, are the ones “rallying” for peace.

    No, I believe it is all gone. Founding father should have known better. They should have remembered, that the blessing is, on the other hand, the curse.