Is Corporate Farming Spawning Plagues?

[Plagues and drought have ravaged the U.S. food supply with unusual ferocity in recent years. The near-absence of rainfall throughout much of California has pushed produce prices to record highs and threatened to turn the state’s agricultural land into a dust bowl.  Elsewhere, a global fungus called TR4 could virtually wipe out the type of banana that Americans eat, the Cavendish, which accounts for 45% of the fruit’s global crop. In Florida, something called citrus greening disease has reduced the orange harvest to the smallest in 30 years. And porcine epidemic diarrhea has spread to 27 states, killing as many as six million pigs since first surfacing a year ago.  For the farmer, these are decidedly interesting times. But are they so interesting as to be properly described as accursed?  For an answer to that question, we sought out a friend who has weighed in here before on the subject of Nostradamian prophesy. Turns out that, at least for now, he is more worried about the rise of corporate fascism than by the role of accursedness in making these times so wretchedly interesting. His opinions do not necessarily reflect those of your editor. RA]

There are plagues in our future, and in the end we will use all the weapons at the military’s command — it was ever thus. There is one human-disease plague coming soon that will primarily victimize younger women,  according to the 16th Century prophecies of the noted French seer, Nostradamus. The food supply is in real danger — not just from plagues, but from the consolidation of independent seed companies by a handful of agribusiness giants that are limiting food- genetic diversity in favour of copyrighted GMO foods. Their final goal is corruption of our former, naturally re-generating seed-based food system with the development of Terminator GMO seed strains for most of our major basic foods. Terminator GMO seeds are strains that are designed to produce sterile seeds that will not fructify if harvested and planted, forcing farmers to buy commercial producing GMO seeds from only these GMO agri-businesses for each successive crop planting.

That is only one of several contributing factors and a reason why, after the end of the upcoming two world wars, the final, major killer of the world’s remaining population will be worldwide famine (one of the Four Horsemen of the coming apocalypse). It will be global in its sweep and so severe that cannibalism will emerge in the worst-hit areas. In the not-so-distant past, when the business world worked with a more naturally based agriculture industry and used cross-breeding instead of cross-species gene-splicing, we were able to grow sufficient plant-based food naturally. Today, however, in North America, almost all corn, soy, potatoes, tomatoes — and soon, wheat — is primarily GMO-based.

Single-Strain Weakness

With GMO plants and seeds, there are now a fraction of the types and varieties of these major vital food groups, and with the loss of the natural genetic diversity to massive crops now based on only a very few GMO strains – non-diverse GMO crops can therefore be widely decimated by a vulnerability to a few single-plant diseases. The GMO companies now also own many of the remaining natural seed companies, which for the moment still retain the bulk of the wide varieties of the non-GMO food seeds. Thank goodness for the Norwegian world-seed repository, although it is one natural disaster away from costing us the loss of so many of the diverse plant-based food seeds that feed humanity. When a handful of companies control the seeds, they can raise prices at will and so shut down family farms and facilitate further consolidation of their food monopoly via the continuing and growing industrialization of agriculture. Look at factory farms for chickens, hogs and cattle and you will see the planned future of plant-based agriculture.

They are also pursuing this mega corporatization game plan in energy, pharma, food, banking and finance, media and soon will be in a position, through both buying key individuals in leadership positions in the government, to increasingly support and propagate the sinister agenda of mega-corporations. The combination of government control of education curricula and the pricing of education beyond the reach of the masses have transformed us into “adequately” trained, compliant serfs who are largely dependent on doing whatever is  chosen to be “best” for us.

The Media’s Insidious Role

Finally, through technology, we have the means, through the enormous intelligence community, telecommunications industry, police and military, to exercise control of the masses down to the individual level. Our conditioning proceeds apace via the media, as witness so many movies and TV shows that bend the former American lifestyle and native freedom into a fearful, cop-and-military-worshiping, compliant people – people who think individual rights, privacy and freedom of independent personal action have been transformed into being either extremely leftist or even the hallmarks of the omnipresent TERR____ bugbear. Watch FOX if you want to see the propaganda machine in full flush in both their entertainment and the laughable stream of vitriolic neo-fascist crap they call “news.”  Goebbels would be so proud of how we have raised his baby.

Fortunately there is a spiritual reality to life that is temporarily and presently being overwhelmed by all this negativity; this world is due for a savage re-balancing via the upcoming apocalypse. The present human cycle is not the first turning of this “wheel,” but it is the worst so far, Biblically, the last turn of the wheel had a watery demise via inundation; the coming one will be a fire cleansing (sigh). I always remember that “time wounds all heels.” Good eventually triumphs over evil. The wheel that is presently rotating into “merde” will keep turning and rise into the sunshine again. Biblically the apocalypse ushers in a thousand years of peace in a new spiritual age, and the meek will inherit the Earth.

  • frank makosky May 4, 2014, 4:52 pm

    I know one thing that corporate farming has lost is “taste”.
    For example does anyone remember what a ripe tomato…one grown on a small farm or in ones own garden…tastes like?
    If not I can tell you that such a tomato is a beautiful red that when bitten into is a combination of sweet , tangy and meaty. Compare such a tomato to ones that are found in the local supermarket today. Today’s tomato is usually half- green, hard and tasteless.

    • Oregon May 4, 2014, 5:42 pm

      Absolutely correct frank. I refuse to buy supermarket tomatoes, even organic, and refuse tomatoes at nearly any restaurant. Thing is, tomatoes are so easy to grow in a pot or small garden, and just as easy to preserve for year-round use. Find a favorite heirloom variety, grow as many as you can, and freeze what you can’t use on a daily basis. In late winter, thaw those tomatoes, they will peel easily, and make a better pasta sauce than you could ever hope to buy. One can also dehydrate, or make fresh sauce and pressure can; will keep for years. So many options…

      Peppers are similar. Harvest, roast if you like, and freeze.

      Melons, cucumbers, squash, etc., can be grown in pots, or small gardens, and are easy to save seed. Just find heirloom varieties that you like and keep them going.

      • mario cavolo May 5, 2014, 1:13 am

        Oregon, don’t forget easy to grow basil, parsley, cilantro to go with those veggies! 🙂

  • EVIL VLAD May 4, 2014, 7:36 am

    ackerman, this is why minimalist confucian and ghandian sayings, et al, came to be.
    since they could not strike back, due to power of enemy. hence, they spake ‘humble.’

    history of man. today, no different. despite clever loose-electron-driven, visual tactile toys.

    I have read many tales, about ‘the end of times.’ but, I only recall, living in one– now.

    so, every man measures his myth, in his own time. but in truth– how different are men,
    from any other thing, on planet earth, that exists. cockroaches, snakes, rodents, etc.

    nothing, IMO. only thing that matters, is fighting until the end, for whatever you think.

    and of course, making as much ‘money’ as you can, to live and eat, free; and feed, your breed.

    nothing else matters at all, IMO. not lies, not cheating, not even betraying, while smiling.

    and all that stands between my opinion, and most of yours herein, is– moralizing.

    so, when will the lie of current stockmarket end? I don’t know. but I do know– it’s a lie.


    Far be it from me to sell the cockroach short, Vlad. As they scuddle around behind our refrigerators and stoves, they may be communally enjoying their own Mozart via telepathy. And while there are a hundred things that could do in humanity, only an Earth turned molten by hellfire will extinguish the almighty roach.

  • Stephen G May 3, 2014, 5:17 pm

    Fact is that people are just eating too much meat. Balance your diet and make meat an occasional treat (like it was for almost every human alive prior to 1900 aside from those in the high Arctic) rather than a staple to be consumed every day, several times a day. The planet will be healthier for it and so will you. That is, of course, if you don’t replace the meat with sugary snacks, which would be worse for your health. Join me in reducing demand for factory farming on an industrial scale, one salad at a time.

  • VILE VLAD May 3, 2014, 7:02 am

    and as to the ussa stockmarket, and I hate to say this, it is up up and away, into froth joy.
    got enough evidence today, that’s ackerman’s number of 17622 for dji, is very real, IMO.
    makes no fundamental sense at all to me, but, I look at charts, technicals, sentiments,
    and I see a big ussa market blast, soon forthcoming. and though I hate it as a total lie,
    that’s what I see.
    signing off from patagonia, land of the free.
    good night and good luck.
    VILE V


    Yes, it makes no fundamental sense. But I long ago stopped trying to correlate the stock market to the economy, which continues to be Depression-bound. The stock market has become, simply, a creature of the money supply. With that 17622 target, I may be the most bullish permabear in the guru-dom. RA

    • EVIL VLAD May 4, 2014, 7:52 am

      historically, chart-wise, all that’s missing for current ussa top stock mania of all times,
      is a last strident screaming fast peak, which, IMO, will easily surpass your 17622 dji.
      for credit lunacy to end, I see something closer to 20k dji, or higher, for– I expect madness.
      I expect dutch tulip mania. and that may take dji to 20k plus, and, in only a few months.
      so, I expect ‘surprising’ joy in the stock markets, in 2014. AND ALL BUILT, ON DEBT.
      and IMO, that’s like building the empire state building on quicksand, and not on rock.


      The 17622 target is technically derived, but I agree: At the instinctual level, it feels to me like a far more powerful blowoff is needed to end so spectacular a bull market. On the other hand, investors and their institutional proxies are already ‘all-in’, and so a classic bull-trap short-squeeze may not be necessary to catch bulls with with their pants down. Incidentally, enroute to 17622 is a lesser Hidden Pivot resistance at 17209 where I expect short-able stopping power. It is my minimum upside target for the next thrust. RA

      • EVIL VLAD May 4, 2014, 8:03 am

        mega veteran ny floor trader art cashin recently said, that nasdaq has built inverted h&s.
        and I had previously agreed with gary, that 4000 in nasdaq was important, and it held.
        so, if nasdaq blows UP, with its current crazy flyers, it will EXPLODE all s&p500 UP.

        have there been crazier times than now? yes, much crazier. so, they can get, much crazier.
        but, what is amazing to myself, is that, current MEGA DEBT, can be piled upon, even more.

    • gary leibowitz May 4, 2014, 5:09 pm

      Market is only a reflection of earnings power. Boy have they succeeded in that realm. Is that not the case? Where is the detach from prior trends? If we crashed say 3 years ago, and earnings continued on the same track, wouldn’t the argument be turned on it’s head?

      I don’t get it! How can you assume otherwise? I never got a clear answer to this. Perhaps I am missing something. To bet solely on a belief that it is unsustainable begs the question of timing. if it takes 1 year or 10 isn’t that determined by actual data? It doesn’t suddenly fall with no warning. Gross margins have been sustained at very high levels. What is the sudden catalyst that would negate all this?

      • Oregon May 4, 2014, 5:26 pm

        Worldwide loss of confidence/Sovereign debt implosions caused by any number of scenarios that could unfold slowly (status quo), or quickly (unforeseen disaster, natural or man made).

      • mario cavolo May 5, 2014, 1:11 am

        Gary, I might suggest you’re temporarily forgetting when you ask that question, that the U.S., Europe, Japan and China all combined have piled on about 30 TRILLION of sovereign debt in the past few years since ’08. You know I’m not saying it means we’re going to crash tomorrow, but geez, it IS 30 trillion nonetheless. The word “alarming” comes to mind 🙂

        Cheers, Mario

  • VILE VLAD May 3, 2014, 6:50 am

    mav and gary, I read what you both wrote above re ukraine and putin and jews.

    and puting all details aside, of your comments, and looking at just the big pic,
    this is clearly what I see.

    putin wants the black sea, all to himself. so, he’s already easily taken crimea.
    plus, the now taken east ukraine; and the soon to be also taken, south ukraine,
    which will land-lock fully, the so-called nation, of kiev’s ukraine, which– they can keep.

    because putin does not want their massive debts. so, eu can take, and pay for them. ha.

    for once putin has what he wants, odessa, top trading port (thus land-locking ukraine),
    he will also easily annex moldova, as they are already crying to be annexed; and that’s why,
    romania, is already whimpering to ussa, to protect them, in the black sea. FAT CHANCE.

    and putin has played all this, like a kasparov chessmaster. only 5′-6″ tall. another napoleon.

    btw, ex-kgb putin, is already censoring russian internet. so it’s back, to the old ussr ways.
    and it is said that he intends to censor even more, than the commie chinese currently do.

    and no, east ukraine jews have not registered. but this is only the start. so soon they will.
    same old story. and I only have 1 question. why are jews, so easy to blame, for anything.
    (also btw, east ukraine mayor that was shot in the back, was flown to israel, for treatment).

    1st horse of the apocalypse. WAR.

    • gary leibowitz May 4, 2014, 4:12 am

      Vlad, Putin and Russia have indeed reverted back to the old Russia. That’s my point. They were drowning in their own corruption and military buildup. Now they are once again trying to gain some of their lost influence. not going to work. in fact most of the world is ignoring their silly annexation attempts. Did we worry about Syria? They are indeed relegated to third world status. They, like England, have lost their colonial ways.

      Your assessment that they will lead us into a world war is far fetched. In fact this whole situation should be resolved within 2 months time.

  • mava May 2, 2014, 8:34 am

    With regards to the Jew registration Notice, this has to be a provocation. Why?

    Well, take a look at the alignment of forces:

    The newly proclaimed Donetsk Republic consist of ethnic Russians. If you think they would purge the Jews, recall that they all are zombie-fied to forever believe that the Russian part in the WWII was a holy mission. What was that mission for? It was to dethrone Hitler. How was Hitler portrayed in Russia? As a hater and the destroyer of Jews! Why? Because most of the government of then USSR was of Jewish descent.

    So, for the Russians of Donetsk Republic, the most hateful part of the Western Ukrainian behavior today, is that the West openly supports Hitler. You may not know that the Western Ukraine had already given the honorary military status to the Ukrainians who helped Hitler during WWII, and they have already elevated Bendera to the status of a Peoples Hero. The Right Sector, who are representing the Western Ukraine and who are currently in power in Kiev, are also OPENLY executing the Heil Hitler salute and had made their uniform to resemble that of the Nazi. This you may not know. I am comparing the coverage on Russian channels with that on American channels, and I find the latter to be extremely biased and intentionally incomplete.

    Thus, what I see is this: Because, during the WWII, the now celebrated, “Bendera” part of Ukraine were serving Hitler, and on his orders, were manning mostly the guard forces of the concentration camps, where the Jews were held, too the Russians of the Eastern Ukraine, the “quiet support” that the Jews are giving to the Kiev is appalling. (I think, personally, that the Jews are simply not protesting against anybody, because they are in a much more “interesting situation” than it may seem to the Russians). And so, being appalled by the Jews not protesting more violently, the Russians are issuing the MOCK proclamation, which is in their mind, is designed to remind the Jews what was it like for them. You see? They are copying the Hitler’s orders with regards to Jews. This way of shaming or mocking, is very much Russian.

    Why did the governor said he has nothing to do with it, but confirmed that the notice was printed in his organization? Because, this sort of thing is typically done by a bunch of guys, in the heat of the moment. This is what they live in, today, this is ALL they see, and they don’t even realize that other people will see this, and won’t understand their emotional point and the pun.

    I understand how this may look to those not experienced in Russian trivia and affairs, but I am certain that no one will actually expect any Jews to turn up for the registration.

    • gary leibowitz May 2, 2014, 11:29 pm

      Are you that gullible? The whole Putin campaign is to cause internal disruption and chaos. Not sure if he actually believes the citizens will unit and cause an excuse for Russia to step in. So far it is not working. It is transparent that Russian secret service men are infiltrating cities to cause armed conflict. Not working and is such a sloppy, silly, and transparent act of desperation. He has no options left, once he started this, without losing face. That seems more important to him than any real gains for Russia. Imagine the already broke country trying to keep hold of Ukraine, if they actually manage to invade. The world ignores him because he has no more power and influence, other than his precious gas and oil. Oil prices have not budged thru all this. Perhaps the stock market is being tempered by the inconclusive Russian campaign. Perhaps the yield on our bonds sinking once again has to do with the crisis.

      The world usually over-reacts when there is a chance of an escalation of war. Not being felt yet in any big way. The world can of course be wrong but my bet is that Russia finds a way to squirm out of this with little real damage.

      • gary leibowitz May 3, 2014, 5:05 am

        Where is Nostradamian prophesy when you need it?
        This long grind near the top is very puzzling. The blowout employment numbers were treated with a yawn and yields went the wrong way. I would have expected yields to go sharply higher given all the news out there of late. How does tapering cause lower yield, along with higher employment, higher retail sales, manufacturing, etc.? Is this a temporary move? Strange, very strange. While inventory levels are in a danger zone, the economic news suggests that too will be resolved. That is a puzzlement.

        As for GMO based food, I have always stood against such use. To declare that it will be the cause of epidemics and famine is beyond scientific discussion. When you talk in theoretical terms any type of modification can have nasty results. I would be more worried about global climate change than almost any other man made disaster. Once done it can never be undone. there is a point of no return with this process. I don’t even know where that marker is. Pandemics would be a close second in my disaster scale. Everything else can be lumped with asteroid impact, magnetic field reversals, super volcanic eruptions. It is ludicrous for me to even contemplate an apocalyptic event. The dire warnings of such events have been declared over many generations, with much worse conditions that we have today. If you want a list of claimants to such an event look no further than Jeane Dixon with the date set at 2020. Granted she originally predicted the end was in 1962 but 1 out of 2 isn’t bad. For more immediate relief we have John Hagge and Mark Biltz who predict the second coming this year or next. Place your bets.

  • Jason S May 2, 2014, 2:03 am

    Since we are discussing the end of the world, here is a great article on the inevitable implosion of Japan. This may be what sets the dominoes in motion.

    • mario cavolo May 5, 2014, 1:07 am

      Hi Jason,

      Mauldin typically writes macro analysis well worth a read such as this one on Japan. My difficulty with such articles are that any intelligent expert can pretty much put together half a dozen factoid trends and indicate the implosion of just about any country, which may or may not happen and in that respect, humans have proven themselves to be dismal at their ability to correctly predict what a state of affairs will look like 20 years down the road. All govt bureaucracies have their absurdities built in. Its almost as if the absurdities of each system somehow cancel each other out to create normal!

      Cheers, Mario

  • Erin May 1, 2014, 6:22 pm

    Hey Rick,
    I know it’s off topic but I really needed to say thanks for giving us a shout out and introducing Snipp Interactive to me. I have been buying everything in the last month or so and I am thrilled. I have talked to Atul a few times now and I really like him and his company. They just reported their year end and I am thrilled! Would not have found it without you. I am invested fully and will pick some more up as well. What a great start for this company and they are really ramping up. I feel like I just bought a winning lottery ticket but they have not announced the numbers yet… Thank you again!


    I’m glad to hear you’re aboard, Erin. Snipp’s full financial report, which shows positive net revenue for the first time, can be accessed by
    clicking here. The report also provides a summary of Snipp’s wide-ranging marketing services.RA

    • EVIL VLAD May 2, 2014, 2:23 am

      way to go, erin.
      I’m glad someone here is getting paper-‘rich,’ at least inside their controlled ussa account.

      myself, I’m broke. for I always bet DOWN. can’t help it, my nature. as I loathe ussa market.

      ’cause can’t believe bull-krapp ussa market, fed solely by smoke thin-air fed faked fiats,
      still is blithely up, after 5 years! so–I am convinced, that amerikain, are trained seals.

      for you have no fear of your bank closing, or your broker closing, etc… no fear at all.
      because amerikain have been bred to TRUST. TRUST EVERYTHING. just trust.
      and especially, your inbred ‘rock-solid’ institutions, that are ‘GUARANTEED.’
      damn. are you all in, for A HUGE SURPRISE.
      and over-night.
      (all closed, no response, no nothing).

      so good night, and goood…. luck.
      patagonian correspondent, signing off.

  • EVIL VLAD May 1, 2014, 5:00 am

    have so many links of what is really happening, which is putin kicking ussa arse, repeatedly;
    and it ain’t stopping–just getting started. but I’ll place it all in 1 post, for ackerman to filter.
    and won’t bother about europe–for as host said last week, putin could annex germany.




    first, on putin-news vs. amerikain dream-sleep. for I see that you all, are still sleeping.
    for none of you even noticed, that I made a small error 2 days ago, on my prior ukraine news.
    (since you all continue to think this has nothing to do with you, nor affect you in any way).
    and my error was this—the 8 european peaceful observers, that I said were released,
    well, they were NOT released. only 1 was released, the swede, because he had, diabetes.
    all other 7 (which include 4 german), are still being detained against their will, and,
    as of right now, they are being offered as trade, against new ‘sanctions’ on pro-russians–
    so, their lives are still at stake, and eu (and germany) have done nothing, for them,
    except more bs sanctions, which putin’s people do not give a krapp about; I mean,
    they also have as prisioners, a female journalist, and 4 ukranian soldiers, one a colonel),
    and this all happening, while you sleepy amerikain believe, it has nothing to do with you.

    and ackerman, I can’t believe you didn’t post my link on how jews are already being hounded,
    via a leaflet by pro-russian forces, in east ukraine, to report and pay $50, or be deported.
    yes. their new requirement, by pro-russian takeover forces, and JUST FOR JEWS.!GrQ8P

    the temp president of ukraine just admitted publicly today, that east ukraine is– gone.
    he has no power there. neither his troops nor police, have any power there, any longer.
    the pro-russian forces have taken over the entire region. plus, holding eu prisioners.


    and putin controls all this. and west fears him more, each day. since china, is behind him.



    and ussa kids, this is just the start. for the ussa’s world hegemony longtime party, is OVER.
    you just don’t get it, but you will. so keep on whining about obama-couldnt-care-less taxes.
    that’ll keep you distracted. or whether your seeds breed, or not. or whether there’s flood.

    because, what is coming, is WAR. your friend’s 1st horse of the apocalypse. WAR.
    and putin is riding point, on this one. with mighty china in the background, as backup.


    amen. and as fast as possible.






    current ‘west’ administration is weakest in a generation, I heard a brit expert, say today.
    so come to your own conclusions. or go back to watch your fave ussa tv ‘reality’ show. ha.

    goodnight. and good luck.
    signing off,
    correspondent from patagonia.

  • Troll May 1, 2014, 2:15 am

    Is 1917.25 on the table for the ES? There is some lolly gagging hovering in and around the midpoint.

  • Jason S April 30, 2014, 7:03 pm

    Gary, completely off the topic but several (more than several) times you have stated that US corporations pay a very low tax rate. I just wanted to point out the news today that Ebay is repatriating $9 billion back to the US and is going to have to pay $3 billion of it in tax to do so. Apple recently issued $12 billion in bonds because it was cheaper than repatriating the money from overseas due to the taxes the US would levy on it. Just a couple of examples from Bloomberg today that show that US corps pay sizable taxes here in the US.

    • gary leibowitz April 30, 2014, 8:43 pm

      Average tax rate for 2014 was 12.6 percent.
      The real burden of taxes has shifted dramatically to the middle class citizens. Going on for decades. Please look this stuff up yourself. Buffett and a few other billionaires are asking for this type of structure to change.

      As for tapering, which most here said would never happen, it looks like we fall to 45 billion per month from 85. And so it goes………..

      • Jason S May 1, 2014, 6:13 pm

        True according to the GAO. However a lot of that is due to corporations leaving their money overseas because the corporate tax rate here in the US is onerous. I agree that their ability to lobby for better tax treatment and the US citizen not being given the same opportunity is deplorable.

        However, the numbers look like middle America is in about the same effective tax bracket based on 2010 date which is the most recent that I could find. It also shows that high income earners are paying twice the corporate effective rate. Also, don’t forget that this comparison is an effective tax rate of corps vs an average tax rate of people, the two are not the same. And since there is little consistency in definition of effective tax rate, it is hard to know if middle America’s effective rate would be lower or higher than what is reported as its average tax rate.

        Another example, today Exxon reported earnings before tax of $15.2 billion and taxes of $5.9 billion.

        Just trying to cut out hyperbole and see things as they are.

      • Gary leibowitz May 2, 2014, 3:45 pm

        As they are is very clear. On any measure comparing the trend for the last 50 years.

  • Andy B April 29, 2014, 9:41 pm

    Another way to fight back: Free the Seed

    Like open source software, but for seeds…

    • Oregon April 30, 2014, 7:55 am

      Andy, it’s simpler than that…

      Step 1: Put favorite tomato in small bowl in window.
      Step 2: When totally dehydrated scrape seeds into envelope. Write name of varietal, if available, and date on envelope and put in drawer.
      Step 3: In spring remove seeds and place a couple in a small, perforated, yogurt container in same window. Keep moist.
      Step 4: Plant outside when night temps. stay above 50*F.
      Step 5: Harvest when ripe.
      Step 6: Repeat process for eternity.

  • Andy B April 29, 2014, 9:16 pm

    Local Farmers and Families Fight Back Against GMOs,

    Oregon: Forget Nostradamus and the Bible and Do Something.

  • Andy B April 29, 2014, 9:13 pm

    Why now Svalbard? (SEED BANK)

    We can legitimately ask why Bill Gates and the Rockefeller Foundation along with the major genetic engineering agribusiness giants such as DuPont and Syngenta, along with CGIAR are building the Doomsday Seed Vault in the Arctic.

  • mava April 29, 2014, 8:52 pm

    This can’t be just banned. You must be willing to pay a higher price, because the entire reason for the discussed “advancements” in the food industries is eternal: shittier product wins.

    Gary won’t be able to focus the industries on consumer needs any more that we will be able to ban GMOs. Until there is a price for stupidity, where a poor choice can kill you, the people will remain stupid.

    There are BMWs and then there are just TATAs. Some are discerning and some are just trash. At some point, the trash will commit a mass suicide, because of some poor choice they had made a while ago.

    There is a difference between understanding the inevitability and planning past that, and planning to destroy humanity. I think most of these “prophets” have a trouble distinguishing the two.

  • Jason S April 29, 2014, 8:39 pm

    For everyone’s listening pleasure. The topic and related discussion brought this to mind:

    • BDTR April 30, 2014, 12:51 pm

      Mass of humanity at its apocalyptic best.
      Go down swinging, singing and smiling.


      It has been said of American moviegoers that they like their tragedies to have happy endings. Perhaps a collision with an asteroid might be the best way to go? Or an eruption of the Yellowstone Caldera. RA

  • Oregon April 29, 2014, 8:19 pm

    Just flipped through the latest National Geo. for some graphic examples of this weeks topic. Brazilian facilities, one with 8 million chickens, where 10 or more birds ‘live’ in a cage 1′ x 2′, and a pig facility where sow pigs ‘live’ in pens so small they can’t even roll over and possibly crush their existential provisions. The image of the pig facility says it all… a technician standing over a tiny pen, shooting up a piglet with all the necessaries for a ‘healthy life’, and several of the other pigs in the area, sans piglets, spray painted green; probably meaning ‘go-time for butcher shop’. There are no pictures of American (The United States of America, North American continent, planet Earth) meat, egg, or dairy facilities, certainly because they are too disgusting to see the light of day.

    Another photo, again Brazil, shows over a hundred workers in their own cage, elbow to elbow, in sterile suits, carving up chicken parts as they are received from the conveyer in front of them. Imagine doing that job all day, every day.

    The trend will continue. The masses don’t care where the food comes from, and the vast majority will survive well past spawning age to ensure our cycle of devastation continues.

    There is push back, however. At least one county in Oregon has a ban of GMO crops on the ballot in May, with strong support. And, in addition to organic/ GMO-free farmer markets, one can shop for the same in at least one grocery store in almost any town in this state.

    This week’s topic, and many others discussed here motivated me to take my family off grid 3 years ago, and we have not regretted it. There seem to be a number of participants here that are interested in moving off grid. I have been thinking for some time about writing an essay about the many facets of my decision and the subsequent reality. Recently, my agent at El Salchichonito Publishing was nagging me to write something of consequence; so if there is interest, let me know, and I will write.


    Most definitely interested, Oregon. I’ve sent you my email address. RA

    • mario cavolo April 29, 2014, 8:52 pm

      I’d like to know your version of “off the grid” Oregon. I “exited” to another country, a balance of advantages and disadvantages in having done so, many things I happily got away from but inherited other challenges. But in my case life is still very much in the mainstream in Shanghai. Funny thing is, a real world version of “off the grid” for 600 million people here in China are the farmers. They’re quite out of the urban mainstream and yet I can see the advantages and disadvantages of that. Here in town, a friend who owns a business center called LOHAUS Loft was the first in Shanghai to install a full solar grid on their rooftop for power, have even received substantial media coverage for doing so…

      Cheers, Mario

      • Oregon April 30, 2014, 7:35 am

        Mario, the simple answer is that the only thing physically connecting me to the rest of society is my road. We are 99% solar powered, 1% propane generator in dead of winter. We handle our own sewer and grey water. We handle our potable water. We have satellite phone and internet.

        That is the rough sketch of my off grid situation. I will go into more detail in the near future if R.A. sees fit to print.

        Regarding your exit strategy… we thought about it… N.Z., maybe East Africa, but in the end we went with the ‘Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer’ strategy. Besides if the end of the world comes, I want a front row seat, with some of the best beer, wine, spirits, and outdoor, legal, ganja produced anywhere in the world.

      • Gary leibowitz May 2, 2014, 3:42 pm

        Love visiting Oregon. I agree with your states status.

      • Oregon May 2, 2014, 4:38 pm

        Gary, Oregon is a great state, meaning great geography, geology, resources, and several great people, however, our current status is ‘Worst ACA Disaster’. We were the poster child in the beginning; progressive, ahead of the curve. Oregon received around 300 million in federal grants since the end of 2011 to get ‘Care Oregon’ running, the bulk of that went to Oracle for the online platform. Oregon officials announced about a week ago that we are scrapping the entire system; IT DOESN’T WORK!! They have already thrown in the towel and are now piggybacking the federal program, saying it will cost another 75 million to fix what they started and there is only about 25 million left of the original 300 million.

        Can you imagine? Almost 300 million dollars totally wasted? Imagine asking somebody to show you what we got for $300,000,000.00, and they hand you a laptop with some pretty web pages and some menus that don’t work!!!

        So, sorry to say, that is the current status of our state, in my mind.

      • mario cavolo May 5, 2014, 12:53 am

        Some off the grid notes for you Oregon…this past weekend we visited Chong Ming Island, a getaway an hour from Shanghai, farm and wetlands island. Many farms are also organic.

        So we meet the Yu family on their farm and well, farmers are pretty much off the grid of urbanization already, simple lives dictated by their daily farming chores. Meanwhile, we find out that they have 40 private customers including my partner for whom they deliver 8 lbs of organic assortment from their farm weekly for 50 weeks per year, charging $60 per month. That comes out to $1.70/lb or so, delivered to your door. And $2500 / month in revenue, which is I have little doubt as it is the subject of my book, off the books cash.

        Meanwhile, how do they get the word out. A computer, hooked up to the internet, on which they have a website. They even have student intern volunteers who often come to live and work on the farm for a week to a month at a time.

        They don’t have any solar, though other farms do.

        Surely, their life is not easy, but I can easily recognize how it has a far higher level of genuine wellbeing day to day than many white collar urban dwellers dealing much closer with all the hassles of business and govt.

        Cheers, Mario

    • Jason S April 30, 2014, 5:45 pm

      Oregon, I too would like to hear what you have done and how you have done it. As we have a place in Oregon, it may serve us well.

  • ter April 29, 2014, 5:06 pm

    Rich brilliant essay. Appreciate your addressing my question, in part. That GMO tomatoes and potatoes exist I didn’t doubt. How avoidable they are short of eating only certified Organic versions I am interested to learn. Realize this isn’t a natural health news site, so I’ll desist. Vlad, your charm is exceeded only by the vast breadth and depth of your knowledge.

  • Rich April 29, 2014, 4:22 am

    Much deep thought for food here.
    Food wars of course go back at least to Old Testament Pharoaic times, with crop burning, famines, plagues, salting of the earth, water deprivation of ancient cities in Israel and now the Babylon Marsh in the Iraq and Persian Wars with depleted uranium scrambling DNA.
    Modern food fights became real when a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff suggested climate change and food were weapons of war.
    Food basket CA is in drought, Ukraine is still a breadbasket despite Chernobyl.
    GMOs are created by infectious toxic pathogens to insert genomes. GMOs are designed to use with and survive synthetic toxic chemicals like Agent Orange, Napalm, Paraquat or Roundup made for profit by the same or similar companies.
    FlvrSavr from Calgene UC Davis in 1994 was the first GMO tomato, bought by MON in 1996.
    The first GMO potato was the Bacillus thuringiensis Potato from MON.
    AquAdvantage giant salmon, monoclonal papaya, Large Black hogs, Beef and Dairy fed on GMO with Bovine Growth Factor, et al, are temporarily great for short term corporate farm profits at the long-term expense human health, until opportunistic infections evolve to end the GMO food advantage and kill the hosts that eat it. This has already happened, although it is denied by GMO-funded scientists
    The clue is the increasing corporate fights to prevent GMO labeling, while the 1% elite eat organic from their own dedicated or private farms.
    Creating and gaming GMO chimera is ultimate human hubris, playing infinite dimensional DNA chess against the ultimate Chess Master of Life Above.
    Speaking of which, from professional experience, the 33% better, 33% the same and 33% worse “cure” rates are accurate.
    Incidentally, all psychiatrists are MDs, mostly pill-pushers, but not all Psychiatrists are Psychoanalysts and not all Psychoanalysts are MDs these days, though they used to be, like Adler, Freud and Jung.
    Scientology, Epidemiologists, Psychologists and Psychiatrists like Starfield, Conners and Breggin have questioned the objective scientific rigor of FDA psych med approval, iatrogenic morbidity and correlations to mass shooting incidents by adolescents.
    Malthusian limits to growth hypotheses have come and gone since Club of Rome, Diet for a Small Planet, Global Warming, Hobbes Leviathan, the Prophets. Revelations and Simon-Ehrlich success vs doom wagers the Stanford Butterfly Entomologist author of The Population Bomb repeatedly lost. (Simon earned a Harvard BA in Experimental Psychology with an MBA and PhD in Business Economics from U Chicago, making him well-grounded in bottom-up markets rather than Ivory Tower top-down speculations.
    Nostradamus is like a cultural political projective Rhorshach Test where people see what they are.

    In conclusion, ISE sentiment was 8 undervalued opening long Index puts for every call this AM, suggesting this market downtrend may have further to go.

    Regards All.

  • mario cavolo April 29, 2014, 3:41 am

    What a rollercoaster last night Rick….and did you notice LNKD leading the tanking downward…

    Meanwhile, a must mention piano note for you…

    George Cables “By George”. As a jazz pianist, I am amazed by this guy. Must listen to his “Someone To Watch Over Me” piano solo…its breathtaking.

    Cheers, Mario

    • Rick Ackerman April 29, 2014, 5:14 am

      Thanks for the recommendation, Mario. It just occurred to me that, these days, if I’m sitting here typing, then Cables’ solo — anyone’s solo, actually, even Sinatra singing ‘Mama Will Bark’ — is but a few keystrokes away.

  • gary leibowitz April 28, 2014, 11:53 pm

    The idea that you can use the cryptic notes from Nostradamus is beyond ludicrous. Supposedly he diverted attention to the current, 16th century, situation so he wouldn’t be put to the stake. Since his death every horrific event was attributed to his teachings. Name me just one future event he predicts that will not happen naturally? I don’t need anyone to foretell war, famine, peace, and disease. No dates, specifics, or even on what continent these events will occur. How about the much predicted weather pattern change from global warming. I was told over a decade ago that the east coats will experience a much wetter environment. I don’t expect to see drought conditions anytime soon along the eastern sea line.

    There have been plagues throughout human history. In fact one killed his wife and children. Will another occur before we can understand and tackle all such occurrences? I expect it will. Will it wipe out the human race? Not likely. As long as we are not genetically manipulated, human nature is such that there is enough diversity to allow for such events. GMO has made money specifically because it prevents disease from killing the crop. I personally think there were more expensive natural ways to prevent these diseases. it’s all about the bottom line when it comes to corporate profits.

    Keep waiting for the end of the world. Stand in line to the last 10 generations that thought the same. It sure is nice and comforting to do away with free will and determining your own destiny. it reminds me on why religion is so popular. Imagine that everything you do or don’t do makes no difference. You are just a pawn in a supreme beings meddling. We live much longer than our ancestors, have spare time to pursue such silly nonsense like this, and enjoy the largest array of hedonist toys, yet we still complain. Unreal! If you people think today is bad , how would you be able to deal with a real crisis?

    No freedoms today? All powerful corporate and government control? All this with the largest social subsidies, largest aging population ever, and technology that gives us comfort and spare time as never before. Oh the agony. Yes greed/power and a capitalist system will have those pendulum swings. We are soon going to hit the apex of gravity and swing the other way. I am very comfortable with the notion that we continue on the one step back, two forward method. Are we better off today than at the peaks of all prior euphoric tops? Do we not continue to advance in each generation despite these setbacks? Why is “this time different?”


    That’s 447 words, every one of them all too familiar to others in this forum. Will they satisfy your uncontrollable urge to gratuitously disagree with virtually everything that’s written here? RA

    • EVIL VLAD April 29, 2014, 2:43 am

      love your insane consistency, gary owen. even though you are paid for it. so go!
      your lunacy abounds. so, you’re the poster child for it, on this site. so go, crazy gary!

      and this is your most brilliant statement–
      ‘GMO has made money specifically because it prevents disease from killing the crop.’

      oh, wait! creators of GMO are not ‘bad guys,’ ’cause they are the ‘mis-interpreted heroes!’

      got to tell you. YOU are my hero. for you prove all my thesis’es, about scumbag amerikain.

      wait. got to point to one more of your beauties.
      ‘As long as we are not genetically manipulated,’

      haha. so how about if you food is ‘genetically manipulated?’
      I mean, what you eat, every day? every bite, you eat?
      (while you sing, ‘I owe my soul to the company store…’)

      you are the prototype of the future. so brainwashed, that you lead the way, gary owen.
      ‘freedom of speech’? give me a break. unless you speak p.c. fluently, it’s off to jail.

      but you don’t see, what I see. that you think, you will be protected, as a ‘gov. organizer.’
      no, boy. you will be bought and sold. as just another piece of trash. you can bet on it.

      • gary leibowitz April 29, 2014, 4:54 pm

        VLAD, you are a perfect example of why this board only sees and hears whatever falls into your narrow view. Perhaps you missed my multiple comments on my wish we never had a Monsanto. Perhaps you missed my view that would put the consumer as the top priority instead of corporate profits. I only point to the fact that profits are much higher because of this modification. That is the driving force of all capitalist society, to make higher profits. Me being more of a socialist would have a very different view. I guess my thousands of articles were not too repetitive since you missed that point.

        Here is the rest of my paragraph you conveniently left out: “I personally think there were more expensive natural ways to prevent these diseases. it’s all about the bottom line when it comes to corporate profits.”

      • EVIL VLAD April 30, 2014, 3:40 am

        “VLAD, you are a perfect example of why this board only sees and hears whatever falls into your narrow view.”


        Your entire response was a rant against Gary personally, Vlad. Address his point if you want me to publish your post. RA

    • gary leibowitz April 29, 2014, 3:17 am

      Perhaps your illegal alien status for Obama, oil well world catastrophes, and mass extinction of the human race thru epidemic, famine, war, nuclear radiation has me on the opposite side.

      I am not the one proposing the end of the world as we know it. On rational topics I am split on accepting your views or not. There is not many topics you show a favorable outcome. On individual stocks, to politics, to geopolitical views, you are one hell of a pessimist.

      On this board you can call me Mr. Pollyanna. I had thought I was very pessimistic on the long term outlook of the economy, but not even close with this bunch.

      I never shirk from a debate and would love to hear new ideas. Once they include hidden agendas, black verses white, all or none scenarios, I have a knee jerk reaction to kick back.

      If even 1 in 10 of your future expectations happen it would be darker than the dark ages. Why is absolutely everything so bleak, especially when right this moment most people are out there enjoying themselves. It’s always happening in the future, and the present is discounted or ignored. If you can’t ignore the facts you declare we are duped by a massive controlling evil.

      You once told me that we would never see this 5 year recovery. Never be able to generate real growth. Well if your definition of real growth is 3 percent GDP, than perhaps you are right. That doesn’t mean we can’t have a slow and very long recovery. Real jobs, real sales, real discretionary spending. You exclude the housing debacle as a reason for this slow growth, but instead assume it’s ordained to burn in flames due to our evil (government) ways. When trillions were lost from the housing crisis it’s not a stretch to conclude we muddle along, especially with the help of government money pouring in. I never disagree with the math, only the timing and end game. I feel embarrassed with this group to declare that bad human behavior still has a savings grace when it comes to hitting bottom. We adapt, learn from mistakes and move on. Too bad each new generation has to go thru this.


      Okay, Gary, now you’ve written 720 words — equivalent to 2.64 Gettysburg Addresses. I’m going to put this post in deep storage, though, since, for all any of us knows, 500 years from now an actual Gary Liebowitz post with its digital fingerprints intact could be worth more than a Picasso. Not bloody likely, I know. But with storage cheap even by the terabyte these days, I can afford a Xanadu-sized warehouse. RA

      • mario cavolo April 29, 2014, 6:36 am

        Hi Gary, I do understand your reasonable use of looking at today’s daily life relative to past history when far more daily struggle and suffering occurred. With that said, I’m happy to be the reasonable optimist about those things which are worthy of being optimistic, even I think you’re being far too cheery today. The evil government has raped 700 billion of interest from saver’s accounts, while directly depositing one trillion dollars per year for the past 3 years into the accounts of the very banks who, by their clearly corrupt practices and trading shenanigans destroyed the financial system of the world’s most powerful country. While Dimon and the rest get their millions per year handed to them while screwing savers and the lifeblood masses of the country, while middle class income remains flat for going on 15 years, while corporate profits are at record highs, while CEO pay has gone from 46:1 to 350:1….yea, the words corrupt and evil DO come to mind, and quite justifiably so. The standing President and all the other clowns in Washington and the state governments can’t be called leaders of our country, along with many of the corporate cronies obviously do NOT have the best interests of their country in mind. They can at best be called whores of pimp lobbies and corporations swaying their decisions with money, plain and simple, self-serving lackeys who have ruined what America was. We have seen in our lifetime the very dark side of capitalism and politics in America, its very worst attributes out for all to see, now watching brazen shenanigans, in your face corruption with justice conveniently turning a blind eye, whilst individual rights have been stripped away too. All in the name of what please?…”of the people, by the people, for the people”…I think not.

        Actually, you have stated you acknowledge this negative stuff, and I do understand that plenty of folks are doing fine. But Gary, plenty are not, more than ever and worse than ever, very much dark ages for them who have been raped and pillaged by the greedy, self-serving capitalists and politicians. I don’t mind Obamacare/national healthcare, great idea, I do however mind the $2500 bill for an MRI that I can get at a top hospital here for $200, the corruption is built into the system, isn’t it? They didn’t fix the corruption before they rolled out Obamacare, so now the citizenry is forced to pay for the corruption of the govt/pharma/healthcare chess board. My Italian ancestors immigrated to the wonderful land of “Ameriga!” ….I”m ashamed and disgusted by what has happened since.

        Cheers, Mario

      • EVIL VLAD April 29, 2014, 7:39 am

        ‘I am not the one proposing the end of the world as we know it. On rational topics I am split on accepting your views or not. There is not many topics you show a favorable outcome. On individual stocks, to politics, to geopolitical views, you are one hell of a pessimist. ‘

        so ok, gary. write herein, your dissertation.
        upon which, you show, a ‘favorable outcome.’

        for in only thing I am like ackerman, is in realism.
        hence, I see no positive outcome, except bad negative.

        so, prove us wrong, leibowitz. nothing I’d like better.
        so I can die, watching my mind shrivel, since I am wrong.
        and you know I HATE being wrong. about anything. so, boy, prove me wrong.

      • gary leibowitz April 29, 2014, 5:05 pm

        Mario, it’s a matter of opinion that today our government is more evil and corrupt. It’s always what we ourselves experience that drives us to believe we are the worse off. This is a natural cycle, until we can fix the capitalist model, if that is even possible. As for Obamacare, we had problems and distrust with Social Security and Medicare. Me being a socialist I like the idea of the well off subsidizing the less fortunate. If we hate government debt and we want to help our fellow man, this is the only choice we have. I am alone on this since most believe help should come from an individuals desire and free choice. I however believe if you reap the rewards of a free capitalist society you should give back to your fellow man who is less fortunate.


        Half of the workers pay no taxes at all, while my marginal rate in Colorado is close to 40%. I’m already working five months a year to support those who don’t pay taxes. Do we stretch that to six months
        ? RA

      • gary leibowitz April 29, 2014, 6:00 pm

        Rick, it is unfortunate that the people that currently pay the largest share are the upper-middle class. I would prefer the top 5 percent, and most large corporations pay their share. If they did the burden wouldn’t fall on the middle. When you see proof that the ownership and wealth have shifted dramatically over the years why would you not want this to stop? Why must we fight amongst ourselves for the crumbs they leave behind? Why is there never a discussion on taxing the ones that have enjoyed such favoritism all these years?

        You seem to think I attack you. If you are the top 5 percent I guess I will. You start with the premise that the finite money from the middle and poor must be constantly redistributed to find a balance. I see no such thing. Start with the largest disparity first. It’s not only logical but necessary.


        Perhaps we agree on something, since the salaries of the upper 1% are beyond outlandish. They would all hang in the public square if I were dictator. The already absurd compensation packages continue to rise mainly because individual shareholders are no longer around to police the game. This has allowed corporate executives and parasites like Icahn to steal at the expense of shareholders. No one much notices because share prices are in a bubble — and who cares if bubble dynamic have created a perpetual motion machine that rewards executives of publicly owned companies regardless of whether they deserve it?

      • EVIL VLAD April 30, 2014, 3:55 am

        right on, ackerman. for why should you pay 40% of what you make, to ghetto bums?
        heck, you work 12 hours a day, I’m damn sure, on a craft you’d taken a half-century,
        to create. and you work like a dog, every day. so why do shiftless garbage, sponge off you?

        why? SOCIALISM, that’s why. guys like gary, who say, hey, give 1/2 to the bums.
        but I say, SCREW the bums. and if they try to rob you, BLAST THEM to kingdom come.

        [Yes, there’s nothing like a good blasting to set the world right. RA]

        since EVERYONE in every country, should pay a portion of taxes, for gov. ‘structure.’
        structure that holds their life together. and even for ghetto bums. so they gotta pay too.
        because anarchy does not work. for you can’t trade in it. nor have any time of peace in it.


        Might I ask, if you’re going to hang another half-dozen items on the queue tonight, that you elevate the tone just a tad? RA

      • EVIL VLAD April 30, 2014, 5:01 am

        just saw your response, ackerman. ‘tone,’ you say. tone.
        so that is what it is all about, ‘tone.’ not freedom of speech, but ‘tone.’


        Not just tone, but volume, is a problem. You are posting w-a-a-a-ay too much, Vlad. To encourage far fewer but more thoughtful posts, I’m going to limit you for the time being to two posts per day. This is mainly to conserve my precious time, since you are EXTREMELY high-maintenance. RA

      • mario cavolo May 1, 2014, 3:08 am

        Rick, Gary,

        I want to throw in a perspective on two words, “tax” and “work” . And I’m from the POV that govt should be able to “reasonably” create a societally balanced framework of structure, support, benefits for the less fortunate, fairness, etc., which of course, it isn’t doing well. I’m cool with “reasonable” social programs, balance of socialist practices vs. capitalist economy, woe that there is a good example anywhere on earth…

        “Work” implies pay for labor/ability/time. For example, a factory worker, even an office administrator earning $35 to $85k a year

        “Tax” is relative to their pay for their “work”.

        But I feel, when we get to “Tax” on compensation that is far above “work” , you’re not “work” ing for it.
        You’re not earning it. You may be brilliant, lucky, in the right place at the right time, privileged, may have a business that streams lots of revenue, fortunate, lots of things, but you’re not “work” ing for the 500,000 or million or 5 million bucks a year you’re receiving. Then, all the rich folks making that kind of money start rigging the system solely to protect their own positions, while spewing plenty of b*llsh*t to the contrary…

        I’m surely not saying taxes should be high, but when a well off person complains “oh I had to pay 40% on my $ 500,000, while my office administrator only had to pay 20% on his $60k, I honestly don’t find myself going “boo hoo” for the rich guy. God giveth and God taketh away, so to speak, if we happen to be one of the lucky ones, we shouldn’t be complaining. Too much mixing philosophy and virtues with business I know and surely I will do everything I can legally do to avoid paying any tax I don’t have to pay.

        The area that’s far too grey and unfair seems to be the “upper middle class” getting saddled with too large a share of the taxes and related burdens of the society, as opposed to the rich. That the entire system obviously is favoring the absconding of trillions by the elite whilst also protecting them every step of the way, not good, we all know this and we also know its nothing new throughout history. Its a disgrace and serious concern though that this has gotten MUCH worse in the past ten years, the worst of capitalism and govt has truly manifested in America.

        Especially AFTER royally screwing and raping the little guy, the rich guy who won has no ethics, doesn’t even care to throw him a bone. Govt steps in with social programs, good!…but only IF that govt could even come close to administering and executing fairly, which they don’t. The favoritism and greed always corrupts the original plan.

        Gary hit it when he says “it’s a matter of opinion that today our government is more evil and corrupt.” The key word being “more”, they all have been throughout history, ours is now so much more corrupt than ten years ago, and sure enough we are clearly seeing the manifestations rising, the decline of the society of our modern day’s Roman Empire is surely happening, with China being the opposing society/economy that is rising.

        On that related note, Chinese, in terms of societal human behavior, do NOT integrate/socialize well with foreigners, the way they think and act is very, very different from westerners, so with more and more millions of them now moving outward to and establishing themselves across the globe, that’s a real challenge, believe me.

        And of course all of this ties in directly to the impact of corporate farming, GMO’s and Nostradamus’ plague predictions because if we consider the…haha, you thought I was serious…

        Cheers, Mario

  • ter April 28, 2014, 10:18 pm

    Comes as news to me that ” in North America,almost all…potatoes, tomatoes…is primarily GMO-based”. Corn and soy, certainly, but I haven’t read a word indicting taters and tomatoes. I can see they’re standardized. Anyone able to enlighten me; to confirm or rebut the statement?

    • EVIL VLAD April 29, 2014, 2:20 am

      no, ter. you should wait until you are in chains, to confirm you are in chains.

  • Jason S April 28, 2014, 6:16 pm

    I did not know about the PED problem in pigs. That is a little scary to me considering there is a close relationship between pigs and humans epidemiologically, especially with influenza strains. We haven’t had an unchecked pandemic in a hundred years. Disease and famine are two very scary scenarios to have to live through.

    It makes me grateful that I live in this country (despite its decline) and at this time. Watching the show Vikings the other day, one of the characters stated (paraphrased) that in his experience, unhappiness is far more common an occurrence than happiness. I have been blessed to have it be the other way around for as long as I have lived. I hope the outcome the author foresees turns out to be folly, but hope is a lousy strategy.

  • squiredanaher April 28, 2014, 2:13 pm

    But Rick!!!! – Look at corporate earnings!!!

    People are eating at restaurants Rick!!!

    Look at auto sales!!!

    Very difficult to escape the corporate matrix these days.

    Hope you read my link about the Rethuglicans waving the white flag on Obamao “care”. Just like clockwork I tell ya…

    How anyone can think, write or speak anything truly positive these days is beyond me and the pharmaceuticals that I have access to…

    • Rick Ackerman April 28, 2014, 4:44 pm

      McMorris Rodgers, the Republican Congresswoman from Washington who said Obamacare will NOT be repealed, has rightfully been drawn and quartered by bloggers, but she deserves worse. She looks more than just a little dumb to quite a few of us for even suggesting that Obamacare can be ‘fixed’. It’s already more complex than the tax code, but without an all-powerful enforcer. This will open the door to endless political judgments concerning whether a healthcare recipient has received his fair share, or whether another benefited from dishonesty. Under the circumstances, I’ll stick with what I wrote here a few weeks ago — i.e., that come November, the only promise voters will want to hear is the promise to repeal the ‘Affordable’ Care Act.

  • Andy Gutterman April 28, 2014, 2:08 pm

    The article loses all credibility with this one sentence:

    “Biblically, the last turn of the wheel had a watery demise via inundation”

    The flood never happened, thus referencing it means the writer engages in magical thinking. Everything else he writes is suspect.

    I don’t doubt the corporate world is trying to take over. I happen to believe that their dominance is going to end soon, when Generation Y takes over from us.

    They have a viewpoint on life that is 180 degrees apart from the rest of us.



    “Everything else he writes is suspect”? In fact, 90% of what he has written concerns the harmful impact of corporate agriculture, a point with which you evidently agree. Concerning the flood, you have no better proof that it didn’t happen than believers have that it did. RA

    • EVIL VLAD April 29, 2014, 2:08 am

      andy, ‘if there is something history has taught us, is that you can kill anybody.’
      –paraphrasing michael corleone, in godfather 2.–

      so, let’s suppose a young crazy ruler, like the one surely in north korea,
      decides to nuke repeatedly, for whatever crazy reason, the north pole….
      wouldn’t that create, a melting flood, a large rising of tides, for the entire world?

      and that’s just 1 potential supposition. even though I think ‘global warming’ is a ussa scam.

  • BDTR April 28, 2014, 12:17 pm

    Interesting how much of our present is occupied with attempting to predict the future. It may be the principle human preoccupation. Find an edge, employ a hedge, place your bets. Round she goes, again and yet again.

    Case in point right here; Rick’s Picks. Arguably a timely Nostradamaclian algorithm par excellence for the market masses. Potentially stuff of legend for 22nd century’s 21st survivors by extension? Rick may merely need to apply Hidden Pivot methodology to turnings of greater scale. Maybe accessorize with some mystically appropriate sequined caped apparel, brooding demeanor, odd hat and clipped recommendations that rhyme.

    Or, maybe not. I don’t ever recall seeing any disclaimer, as with Rick’s, posted at the end of a Nosty quatrain, biblical verse or Mayan glyph. Had there been it might have spared us a portion of our lives a bit less angst, a bit more productivity or meditative reflection on the now, elusive as it is.

    Epidemics and cataclysm always take one of us at a time. It’s a distinction of frequency alone that worries us so. Rest assured, you gonna die, and likely sooner than you prefer or plan on it. None of this matters in the grand scheme beyond what we do in the right-this-minute-now.

    Ignore the man with the levers behind the curtain. What matters is right in front, beside or behind you in the form of your wife, kid, friend, neighbor or preferred animal companion(s). Guaranteed, the rest will pass as just so much nothin’ to have been worried about.

    Every bit of what we need is within us at every second. Sometimes we just need to turn the rest of it off and quietly contemplate the awesomeness of simply being.

    Here comes the sun.


    For the record, neither my friend nor I view Nostradamian prophesy as a betting proposition. There are, so to speak, a dozen asteroids headed Earth’s way that are unlikely to miss. RA

    • EVIL VLAD April 28, 2014, 10:01 pm

      I found this week’s article (along with intro by ackerman) the most thought-provoking one in some time. and the main thing that struck me, is the degree of control that the upper 1%’ers already have (and their plan to maximize, even that) over the ENTIRE creation and/or destruction of food, courtesy of controlled microbiology.

      so, the premise of either of these 2 occuring–
      1. of the elite’s eventual 100% control over every bite each one eats,
      2. and/or eventual famine,
      both looks very possible and very real, and not just in the ussa, but for the whole world.

      so, the metaphor of the ‘4 horsemen,’ appears more of the PRESENT time, than ever before.

      because, I don’t particularly care about nostradamus, nor what the bible says; yet,
      when daily worldwide events unfold continuously, that step by step prepare the setup,
      for this type of wholesale ancient prediction to come true, then, I take it more seriously.

      however, one thing that struck me in the writer’s discussion above on the ‘4 horseman,’
      is that he did not dwell further on the 1 horseman that I think will start it all— war.

      because, that is, the only thing that is REALLY happening RIGHT NOW.
      in ukraine. and it escalates further, every day.
      as ukraine is already in a civil war.
      and putin continues to incite as much as possible, to expand this civil war.

      because putin wants to fight.
      he has shown evidence of this repeatedly over last few months.

      because putin wants more that just (all of) the ukraine.
      for he has a master plan, long with his partner, china.

      I continue to believe that what is occuring RIGHT NOW in ukraine is the start of WW3,
      via the creation of the ‘russia/china/&most of world’ consortium, vs. just the ussa.
      and this war will be a war of money, food, energy, with intermittent THREATS
      of nuclear holocaust; however, the real war, will be control of money and resources.

      and it’s starting RIGHT NOW. in the ukraine. because for putin, this is just the start.

      last week, a ukraine helicopter was shot down by a grenade.

      and this past weekend, a group peaceful european observers (led by the germans),
      were not allowed to observe, and were actually temporarily arrested by pro-russians,
      in an embarrasing public show of force to europeans (they are already released, unharmed).

      and now, just today, the pro-ukraine mayor of 1 of the largest eastern ukraine cities,
      was shot IN THE BACK, and is now in surgery, fighting for his life
      (no specifics of the incident have been released yet, only that it was in the back).

      meanwhile, the ussa stockmarket continues to ignore it totally.

      • BDTR April 29, 2014, 3:31 pm

        Careful what you’re willing to accept as authentic reporting, EV. The USSA propaganda machine is calling in all of its obligatory media chits to paint the CFR global aggression as justified NATO response to a Putin conceived strategy of Russian land grabs.

        The problem is what the western press refuses to report regarding the $5b USSA spent destabilizing and CIA engineering of the Ukrainian coup as well as hand-picking an interim government pliable to IMF collateralization demands of loans and western corporate inroad acquisitions of Ukrainian agricultural assets.

        Even the mayor shot, a Jewish supporter of the ousted Yanukovich, was unlikely targeted by ethnic Russian separatists. Yet despite what the west implies, there’s no evidence as to who actually shot him. He even has ties to criminal elements of mafia sort in the past, so it’s even possible that, in a strict sense, it’s apolitical violence.

        None of the players in Ukraine are innocents. But the overwrought indignation of western propaganda that Putin is the instigator is laughable. Opportunist? Undoubtedly. But, this is a NATO gambit. Putin took the pawn. Game on.

      • EVIL VLAD April 30, 2014, 3:23 am

        bdtr, you are correct. for all ‘reporting’ is filled with lies, be it one side or the other.

        and not just reporting. but actions. for it is common, for a group, to ‘trigger’ an incident,
        by killing one of it’s own– in order to get allies to finally commit, to their assistance.
        and I think that ukranian leaders are desperate, to bring in eu and ussa in their support.

        but germany ain’t doing jack, IMO, and they lead all of europe. yet maybe, the brits will.

        for didn’t brits come in for poland, in ww2? as brits got this ‘fair play’ syndrome, deep.
        I mean, ghandi could never have pulled his passive resistance bull twaddle, except with brits.
        since any other controlling country, would have whacked him, right from the start.


        Vlad, you’re the only guy who doesn’t get to use the word ‘shit’ in here occasionally. If you flout this rule, I’ll delete your entire post rather than trouble myself to edit it, as I’ve done this time. Nothing makes my night like coming home late and finding six items from you on the queue. RA

    • BDTR April 29, 2014, 2:03 pm

      Of course you’re correct on the near future probabilities regarding space rocks, Rick. As a fan of Velikovsky I’m only too respectful of the evidence supporting calamitous events visited upon this orb by similar encounters, even in the not so distant past. Flash frozen Mammoths extracted in Siberia with still green foliage stuck in their teeth and undigested grasses in their bellies is a barometer of just how quickly our environment can radically change to the inhospitable.

      The point that I was trying to make regards our spiritual grounding in the very real face of inauspicious calamity. It usually visits us selectively, particularly at this time of year, from the sky in the form of atmospheric instability. We tend to think of it as something quite local, but the dynamic reality is something more cosmic. An area of neglected, even occulted, science that features intimate, permeating geomagnetic-electrical relationships between astronomical bodies. Tesla’s suppressed technology exploits this area of physics. But, that’s nearly as disregarded as the notion of Nosty having something of valid insight. Entirely our loss.

      So, like your implied asteroid probabilities, Rick, we like to keep our calculations in the realm of what’s acceptably manageable by authority. Even if that means officially burying public consciousness of reality. We just can’t handle the truth, they like to imply, as justification for an existence explained in profusion of lies.

      What we can’t quite conceive of just yet is how deceived

  • Neil April 28, 2014, 8:37 am

    Take out the reference to Nostradamus and the Biblical apocalypse followed by 1000 years of peace, and your friend is spot-on.
    The elites’ goal has always been complete control of the rest of humanity. Anyone who hasn’t seen Aaron Russo’s “America: From Freedom to Fascism” should watch it, on YouTube.
    Also, watch this 12-minute segment of an interview of Russo. It explains a lot.

    • Rick Ackerman April 28, 2014, 3:30 pm

      Aaron Russo was a Rick’s Picks subscriber and a friend. The video you’ve recommended has been linked here several times in the past, but it never gets old.

  • Sigmund Fraud April 28, 2014, 8:11 am

    God gave Noah the rainbow sign; no more water, the fire next time.


    Speaking of which, if you’re interested in driving yet one more well-deserved stake through the heart of Freudianism, you’re welcome to submit a guest commentary. RA

    • Chuck April 28, 2014, 6:26 pm

      so just what is it about Freud that you disagree with…..Is a cigar just a cigar? The Oedipus Complex not believable?? Please enlighten us……


      C’mon, Chuck. Just Google ‘debunking Freud’ and you’ll find a zillion words of enlightened commentary. Psychiatrists’ ‘cure rate’ has to be even lower than neurologists’. RA

      • John Jay April 28, 2014, 9:10 pm


        “Psychiatrists’ ‘cure rate’ has to be even lower than neurologists’. RA”

        Witch Doctors have a higher ‘cure rate’ than Psychiatrists!

        As far as Corporate Farming creating problems, whatever wrongs they foster, they are totally eclipsed by the fact that the world population is 7 billion humans and growing.

        Eventually the Human Colony on Petri Dish Earth will reach the outer wall of that petri dish, and running out of sustenance, and overwhelmed by their own waste, the predictable thing will occur.
        Die off until a lower population level is attained.
        Quite predictable, and inevitable as well.
        Biology is always a process, and that process always has a beginning and an end.

        However, Big Ag might speed things along, so we will stay tuned and wait for the next episode!

      • Chuck April 29, 2014, 12:41 am

        I separate psychology from psychiatry… is talk therapy and one is based on medicine…..big difference. Even still, 1/3 get better, 1/3 get worse and 1/3 stay the same.


        The difference was implied when you mentioned Freud. Psychiatrists are MDs, as you know, and have undergone Freudian analysis themselves. RA

      • EVIL VLAD April 29, 2014, 3:21 am

        chuck, I disagree with you. I think psychiatrists are much worse, than psychologists.
        why? for I consider psychiatrists, to be ‘legalized’ (very expensive) drug peddlers.
        but it’s ‘medicine,’ you say, they peddle? I disagree. since they are just drug ‘pushers.’

      • Chuck April 29, 2014, 3:54 pm

        no Vlad, I prefer Psychology over Psychiatry.

      • EVIL VLAD May 2, 2014, 2:03 am

        freud was no fraud. and I assure you, that none of you, including ackerman,
        will achieve, in his lifetime, even a fraction, of what freud achieved, in his time.

        yet, for a long time, disagreeing with freud, was profane. and that, was a mistake.
        for freud is flawed, but not–a fraud. so, mockery of freud now, as ‘fraud,’ is, for idiots.

        in similar way, that disagreeing with other trailblazer, ‘ayn rand’ (alisa rosenbaum),
        on secondary matters (as I do), does not deny, the free perfection, of her primary axioms.
        axioms about individualism; as your RIGHT to be YOU, no matter how evil you are. ha.
        (so I betcha she’d have preferred direct evil putin, over hypocrite obama, any day).

        so, do not besmirch giants, without proof. but, do stand on shoulders of intellectual giants,
        if you have guts, to try prove them wrong. so come on, ‘sigmund fraud,’ and host ackerman,
        try prove them wrong. for I will tear you both apart. I dare you, both. I double dare you.

        for freud was no fraud. even though he did [have sexual relations], on occasion, his wife’s sister. haha.
        plus that constant ‘cigar is just a cigar’ smoking, was sort of, ‘orally’ suspicious. ha.

        and, as to the individualism philosopher rand, do try to ‘defraud’ her, too.
        but, only leibowitz, on this site, would be such a fool, to even try.