Ukraine Shmookraine, Says Wall Street

Let me repeat this: The crisis in Ukraine isn’t even a blip on Wall Street’s radar. What does Morgan Stanley’s trading desk care if Putin annexes all of Ukraine?  The crisis is just an annoyance, as far as U.S. hedge funds and portfolio managers are concerned, and most Americans — i.e., Jerry Springer idiots who can’t even name America’s first three Presidents or locate Tennessee on a map — simply don’t care.  Even if there were something the U.S. or Europe could do about it, does anyone actually think Obama — or Merkel — would try?  For his part, Putin probably thinks, and not without good reason, that he could annex Germany at this point without a shot being fired.  Gold bugs seem to be hoping that civil war in Ukraine will drive bullion quotes higher. Get real!  The last time the sociopaths, paper-shufflers and bunko men of the investment world even pretended to care about geopolitical news was in 1968, when Russia invaded Czechoslovakia.  These days, Wall Street is bound to shrug off any crisis short of nuclear war, then return to its sordid business-as-usual as soon as the story drops off the front page.