Rick’s Picks Weekend Edition

Bank Pay Outrageous, But Is That Recovery?

Assuming Americans still have the capacity for outrage, they should be rioting in the streets following last week’s reports that nine big banks paid out $33 billion in bonuses in 2008. The Wall Street Journal put this travesty in perspective, noting that the bonuses were a third larger than California’s budget deficit. “Six of the nine banks paid out more in bonuses than they received in profit,’ the Journal reported, and “one in every 270 employees at the banks – [a total of 5,000 employees] –received more than $1 million.”…

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Bear Rally Looks Eager to Recharge

The S&P 500 Index played footsies with the 1000 barrier yesterday, but bears looking eagerly for a major top shouldn’t rely too heavily on the stopping power of this benchmark. One reason is that Dow 10,000, a marquee number with greater importance, is still 700 points away. We should also mention that at yesterday’s closing price of 9286, the Indoos lay almost 200 points shy of a 9476 target that we flagged a while back as a minimum rally objective. There is also Goldman Sachs, a favorite bellwether of ours that we’ve been…

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Are You Ready for the Gold Rush?

Last week, I explained why junior and exploration gold-mining stocks will be spectacular investments in the impending 21st Century gold rush. I will discuss specific stocks in the weeks ahead, but first let’s talk about how to accumulate them.  Because juniors are quite different from other stocks, the best approach to building a portfolio is to stick with a game plan formulated in advance.  For starters, you should look for stocks of companies that hold the most resources or have the greatest potential relative to their market capitalization. There are some companies that have a $10 million capitalization, with good results and the…

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Options Shrink Risk in Silver Wheaton

Because our immediate outlook for silver turned very bullish recently, we took steps yesterday to protect profits in a key precious-metals stock that we hold, Silver Wheaton (SLW).  It was four months ago, in early April, that we advised subscribers to stake out a small position, buying four September 10 calls for 0.69 with the stock trading around $8. Silver Wheaton subsequently moved sharply higher and is currently trading for around $10.24. The call options rose in value commensurately and were quoted yesterday at…

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Cramer and Abby Help Drive Bull Frenzy

Cramer says commercial real estate has bottomed, and Abby Joseph Cohen evidently thinks we’re in a new bull market. The uncharitable thought, “Idiots!” springs to mind, but neither of these celebrated commentators lacks for brains, as we well know. Abby is simply following a how-to-succeed script that she wrote years ago and which has made her rich and powerful, to wit:  Remain outrageously bullish no matter what the economy is doing, and sooner or later investors will embrace your every utterance as though it were the Sermon on the Mount. She was out-of-fashion and nowhere to be seen in the late stages…

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