Two Possibilities Bulls Have Yet to Discount

We’ve always believed that the stock market’s ups and downs are driven not by anything so mundane as news events or the economy, but by the same mysterious cyclical forces that govern the physical universe. Nevertheless, two rapidly evolving news stories threaten to abruptly reverse Wall Street’s heedless bear rally, which recently entered its seventh month.

The first story concerns the impending collapse of the Obama presidency. Although he ran a very impressive campaign, Mr. Obama appears hell-bent on committing political suicide.  The President is clearly obsessed with radically revamping the country’s health care system. But his relentless efforts to do so have turned many voters against him,


 including some who supported his election bid. Most recently, a Republican congressman drew heat by calling Mr. Obama a liar during a health care address to the nation. However, it bears mentioning that there are some in his own party, most notably U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, who have said the same thing, more or less, but more tactfully – i.e., that Mr. Obama’s numbers are not to be believed or trusted.

Russia No Ally

The other developing story is the looming showdown with Iran, which last week said it will not be persuaded to give up a uranium enrichment program that’s making the rest of the world extremely nervous.  Mr. Obama had stated during the campaign that the U.S. and its allies would not stand by idly as Iran developed nuclear weapons. However, it is now clear that Russia, an absolutely crucial ally in any sanctions that might have been used against Iran, will not lift a finger if the mullahs continue to churn out weapons-grade uranium. Last week, Russia’s foreign minister asserted that Iran’s nuclear program posed no threat to the rest of the world, echoing thoughts believed only by America’s enemies or those so completely blinded by their hatred of Israel that they perceive Ahmadinejad and the mullahs as the good guys.

Concerning Mr. Obama political future, if failure seemed merely imaginable a few months ago, it looks likely now.  He has staked his political credibility on a health care plan that looks nearly certain to go down in flames. Even worse, he keeps trying to ram this legislative sausage down the throats of tens of millions of Americans who have grown increasingly skeptical with each new public relations push. If successful politics means knowing when to hold ‘em and when to fold ‘em, Mr. Obama has pushed all his chips into the pot with nothing but a low pair. When his health care sausage turns putrid, he’ll have no political capital left to push through the most ambitious and costly political agenda in the nation’s history.

A Rudderless U.S.

At best, the U.S. would then be without a rudder; at worst, in a rapidly deteriorating economy, there could be political and social chaos. Even then we could probably find a way to limp to the next election. But the situation involving Iran will not long abide Mr. Obama’s stall tactics.  The only credible threat the President can use against Iran in the meantime is the assumed willingness of Israel to launch a pre-emptive strike. There was a time not long ago when no one would have thought Israel capable of attacking Iran without direct help from the U.S.  Now the U.S. is saying it may not be able to hold Israel back.

This seems like more than a mere shift in rhetoric. In any event, if there is a blow-up with Iran, or if Obama is about to become a lame-duck president in the midst of severe economic decline, it bodes ill for Wall Street. We doubt that many investors are ready for the change, which could come without warning.

(If you’d like to have Rick’s Picks commentary delivered free each day to your e-mail box, click here.)

  • Dave September 19, 2009, 2:28 pm

    You can moan all you want about the big banks, the oil companies, the pharmas, etc. but remember, this is America. We always get the government we deserve. If you want change then get involved in the process and quit complaining. When was the last time you attended a political meeting or campain speech even on the local level? Yeah, that’s what I thought. You don’t have a clue who you’re voting for. So who’se fault is that?

  • zippythepinhead September 19, 2009, 2:41 am

    The moneychangers alas live in the same world as us and I don’t believe have a vested interest in a nuclear Iran. Sell their mother for a dollar….let’s talk. Isreal takes action (precedent 81) Russia does nothing in exchange for BHO’s dropping of missle defense shield. BHO buys more time tries in vain for one last push on healthcare, goes down in flames but a bigger opportunity will come his way as bank nationalization plops in his lap! 2010 tidal wave shift, 2012 one and done.

  • cameroni September 17, 2009, 2:12 am

    It looks to me that the Obama plan is designed to offset declines in domestic consumption by substituting massive health care spending in the guise of bills passed into law. Government spending (all borrowed out of thin air of course) might then be the key to the full eventual devaluation of the greenback and help bring on the hyperinflationary event so many now suspect must come. If the people won’t borrow into oblivion then the government can and will.

    We can’t pay existing debt and we can’t see a way out of future obligations. Making it all worse and collapsing the dollar might just be the new final solution. I wonder if the guys behind the curtain have not misjudged Americans by offering the carrot of universal health reform in the hopes that an aging population would seize on it and leave lawmakers no choice but to pass a bill that will certainly bankrupt the nation (sooner rather than later). If Obama’s health reform is rejected though there will be a war instead to stimulate declining domestic productivity and losses in the critical manufacturing sector. One way or another, there will be plenty of spending ahead.

  • marxbites September 16, 2009, 3:58 am

    Brian said:

    WOWEEEE! Most of the comments link the Prez to a wild radical doing socialist programs.

    Listen America. If health care is not reformed to a one payer public plan, the “health bubble” will make the financial crisis a picnic. Get over it. Raise taxes for the services you want to pay for it. Simple. As well get over the fact that the banksters and Wall Street have taken over government as all you free-loaders and free market types have wanted ever since Reagan. America is not a democracy, it is a republic and France has had three of em. USA is about to have a second republic after the mess left to the Prez to clean up.

    I say: Brian, you need to study some REAL history and economics. NEITHER party has been free market since before the RRs got their ICC, the banksters their FED, Ag & Pharma their FDA, the networks and radio their FCC, and on and on and on. This was the result of the mega-corps who indeed did all try to dominate their fields, but alas monopolies in a FREE market never last. There is ALWAYS a cartelist willing to undercut the others he agreed to fix prices with. There are always newer entrants with the latest technology to beat them, especially the ones that were subsidized by govt, ie James Hills RR that he financed himself vs the plethora of bloated and mismanaged RR’s that rightfully went under.

    For the past hundred + years, those not taken in by Dem vs Rep smokescreens of division – power’s tried and true best number – have understood that Rothschild backed Rockefeller & Morgan have pretty much called the shots from behind the scenes with their emplaced agents in govt doing their bidding. Zbigniew Brzezinski & Rockefeller’s TriLateral Commission tapped, groomed and emplaced Carter no less than they have Obama, who later lied he was close to Zbig, who was then refuted by Zbig himself of CFR member Charlie Roses show. Power loves the dark horses and untouchable “heros” like “republican” IKE and will even repaint them. Ike, a lifelong Dem was run by Rockefeller as a Rep. Party just doesn’t matter that much – there are the Rockefeller Reps and Morgan Dems, banking TWO largest competititors that got together and price fixed themselves up with the FED their agents met in secret to cook up w/Sen Aldrich, married into the Rockefeller family.

    Go here and see what comes up – try Rockefeller, see where all the connections lead and who’s “in bed” with whom.

    Also, if you want to get the education we have all been purposely denied where govt is concerned, may I suggest the webs MOST trafficked economics/history website extant – a favorite of freedom lovers all over the world, with 7TBs of FREE online publishing of books incl OOP, videos and mp3 lectures all free for the downloading. The Mises Institute is comprised of many dozens of scholars many of which with best selling books, like Tom Woods “Meltdown”.

    Dont feel bad, it took me over 50yrs to finally pull back the wizards curtain with 100’s of hours study at

    Get your feet wet with these and once at check out the whole site and sign up for the daily article, the last two Rothbard and Childs essays are must reads if you want to understand the power elite:

    Why did America get into World War I?

    Peace in the Middle East: Empire, Oil, and the Reshaping of the Middle East After World War I

    A Century of War

    War and Inflation: The Monetary Process and Implications

    The Song that Is Irresistible: How the State Leads People to Their Own Destruction

    Six Months that Changed the World

    The Creature from Jekyll Island a Second Look at the Federal Reserve by Ed Griffin

    Wall Street, Banks, and American Foreign Policy

    Big Business and the Rise of American Statism

  • mike September 15, 2009, 7:49 pm

    Andy said, “What I’m hearing from in opposition to change is what I hear from Republicans who want us to return to a world that does not exist, if it ever did.”

    Maybe it did exist and was hijacked by corporate interests.

    Three decades ago business got the ability for tax writeoffs of employee health care, which directly created the situation of employees tied to employers for health care. The fact is, this did not previously exist. The simple fix is to allow every taxpayer to write off medical premiums and medical costs. Let millions of us compete on price, instead of a few people in business’s HR departments signing big deals.

    We are dying from obesity largely caused by high fructose corn syrup. The simple fix is to tell the sugar families to shut up and take off the tariffs on sugar import so we can buy cane sugar at the world market price instead of finding substitutes such as HFCS.

    Why would it be illegal for me to buy shoes or a belt or a cap in Canada and bring it back to the USA? Drug device manufacturers and pill pushers have laws in place making it illegal for re-importation of drugs from Canada. USA pays $20/pill and Canadians pay $2/pill for the identical pill due to this tariff. The simple fix is to tell the drug pushers we will allow re-importation.

    Three simple changes to tax law and tariffs.

  • Chris T. September 15, 2009, 3:50 pm

    To James Watt: I recommend you take a look at the following website:

    That is a lawyer’s commentary on HR3200, who took the trouble to ACTUALLY read this 1000page monster. After you refute him, then you can call the protesters “frothing”. But please don’t base this just on what you seem to hear in the mainstream news soundbites.

    To Rich:
    “Iran may be their wedge into the Middle East, Africa and India” From a US perspective, yes, but looked at from an objective perspecitve, one could say, that they are no more trying to gain, what we long ago gained. Do we have a greater right than they to this toe-hold/wedge, as you would seem to imply?

    Finally to flesh out my comments posted above, here is a quote from a recent WSJ opinion piece:

    “In sum, the conclusion among Israelis is that the Obama administration won’t lift a finger to stop Iran, much less will the “international community.” So Israel has pursued a different strategy, in effect ***seeking to goad the U.S. ***into stopping, or at least delaying, an Israeli attack by imposing stiff sanctions and perhaps even launching military strikes of its own.”

    The title of this piece is “Obama Is Pushing Israel Toward War” Of course he is doing no such thing, unless one allows for only one single policy, strategy and resolution to this issue, which again implies that only one position is the right one for all involved to hold, never mind, that every actor may have very different objectives, and that these may not all and always converge.

  • Rich September 15, 2009, 2:10 pm

    It helps to play Risk or chess like Persians who invented it and Arabs who adopted it:
    If Israel attacks Iran with EMPs, hardened electronic Gog Russian and Magog Chinese armaments may make Georgia last year look like child’s play, turning Israel into a parking lot for Chinese Iranian Russian war machines.
    Russians have little love for the Jews.
    Iran is as advanced over Iraq as USA over Africa.
    Not only have China and Russia armed Iran and signed strategic defense treaties, in China’s case for energy, Iran can close the Hormuz Strait in minutes, blocking 20% of the world’s energy supply and creating $300 oil overnight.
    If American attack fleets hovering around Hormuz come in as escorts, that may invite more Chinese, Israeli, Iranian and Russian missiles and subs into crowded waters.
    No more Mr Nice Chinamen or RasPutin after 35% tariffs and Soviet collapse.
    Iran may be their wedge into the Middle East, Africa and India.
    Not a pretty picture for nightly news or 0, who claims to have missed the real million man march.
    Thanks to technology transfer by previous Presidents, and repeated invasions of the Middle East using EMPs or missiles to shut down Hussein’s Air Force, USA predators may no longer enjoy strategic superiority there. (If ever they did with asymmetric guerilla warfare, as King George learned with rue vs GW, France and Poland over two centuries ago, and we found in Korea and Vietnam.
    Afghanistan, Africa, Iraq, N Korea and Pakistan were the drain on 1000 military bases of American Empire Afghanistan was for the Soviets and Britain and the Germans and Arabs were for the Roman Republic turned Empire.
    (Does Alaska go to Russia, the West Coast to China, Florida and Texas to Latin America, the Northern States to Canada and the East Coast to the EuroRussians?)
    Israel suffered several military misadventures in Lebanon and Gaza, with another one waiting to happen in Iran. It is no longer Baghdad 1984. The neoCons lost the American Empire. After three years of predicted attack on lran, all that’s really left for socialist democracies may be the cold oil war wailing and gnashing of teeth…

  • AJ September 15, 2009, 5:47 am

    Mean spirited or not, we, as a nation, are broke.

  • James Watt September 15, 2009, 2:57 am

    I can’t quite believe the frothing at the mouth rhetoric coming from some of our neighbours to the south,when all that is happening, from what I hear President Obama saying is that every American will have what every congressman, senator, soldier and civil servant already has, namely a publicly funded health care system. Fighting to preserve a system that impoverishes the citizen who has the misfortune to be ill or injured and who pays for his elected official’s health care, seems to me to be mean spirited beyond belief.

  • mark September 15, 2009, 2:24 am

    i’ve got news for you folks. whether you or i like it or not, Obama only needs a few things to happen in order to coast to re-election. (1)the stock market to do o.k. (2) the job market to improve slightly (3) the economy not get any worse.
    i do not generally vote based upon the above principles, but i believe the average american does.

  • Chris T. September 15, 2009, 2:21 am

    “Now the U.S. is saying it may not be able to hold Israel back.”

    The US has many interests in common with Israel, but they are not the same. Israel has said as much, that its interests are not that of the US, and that it will do what is necessary.
    This statement points out the major flaw in US foreign policy, by overlooking that a shared interested in some areas does not equate to the same interest.

    We are again in the boat of a Great Power being led to action against its will, by a small entity, such as the Great Powers were forced by side shows in WWI, and Britain allowed another’s actions (Poland;s) to dictate its policy response because fo the guarantee.

    Does anyone believe that if, AGAINST our will, Israel attacks Iran, and devastating it will not doubt, there will be no repercussions for us, and we can just look on, like in a Burundi-Rwanda spat?
    Fat chance, this will drag us into something we do not want, if for no other reason, than that we DO NOT control events in that case. This is folly.

    If it indeed is true what you state, then it shows that even one of our closest allies should not have been allowed unfettered access to our most vital weapons systems, as indirectly it can now come back to haunt us.

    In truth, I do not believe that the statement is fully accurate, it should better be rephrased as:
    “Now the U.S. is saying it is not willing to do that what it would take to hold Israel back.”

    What could that be? Direct military engagements between our forces (air, etc) to prevent the attack. A full scale, country wide bombardement of Israel unless it desists. An utter and drastic, irrevocable cut-off of all US aid, financially, militarily, diplomatically, etc. A threat to use even the most drastic of US long-range weaponry agains Israel unless it decists.
    No way would Israel defy US wishes/commands if only it believed any of that credible threats, which of course they would not, and the threats would not be either.

    The long and short of it is though, that a Great Power such as the US must ALWAYS in ALL circumstances be master of its action and destiny, and it is this which you point out we have let slip away. Not allowing that to slip ouf of one’s grasp is the primary object of a correct (foreign) policy, and we have failed here for long.

    No good for anyone involved, not the US, not Israel, and of course not Iran, will come of this, but if any fire erupts, 100,000 of innocents if not 10x that, will be killed.

  • billwilson September 15, 2009, 1:09 am

    So, then, running the deficit up to $2 trillion is “steady-as-she-goes” policy? RA

    It was basically baked in the cake by Bush. Without reversing Paulson’s efforts and letting Citi and BofA fail the bank bailouts were set.

    The recession was caused by Bush policies (primarily) with a ton of help from Greenspan (who had a very close relationship with Bush).

    So add up the sources of the deficit:
    1. Structural caused by Bush tax cuts
    2. Iraq War
    3. Bank bailouts
    4. Recession hit to revenues and increase in expenses (the Bush recession)

    Sadly, there is very little economically that Obama has done that Bush would not also have done.

  • JR September 15, 2009, 12:28 am

    More government intervention, regulation, and giving free healthcare to everyone isn’t going to fix anything. Your ideas about fixing healthcare are as insane as thinking that the only way out for out debt ridden society is to go deeper into debt. Ya, that will fix everything. Government is the cause of our problems in healthcare. In 1965 the U.S. had the best healthcare in the world. The same year that medicare began. The rest is history.

  • Brian September 14, 2009, 10:51 pm

    WOWEEEE! Most of the comments link the Prez to a wild radical doing socialist programs .
    Listen America. If health care is not reformed to a one payer public plan, the “health bubble” will make the financial crisis a picnic. Get over it. Raise taxes for the services you want to pay for it. Simple. As well get over the fact that the banksters and Wall Street have taken over government as all you free-loaders and free market types have wanted ever since Reagan. America is not a democracy, it is a republic and France has had three of em. USA is about to have a second republic after the mess left to the Prez to clean up.

  • Dusty September 14, 2009, 8:45 pm

    Don’t worry. Obama will spend his way out of this crisis. So China, Japan, and Europe might not be buying more U.S. debt. Who needs them when you’ve got the Federal Reserve on your side? Bernanke will buy all the treasuries he can get his hands on. The U.S. will just print more money to solve the problem without having to raise taxes. So there, problem solved. 🙂

    You have to understand that Congress will never pass a bill to help the people unless there is something in it for them. There is so much graft in Congress that they make the mob look like a nunnery. The country is really run by the banks and other major corporations like the drug companies and the oil companies. The banks should have been allowed to fail and the CEO’s thrown into jail for committing fraud. We are talking about a fraud that will likely exceed tens of trillions of dollars! But no bank official was arrested or thrown in prison. That didn’t happen. Instead they are given tax payer’s money (your money), and they dole out billions of dollars for bonuses. That is how the system works. Business as usual.

    It is not Obama’s fault, or George Bush’s fault, but the people pulling the strings of these puppets. America can elect as many presidents as they like, the results will always be the same because the puppet masters remain the same.


  • Aaron September 14, 2009, 6:33 pm

    It appears that Obama has continued the same policies of Bush. He is just trying to go further by grabbing more power for the government through his health care reform. It makes you wonder who the real pushers behind all of these iniatives really are. . .I highly doubt it is our “compassionate” public servants trying to look out for the well-being of the downtrodden.

  • billwilson September 14, 2009, 4:30 pm

    I fear one doth protest too much.

    Obama’s problem is a lack of action, not too much of it.

    His proposed changes to health insurance are minor to the extreme (compared to what every other civilized nation does).

    His proposed changes to financial regulation are again modest at best.

    To the disappointment of many who elected him Obama is turning out to be a “steady as she goes” manager, when what is required is real reform of a system controlled by “big money”.

    Unfortunately the US media loves a “ruckus” over any real debate, so instead of real discussion all you see are a bunch of know nothing Beckites continuously proving how stupid they are (“Don’t touch my Medicare, I don’t want no socialized medicine”).


    So, then, running the deficit up to $2 trillion is “steady-as-she-goes” policy? RA

  • Hank Read September 14, 2009, 3:58 pm

    As a country we have voted for socialism. At least in Europe Socialists call themselves socialists. I wonder how many young people can clearly define capitalism and socialism. Being a republican, I was sickened by the republican congress and president for 8 years. Now I’m apoplectic. We need to teach our kids some history, both current and the past. It is socialist systems that impoverish their people and free markets that provide for them. We haven’t had free markets in this country for some time. Someone once said, “While capitalism is guilty of the unequal distribution of blessings , Socialism provides for the equal distribution of misery”. As Rick indicates, there is a moral hazard brewing for the sins of the government and banking sector… both in bed with each other. Teach your kids.
    Pray for gridlock in 2010.

  • Ryan September 14, 2009, 3:15 pm

    Well said. At this rate, Obama will be a 1 termer… and I think he knows that and is expecting that, thus all of this emergenvy “gotta do it now” reform.

  • Richard Landwirth September 14, 2009, 3:13 pm

    I lived in Israel for 3 years, speak Hebrew well, and am very pro-Israel-Nonetheless, I will tell you that Israel will never attack Iran-Iran could wipe Israel off the map in 5 minutes just with their conventional warheads mounted on their 1000s of extremely accurate missiles-think about it-All the waters delivery and oil refining infrastrucure-the electrical grid–the military and civilian airbases–the firestorms in the major cities-key government buildings etc-Israel is a tiny country—modern missiles have pinpoint accuracy–all would be destroyed in 5 minutes–of course Israel would incinerate Iran–but neither country wants to engage in the war of Gog and Magog…


    Electromagnetic pulse, for one, could turn Iran’s defenses into flea market junk in mere seconds. Is it conceivable that Israel has developed such a weapon? RA

  • Jim September 14, 2009, 3:07 pm

    Thanks for your website information.

  • Mercurious September 14, 2009, 1:52 pm

    It’s not just healthcare no; this from today’s Financial Times–Obama pledges reform on Lehman anniversary:The US president will use this week’s anniversary of Lehman Brothers’ collapse to promise to drive through financial changes in the face of opposition from banks, regulators and Congress.
    Not that the regulation of financial institutions is as unpopular as his healthcare program, but the undertones of ‘driving through’ change despite significant opposition is getting to be a hallmark of OB’s style. He is rapidly acquiring the patina of an authoritarian who brooks no disagreement with his own lofty ideals.
    The more interesting question is why has he developed such a tin ear in his presidency when it was so adroitly employed close to the ground during his campaign? Perhaps my tinfoil hat is showing, but this has the same faint aroma that I detect in the apparent efforts to drive the dollar into oblivion. Just as such dollar-negative actions bring louder and louder calls for a global currency and the unseating of the dollar, I will be watching to see what alternatives are going to be laid out for consideration when this overhaul dies the ignominious death it deserves. There is dumb, dumber…and so dumb it doesn’t even look plausible anymore.

  • Andy September 14, 2009, 12:58 pm

    It doesn’t occur to you that Obama might just succeed with his healthcare proposals? Especially in light of the very obvious fact that if he fails then healthcare may take the country down, even without the depression energy we are battling now? You may not like everything about his plan, but at least he has one. We do nothing and we ALL pay for that, and the payment is going to be MUCH worse than the cure.

    What I’m hearing from in opposition to change is what I hear from Republicans who want us to return to a world that does not exist, if it ever did. If you peek under the rock that Joe Wilson lives on, you find some really nasty stuff. Very much the same from other Republicans. (I voted Republican through Bush 2, first term, then Democratic from 2004 onwards, when I realized the Republican party was hijacked by the Christian far right)

    Perhaps what we will get is the Depression to end all depressions, one that rebalances everything that is wrong with our society. After all, we are just another cog in Nature, and Nature has a funny way of eventually making it all come together and work, if not to our liking.


  • JR September 14, 2009, 8:28 am

    I agree that Obama is close to self-destruction. The only thing that is holding his presidency together is the media. It’s all smoke, lies, and mirrors and the public is beginning to wake up to it. “It” being the fact that Obama is a far left radical. He won election under the disguise of being a democrat. Now people are going to see the true nature of what he believes and the change he wants to bring. I hope they choke on it.

  • Edward September 14, 2009, 4:33 am

    When George Bush Jr. took office, I recall feeling strongly that he would go down in history much as Herbert Hoover did. And while The Shrub’s Presidency was certainly execrable, it more and more appears as if Barack Obama is the one destined to become this epoch’s great bag holder I can’t say I’m terribly sympathetic to what appears to be Obama’s impending political meltdown, since the self styled change agent has been anything but. In fact, President Obama more resembles his predecessor than I am sure many ever dared to imagine.

    From the unwavering continuation of dreadful Bush era banking bailout policy, to the apparent maintenance (in defiance of his campaign pledge) of one of The Shrub’s most questionable executive practices, namely the copious issuance of signing statements, to Obama’s backtracking on his earlier positions regarding the treatment of terrorists, the great agent of change more and more appears to amount to nothing so much as a whopping breath of stale air.

    My guess is that, statistically speaking, he is stands an excellent chance of being a one term President. And frankly, if the next three years and three months are to resemble his performance in the first nine months of his term, it will be my distinct pleasure to see Obama out of office before he turns fifty.