SPY – S&P (Equity) (Last:129.23)

Stayed tuned for intraday guidance. I detailed plans here earlier to leverage an expected rally to 136.25 by buying the Feb 133/136/139 butterfly spread. (You can access the full strategy by selecting “DIA” in the “All Picks by Issue” pulldown.)  We’ll back away for the moment, however, since recent weakness hinted of an imminent fall. If so, that would allow us to put on the butterfly more easily at attractive prices.  We could also try legging into the position if DIA rallies, shorting the Feb 133/136 vertical bull call spread to start. _____ UPDATE (January 25):  We’ll put this trade on ice for the moment, since it’s just too darned hard to buy bull spreads at bargain prices if stocks only move in one direction day after day, week after week, month after month.