Street’s Talented Crooks Shake Down the Elderly

Stocks performed a fright-mask swoon yesterday as traders collectively demonstrated yet again that one morning’s perfect knowledge does not necessarily a perfect afternoon make.  It was tricky going for all of us, although in retrospect the selloff merely mirrored the flaky, gratuitous rally that occurred earlier in the week. Our own near-term expectations for stocks had been bullish Wednesday night, but that’s not to say we were surprised by yesterday’s quasi-criminal shakedown.  Many widows and pensioners will have crashed on the tarmac, blowing out their portfolios at the lows — which  in the case of the Dow Industrials amounted to a nearly 240-point deficit. A pity so many seniors probably took it in the shorts, since the Indoos recouped fully three-quarters of their losses by day’s end. Those who hung on for dear life are bound to feel better after yesterday’s adroitly engineered hoax has played out in full with a rally that could take the September E-Mini S&Ps back up to 1298.50 – equivalent to a Dow rally of about 320 points from Thursday’s bottom.  Incidentally, you could learn to calculate these targets (and trade entry-points) yourself – and it’s not nearly as hard as you might imagine.  Click here for details about the upcoming Hidden Pivot webinar on June 29-30.

Speaking of calculations, we can save Goldman some time where predictions for the price of Brent Crude are concerned.  The dastardly firm’s “energy team” evidently was in a tizzy yesterday over the day’s Big Surprise, the release of 60 million barrels of oil from the strategic reserves of a bunch of countries. Whoever authorized this global distibution of swag, presumably to launch the U.S. dollar into the doomed trajectory of a bottle rocket, must have thought that crude oil was in danger of not falling by itself.  They needn’t have worried, since we’ve had Texas crude falling to at least $85 since early May, when the futures ostensibly looked like they were getting second wind for a thrust above $100. At yesterday’s lows, the July NYMEX contract still had about $6 to fall. As for Brent, look for the August 2011 contract to ease to exactly $102.95 before DaBoyz flip the switch.  The futures settled yesterday at 107.26, up from a $105.80 low, and although they ended the day on a weak upswing, we’d consider a rally to 111.46 a gift to bears wanting to short into strength.  A stop-loss as tight as 30 cents can be used to initiate the trade.


(If you’d like to have Rick’s Picks commentary delivered free each day to your e-mail box, click here.)

  • Rich June 24, 2011, 8:44 pm

    Just Tweeted :
    bot SPX puts and tightened trailing stop losses…

  • roger erickson June 24, 2011, 7:34 pm

    What’s Lily Tomlin say? “No matter how cynical you become, it’s never enough to keep up. ”

    et tu Congress? inevitable? Congress, staffers & insider trading

    The corruption runs so deep now it is on the surface. Have you seen the stuff on Justice Thomas?

    It would no longer surprise me if “Justice” Thomas was an longtime employee of Madoff.

    Anyone can be one of Da Boyz, if they’re crooked enough.

  • John Jay June 24, 2011, 7:23 pm

    Right now we are interfering in so many countries I can’t keep track. We are conducting joint military exercises with Vietnam, and China is warning us to back off. We are making noise about re-arming the Phillipines. We are still screwing around with Central America, still feuding with Chavez. I would love to sit in on the daily CIA briefing, it must be 50 pages thick everyday, how do they orchestrate that much lunacy?
    No wonder we are broke.

    • Lj June 26, 2011, 10:12 am

      “The Dollar is a mess, but if we can throw a monkey wrench into the Euro, and if Fukushima keeps spreading a dead zone in Japan, we may be able to buy some time for TPTB to work out what to do about China/India. I doubt they have any benevolent intentions for anyone but themselves.”

      Yes… sounds like a good distillation of what the “white shoe boys” (who let 9-11 go down, to get their excuse to invade Iraq) vampire squids/economic hit men/”criminal selloff engineers”/”fomenting”/”give us $700 billion, or we blow up the stock market!” crowd have in mind for the near-term/long term.

  • Marc Authier June 24, 2011, 4:16 pm

    They should send the curriculum vitae to Goldman Sachs or the White House. Perfect scum material for investment bankster or menber of ‘Con’-gress.

  • Rich June 24, 2011, 10:01 am

    Find myself agreeing with you Rick,
    re the Battle for Investment Survival,
    at least 1298 SPX and a Black Swan Debt Default.
    Seems House Majority Eric Cantor R-VA saw 0 and raised him with a Balanced Budget Amendment vote on 25 July 2012. Symbolic, like the OCare repeal that never passed the D Senate, if not the War Powers Act.
    The R’s caved so many times, the real surprise would be not raising the debt ceiling and showing Bernanke, Geithner and 0 the door.
    Still looking for that flight from Treasuries into Equities, Energy (ECA) and PMs (PAL).
    A default just might do it and level the playing field between Wall and Main Street…

    • John Jay June 24, 2011, 2:22 pm

      I think the plan is to create chaos in the Middle East and North Africa to help crash the Euro Zone and the Euro. All of a sudden, massive oil reserves are popping up all over the USA, and our biggest crude oil supplier is Canada, not OPEC. I think we are in up to our necks in all the “Color Revolutions”. The Dollar is a mess, but if we can throw a monkey wrench into the Euro, and if Fukushima keeps spreading a dead zone in Japan, we may be able to buy some time for TPTB to work out what to do about China/India. I doubt they have any benevolent intentions for anyone but themselves. I can’t verify this, but I read that everyone on the planet that is worth 30 million dollars or more would fit in the Rose Bowl, 103,000 people in total. That is not a lot of people to keep happy if you are willing to sow death, destruction, and poverty around the globe.

    • Rich June 24, 2011, 5:59 pm

      Might as well add Ron Paul’s US Gold Reserve Audit legislation to the list of symbolic votes designed to leverage an R majority in the Senate and White House in 2012.
      Meanwhile JJ, seems we have both been listening to LW on AJ.
      Makes sense.
      Would not count America out until they can’t fuel aircraft carrier attack groups…

  • SD1 June 24, 2011, 1:38 am

    The HFT programmers among the various banks certainly have things finely tuned, don’t they? Almost like they planned it. Oh …. wait! They DID plan it.

    • mario cavolo June 24, 2011, 4:19 pm

      this is the point at the center of my rant a few days back… these market gyrations are nothing more than speculative momentum swings generated by automatic HFT machines…its like putting high speed robots at every slot machine in Vegas and milking the system up down up down up down…what a beautiful game! In fact, as an example, last night I exited my SPY puts at a nice profit at the bottom near 1260’s and said to myself “ok smart guy, don’t just exit, immediately reverse and go long we’re not breaking down here, the machines and other speculators will kick in and bounce it back up” ….bingo. Well of course I’m oversimplifying a bit and know just enough as a trader to be a danger to myself…:)