Soros Throws in the Towel

Ah, what a day!  Even George Soros has decided to throw in the towel, so difficult has it become to find a winner one can stick with and still satisfy the regulators. The $25 billion that Soros had working in the markets returned just 2.5% last year and has lost 6% so far this year.  Judging from the numbers, it’s probably safe to say that he’s been underweighted in bullion. Very underweighted. But why?  Does he perhaps know something that Rick’s Picks readers do not?  Hard to say just what that would be, since the fundamentals that have been pushing gold higher were cemented in place when the Federal Reserve System was created in 1913.  Soros doesn’t strike us as the kind of guy who would be unmindful of the dollar’s 95% depreciation since then – especially since some of his biggest scores have been leveraged bets against various currencies. And what easier bet could there be than to pile up ingots against the day when the most endangered currency of them all receives its coup de grace?

We don’t imagine he would have been socking it all away in real estate. Even a fool can see not only that real estate prices, both commercial and residential, are being propped up by government bailouts, Fed sleight-of-hand and malfeasant accounting, but that they still have a long way to fall. Not the kind of thing that would interest someone as savvy as Soros. Anyway, we don’t envy him the task of managing all of his billions privately, since one false move could wipe out 20% of his net worth overnight. Imagine the stresses of having to keep jockeying huge sums of cash around when it’s an absolute given that only the bold contrarian will win in the end.  Not that we wish Soros success, given his well-documented hatred for America.  As far as we’re concerned, if he is bankrupted by the violent economic swings that seem all but ordained over the next few years, it would be an act of grace — not to mention, the best news that Rupert Murdoch and Glenn Beck will have heard in a while.

Chinese Armada

Soros’ bombshell was not yesterday’s big headline, though, nor was the scary news that Dunkin Brands’ IPO was up 50% (!!) in its first day of trading. Scarier still was China’s reassurance that its first aircraft carrier would be used only for “research, experiments and training.”  You can bet that when the Mandarin Armada someday steams up to the Gate of Gibraltar, China will promise Europe that they’re only going to put the tip in.  All of these news items were secondary, however, to Speaker Boehner’s urgent scurrying around. We wish him well, but it must unnerving for him to see that “don’t pass” bets are starting to emerge on the debt-limit title bout. Is it possible that Congress will produce no sausage at all and that the U.S. will actually go into default?  This still seems extremely unlikely to us, although we’re not so sure it’s the 100-to-1 bet we’d have offered just a few short weeks ago. Oddsmaking aside, if America’s credit rating were to fall, it would not merely raise borrowing costs for all of us, as the mainstream press would have it. Rather, it will be the shock that sends the stock market and the economy plummeting to depths that will make the 1929 Crash and the Great Depression look like a surrey ride in the park.


(If you’d like to have Rick’s Picks commentary delivered free each day to your e-mail box, click here.)

  • mario cavolo July 29, 2011, 2:33 am

    I’m just going to enjoy today’s extra feisty forum!

  • Jill July 29, 2011, 12:43 am

    Chris, the military industrial complex has contributed more to Congressional and presidential campaign finances than grannies have. So they’ll get what they purchased by financing campaigns. Our government is run on a strict ROI model, regardless of the political party involved. Voters get thrown under the bus every time.

    • mario cavolo July 29, 2011, 2:41 am

      Its a strange strange inexplicable conflict. It is almost impossible to suggest that voters have much at all to do with the mockery of leadership and governance our country has become, yet somehow voters go out and vote. And heaven forbid a person admits publicly they don’t vote!…you receive triple doses of soul-damning Jewish and Catholic guilt for being an unpatriotic bad American citizen. So its ok to be a self-serving politician, a greedy banker, a leader that completely ignore of the people, by the people, for the people and screw the country and be a good American citizen that other good American citizens vote for. Mmm…

      I know a very rich guy here who invited me to dinner, it was a 2500rmb per head fund-raising dinner for Obama!

      I said to him “Excuse me, I am middle class. You are filthy rich and Obama is filthy rich. Why would I , who is relatively speaking, toiling financially, give any of my money to rich people!!??”

    • fallingman July 29, 2011, 2:18 pm

      Yeah, what they said.

      Voters be very very stupid.

  • Chris T. July 28, 2011, 11:54 pm

    William wrote:
    “It would be great to see the fat begin to be trimmed off. Perhaps a couple of useless agencies with Cabinet designation would disappear.
    We could probably get by on 20,ooo of the TSA’s 64,000 personnel! They would just have to work faster and not grope as much!”

    Yes that would be nice, but won’t happen.

    Instead, they always purposefully hit those things first, that people actually like about the government, the few things they may be.
    The intent is to inflict as much suffering on the general populace as possible, to provoke a backlash at the ones that “caused” the shut-down.
    Surely, the annointed one will then tell his flock that it really pains him to do this, but the evil Republicans are to blame for that.
    What things to be shuttered?
    Just look at the last time around:
    Yellowstone, Smithsonian, and so on.

    But things that the people don’t need or want (in fact, not as per propaganda or as per the NYTimes), but that the state itself loves, its repression-and-control infrastructure, will never be touched.

    Just think how much better we would be off without the TSA, or with a furloughed IRS, or with the DEA put on hiatus.
    Does anyone really think that the DEA does ANYTHING good for the general man (or woman)?

    Just to put in a bone for Martin Snell:
    Your favorite could keep a few hundred billion in the kitty, just by bringing the boys home, from Afpak and the other places.

    Instead he will leave them, and take it from the grannies or as above.

  • Ledbedder July 28, 2011, 9:33 pm

    Bulletin to Martin Snell: Glenn is no longer actively on the FOX News channel.

  • nonplused July 28, 2011, 8:21 pm

    Another day closer to the debt ceiling and the stock market is holding.

    • gary leibowitz July 28, 2011, 9:05 pm

      Holding you say? What happened to the rally? This double/triple bounce reminds me of a classic head and shoulder pattern. Rare when it does happen.

      Absolutely sure nothing is announced till high noon.

      I expect the 2 combatants to stand in the hot sun for weeks until one drops from exhaustion.

  • dennis July 28, 2011, 8:01 pm

    P.S. it took me about 10 seconds to find this from All are referenced on the website by links to the actual statements:

    “He’s (Beck)earned more (outrageously) False ratings than any other (commnetator)…

    He’s earned them for his claim that union president Andy Stern was the most frequent White House visitor; that less than 10 percent of Obama’s cabinet has private sector experience; that Mitt Romney’s health care plan was bankrupting the state of Massachusetts; that 45 percent of doctors said they would quit if health care reform passes; and that the United States is the only nation with birthright citizenship.

    We define Pants on Fire as a statement that is ridiculously false. Beck earned one for his claim that John Holdren, director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, “has proposed forcing abortions and putting sterilants in the drinking water to control population.”

    Beck also earned a Pants on Fire for his claim that the health care reform bill provided health insurance for dogs.

    Today, Beck earned his third for comments he made about the Restoring Honor rally. He claimed that the government was trying to close the Lincoln Memorial for similar rallies in the future, implying that the government was trying to silence his political speech. We found no evidence to support that. Pants on Fire.”

    • gary leibowitz July 28, 2011, 11:10 pm

      This is just a few examples of Glenn Becks’ outrageous behavior.

      “The Fox news commentator Glenn Beck may have thought he had an easy target in the controversial financier George Soros – but he didn’t reckon with Jews who care about Holocaust remembrance and don’t take kindly to reckless charges being thrown into the political maelstrom.

      “It’s totally over the top,” said Anti-Defamation League director Abraham Foxman about Beck’s latest outburst.

      What Beck said: Soros, a child in Hungary who survived by living with a non-Jewish family, “used to go around with this anti-Semite and deliver papers to the Jews and confiscate their property and then ship them off. And George Soros was part of it. He would help confiscate the stuff. It was frightening. Here’s a Jewish boy helping send the Jews to the death camps. And I am certainly not saying that George Soros enjoyed that, even had a choice. I mean, he’s 14 years old. He was surviving. So I’m not making a judgment. That’s between him and God. As a 14-year-old boy, I don’t know what you would do. I don’t know what you would do. But you would think that there would be some remorse as an 80-year-old man or a 40-year-old man or a 20-year-old man, when it was all over, you would do some soul searching and say, ‘What did I do? What did I do?’”

      Glenn Beck Mocks Japanese Glenn Beck Mocks Radiation ‘Overreaction’ , Blames It On George Soros Propaganda
      This reminds me of Bill O’Reilly telling his audience during the presidential campaign “I’m not going to tell you who to vote for, but I’m not voting for Obama”.

      How low can you get? Is this really entertainment/news or a 1984 prophecy come true? Scary that so many people actually believe this stuff.


      Abraham Fox? He never met a controversy that he couldn’t dodge. I’ll stick with Glenn Beck’s take on Soros. RA

    • Rick Ackerman July 28, 2011, 11:50 pm

      We believe what we choose to believe, Dennis. My belief — call it a hunch, if you prefer — is that Beck could convincingly rebut or explain away every item you’ve listed above (assuming he said these all of those things to begin with — and let’s not overlook context). And, isn’t Romney’s healthcare plan actually bankrupting MA? And those doctors threatening to quit: I’d have thought the percentage had already climbed higher than that without Obamacare.

    • Jill July 29, 2011, 12:15 am

      Dennis, here is what strict ideologies are like. And why ideological arguments don’t ever go anywhere.

      Whether economic or political, ideology tends to be somewhat like a religion. Ideology is a central and all-important belief system, around which one’s identity and everything else in one’s life is made to revolve. Facts, being less important, can always be denied, altered, ignored, re-interpreted etc. if necessary, in order to fit them into the ideology.

      Your ideology makes you a good person and makes you right and certain about everything, without your having to think about separate facts or situations. It gives you another ideological group to hate and to blame as the evil cause of all ills. It gives you a feeling of instant connection to people who share your own ideology. It makes your life a lot simpler in this way. That’s why if you have one, you will likely never give it up, your whole life long.

    • Larry D July 29, 2011, 2:22 am

      Say, Jill…

      are Nihilists ideologues?

    • fallingman July 30, 2011, 4:56 pm


      Gee, maybe you need to articulate this whole ideology rant again. I’m not sure a dozen times has been enough.

      Reminds me of the time, back in my dorm room, decades ago, when the guy living below me was playing the Procul Harum single “Conquistador” on his stereo at peak volume.

      He fell asleep and it played maybe 50 times on auto repeat. I may be sitting in a nursing home drooling some day in the not too distant future, but I will still remember ever nuance of that song.

      “Conquistador your stallion stands in need of company…”

      A new theme would be…refreshing.

  • dennis July 28, 2011, 7:23 pm

    “Meanwhile, I’m still waiting for you to document a single misstatement made on Fox. You could start with Beck, who usually gives at least two sources for every fact he presents. If you can falsify even a single statement Beck has made about Soros, I will give you a free one-year subscription to all services provided by Rick’s Picks.”

    Well, the problem is those sources are usually form one of Fox News’ other holdings. And here is a real challenge: I happen to hate what much of the U.S. has done, especially with respect to its illegal wars and interventions, many of which have involved successfully overthrown democraticlaly elected governments in central America — and for that matter throughout the world. So I’ll pay the subscription price to Ricks Picks to anyone who can disprove any of the statements than Noam Chomsky has made in amy of his many writtem accounts of such.

  • jazzmaniac July 28, 2011, 6:41 pm

    Rick, you are so predictable – not a contrarian at all. I said to myself even before I opened your latest salvo, he will not be able to resist a gratuitous swipe at Soros. And so it is.

    • Rick Ackerman July 28, 2011, 11:42 pm

      Give yourself credit where credit is due, Jazz. It is your particular genius to be so far ahead of us conventional thinkers that we will always seem more or less predictable to you.

      Concerning Soros, what I, a Jew, find most despicable about him is that he is a self-hating Jew who has used his vast resources to try to destroy — not merely damage — Israel. As for my “gratuitous” swipe at Soros, perhaps you can help Mr. Snell (see above) turn up even one tiny error of fact in Glenn Beck’s expose of the man. If Beck is right about any of it, there can be no question about whether Soros really does hate America.

  • james July 28, 2011, 6:22 pm

    You chide people when they make comments that are not supported, but provide none when you say Soros hates America and it is well documented. I’ve never seen anything that suggests that he hates America. You can no doubt provide comments that you interpret as hate, but that is just your perception. That doesn’t mean Soros hates America.

    • Radek July 28, 2011, 7:45 pm

      I’m going to have to support James on this one.

      My filter-less rant:
      This is just my interpretation of Soros’ actions/comments, but – it almost seems as if Soros is trying to take down the ‘evil’ parts of America, while profiting from that destruction. And while he’s doing that, he’s telling us all “You weak, ignorant idiots…i’m doing what’s best for you in the long run. Since no one else has the balls to step up, I’m going to do this for you (or at least try), and reward myself handsomely for my efforts. You’ll thank me later”.

      I don’t think he hates America…just its greedy government and banking system.

  • Paulie July 28, 2011, 6:15 pm

    Well, I hope China only puts the tip in…the problem is, after they put the tip in, (by then), will they be crying for more in Europe and elsewhere…? Welcome to the new normal…and an end of an age. Something tells me the Chinese hegemon will be different from that of the US. Hope the world is ready for it. Loved the blog, Rick.

  • Rick Ackerman July 28, 2011, 5:12 pm

    Posted by Rick in behalf of David Smith:

    Rick, the verbal body blows to George Soros in your column today were artfully and skillfully delivered…so enjoyable to read!

    This for a man who has admitted, in words to the effect, that he enjoys trying to bring down governments in his little chess games like some James Bond bad guy. I never understood how someone who grew up under an authoritarian regime could miss all the signals about how central planning is the antithesis of what human nature in normal people strives for – freedom (with some contstraints) to choose.

    I respect him for his trading acumen and how he nailed the Bank of England, as well as for his wisdom in choosing Jim Rogers for a partner…but for little else.

    As for what his ultimate destination/financial fate will be, a friend of mine once remarked, “The wheels of justice grind slowly but they grind fine.”

    • John Jay July 28, 2011, 7:09 pm

      Rick, I believe Soros first honed his trading skills helping to dispose of the siezed property of Hungarian Jews for the Nazis as a boy.
      I think 60 Minutes even interviewed him about it, he said if he didn’t do it someone else would.
      Let me know if you want the links.
      He is not a nice man.

  • fallingman July 28, 2011, 4:24 pm

    CNBS is conducting one of their idiotic polls this morning asking who I would “blame” for the fact that a deal to raise the debt ceiling hasn’t been reached.

    Wait a minute. The government has taken on way too much debt. That much is clear, isn’t it? As a first step, the continual increase in the debt has to be stopped. The debt limit is intended to…uh…limit the amount of debt the Feds take on in our names.

    If the House does nothing, new borrowing is not authorized.

    So, why would I blame the Congress for allowing their debt limit statute do what it was intended to do…limit the debt?

    I wouldn’t and I don’t…not that I expect them to hang tough against the MSM propaganda.

    But supporting the idea that the debt limit law should actually do something to limit the debt subjects one to “blame.” This is all so very Lewis Carroll.

    I want off the bus.

  • Mava July 28, 2011, 3:55 pm

    The secret of George’s success is the same as the secret of Warren Buffet, and that is being in the same bed as the government. Don’t be a fool and trust the pretty stories both disseminate about themselves. It doesn’t take much brain to do well in markets have starting capital “only” a few thousand times of what a regular Joe Sixpack would ever have a chance to have, plus all the private advice about all future laws and policies directly from the government on behalf of your daddy, a congressman.

    And this, Rick, is also the reason for Both stumbling later on. As government folds, so will they.

    Good riddance, as they were not capitalists, they were only there to give a true capitalism a bad name.

    • gary leibowitz July 28, 2011, 8:57 pm

      Do you know how both started out? I think not!

  • Jess July 28, 2011, 3:28 pm

    What a mess with no where to go but down. I use to find it hard to believe some of the doom day speak, but now I have seen the light. We have too many intelligent folk out there not to figure out a solution to a problem, yet look who we have in office. There is an agenda to this all and mostly it is lining their pockets, not that we all don’t want to, but most want to earn it righteously. We are doomed from here, yet one fix I have not understood when it comes to the wealthiest is why would not at least one grab up tons of silver, with the shortage they claim there is, we could see a significant rise in the price. Since no one is doing this, there must be this unwritten code out there, “mafia style” that says don’t do it! I have never understood the underlying issue as to why it would have such a dramatic effect on the whole world as we see it, if silver would shoot up to say like Palladium of $800.00. Oh well I haven’t given up faith I know there is intelligent people yet here in there USA, and they will come at just the right time! Thanks Rick ! I greatly enjoy your reads and the others who fill in from time to time!

    • Dave July 28, 2011, 4:18 pm

      “yet one fix I have not understood when it comes to the wealthiest is why would not at least one grab up tons of silver, with the shortage they claim there is, we could see a significant rise in the price. Since no one is doing this, there must be this unwritten code out there, “mafia style” that says don’t do it! I have never understood the underlying issue as to why it would have such a dramatic effect on the whole world as we see it, if silver would shoot up to say like Palladium of $800.”


  • stolp July 28, 2011, 3:20 pm

    I agree wholeheartedly with BDTR. Not appreciating America’s foreign policy, (Who Would); is not the same as hating America. Eisenhower, by the way, should go down as the most underrated LEADER in the history of this country! He paid back the boys that just didn’t save his ass, but saved the world! Bush / Cheney and the rest paid back Haliburton and Corporate Pimps that don’t give a damn about America, but only their profits as the people of the U.S. sink slowly below the horizon. As Jesse says….”wake me for the revolution”.

    • John Jay July 28, 2011, 7:32 pm

      Eisenhower did not screw around once he decided to take action, regardless of politics.
      He forced our close ally, Great Britain out of Suez.
      He sent the 101st Airborne to desegregate Little Rock.
      He deported millions of illegal aliens in spite of intense pressure from farming interests because he was worried about the effects of laws being ignored and lowered wages for American workers.
      He was opposed by Senators LBJ (of course) of Texas and Pat McCarran of Nevada who favored open borders.
      He put another 101st General in charge of the INS and did that with about 1,000 Border Patrol agents.
      You can argue about his decisions but he was decisive and seemed to interested in the welfare of the average American.
      He also kept the Dulles brothers under control to some extent.
      It shows what a real leader can accomplish if he doesn’t sell out.
      You can google any of the above actions of his for more details, there has been no one like him since.

  • bozzy July 28, 2011, 1:00 pm

    Well, you know I liked this piece a lot.

    Ever since I read Soros’s “New paradigm” I have struggled to understand his genius, and after what is now quite some time, and his ill considered comments on gold, I have given up.

    Regardless of your preferences in the comments Rick puts forward, the touches of wicked schoolboy humour intermingled with the tipsheet approach to the farce of the US debt limit have to make you smile, and that is something bad tempered George, particulalry on a “bad back day” has never been able to do for me.

    • Alchemisteve July 28, 2011, 6:19 pm

      “… only going to put the tip in.” “Wicked schoolboy humour”, indeed! I look forward to such barbs every time …

  • peter aris July 28, 2011, 8:52 am

    why trade gold/silver now? why not wait for fall after debt ceiling fixed-then jump in

    • William July 28, 2011, 2:53 pm

      Who says gold and silver are going to decline if the debt limit is extended? It may be just the opposite…a matter of kicking the can down the road and metals move higher not lower leaving those in waiting in waiting….forever!

      I also dislike the unfortunate use of ‘default’. The govenment will begin shutting down but will not default on its debts and obligations!

      Hey the late great State of Illinois is almost a year late in paying its bills and nobody says they are in default….do they?

      It would be great to see the fat begin to be trimmed off. Perhaps a couple of useless agencies with Cabinet designation would disappear.

      We could probably get by on 20,ooo of the TSA’s 64,000 personnel! They would just have to work faster and not grope as much!


  • Dave July 28, 2011, 8:37 am

    “Is it possible that Congress will produce no sausage at all and that the U.S. will actually go into default? This still seems extremely unlikely to us, although we’re not so sure it’s the 100-to-1 bet we’d have offered just a few short weeks ago”

    • warren July 28, 2011, 4:40 pm

      If not today, tomorrow.

  • John Jay July 28, 2011, 6:45 am

    The sad fact is, the good old USA has no friends at all that I can detect, and it has been that way since Eisenhower handed over power to JFK. (JFK will always be a question mark, was he on the verge of closing down the MIC, the CIA, and the Fed?)
    LBJ….Vietnam, Great Society, end of silver coins, taps SS to mask deficit war spending
    Nixon… Vietnam, end of gold/Bretton Woods, is said to have told the Shah to raise oil prices to pay for weapons purchases.
    Ford……Chevy Chase material
    Carter…..Dept of Energy, Dan Ackroyd material
    Reagan…. deficits don’t matter, tripled national debt, signed first illegal alien amnesty, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Cap Weinberger. Replaces Volcker with Greenspan.
    Bush I….ex CIA, turns them loose on the world, suckers Saddam into invading Kuwait, I think Ross Perots’ run for POTUS helped throw the Bush second term to……
    Clinton…. Mr NAFTA, the first round of “Free Trade” deals that sent millions of jobs and thousands of factories off shore for good. Glass Steagal repealed 1999 sets up MBS for Wall St.
    Bush II….more Free Trade, more open borders, 9/11, Patriot Act, invades Iraq on WMD that never existed, started us the road to trillions down the drain with daisy chain wars and no bid contracts, “This suckers goin down” TARP pimp. Cheney again.
    Obama….goes back on every end the war, open government campaign promise he used to get elected.
    No prosecutions for Wall Street, just more bailouts.
    I lived under all of the above, and, in retrospect, it has indeed been all downhill since Eisenhower.
    Look at the bankrupt, banana republic, police state we have become, that did not happen because any of the above were looking out for you and I.

    • warren July 28, 2011, 4:39 pm

      Eisenhower warned everybody and nobody listened.

    • Jill July 29, 2011, 1:38 am

      Great info, John Jay. I’m copying it and using it elsewhere. I hope that’s OK. You obviously are interested in researching actual facts and are not glued to an ideology where you worship everyone from one party and hate everyone from the other one. Good for you!

  • martin snell July 28, 2011, 4:14 am

    “Not that we wish Soros success, given his well-documented hatred for America. ”

    Rick you sound like the perennially facts challenged Faux News.

    Soros aided the Hungarian transition to capitalism. He aided the Solidarity movement in Poland, Charter 77 in Czechoslovakia, the Ukrainian revolution, and the Georgian Rose revolution. He even tried to help defeat Bush for term 2 (Bush being the ultimate enemy of America if there ever was one – 2 wars all on the credit card, no sacrifice required, in fact let’s have tax cuts to go with them).

    If that is someone who you would call an enemy of America, I shudder to think who you would consider a friend? Glen Beck????

    • BDTR July 28, 2011, 2:17 pm

      Illustrates that maintaining objective analysis and sound judgment is as tricky a business in this age of propaganda as it is in securely placing one’s bets.

      Personally, if I had even a gram of gold for every regrettable belief entertained,…damn! Comforting, in a perverse way, that Rick’s as human as the rest of us.

      Meanwhile, it will be interesting to attempt to track George’s moves on the sidelines. He hasn’t called yet for my advice.

    • Rick Ackerman July 28, 2011, 4:41 pm

      Wow. Why should I be surprised that you’ve actually come to the defense of…Soros? Yegads! Next, I suppose, is a good word for J Street and everything it has been doing for Israel. Meanwhile, I’m still waiting for you to document a single misstatement made on Fox. You could start with Beck, who usually gives at least two sources for every fact he presents. If you can falsify even a single statement Beck has made about Soros, I will give you a free one-year subscription to all services provided by Rick’s Picks.

    • Jill July 28, 2011, 5:13 pm

      Martin, ideologies are like religions. People decide what they believe and don’t ever change it for any reason. I am recently realizing this. So I am now trying to focus my attention on activities that have a good ROI. Arguing ideological issues is not one of those things.

    • Larry D July 28, 2011, 5:17 pm

      Martin – you must be lapping up Soros’ sugary cereal this morning. MoveOn!

      The Chinese government once referred to Soros as a “financial terrorist.” Soros lined his bank vaults on the misery of citizens of emerging nations worldwide with his immensely profitable currency manipulations. He once lamented that much anti-semitic sentiments worldwide can be laid at his doorstep. Then, he pretends to assist in popular revolutions that apparently could not do without his assistance (his motive, most likely to profit from their newly convertible currencies)

      Why anyone gives a pass to a private citizen that subverts foreign nations for fun and profit is a mystery.

    • BDTR July 28, 2011, 7:07 pm

      With all due respect, Larry, our financial system as a whole is and has been a global gang rape of the developing world for decades. Subjective finger pointing at any individual trader as uniquely culpable of exploitation or immorality is as credible as the Chinese government’s pretension to love of social justice and human value.

      Why anyone rational and not suffering heat stroke or hangover would cite Glenn Beck as a credible source for objective analysis of anything, his profusion of tears and babbling psycho rants for emphasis notwithstanding, is arguably a petty mystery.

      No one, trader, investor or private citizen consumer is innocent of ignoring the exploitation of human rights in some dark, third world hell hole for reasons of comfort or profit or both.

      You’d think us all a bit more circumspect and humble in light of the growing dark of cumulative sins.
      John J’s succinct chronology below helps that perspective develop.

    • gary leibowitz July 28, 2011, 7:54 pm

      Seems that the “liberal” philanthropic individuals have been thrown under the bus, while the hate mongering individuals that make their livelihood from it are the ones that are praised.

      Glory be!

    • Larry D July 28, 2011, 9:48 pm

      BTDR – Agreed.

      Soros’ genius, and Madoff’s downfall, was that the former did it to foreigners, and the latter did it to US citizens.


    • Jill July 29, 2011, 12:39 am

      Gary, it doesn’t matter what someone does. In terms of ideology, ingroup virtue is outgroup vice.

      People of my ideology are virtuous no matter what they do, and I am glad to hunt around for the reasons why and how, because the ideology itself is virtuous, so this must be so.

      People of the opposite ideology to mine are evil, no matter what they do, and I will be glad to hunt around to find the reasons how and why this can be so, because their ideology is evil, so this must be so.

  • Other Paul July 28, 2011, 3:49 am


    Thanks for linking to the Sultan Knish’s “New Deal” article on your homepage. The author’s brilliance is his ability to accurately summarize 70 years of US political social engineering in a few paragraphs.

    As you point out in your article, the dollar’s depreciation over the pass century has been a great indicator of its future course.

    I don’t agree that a downgrade in US debt rating will have that much effect, other than keeping lawyers busy rewriting contracts at all levels and areas of society.


    US debt will be still be among the prettiest of a motley crew of investment choices for investors. Where else are investors going to put their “scared” money (and more of it after QE3 starts), especially after money market funds start breaking the buck and municipalities (and some states) “postpone” bond interest payments.

  • Jill July 28, 2011, 3:01 am

    Isn’t gold a small enough market that someone couldn’t just throw 25 bil into it– without their trade moving that whole market when they get in, and when they get out?

    • Robert July 28, 2011, 9:04 pm

      yes, even a few Billion could move the entire Gold market in the short term… and most of the uber rich know that they have few other options. For them it’s either:

      1) Pick the currency that you think is going down last, and hope that enough of your fortune survives that you are still statistically considered among the richest people in the world .


      2) Start buying Gold, and cringe as the price rises and adds even more tremendous stress to global currency valuations.

      Which would you do if you were George Soros? The man is aware that he is villified in the West (possibly rightly so, as he is just another meddler/central planner who focuses more on control than money or wealth), so the fact that he has the power to trigger more currency collapses, but hasn’t, raises the question of Will he? and if so, when… and what would his real motive be for doing so?

      Breaking the bank of England did not seem to stop the UK surveillance state. in fact, it seems that the UK politicians are even MORE paranoid then they were back then.

      Isn’t it funny/ironic to think that he is down almost 3%, and he could be doing better this year if he had bought Treasuries…?