A New Woodstock, but Without Peace, Love & Music

Two weeks of protests on Wall Street have spawned sympathetic demonstrations across the U.S., but it’s too early to say whether a full-fledged political movement with charismatic leadership will emerge.  While demonstrators have noticeably lacked the passion and focus of 1960s campus radicals, we shouldn’t rule out the possibility that today’s somewhat angry crowds will tomorrow make up for their docility with tenacious sticking power. For the time being, though, the objects of their ire are so nebulous that the demonstrators might as well be targeting food additives or the juicing of baseballs to get attention. “The one thing we have in common is that We Are the 99% that will no longer tolerate the greed and corruption of the 1%,” reads the wishy-washy manifesto of, for one, Seattle activists.  Let’s hope, however, that if mere intolerance of greed and corruption eventually turns into anger, as it well may, that the torch mobs will be able to distinguish the scoundrels who run the banking system from all of us small-businessmen

and entrepreneurs whom Mr. Obama would designate as “rich” simply because we have lounge privileges at the nation’s airports. Perhaps the protestors would be surprised to learn that many of the traders and market-watchers who weigh in regularly at the Rick’s Picks forum explicitly agree that greed and corruption have claimed America’s very soul. Far be it from us, however, to discourage activists with the cynical observation, oft voiced in the forum, that things have decayed beyond reform or redemption. To borrow a famous line from the Vietnam era, though, it may be necessary to destroy the village to save it.

When Crowds Disperse…

Whatever strategy evolves on the streets, the protestors have shown admirable restraint so far, having done no worse than tie up Brooklyn Bridge traffic for a few hours on a Saturday afternoon. It took 700 arrests to clear the bridge, but we have a strong feeling that many more thousands of arrests will be made before the protestors trudge home.  The majority of them reportedly are of college age, and it therefore seems likely that they will go all-out to recapture the yearned-for activist spirit of the 1960s that they have only read about or seen lovingly recreated in the movies. If so, the good news is that the so-far shapeless protests have the potential to harness constructive energy that might otherwise be squandered on such bogeymen as “racism” and “homophobia.” The bad news is that, when the crowds finally disperse, in all too many cases it will be to their parents’ homes, there to contemplate employment prospects bleaker than at any time since the Great Depression. This is undoubtedly a significant contributor to their malaise, although the true state of the economy may be even grimmer than they might imagine, assuming they get their economic news from the likes of John Stewart and Rolling Stone magazine.

Our prediction is that the protests, far from fizzling out in a few days, weeks or even months, will attract bigger and bigger crowds from an inexhaustble army of online recruits, replacements and budding young revolutionaries.  A new Woodstock beckons, but we adults shouldn’t be surprised if peace, love and music do not emerge thematically to temper their behavior. To the contrary, because of the very serious problems that an intractable recession has imposed on their young lives, there is every likelihood that the protests will turn ugly.


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  • Roger October 8, 2011, 5:30 pm

    The only thing which concerns me about the “Wall Street ” protest is the “Party-Like” atmosphere. I dont see REAL anger ,frustration and pain.
    Personally I believe they dont truly see the DEPTH, SERIOUSNESS and POTENTIAL Destruciton coming and mainly because we are “spoiled” and deep inside MOST don’t believe the CORRUPTION and POWER structure is REAL.
    They WILL eventually, but right now they dont!

  • Bc October 4, 2011, 7:35 am

    A credit freeze up like in 08 starts right about now. The FED is shooting blanks this time so we will have a tax revenue collapse at all levels. States will push the pain down to the cities. The cities will pull services including police and fire. Unemployment will explode. There will be no credit, only cash. Not everyone will have cash. It will get ugly then and it will be too late for protests. It will be hard times in America.

  • martin schnell October 4, 2011, 1:34 am

    That would be “Jon” Stewart (not John) and of course Rolling Stone has Matt Taibbi, one of the most “willing to knock the banks” journalists out there.

    Sp if anyone is getting their news from Jon and Matt you can be assured that they are well informed and well aware of the mess we are in.

  • Farmer Tom October 4, 2011, 12:56 am

    …..and then there are days I wonder. What really is coming? We all know that mass unemployment can lead to riots and civil unrest and even breakdowns in our social order. But to revolution? Lets all hope not. What I am wondering today though is what real significance that massive double top in the S&P 500 might truly signify for the future and what might trigger a massive correction to the bottom. That is when I question if stocks are such a good bet after all. Maybe the gold camp got it right all along. You have all seen the double top I refer too. Here it is again.


  • Chris T. October 4, 2011, 12:08 am

    “it’s those cell phones, I betcha, faster than paul revere’s tired old nag.”

    Well, lets see how long it will take our masters to Tahrir Square the cell phone transmitters

  • NATIONAL 'Occupy Wall St.' WILDFIRE October 3, 2011, 11:24 pm

    large cities organizing, like psychic electric wildfire.

    btw, the main one,
    “occupy washington, d.c.”, is to begin this week, oct. 6.

    good ol’ usa is burning fast, like streaming lighter fluid for the bbq.

    it’s those cell phones, I betcha, faster than paul revere’s tired old nag.

    And it is possible, that this will not bode well for stockmarket averages.

    Everything happens so fast now, not like the good ol’ days, before bell’s telephone.

  • Jill October 3, 2011, 10:06 pm

    “most, if not all, that ails us today, is caused by “”progressive” thought.”

    Right. Everything was just great when W was in office.

    OK, so Taibbi disagrees with Ron Paul, and you like Paul. But at least give Taibbi some credit where credit is due. He does better investigative reporting than 99% of the so-called journalists out there.

    • Chris T. October 4, 2011, 12:02 am

      “Everything was just great when W was in office.”

      Says who? Hardly me, please find a single post of mine that so much as insinuated that.

      Your timeframe is WAY too short.
      I am talking about progressivism back to its origins, when the corrput seed was planted.

      This was actually during TR’s presidency, and much of what he stood for was grandly embraced by Bush.
      TR was our first imperialist.
      Internally, Wilson neatly followed in his footsteps, and so on.

      The much maligned Harding was prob. the last to not go in for that so much, as did some of the Republican party of the 20s. But certainly by Hoover;s term, that was gone, just look at his policy.

      Economically the Hoover-FDR tandem played out just about like the Bush/Paulson – Obama/Geithner tandem.

      “…at least give Taibbi some credit where credit is due. He does better investigative reporting than 99% of the so-called journalists out there.”

      With standards so low, that really isn’t saying much:
      Mom, I got a “D”, but everyone else got an “F”!

      Ron Paul was only mentioned by illustration, as you can see above.

      Me liking Ron Paul, and by inference, not Matt Taibbi because of a disagreement, is hardly the reason for putting little stock into his articles.

      I do not know Ron Paul, so how could I know if I liked him? I respect his integrity, agree with the principles he holds to arrive at his positions, so in that sense I “like” his positions.
      That doesn’t mean I always agree with him on everything (for example I do not believe that the purely economical view of the libertarians vs. illegal immigration is OK, even if that might be the in-principle approach).

      The point though was that Taibbi ends up laying blame on certain actors, but thus helps to obscure the actual things at fault. Again, this is just blaming a few stand-outs, which obsures the real perpetrators, who are the ones that have created the system that is the basic enabler.
      And that is where progressism as an ideology comes in:
      It has been used, and was implemented, as a smoke-screen justification to redistribute from the lower middle and middle classes to the very top, all the while pretending to do the opposite.

      FDR is the stand-out example:
      He was no traitor to his class, he did exactly what they wanted of him. Anything they may have had to give up in the open, they received back many-fold not in the open.
      Take one of his best supporters, Bernard Baruch:
      As one of the wealthiest in the US at the time, he did not suffer a bit from anything implemented in the thirties.
      Which is why people like Buffet today say the stuff they do: It will never hurt them, only sounds like it could.

  • jazzmaniac October 3, 2011, 7:41 pm


    Are you referring to the same Rolling Stone that has been the source of Matt Taibi’s trenchant reports on the causes of the current financial crisis? You might, instead, want to give them and their readers credit for being some of the most informed consumers of actual reporting on the reasons for our current condition. Sometimes your condescension marks you as a real troglodyte who is more interested in scoring cheap rhetorical points than illuminating any actual truths.

    • Chris T. October 3, 2011, 8:16 pm

      Being the proud recipient of a Rolling Stone subscription (forgot to uncheck the bundling during a Ticketmaster ticket purchase 🙁 ), I have seen most of Taibbis reports you mention above.
      I write “seen” not read, because it is hard to read a single one fo them to completion.

      Taibbi is great at looking into the direct subject he writes about, and also at the Michael Moorish spin they all seem to have.

      But NOWHERE, in NONE of these articles, does he actually get to the core of the problem.
      This is akin to pinning the blame for the Abu-Ghraib abuses on the low-level perpetrators, not at the system they did their deeds within.

      In fact, whenever he gets a chance, he mocks the actual root cause analysis presented by Ron Paul and others.
      in so doing, he is just another tool of the disinformation campaing, no better than Bill OReilly or his ilk, just from the other side of the coin.

      i assume Rick is also pointing to that fact, and thus his comment is not condescenion at all, and yoru comment about “most informed” becomes nothing other than “very well misinformed”, but worsened by the fact that those readers not BELIEVE themselves to be in the know.

      Just what the power elite wants:
      People who think they are informed and know the solutions, when those are neither the case.
      The only thing worse than ignorance is thinking one is not, when one actually is.

      To really get RS on anything other than pure music commentary, where they are still quite ok, one only has to look at their weekly “the good and bad” timeline.
      What a joke.

      As to their non-musical content, just consider the qonderfully laughable articles of late by Al Gore, or this weeks Australia-doom piece.

      One should not expect anything other than this from RS though, because the are a mouthpiece for “progressivism”, and most, if not all, that ails us today, is caused by “”progressive” thought.
      Just like my comment on ignorance above, the thing that is so catastrophic about this movement, is that its proponents just KNOW they are right, and no amount of pointing out the real problems is able to overcome. They are the converted.

      So, Rick is completely correct, and for from being a cave-dweller.

  • "The Coming Worldwide Bank Run" October 3, 2011, 7:34 pm

    And just you wait, until THIS occurs (ANY day now) :
    “The Coming Worldwide Bank Run”.

    Then, the seething, RAGING, KILLING protests, will REALLY start, WORLDwide.

    Daily lootings, muggings, rapings, killings, of ANYONE perceived (by the hip cel twittering jobless mindless MOB), as “THE RICH”—–and very very similar, to Bastille Day’s aftermath, 1789.


    “The Coming Worldwide Bank Run” (Robert Prechter)

    “The just-published Elliott Wave Theorist shows you why the banking system is still in a crisis, and has a section sub-titled The Coming Worldwide Bank Run.”

    “Learn why Robert Prechter says, “…the elements of a worldwide bank run are firmly in place.”

    “In 2008 there was A credit crisis.”
    “The next five years will bring on THE credit crisis.”
    Elliott Wave Theorist, September 2011

    “…the world economy [is] nearing the point of NO return.”
    Elliott Wave Theorist, June 2011



    Ergo, the entire Human “Race”, totally and completely, down the proverbial, outhouse hole.


    It’s funny, we are all doomed, just idiot-meat, for tweetering kid slaughter.

    One century of UNnaturalistic, “entitledly” socialistic, BULLSH*T altruistic, FRAUDULENT philosophy (taken to the NTH degree), will do just that, each and every, FRIGINN’ time.

    “…what FOOLS these mortals be.” (quoting a 16th century, ever clear-eyed, poetically clever, W.S.)


    Because, for ME, give ME “Rugged INDIVIDUALISM”, every time.

    The basis of the original AMERICA.

    Now gone, FORGOTTEN, forever.

    Gone in the blind miasma of the ever-“entitledly-raised” youth MOB—a modern-day result, of the bred-to-be altruistic, the most pathetic, of all human philosophical eras.


    And just you wait, until these lost jobless WORLDWIDE kids, get a LEADER.

    A Jim Jones type LEADER, or a Reverend Moon type LEADER.

    And just you wait until, just separating “THE RICH” from their possessions, is NOT enough for them.

    Because then, separating them from their “RICH” BODY parts, and only that, will be sufficient “JUSTICE”.

    Just like 1789, all over dejavu again. As “RICH” heads will roll again, I predict.

    Ergo, just you make sure, that you are not “RICH.”

    That is, if you want to live, hey.


    (Funny, isn’t it? BigTime Payback? For Lost Futures?)
    (And BigTime Compulsory-Altrustic Lies, Taught from Birth?)


    It would have been better if you taught them to sharpen their teeth, and nails.

    After all, we are predatory carnivores, by NATURE.

    • BDTR October 3, 2011, 8:48 pm

      …yeah, well,…but, hey, …what if I just can’t wait?

      (Sure hope this isn’t Rick’s alter-ego emerging from cavernous depths.)

  • Chris T. October 3, 2011, 6:48 pm

    Ok, I placed this on a previous articles’s comments, but it also fits in the context of Rick’s article, and many of your comments

    “The Day America Died”:

    Scary and sadly true. Encourage all to read, as it well sums up the present state of affairs, the conclusion PCR comes to is ominmous, but hardly misinformed.

    Through the diversions created by the gov/MSM, channeling discontent into unspecific grievances, prevent’s a targeted response.
    The pitchfork brigade has no real place to march towards.

    Where is the outrage about 9/30? It is not there, hardly anyone understands, and when someone tries to “fill the stadiums”, they are ignored, marginalized, mocked, etc — see the general treatment of Ron Paul by his colleagues and the MSM.

    There is one main difference between National Socialism tryanny, and the one being implemented/existing in America today:
    The NS brand was overtly and proudly errected against democracy. While it never had majority voter approval (40% of the vote in 12/32 was its crest), it obviously gained mass acceptance all while denouncing democray.

    Here, it is being errected not against democracy, but as a silent part of it. This makes it much more difficult for the misinformed to even perceive this, and more likely for mass acceptance to remain (we are safer…).

    Thus we are much worse off, because it is so hard to see, pretending to be part of the “good”.

    I did not include Lenin/Stalin/Mussolini in the above, because in neither country was that system implemented against democracy, but against aristocracy, so not as applicable.

  • Ray Kumar October 3, 2011, 6:44 pm

    Some cut and paste to add color to this discussion..
    From Kunstler’s Clusterfuck Nation blog:


    All last week across the media landscape, in pod, blog, flat-screen, and crunkly old newsprint columns, fatuous professional observers complained that the Occupy Wall Street marchers “have no clear agenda” or “can’t articulate their positions.” What impertinent horseshit. I saw a statement on one OWSer’s sign that said it all:

    $70,000 College Debt
    $12,000 Medical Bills
    I’m 22
    Where’s My Bailout?

    What part of that is unclear to interlocutors of what we called “the establishment” back in the day? That would be the day of the Vietnam War and the Aquarian Upsurge. One difference being that in 1968 we at least had some solidarity in the older generation coming from figures of gravity like Senators Robert Kennedy (bumped off), Eugene McCarthy, J. William Fullbright, George McGovern, Rev Martin Luther King (bumped off), and even one US Attorney General, Ramsey Clark. Today, the entire “establishment” is a clueless, hopeless blob of self-interested, craven opportunism. Even the arty fringe – the people who pretend to be an avant-garde – are nothing but narcissistic self-branding operations masquerading as culture leaders.
    The worst offender this past week was the prating empty vessel Nicholas Kristoff at The New York Times who affected to offer the OWSers his own tidy agenda of nit-picky, arcane tax reforms (e.g “Close the ‘carried interest’ and ‘founders’ stock’ loopholes”) and limp-dick banking regulations (e.g. “[move] ahead with Basel III capital requirements”). David Plotz and his Gen X sidekicks at the Slate Political Podcast were equally mystified. I have some heartier suggestions: bring the full weight of the RICO act and the federal anti-fraud statutes down on Lloyd Blankfein, Jamie Dimon, Brian Moynihan, Angelo Mozilo, and a host of other impudent schmekels still at large in their world of Escalade limos and Gulfstream vistas. Or, if that’s just too difficult, how about a handy lamppost and about 40 feet of stout nylon cord?
    It is cosmically ironic, of course, that the same generation of Boomer-hippies that ran in the streets and marched through the maze of service roads around the Pentagon has become a new “establishment” more obtuse, feckless, greedy and mendacious than the one they battled with over 40 years ago. I guess they just don’t see that their time has come to get right with reality – or get shoved aside and trampled. The essence of the OWSer’s argument is pretty simple: they’ve got a raw deal; somebody dealt them a bad hand; someone ran their society into a ditch and not a goddammed one of the older generation will set in motion the machinery to correct the situation, or even acknowledge it.
    At the apex of this new establishment is the Baby Boomer’s moral trophy president: Barack Obama, whose election made the Boomers feel good about themselves – while they preceded to loot the national treasury’s accumulated capital, and then reach forward a few generations to rob their legacy, too. I haven’t heard Nicholas Kristoff (or any of his colleagues at The New York Times) complain about Mr. Obama’s stupendous inattention to the crimes of Wall Street, or to the dereliction of his proconsuls in the SEC and the Department of Justice. I’d at least send somebody to hold a mirror under Eric Holder’s nostrils to see if he is actually alive.
    For my money, the OWSers have plenty to yell about. Apart from the crimes and turpitudes of their elders, the younger generation hasn’t even been prepared for the massive change in reality that these times are heaving them into. If it was me out there, I’d conclude that I’d better make up the future on my own, with no help from my parent’s generation. In fact, that future is rushing toward all of us so cold, hard, and fresh even in this autumn season that it might splatter the banking establishment – and the global economy – like a bug on a windshield. The OWSers have a front row seat down there in lower Manhattan. The financial gangrene (thank you Zero Hedge) is not just seeping anymore, it’s blowing through the arteries of the money underworld like fracking fluid. The damage can’t be contained. Let the Arabs have spring. The OWSers of America own the fall. Rock on OWSers and don’t let the “pigs” (as we used to call them) get you down.

    • John Jay October 3, 2011, 8:56 pm

      As the Federal government shucks and jives, the statute of limitations runs out on more and more of the Wall Street crimes. Soon all that will be left is good old income tax evasion. There is no statute of limitations on that if there is fraud involved I believe.
      Unless they are dumb enough to try and cover up by destroying evidence, lying to a Federal agent or have conspiracy proved by e mail surveillance or phone taps that may have occured recently. But I doubt there are any plans afoot in DC to prosecute their pals.
      It’s up to Generation X,Y,Z now. More than enough votes there to swing the election if properly motivated organized

    • magus12 October 3, 2011, 9:20 pm

      As a boomer on the cutting edge of the age of the boomer phenomenon, I could not have said it better, Ray Kumar. But if you look closely, it’s not just the young, although what has been done to them is beyond criminal. And when Obama was running, I did hope that the boomer age of presidency was over considering the sheer narcissism of B Clinton and the absolutely unmitigated disaster committed by Bush II for his crony friends and their assorted confeds. But Obama grew up in the age of the full throated swallow of “voodoo economics” and has bought important, lethal parts of it. May those who remember and revere history and the odds-against chances of the American experiment pass on to the disinherited and disenfranchised youth the stability wrought by Glass Steagall, which served this nation so well for 70 years before the onset of the narcissists and Ayn Rand freaks took over. May those with the simple skills of working with their hands be ready to teach the young how to make an honest living which does not depend on ruining one’s neighbors.

  • nonplused October 3, 2011, 6:29 pm

    Notice the MSM is acting like nothing is happening. Nothing. They are still talking about washed up movie stars. To watch CNN, you wouldn’t even know this is happening.

    I’m not so sure what this “Anonymous” group, if it really is one, is all about. They seem really good at riding on the coat tails of the protests, but have no stated goals or intentions other than potential destruction of the status quo. And the mask they use in their missives looks like something a French John Wayne Gacy might have designed. They might even be a CIA Psy-Op as far as I can tell.

    But the one thing this “Anonymous” does highlight is something Rick has alluded to more than once I believe: We know pretty much who the actors are that got us into the crisis, but we won’t know who the actors are going to be that arise as we come out of it. Even the Russian revolution was more about upsetting the old corrupt Tsars, but I bet most of the protestors at that time had no idea they were bargaining for something even worse.

    • John Jay October 3, 2011, 7:07 pm

      You are right, the Occupy Wall Street protests might be a CIA etc. operation. But it would not be the first time they were surprised by blowback from one of their crazy schemes. When was the last time any covert operation our government ran did not blow up in their faces? Fast and Furious, for example? Even all their in the open plans blow up. Look at the housing market, student loans, FDA, ATF, Energy department, SEC, the usual suspects. What matters is, the protests might plant the idea in all the video game playing, football watching young people, that they are being screwed and that they should start making noise about it. The “Higher Education” scam that kept millions of young people out of the job market with the promise of high paying jobs is another scam in the process of blowing up.

  • I_AM October 3, 2011, 5:28 pm

    The irony is that everyone is writing to each other on the internet that the identity of the protesters is yet to be really formed — I’m sure some people on this site have ideas that might actually help. Let’s take max keiser’s advice and use the protests to attack stock prices of the TBTF banks by disclosing risk on balance sheets and SEC filings and whatnot…I’m not very financially literate, but it seems a shame to see such passivity among the educated

  • DC October 3, 2011, 5:27 pm

    So sorry to tell you that it is more likely government will incite violence. They understand how to deal with violence and they also know how to spin the story of angry protesters. Let the public spectacle begin!

    • BDTR October 3, 2011, 7:04 pm

      Yes indeed, DC.

      While there’s a few instances of private rage included, here’s a spectacular list of governmental action for all to remember :


      Note that there’s no distinction between the ideological origin of violence, or its victims. It just goes round again and again like the darkest of human seasons.

      When will we ever learn?

  • DG October 3, 2011, 4:46 pm

    Last week, JPM made the largest contribution ever to NYPD foundation, reported only on blogs and independent news outlets. Can’t find that on Fox News. Fox pro business? Puhleez. They are pro elites. period.

    I don’t know how anyone who watches that video of the penned women being pepper sprayed by Anthony Bologna can’t help but feel police state brutality in the air. Total BS. Kind of amazing that they can be bought so cheap. You paid for that POS’ income and benefits and who does he protect or serve?

    But that is the good news. It wasn’t the local businessmen buying the NYPD. It was the swine on Wall Street, JPM, and that will be become clear to all if they dig just a little.

    Who knows? Maybe 15 PCW will become the bankers equivalent of the police mobile detainment pen?

  • rickj October 3, 2011, 4:31 pm

    The irony is that the super rich may have come to the same conclusion as the hippies of the 70s, regarding the village.

  • John Jay October 3, 2011, 3:59 pm

    It is not much, but it is a start. Every bone headed act of brutality by a thug cop just turns the mob that much more against them. If they are smart, the protesters will document each cop blunder from multiple angles on video and take them to court. Pepper spraying cute, caged females equals a nice settlement to help bankrupt the system and fund a movement for change. By now even the dumbest of the dumb knows their impoverishment is official government policy.
    The unions are getting involved now, it’s about time they woke up. Unions are not the problem, Germany is the size of Montana with only 80 million people, heavily unionized, they are I believe the 5th largest exporter in the world, that’s their governments policy.
    The sense of rage is present, that’s step one. What is needed to get to the next stage, an organized agenda, is a leader with a national organization. They need to fill every football stadium with political rallies on Friday nights, Saturday, and Sundays, instead of with fools painting themselves orange, geeen, etc. to watch childish football games. Then I see some hope to bring justice to the 400 or 1000 elite families that have been looting this country non stop for decades. Rigging elections, the tax code, family trusts, and government policy wasn’t earning wealth, it was theft pure and simple. Let’s see what happens next, it takes time to get a real movement going.

    • Mario cavolo October 3, 2011, 5:27 pm

      Nice John jay… Real nice…

  • Carol October 3, 2011, 3:17 pm
    • Benjamin October 3, 2011, 3:45 pm

      I was just going to post a similar story, Carol. The possibilities are ominous…

      I have to wonder what the consequences are for a military serviceman, genuine or fake, showing up to a protest, in uniform. I’m pretty sure that isn’t allowed. And supposing our assassain-in-cheif finds a large turn-out of military servicemen (real or fake) in uniform to be cause for martial law?

      And who says these protesters even need the protection of the USMC? Besides, aren’t citizens supposed to protect the interior and themselves (militia), and leave the military to respond to foreign threats? Hmm… Sounds to me like these servicemen (or fake plants, as the case may be) are being ordered to show up, to get the mob all confident and bold that the military is their friend. Might they then try to guide these protests to a more violent and thus tyrannical outcome?

      And these kids don’t even stop to think about it. They cheer this arrival through their tweets, blogs, etc. They just don’t see the incredibly dangerous possibilities that just might be unfolding before them.

  • Michael Lewinski October 3, 2011, 3:02 pm

    I was there during the 60’s and now have been active in the Tea Party movement for nearly three years. Glenn Beck has been on the left’s “Days of Rage” campaign since last spring. It is not a good thing that they have planned.

    You are right about our disgust with the croney capitalists and the abandonment of morality by greedy players who have been systematically destroying our economy for a long time. Where are the indictments?

  • Alvaro de Orleans-Borbon October 3, 2011, 2:48 pm

    One of the most important Rick’s Picks.

    He’s pointing our attention to a sudden increase of “social swarm” activity. It may fizzle out, or it may be hijacked by a sudden leader. It pays to be very alert. Unpredictability is the keyword to remember.

    In Europe we had at least two recent unpredictable accidents (a.k.a. historic black swans…):

    – in 1789 a French Revolution (Liberté, Fraternité, Egalité…) celebrated getting rid of a malfunctioning monarchy, etc.: tell me, who could ever guess that within less than a decade they – and the rest of Europe -would be ruled by a ruthless Emperor?

    – around 1900 Germany became, thanks to Otto von Bismarck, the world’s first “welfare state” – tell me, who could guess that years later an Austrian guy would hijack the whole German establishment and cause so much grief to Europe?

    When people become restless, dictators have a chance — and every time they leave you wondering how unpredictably they appeared on the scene.

    This is my worst nightmare in the current European crisis — and the current overall cultural level is probably lower than that of Germany around 1900.

    In Europe today nobody believes a modern Hitler would have a chance – rightly so, the next monster will be very different, and surprise us again.

  • Mario cavolo October 3, 2011, 2:31 pm

    Whether in the East or West It’s great that people get to the point where they feel the need to do “something” such as protest, etc. In response to various kinds of injustices, imbalances, unfairness, victimization, oppression, etc. And sometimes , by the evolution of circumstances far beyond their own control, by destiny, it even leads to some change or improvement. Bravo then to their effort, their decision to try to muster enough
    momentum no matter how misguided or misinformed… That is the unique human spirit on display! Yet, I sadly note the rest of the story as Rick alluded to; the degree to which such concentration of ruling wealth and power has taken over; has isolated itself from the drudgery of daily reality for the rest, while also heartlessly exacerbating such reality to a degree never before known in history… And so I sadly admit I lack expectations of satisfying resolution to the all too well known issues…

    It is each person,s charge to find the spiritual and polar opposite opportunities which are somehow also intertwined in the challenges and losses we face and are too often unfairly subject to…

    Cheers, Mario

  • rico October 3, 2011, 2:09 pm

    The protestor’s big mistake is marching downtown in the concrete canyons. Now if they were to march on bankster mansions in the Hamptons, Westchester or Greenwich then they might actually provoke some action. The action could be calling in the National Guard but that might be what’s needed to open the eyes of the complacent.

  • premilla dixit nag October 3, 2011, 2:03 pm

    Dear Rick,

    As an evolving species, it would be sad indeed if we had become stuck on what was best about us in the 60’s. Whatever we accomplished with the “anger” we expressed then, what we did not accomplish is killing us now. We did not address the runaway nature of corporate power. If you wish to distinguish your community from the corporate monopoly that rules us, please do so as part of the 99%. In all these years, with your privilege and your analysis, was it not plain to see what was happening in Woodstock itself, let alone the criminal wars, torture & prisons, climate change, ecological devastation rich getting richer poor poorer was unconscionable and must be stopped? Well, that time has come now. Mourn the dead, organize for the living. This time of non-violent revolution is time for coevolution; it will go where we take it collectively, with empathy for each other’s humanity, each other’s human needs, and with less patience for our own extraordinary privileges.

    • Willio42 October 3, 2011, 8:36 pm

      Premillia, what you hippies accomplished in the 1960’s was a defunding of the U.S.s’ efforts in southeast Asia; leaving hundreds of thousands of people to die at the hands of the communists ! Which I guess is the goal of the leftists.

    • premilla dixit nag October 4, 2011, 3:46 pm

      Willie you are silly. Just like no Vietnamese army would be welcome on USA soil so no USA army is welcome on any soil. And before we set out to right wrongs anywhere in the world, lets get focused at home first–and not with our military either! But with good sense, solidarity and peace. Hippie? I am not a rich or middle class “white person” who escaped the draft and went looking for a world of love. I grew up in a world of love. Come on Willio!

  • Darren October 3, 2011, 2:02 pm

    It’s hard to see anything good coming out of this explicitly socialist movement. Their demands may be vague in some ways but there’s no mistaking the far left agenda.

    • Carol October 3, 2011, 2:54 pm

      very true these kids don’t even understand what they are supposedly protesting against or for, truly sad.

      watch this to get a glimpse of the total ignorance of the “protesters”


    • magus12 October 3, 2011, 3:39 pm

      Oh well, we can’t take this as seriously as, say, the Tea Party and all its tricorn hats and assorted costumes, funded by the Koch Bros and brought to you by Rupert’s Media Octupus, Inc.

    • Benjamin October 3, 2011, 5:44 pm

      Just finished reading that article and watching the videos, Carol. Alex Jones is batting 1.000; pure, 100%, hard-hitting truth! I just hope he doesn’t yell himself to a massive coronary…

    • SRV October 3, 2011, 7:23 pm

      Darren… you are part of the problem. “Socialist, far left agenda”… careful you may get trouble from Faux News for copyright on their smear campaign!

      Carol (and the other AJ fans)… never had a good feel about him, and his ranting / disinformation on the protests have “sealed the deal for me”… he’s either a plant, or just plain wacko crazy. You are the company you keep!

  • Roger October 3, 2011, 1:37 pm

    This “Speech” by Charlie Chaplin in his movie “The Great Dictator”is so appropriate and a forecast of today and says it all. If the link doesn’t “click” use COPY and
    PASTE in your address box :


  • Steve October 3, 2011, 1:20 pm

    Good Morning All, I’ll be signing off Rick Picks completely and for good. I have enjoyed the conversations. The best to you all as the destruction of the Nation continues

    • Benjamin October 3, 2011, 1:43 pm

      Sorry to see you go, Steve. You’ll be missed…

    • Darren October 3, 2011, 1:56 pm

      Steve, if you’re still around, why are you leaving?

    • Carol October 3, 2011, 2:52 pm


      thank you for your insightful posts, you are truly one of the most awaken people on this site and in the country. I hate to see you go but good luck.

    • Rich October 3, 2011, 8:49 pm

      Why Steve?

  • Benjamin October 3, 2011, 8:52 am

    Two words: Michael Moore…


    Whatever else one might say about this protest, that can’t be a sign of good things to come.

    • Rich October 3, 2011, 7:48 pm

      Agree B.
      When MMoore, Soros, WEB, Wall Street and the Unions agree on something, let us not forget 0 was a student of Saul Alinsky community activism pouring trash on City Hall Steps to get what City Hall wants: more control.
      Here comes the VAT added to and camouflaged as a Fair Tax on the Rich, while bank eugenicist intel corporate monopoly government Plutocrats bankrupt competition to enjoy their foundation and offshore tax shelter depopulation programs…