QQQQ – Nasdaq ETF (Last:54.88)

Near yesterday’s lows, we locked in some bearish puts spreads that carry almost no theoretical risk but which coud produce substantial gains if stocks stay weak into 2012. Specifically, we now hold two January 54-51 puts spreads for a debit of 0.07 and two January 53-50 puts spreads for a debit of 0.03.  Both positions together cost us a total of $20, but they could produce a maximum profit of $1200 if things go our way. Effectively, we have gotten 60-to-1 odds on the QQQs trading 50 or lower by January 20. We’ll do nothing further for now, but I’ll send out an alert if a sharp downdraft in the broad averages should make it advantageous to cash out before expiration. Regarding the Cubes, yesterday’s plunge exceeded a 54.87 midpoint support by a decisive 29 cents, implying that weakness will continue down to at least 52.13, its ‘D’ sibling.  Click here if you’d like to learn more about the Hidden Pivot Method, including how to identify and trade targets such as the ones used above, and to forecast trends with bold confidence.