ESH12 – March E-Mini S&P (Last:1396.00)

March E-Mini S&P (ESH12) price chart with targetsThe pattern shown has k-A and B-C legs that do not resemble each other as much as we might prefer, but it becomes more persuasive when you factor in Tuesday’s hysterical gyrations centered on the 1379.25 midpoint pivot. Its ‘D’ sibling lies at 1419.75, and so I’ll recommend shorting up there via camouflage, Effectively, this will mean shorting at the first downtrending ‘X’ on perhaps the two-  or  three-minute chart. You should start looking for the downturn when the futures hit 1417.25 on the way up.  NOTE: Basis the June contract, D lies at 1412.75 and is tied to a 1372.75 p _______ UPDATE (12:35 p.m. EST):  We got long at 1391.25 (June contract) during this morning’s tutorial session, so I am establishing a tracking position.  Although one person in the room bought five contracts on the entry signal, I had cautiously advised a single-contract trade. Accordingly, and because we are swinging for the fences on this one, I will suggest a trailing stop that effects a 1:3 risk/reward.  Our target is 1412.75 (Daily chart, A=1291.25 on January 30, B=1371.25 on February 29), and so, with the futures currently trading at 1396.00, the trailing stop is 5.75 points. Would you like to learn how we use the ‘camouflage’ trading technique to significantly reduce entry risk? Click here for details.