The Campaign from Hell Is Finally Over!

What a joy it will be to wake up Wednesday knowing that the longest campaign in history is finally over – and with it news coverage that for many of us has become about as interesting and essential as a backed-up toilet. If I didn’t have to stay on top of this stuff in order to write about it knowledgeably, I’d tune it out completely and spend my time immersed in masterpieces of modern fiction that I’ve wanted to revisit since college: The Magic Mountain; In Search of Lost Time; The Snows of Kilimanjaro; How It Is; Tender Is the Night; Pale Fire; The Sound and the Fury. Alas, if I am going to continue to pay the bills, one leg will have to remain at least knee-deep in the tiresome, wretched muck of politics.

At the moment, the top Google headline is a good indication of how desperate the newsmongers are to bring us yet one last gasp of “news” about the election at the eleventh hour:  “Votes of Independents Could Be Key”.  Um, well, yes, I hadn’t thought about that. A fresh angle!  Yeah, about as fresh as a rodent that has curled up and died behind your living room wall.   The news media never tire of telling us things we’ve either heard a hundred times before or that we never needed to hear in the first place.  Such as: Tips for Swimming in Shark Infested Waters.  “Are you ready for the first “do”? nightclub comedian Lenny Bruce used to ask.  “Get out of the water!”  “And here’s tip number two:  Try to ward off the shark with some object.  “Yeah,” quipped Bruce: “Like the stump of the other leg the shark didn’t get.”

Annoying Headlines

For those who have completely had it with campaign coverage, Google has a tool that supposedly allows one to personalize one’s home page in order to eliminate certain news topics altogether. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work as advertised.  Although users can drag and drop whole categories of news into a trash can,  election stories, if no others that have been blocked, just keep on coming. The result is that annoying political headlines are as hard to  suppress as pus from a gangrenous wound.  So, what is the annoying, top-of-the-page headline at this very moment?  This grabber, from CNN International: “Inside the Polls: Voters Evenly Divided on Most Questions”.  Zzzzzzzzzzzz.

Fortunately, one G-News tool that does work is a slide control that can reduce or increase the amount of news one receives from a specific source. The choices are:  “Often,” “Sometimes,” “Rarely,” and “Never”. Thus, if you want to choke off all stories from, say, Salon or The Daily Beast, you simply slide the thingie to “Never” and — presto! – you’ll never have to suffer another word from either of those execrable publications.

My Media Hit-List

Since early summer, when the news media began to vigorously masturbate itself to today’s climax, I have been deleting each and every news source that offended or annoyed me — usually with a bias designed to either boost Obama’s odds or diminish Romney’s. In some cases, I excised a news source because of what it failed to report – i.e., the increasingly scandalous details concerning Benghazi. Others simply got in my face one time too many with the latest, lying, cheating, utterly meaningless poll of, as far as one could tell, village idiots who change their tiny, Jerry Springer-imbibing minds twice a day.  With the election soon to be over and done with, it will be good riddance to them all. For those who are interested, here are the news publications I’ve blacked out: The Christian Science Monitor;; New York Daily News (I’ll miss their terrific headlines, though); People Magazine (not for sucking up to Obama, but for delivering a steady stream of bilge about Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, the Kardashians and other Hollywood excrement.  I’d have provided a video link for readers who don’t know how Kim Kardashian got famous, but this is a family newsletter); The Washington Post; Huffington Post; Businessweek; Time, Newsweek; Los Angeles Times; CBS News; CNN; New York Magazine; Mother Jones; Metro Weekly; ABC News; NewsDay; NPR; The Atlantic;; Detroit Free Press; USA Today; U.S. News & World Report; Associated Press; Reuters; The New York Times; San Jose Mercury News; National Journal; Boston Herald; Philadelphia Inquirer; Chicago Tribune; Chicago Sun-Times; The Guardian; Daily Beast; Latinos Post; The Hill;; Lez Get Real; Washington Times; Forbes.

After the election, I’ll probably reinstate some of them, particularly if they are having to eat crow come Wednesday.  If it is I who am eating crow, then Fitzgerald, Mann, Faulkner, Beckett, Hemingway et al. are about to regain the biggest share of my reading time; them and The Onion — quite possibly, and by default, “America’s Finest News Source”.


[Click here for a free trial subscription to Rick’s Picks that includes access to a 24/7 chat room and the recently launched ‘Harry’s Place’.]

  • RNCforRP November 8, 2012, 7:18 am

    Hi Rick,
    I recall you cheered for McCain last time, with dire warnings. We are muddling along, and we will muddle along for another 4 years.
    Will the GOP wake up and stop expelling liberty lovers? This time it was Ron Paul, and I understand your wife got on board the liberty train. Me too … as a full voting delegate on the floor of the RNC in Tampa. I saw what they did. Liars and cheaters pushed us away. It was obvious they needed our enthusiasm and GOTV to win, so I conclude the ten fat men in the back room who decided the text of the teleprompter didn’t want to win.

    RP Delegate 2012

  • redwilldanaher November 7, 2012, 3:41 pm

    “..leaving room for a centrist Obama (yes compared to many Dems and many GOP Obama is a centrist … always looking for the middle ground … he is definitely not an ideologue of the left) to stay in.”

    – Are you really trying to peddle that?

    That’s Gary level asinine.


    Yes, RWD, the comment by Martin Schnell to which you’ve responded was indeed Gary-level asinine. I have not reprinted his post in full because, as I’ve noted above, things are going to be different around here. For starters, because I’ve had my fill of liberal cant, Martin’s posts will not be published here if they contain anything that even slightly annoys me. Jill will probably already know this, since I’ve deleted a half-dozen of her posts since yesterday.

    I’ve allowed Martin’s post immediately below to stand simply because, in the final sentence, it reveals just how far removed from reality his thinking is. RA

    • martin schnell November 7, 2012, 3:47 pm

      Obama brought in Romneycare. He did not fight for single payer (a more liberal policy).

      Obama extended tax cuts for the rich with little fight. A real lefty would have ended them.

      Obama upped drone attacks and assassination without trial (a more conservative option).

      Obama did not prosecute the wrongs of Wall Street which is unbelievable to the left.

      Basically to those on the left Obama has been a major disappointment (myself included) because he has been far far too centrist.

    • redwilldanaher November 7, 2012, 4:12 pm

      Give him time, he’ll produce another failed Utopia for you before long.

    • DK November 7, 2012, 4:50 pm

      RWD, on it again.

      From here on out, I can officially tell all of my left and neocon right friends they can stuff it when they see the results of where we are headed. For whatever reason, they just cannot read the writing on the wall.

      All of those who deny what the NDAA, HR347, whichever number (lost count) the National Defense Resources Preparedness was, and those yet to come are doing so at their own (potential) peril. It must those “7 Stages of Grief.”

      Race baiting abounds and discourse a plenty, Greece/Spain here we come. It didn’t matter which of these 2 shells (or shills, or puppets) got into the Oval Office.

      No need to say “I told you so,” it was too obvious before and it is even more obvious now.

      As my mom used to say, “you made your bed, now you can sleep in it.” Unfortunately, we are all stuck in it.

    • redwilldanaher November 7, 2012, 4:56 pm

      Yep DK, that is the problem. We are stuck with these fools and every iteration of idiocy that they help to foist upon us…UNLESS we can somehow peacefully leave the farm. We really need to do it and do it quick though.

      • mario cavolo November 7, 2012, 5:11 pm

        Lots of places to go in Asia Wayne…just have to be willing to walk away and start fresh as many have done through history… In the coming years more and more Americans are going to start paying more attention to the fact that heading overseas to be a 20 hour per week English teacher of people who respect teachers, at $1500-$2000/month plus housing is a helluva decent back up plan…

        Cheers, Mario


        Thanks, but no thanks, Mario.

      • redwilldanaher November 7, 2012, 6:39 pm

        I have no problem walking away and starting fresh Mario. I traded on a desk in Germany for 1 year and planned to be there for 5 and would have been had it not been for mismanagement by higher up suits. I had to then come back to the USSA and start fresh all over again then. Recently I was the victim of a 7 figure embezzlement that goes unprosecuted to this day thanks to our wonderful system of justice in this fraud of a country so I’m starting fresh yet again if you will.

        I have no issues with Chinese people at all, it is their evil to the core government that I protest.

        I’d rather clam, fish and hunt here along the SC coast out of necessity than agree to work for evil. I’m stupid that way and always will be it seems…

  • Rick Ackerman November 7, 2012, 8:14 am

    Things are going to be different around here, since, as a result of the election, there is no longer any practical value in my promoting arguments between liberals and conservatives. The politics of Obama has won — by a razor-thin margin, to be sure — and we’ll leave it at that. It’s time to put aside our differences and focus on ways to improve our lives despite the engulfing presence of Big Government, Corporatism, and Corruption that has leached into America’s very soul.

    • John Jay November 7, 2012, 3:30 pm


    • redwilldanaher November 7, 2012, 3:45 pm

      You can’t negotiate with terrorists nor can you reason with fools. They not only figured it out but they in fact have now executed on voting themselves the proverbial free lunch. Here’s how this works, you work for them and send much of your earnings their way and they’ll see to it that it gets spent. If you don’t like that arrangement then join them, many will, thus the spiral to serf hell. One solution remains but 99.9% of people refuse to even consider it. Before this all ends, hundreds of millions will wish they had.

  • John Jay November 6, 2012, 11:57 pm


    Thanks for the tips, more reports for my reconnaissance
    folder. I will need to put a trip to Spain on my travel list.
    Just watching the trends in utility bills here in California, it might reach the point where I will not want to pay a fortune on basic utilities. In a few small towns out here, water bills have hit $500 and $600 a month after that service was privatized! My brother has electric bills for that much in the summer in Connecticut.
    In the future, who knows how high they can go.
    I think about people who retired even 10 years ago and the price increases that have gobbled up their retirement incomes just for utilities, gasoline, etc.
    I have seen it before, back in the 1970s.
    Right after the oil shocks sent gasoline prices parabolic, all of a sudden there were “shortages” in sugar, coffee, etc. Everyone jumped on that bandwagon real fast!
    You can’t relax for a minute anymore!

  • Dave November 6, 2012, 11:49 pm

    After a 4am pastrami and strawberry cheesecake pit stop at Sarge’s Deli on Third Ave and 36th St., now $8.95 for ONE slice, coffee and soda come with refills, with normal subway service I went to vote early. After about an hour wait, I got the scan sheet and it was so easy to fill in the ovals, the Democrats all listed on the left. Thus, voting as most NYC Jews do, ALL DEMOCRAT!

    For those who want to regain health, Mike Adams is having a sale, time to detox!
    Superfoods on sale to provide relief from exhausting political theater

  • ken horn November 6, 2012, 8:50 pm

    Just a quick word on our commander-in-chief. This is directed primarily to the libs, because they have been screened out of the Benghazi facts by the liberal media. When the true facts of this cluster f-ck are aired out, & the American people are finally privy to the lengths this admin went to show that Libya had achieved “normalization status”, then allowing Americans to be slaughtered, & then the 8 week cover-up & media blackout, Obama will finally attain his real position in the pantheon of worst presidents of ALL time. If reelected, you can expect more of the same. We are crippled financially & our friends & enemies alike think we are toothless & laughable.

    • Robert November 7, 2012, 7:31 pm

      They think that because it is true.

      And Japan will be first to experience the consequences of this dynamic when China decides that those stupid, irrelevent Senduku islands are indeed theirs.

      Our President will likely renege on the treaty that “forces” us to come to Japan’s aid, or, we will begin moving ships from Hormuz, and will come to Japan’s aid 20 days later….

      The US election is irrelevent – is ANYONE paying attention to China? Their entire leadership transition plan has been scrapped, and the hard-liners and the military are taking the politburo by internal force…. and anti-Japanese sentiment in China has risen to the point of German animosity toward Jews circa 1939…

  • 1987dejavu November 6, 2012, 8:41 pm

    240pm, edt.
    ra veterans, got to say, I didn’t think romney had a hell’s chance today,
    until I read this on-going poll, in yahoo’s ‘election day control room’.

    (“Based on analysis of Tweets, Facebook updates, and blog posts”)

    holy toledo shhtt.
    lots of ANGRY amerikains.
    look at these results.

    64.3 thousand amerikains voting so far, so it’s a fair sample.

    3% bored
    4% sad
    6% confused
    7% happy
    9% excited
    15% WORRIED
    56% A N G R Y

    holy toledo shhtt.
    romney –might– win.

  • Jacques Redou November 6, 2012, 8:38 pm

    WhereInHell did the Greeks get the idea that
    the Public should have power?

    What would happen if Americans believed such a crazy idea?

  • John Jay November 6, 2012, 8:30 pm

    Thanks a lot for the information, I put it in my “Great Escape” folder. In this folder I have an article by Theodore Dalrymple “The Ugly Brutishness of Modern Britain” with many examples of why you now reside in Spain. How long ago did you flee GB?

    • Buster November 6, 2012, 11:24 pm

      I abandoned ship originally around 35 years ago, but have been back on & off since, just when work, women or other commitments got in the way of my freedom! It’s not so bad a country to live in but now there is way too much bureaucracy for most peoples liking & it’s very expensive!
      The bigger the government gets the more it has to take from everyone, as we know, & this EU is an even bigger beast to add to that. I can’t personally see TPTB letting it break up. I think it’s more likely that they’ll make it bigger than let anyone escape from it.
      This is surely a one way ticket to hell!

  • Rick Ackerman November 6, 2012, 7:51 pm

    Concerning the difference between liberals and conservatives, here are some pointed thoughts that turned up at in a discussion about Thomas Jefferson’s ownership of slaves. The author is one Ted Thomas:

    “The difference between those of us on the ideological Right, and those on the Left is simple:

    “We acknowledge the fundamental self-interest which defines all human behaviour, and embrace an economic system which keeps it in balance. They feed off of, and exploit the success of that system, while indulging in the belief they are morally superior to it.

    “Selfishness is not only a fact of life, it has been the driving force which created the civilization we now enjoy. Hypocrisy is the decadent by product of our success.”

    • VegasBob November 6, 2012, 8:25 pm

      Now you’ve spoiled it for me, Rick. After reading that, I don’t think I can ever vote for a Democrat again.

    • Anthony F November 7, 2012, 12:11 am

      The real hypocrites and cowards are those who do not stand up for their beliefs.
      If anything, history has proven that abusive practices have been in the long run rejected by the human race.

    • redwilldanaher November 7, 2012, 2:28 am

      Jill, given your life experiences, and what you know of history, if you had to bet the farm on someone acting altruistically or selfishly when believing they are unobserved, which way would you bet? I’ve seen enough to know that I really wish I could bet one way but know that I must bet the other. That’s what Rick’s reference above considers and why it’s true.

    • Robert November 7, 2012, 7:23 pm

      ” history has proven that abusive practices have been in the long run rejected by the human race.”

      True- but only at the expense of enormous cost in human life, which leads one to beg the question:

      Is the formation and sustainment of government simply nature’s way of “culling the herd”…. ?

  • Anthony F November 6, 2012, 7:21 pm
  • kass November 6, 2012, 6:33 pm

    For those of you complimenting Carol, the whole thing was lifted from Mike Adams. She gives a link but doesn’t make clear (no doubt inadvertently) that her whole post is his. So when you use it as a guest comment, RA. please attribute correctly.


    Thanks for the heads-up, Kass. I overlooked the link Carol had provided as well, but I’m glad nonetheless to have the opportunity to give Adams’ thoughts greater exposure. RA

  • 1987dejavu November 6, 2012, 6:18 pm

    as usual, you didn’t post several excellent articles I sent you yesterday,
    and I still think, the 2 most crucial, dealt with what is happening in greece, right now.

    and –why– greece has not left the eu—until after usa elections—because obama told merkel NOT to allow it, no matter what, until after he was re-elected (I saved what I wrote and it’s UK source, so if you want it back, I ‘ll repost it).

    and here is something new today, on this matter: massive striking, picketing, and rioting–again–, in greece, over new eu austerity measures, to be voted about yet –again–, in greek parliament, tomorrow.

    greece gets closer and closer, every day, in breaking out of eu, with new rad govt.
    and they ain’t gonna pay the eu even 1 penny back, of all they billions borrowed.
    and they will nationalize banks, large foreign business, etc, with new rad govt.

    only question that is left, is not if they’ll break off or not, but what day they will.

    Click here for full story.

  • John Jay November 6, 2012, 6:10 pm

    It sounds like a good plan B, thank you.
    What town or area do you live in there in Spain?
    And which areas in general are best for US ex-pats?
    And what areas should one avoid, which is equally important.

    • Buster November 6, 2012, 6:44 pm

      Most of the expats are on the Costa Blanca & Costa Del Sol. I’m near a city called Torrevieja, which has a ‘micro climate’ similar to Hawaii, so it’s even better than the rest of the coast most of the time. Winters here are like British spring/summer time in a good year! Summers are hot but the pool’s lovely then, as is the sea. Despite the problems in Spain, the living is easy if you don’t have to work, with Spain being the highest rated country as far as welcoming of expats apart from the bureaucracy, which is best avoided entirely. I don’t know what the Visa regulations are for US citizens off hand, but provided they are simple enough, a US citizen would have no problems here amongst all the other hundreds of thousands of foreigners along the coast. I couldn’t recommend inland though. The weather’s more extreme & not so easy unless you can speak Spanish. There is crime, but I have never experienced any here. It feels a lot safer than the UK, that’s for sure.

    • 1987dejavu November 6, 2012, 8:18 pm

      john jay,
      you seem like an honest earnest oldtimer, a jeffersonian throwback,
      so I will answer you–as jefferson, edison and poe, are to me, 3 best amerikans.

      eu has visa restrictions on all, including amerikains, therefore, that factor–currently still– includes spain.
      (I still think spain will fully break off eu ‘union’, within 1 year.)

      however, this buster brit guy, seems to know, where most –only– english-speakers, are better off, in english-speaking communities. so I concur with his opinion above, as to where you might best land in spain.

      because spain, is one of the most beautiful countries in the world, plus; with excellent seasoned food, old world courtesy and charm, and… damn hot señoritas, dancing wild flamenco, and… (censored) (rick says, this is a ‘family site’).

      Myself, I speak several languages, and I am almost as good in castellano, as in english. and I have travelled many places in world, inlcuding many u.s.a. states.

      and I say ‘castellano’ (so-called ‘spanish’) to stress a point. and point is:
      the upcoming huge vote this late november, in cataluña, is major.
      if top region of 1st-world country spain, secedes, then all hell breaks loose.

      but I tell you what, will be the determining factor: current greece.

      because if greece breaks off eu union by late nov., then, catalans will secede.
      however, if, miracuously, greece does not break off by then, then–no secession.

      and reason I tell you all this is: catalonia is fantastic for you, if they secede.
      because they will open their arms to all foreigners, with pension to spend.
      and visas be damned, if you have valid passport, can prove you have money,
      you will be welcomed, to stay and live, be protected by new nation, cataluña.

      Myself, that is what I am rooting for. because, if they break off, I will return.
      and I will take the trouble, if you are there, to teach you castellano, dude.

  • fallingman November 6, 2012, 5:27 pm

    Rick, you are en fuego today. That’s some funny stuff, and what a rogues gallery of “news” organizations.

    For what it’s worth, here are some of the odd places I can count on to get the real dope:

    1) The Rolling Stone…Matt Taibbi columns. He ain’t perfect, but the dude actually reports what the rest of the media assiduously hides from view, and he’s a rippin’ writer.

    2) Russia Today’s broadcasts. Capital Accounts and Max Keiser. Go figure. Not The Today Show, but RUSSIA Today. Times have changed when the Russian media are who you have to turn to for the truth.

    3) Comedy Central. They may get it wrong as often as they get it right, but at least they don’t put up with obvious BS. They treated Ron Paul with respect and exposed the media blackout.

    What does that tell ya? The mainstream media has been completely captured. It’s just non-stop blather and propaganda.

    Thank you for being another trusted source for honest analysis.

    • redwilldanaher November 6, 2012, 6:08 pm

      Just another thanks to you fallingman, I always enjoy your posts. Captured or OWNED? Splitting hairs I know but I believe that the apparatus (govt.) has been captured while the media is owned. Results are the same either way…

    • Buster November 6, 2012, 6:14 pm

      Yes FM, it’s ironic that Russia today is a far better source of info than just about anywhere else. I think their viewing figures are like 50 times that of other MSM channels, if I remember correctly. I think even Hilary Clinton said something along the lines of themselves losing the media war. Funnily enough, though, it was often scrambled in hotels I’ve stayed in in the UK!
      Would also agree with your other sources.
      ….along with Ricks Picks of course!!

    • fallingman November 6, 2012, 6:26 pm

      I’ll buy that. Owned.

  • ter November 6, 2012, 5:03 pm

    Quoting from the classic “Groundhog Day”– That about sums it up for me. In fact, we’ve been re-living Groundhog Day since the nominating conventions. Who wrote “How It Is”? Sinclair Lewis? Found ” The Magic Mountain” a tough slog, when I was too naive and ignorant to appreciate it.
    I commend your accurate, more meaningful title of Proust’s lengthy masterpiece, and your indefatigable persistence in wading through its many volumes. His memories weren’t ones I wanted to immerse myself in.
    John Jay is on target again. Flee where?
    Romney’s hopes must reside with the electronic vote counters, especially in Ohio. I’d rather not elaborate.

    • Rick Ackerman November 6, 2012, 6:21 pm

      Start with Mann’s Felix Krull, Confidence Man, TER, and you’ll find that Magic Mountain goes down much easier. Also, to whet your appetite for the latter, read the astounding chapter “Excursus on the Sense of Time,” an excerpt from which I publish here every now and again.

  • j November 6, 2012, 4:36 pm

    Good luck today to my American friends, I know too well that we are the fly on the elephants a** , as we need a recovering US economy to keep ours strong.

    Its disgusting The Campaign from Hell cost $6 Billion just another sign the value of money is in a death spiral

    Cheers! from the great white north….

    • Carol November 6, 2012, 5:17 pm

      We don’t need luck as need a miracle (which can’t and won’t happen).

      I can with 100% accuracy predict the winner of today’s dog and pony show.

      “Here are some other things I predict the winner will support:

      • Continued erosion of civil liberties and the bill of rights

      • The growth of federal power over states rights

      • The continued currency monopoly of the private Federal Reserve

      • The drugs-and-surgery health care system

      • Continued criminalization of industrial hemp farming

      • Continuation of electronic voting that allows corrupt political parties to steal elections

      • Continuation of the Big Pharma medical monopoly over the U.S. healthcare system

      • Continuation of the criminally-operated FDA, the corrupt USDA, the gang mafia DEA, and of course the gun-running ATF

      • Continuation of the fluoride poisoning of the American people

      • Continuation of nationwide vaccination programs that inject babies with mercury, MSG, aluminum and formaldehyde

      • Continuation of the corrupt two-party political system and ongoing corporate lobbying that allows members of Congress to function as total sellouts

      • Continued support of pesticide producers and the toxic contamination of the food supply with pesticide and herbicide residues

      • Continued exploitation of children for medical experiments in America.

      • Continued U.S. military presence in over 130 countries nationwide, making America the world’s most imperialistic, war-mongering nation in world history

      • Continued multi-trillion-dollar debt spending, putting the United States into a position of never-ending debt leading to a total economic collapse

      See, no matter who wins the White House, the People always lose.

      The corporations win big! As does the Federal Reserve, the military industrial complex and the criminally-run pharmaceutical industry.

      The lobbyists win, the pesticide companies win, the Wall Street banksters win, and the oil companies win.

      That’s what this election is really all about: No matter how you vote on November 6th, the corporations win big and the People lose big.

      The government gets bigger, the corporations gain more power, and the police state enslavement of America accelerates.”


      Great post, Carol. I’d like to republish this as a guest commentary if that’s okay with you.

    • DK November 6, 2012, 5:29 pm

      Carol, “Doh!” (in my best Homer Simpson voice)

    • fallingman November 6, 2012, 5:31 pm

      Uh huh. Dead on target.

    • Buster November 6, 2012, 6:04 pm

      Well said Carol.

    • 1987dejavu November 6, 2012, 6:20 pm

      good post, carol.

    • redwilldanaher November 6, 2012, 6:21 pm

      Bravo! Carol

    • j November 6, 2012, 6:26 pm

      Carol, thats what I wanted to say but I thought it should come from an American……lol

      Now that was a great shout follow up if I ever read one.

      I’ll take credit for the lay-up…………

  • Anthony F November 6, 2012, 3:32 pm

    Juicy news … you won’t see in Google & Co.
    1) By R.A.
    2) Floaded bank valts, 36 Trillions?

    • Rick Ackerman November 6, 2012, 6:17 pm

      In the course of this interview, Greg (Hunter) mentioned to me that the cost of Katrina had been around $100B. I agreed with him that, if that was indeed the case, the cost of Sandy would go much higher. I still think so, but I would not have emphasized the $150B-$250B range in the headline.

  • mac November 6, 2012, 8:34 am

    Thanks RA. Again you “talk true”!
    Not easy in politically correct (repressed) America.
    I go all over the internet looking for balance to MSM propaganda.

  • Steve W November 6, 2012, 6:48 am

    Rick, I wouldn’t count on relaxing with some of the fine books you mentioned just yet. If it is a blow out either way, then by all means your novels await you. But if it is close, both sides are already lawyered up for a legal battle that could last for weeks if not longer. The collateral damage with the close election results could be riots and civil unrest which would make the current Sandy destruction in NY and NJ seem mild by comparison. And don’t count on Eric Holder to prosecute any electioneering that might have gone on either. So all those news sources which you have blacked out may need to be reinstituted to stay on top of our societal collapse. Lets hope for a clear cut winner.

  • Jill November 6, 2012, 5:17 am

    Obama did the best that could be done with the economy he inherited. If Romney wins, I guess we will see if he can do better.

    • DK November 6, 2012, 5:24 pm

      John Jay, on target again. I cannot figure out the answer to that question either, although climate is the single biggest factor.

      Regarding the elections and whatever outcomes they can conjure up, I am reminded of Einstein’s famous quote, “Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.”

    • DK November 6, 2012, 5:25 pm

      Sorry, Jill, for whatever reason (probably my not paying attention), that comment ended up as a reply to yours; It was not meant as such.

    • redwilldanaher November 6, 2012, 6:04 pm

      Even treating that comment on the superficial level, I must ask Jill, how can that be so?

      The puppet clown golfed for 10 weeks cumulatively for 10 weeks in less than 4 years. His farcical “jobs council” sent more jobs abroad than they helped create in the USSA and he hasn’t met with it at all this year!

      He was more concerned with the state takeover of private enterprise than spurring job creation. He broke all of his transparent campaign promises and worse yet didn’t even try to maintain the pretense that he planned to honor them.

      He put 2 complete fools in charge of “stimulus” and they didn’t even know what they were passing. He later joked about it while millions of people were being wiped out in the aftermath of banksters’ latest mega-swindle and he did nothing about it, no claw backs, NOTHING! He eclipsed Bush’s ridiculous debt creation over 8 years in 4 years and 1 year of his deficits are worse than all of Bush’s… He added more debt and further devalued the dollar when that’s exactly what has led us to precipice over the past 50 years in the first place. Oh and the infrastructure that he could have justified overhauling, further crumbles and deteriorates to this day.

      Your leanings are as clear as ever Jill but please have some self-respect and treat others here with enough respect by not perpetuating sheer idiocy. This empty suited megalomaniac has been a disgrace in nearly every way. I type all this as someone that wouldn’t even vote for Ron Paul as much as I agree with him in theory so don’t try to label me as a Romney backer. I’m a secessionist libertarian, plain and simple…


      Amen. RA

    • fallingman November 6, 2012, 6:24 pm


      Beautifully said, as always…and don’t waste your time on Jill.

    • 1987dejavu November 6, 2012, 6:49 pm

      In my home, jilly, we call you ‘socialist jill’,
      the ‘rick’s picks’ site version, of ‘hanoi jane.’

      you remind me of—
      the cute naive communist g.f. of:
      ‘the spy who came in from the cold.’

    • ExNav November 7, 2012, 6:38 am

      Can you give me a date when it becomes Obama’s economy? Just so i know when it becomes his responsibility….

    • D. Barber November 7, 2012, 7:56 am

      He didn’t inherit it. He worked his way up within it.

  • VegasBob November 6, 2012, 5:05 am

    Well Rick, I’m not a Republican and I’m not sure that Romney deserves to win, but I will grant that Obama surely deserves to lose.

    Regardless, I figure that the chances of America’s escape from its economic morass are slim and none – slim if Romney wins, and none if Obama wins.

    In fact, if Obama wins, we are guaranteed 4 more years of nonstop excuses for our failing economy, in which case it may well be time to get out of Dodge.

    Are there any foreign countries that you would consider suitable boltholes, should it become necessary to escape from America?

    • John Jay November 6, 2012, 4:25 pm

      I too have given thought to running away, but most every country has their wealthy already fleeing.
      The wealthy Chinese are fleeing China as soon as they can, the French are fleeing France, the Irish are fleeing Ireland, the Spanish are fleeing Spain, the Mexicans are fleeing Mexico. The Australians and New Zealanders don’t seem to be fleeing but they are complaining.
      South and Central America are still unstable as ever as far as I can tell.
      The rich Chinese head for the USA, Canada, and Australia from what I have read.
      I have never been to Miami but it seems the wealthy from South America are buying up property there.
      So, most of the places I have considered fleeing to have their wealthy fleeing to the US or some other country.
      By process of elimination the countries where no one seems to be complaining or fleeing are Canada and Switzerland.
      Both are too cold for my Connecticut fleeing tastes.
      And the wealthy Canadians all have winter retreats in Florida.
      Seasonal fleeing!
      I will probably leave the Los Angeles area eventually and head for N. San Diego county. Once you get north of Oxnard, you get into heavy rains in the winter. So it’s local southern fleeing for me. Rain and overcast was another reason I fled Connecticut. Nice weather is at the top of my list.
      I’ve been to Hawaii where the weather is even nicer, but out there everything has to be shipped over and you are at the mercy of inflating prices.
      Plenty of people in Hawaii complaining about that.
      Everyone’s complaining, everyone’s fleeing from someplace.
      And all their paths seem to be crossing each others!
      So there you have it!

    • Buster November 6, 2012, 6:01 pm

      You’re welcome here in Spain, JJ.
      It may be in the midst of economic furnace but it’s still possible to find a cool spot by laying low. Got a nice little beach house here where the sun shines 320+ days a year. I’m managing to sustain the easy life for the equivelent of $50 a week all in, believe it or not. Heck, I’m even able to have a few sangrias in the price!
      There’s a spare room going if anyone wants to escape the rat race for a while.

    • Cam Fitzgerald November 6, 2012, 8:54 pm

      Fifty bucks a week? Are you being serious Buster? That pretty much makes Spain a third world country if you are being honest with your post. How is that even possible in a European country with all the same regulatory mechanisms and costs that exist in most other Western nations. I would be very interested in seeing a follow up post from you describing the low cost of living in a bit more detail. I mean, we all know that country is on the ropes but have wages crashed to the extent you can live there more cheaply than Mexico?????

    • Buster November 6, 2012, 10:59 pm

      Well Cam, I am deliberately living very frugally for personal reasons, & it’s probably not for everyone, to be honest. Here’s a rough breakdown: basic food consisting of lots of raw vegetables, cheeses, eggs & fish with various staples such as spegetti, potatoes & wholemeal bread, butter & lots of olive oil, plus a glass or two of Spains not so finest, all costs around $25 a week. The rest is spent on utlilty bills & property rates/taxes. No insurance, no travel, no meals out or anything like that, so hardly ideal really.
      The only non essential expenses are internet at $5 a week & the added cost of allowing a homeless guy to have one of the rooms. Crazy thing to do in my position really, but nobody else could or would help him, & those really responsible for this mess are too busy spending the loot on their own extreme luxury rather that even the bare necessities of so many people. In Greece there are reports of kids passing out in school because they’re not getting enough to eat.
      ….It’s a crime folks!!

    • mario cavolo November 7, 2012, 5:59 am

      Hi JJ, been reading about and pondering this “rich people fleeing their country” theme. I conclude it doesn’t tell us anything meaningful. Most new rich people from anywhere would naturally want to expand their life outside their own country. My conclusion, simple and so what?

      My case: Yes I’m living overseas in China for 13 years, nice local life, and yes I’m extra pissed off at the many problems I see in America which I left and yes I hope to own a small home in China, in America and in Italy someday. And yes, if the right reasonable opportunity came to me to move back to America I would not hesitate to do so. So, that’s it. We all need to take off the filters and see that every country has its good and bad and that being a global citizen is in fact a very smart strategy to get the best and avoid the worst of each….rich people can do that more easily… Cheers, Mario