DaBoyz Celebrate Mayan Doomsday

In after-hours trading Thursday night, S&P Index futures have plummeted the equivalent of 400 Dow points on news that Republicans canceled a vote on Plan B.  This shakeout is so pathetically stupid and sick — not to mention criminally opportunistic — that we’ll do best to ignore it.  If the low print in the E-Mini at 1391.25 is to be believed, the scumballs who pulled the plug have already recouped half of the decline with a whoopee-cushion bounce to 1423.50. Since all things connected to fiscal-cliff posturing and politicking have zero consequences for the real world, we might infer that DaBoyz have put a floor below the market with the creation of a low so horrific as to discount, not merely the fiscal cliff, but Mayan doomsday.