Street Smells a ‘Kick-the-Can’ Deal

Stocks have ralled this week on the prospect of a budget deal, but don’t expect them to get very far. With a modest surge in the broad averages, investors appear to have upped their bet that Obama and his heartfelt enemies in Congress will agree to do what we have confidently expected them to do all along – i.e., kick the can down the road. No one will be surprised, since kicking the can down the road is what politicians do when they are not in recess, campaigning or buggering their clerks. Unfortunately for us all, the much-kicked can will still be lying there when 2013 begins, fueling worries about what this implies for the U.S. economy in 2013.

The good news, such as it is, is that Obama’s “filthy rich” – mainly small-time entrepreneurs who toil 70 hours a week to net a princely $130,000 after taxes  – will get a temporary reprieve from 39% marginal rates.  The dollar will be spared too, at least for a while, since Obama will not be given the ruinous power to raise the debt ceiling without consulting Congress. And the military pork-barrel that feeds so many cities and towns will remain alive and well, albeit temporarily, since a $500 billion sequestration of defense funds will not automatically take effect.

What will remain once the can has been kicked yet again is an economy that is probably already in recession, a housing market nearing the end of its dead-cat bounce, and a consumer hangover from the recent binge in, among other things, automobile purchases.  (This just in: A hitherto unnoticed provision in Obamacare will charge each and every insured person an extra $63 each to cushion the cost of covering people with pre-existing conditions.  This works out to tens of millions of dollars for large companies, but the number for 190 million insured is a much bigger number: $11.97 billion.) And let’s not forget the looming deflationary juggernaut of state and local budget cutbacks, presumably to be accompanied by a wave of municipal bankruptcies that, it is easy to predict, will hit philosophically blue states such as California, Michigan and Ohio hardest.

We Bet on DIA Puts

For the record, Rick’s Picks told subscribers to buy January 128 puts on the Diamonds (a DJIA proxy) on Tuesday for 1.00. Although our original DJIA target at 13259 was exceeded intraday by 47 points, the actual high at 13306 was close enough to an alternative target at 13303 that we have little trepidation about holding onto the position. Subscribers have been advised to exit the puts only if they trade down to 0.70.  However, if the Indoos work their way lower as expected, our goal is to spread off risk by shorting puts of a lower strike against those we own. With any luck, we’ll take in more for them than we spent acquiring the January 128 puts, giving us vertical bear spreads that cannot lose.  We recently did this in Facebook, incidentally, where subscribers hold two-dozen March 30-33 calls spreads for a net credit of $300.  That means the worst they can do is make $300 even if the stock falls to zero. On the other hand, the position will produce an actual gain of $7500 if Facebook is trading above $33 come March 16.  If you are skeptical about this claim or want to determine whether our instructions were clear and simple enough for you or anyone else to have followed, click here for free access to the Rick’s Picks archive. “Simple” was our intention, although some of our recommendations are geared toward more experienced traders.

  • Bill December 12, 2012, 8:05 pm

    So it’s another lively discussion – liberal this, Reagan that – we ARE all idiots and argue about the fine points which will always exist because we are all different. So, how to live together peacefully and not exert our will on others or have the will of the govt dictate the will of others upon us through govt . . .
    Answer: we do the best we can within the confines of a free country.
    Anyone read or heard of “THE MIRACLE OF FREEDOM: 7 TIPPING POINTS THAT SAVED THE WORLD”? In it, the authors site this statistic:
    “How unusual is it, really, in the history of all known human experience, to enjoy the blessings of living free?”
    The answer may surprise you. In The Miracle of Freedom, Chris and Ted Stewart make a strong case that fewer than 5 percent of ALL PEOPLE who have EVER lived on the earth have lived under conditions that we could consider “free.”
    We take for granted how free we have been compared to much of this world. How easily we give away our constitutional rights to those who would gladly control and enslave us to their rules if given the chance. Sadly, that is man’s nature – conquest – we may be more civilized today, but that just means man is better at manipulating the masses, especially through the controlled media, schools and large corporate entities.

    We have much to solve as a society for the poor, but giving them handouts instead of education and jobs will bankrupt this country. I can only conclude that all our govt ‘leaders’ know that and their end game is to end this country’s great run for their own misguided gain.

    I’m sure many of you have read something like this – it’s a good reminder of the big picture while we bicker about the details:
    In 1887 Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the university of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years prior: “A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse over loose fiscal policy, (which is) always followed by a Dictatorship.”

    “The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:
    From bondage to spiritual faith;
    From spiritual faith to great courage;
    From courage to liberty;
    From liberty to abundance;
    From abundance to complacency;
    From complacency to apathy;
    From apathy to dependence;
    From dependence back into bondage.”

    It’s not the economy stupid – it’s liberty, it’s our freedom.

  • John Jay December 12, 2012, 7:07 pm

    Speaking of Zombies and Ghouls……….
    In Paris they have the real deal.
    Grave robbers looting the dead for gold teeth and jewelry.

    “Austerity-struck Paris has been hit by a wave of street muggings and grave robberies with thieves prepared to exhume bodies to steal gold and jewelery. ”


    I predict, that as society continues to collapse, grave robbing will become common place, for jewelry today, for the metal in the caskets in the future.
    Bronze memorial plaques are already being stolen and sold for scrap metal by “Zombies”.
    Cremation for this citizen, I want to rest in peace.
    Hard to believe we have reached this point of barbarism.
    Who would have predicted this forty years ago?

    • redwilldanaher December 12, 2012, 11:02 pm

      EXACTLY. I put the apex about 40 to 50 ago but of course is well after the country was on the path to destruction.

    • mario cavolo December 13, 2012, 3:03 am

      In China, its the street sewer covers that get stolen….many a day I have almost driven my car or motorcycle into the hole.

  • Oregon December 12, 2012, 5:42 pm

    Just watched the movie ‘Idiocracy’ last night. Not a great movie by any stretch, but the concept is dead on. It would have been funnier if it weren’t so similar to reality; still worth a few laughs though.

    • Rick Ackerman December 12, 2012, 10:13 pm

      The movie has cult status now, but it could become a classic if the world continues to look more and more like the stupid, ghastly one that ‘Idiocracy’ envisions. Each time I watch the film, reality seems to have moved closer to the world it depicts, and fewer and fewer of the characters and events seem like crazy impossibilities.

  • John Jay December 12, 2012, 4:09 pm

    The USA is now Zombieland in almost all aspects.
    Zombie Treasury Market.
    Zombie Housing Market.
    Zombie Stock Market.
    Zombie Cities (Detroit)
    Zombie Electorate.
    Zombie Military.

    Our Zombie existence is enabled by ZIRP.
    Zombie (Zero) Interest Rate Policy.
    All the talk of Fiscal Cliffs etc. is make believe, we are too far down the road to Zombieland to turn back now.
    When I watch DC Politicians babble on the news, making no sense, not addressing reality at all, I think….Zombie!
    All the Zombies that make up our economy are staggering around oblivious to the economic gravity market set interest rates and a functional legal system have always supplied.

    And Zombies beget more Zombies, exponentially.
    Maybe the American Zombie will stagger on for decades, look at Japan, not a perfect fit, but it rhymes.
    So if you are puzzled or perplexed by Wall Street, Washington DC, Detroit, and so on, just think, oh yeah, it’s just the Zombies pounding on the door of my barricaded house.

    • redwilldanaher December 12, 2012, 6:47 pm

      So true JJ. Hard to say how long this ongoing concern of a farce will continue. Could be months, could be decades. It’s already exceeded my expectations. If you tried to convince me 20 years ago that the grand fraud would be inconceivably worse than it was, and much more transparent at the same time, I would have never believed it. But if you did the same 15 years ago, I would have believed you and now I don’t doubt it at all…

  • Benjamin December 12, 2012, 8:14 am

    Kick the can’t down the road. Good one! My regards to Mike Keefe of the Denver Post.

    Yet, I don’t see how the can’t can be kicked without a tax hike and/or raising the debt ceiling. So, Rick, I’m lost as to why you think “the rich” and the FRN will be spared, come 2013. Up to 2013? Yes, in all likelihood. But not past. Something is going to happen, and we probably won’t like it!

  • Mac December 12, 2012, 8:00 am

    *the politicians in USSA do zip…they should be in jail.
    *how can they even be allowed to rule over you? Can’t you see their plan — to kill the economy for their masters the Banksters. US willcompete with 3rd world wages – that is why the illegals r there!

    *ready for war? – ala Gag Rule, when economy bad and people start to ask for a share of the pie, just start a war..that shuts all up, else they r called traitors, right?

    • redwilldanaher December 12, 2012, 6:48 pm

      Dead on…

  • redwilldanaher December 12, 2012, 6:42 am

    Just a simple note from a simple man. The OPM crowd knows one trick and they seem to want to perform that trick the most near a quarter’s end but even more so near the year end. Gotta make the marketing literature look good. Gotta chase “performance” baby… Gotta get that bonus check before the next round of quickly forgotten about scandals set us back for a year or two… They will goose if possible because that’s what they do, goose if possible and no time does it pay to goose more than into year end…

    • Benjamin December 12, 2012, 8:27 am

      Hey, Red. Um… Is “into year end” a play on words? If not, it ought to be!

      Anyway, to answer your third and fourth questions, above…

      It’s fair because the old fair is “foul” and the new(er) foul is “fair”. The 16th is fair because — aside from being so outdated that not even dinosaurs wanted to wipe with Article I, sec 9, cls 4 — census and enumeration never were good ideas. And that is because small government never was a good idea, either.

      Oh, and martin doesn’t even live here. He moved to Canada after living in Taiwan, iirc. That should tell you everything about his eagerness to see this done. Birds of a feather cheer each eather, and all that.

    • redwilldanaher December 12, 2012, 8:00 pm

      Any chance that tptb knew this was coming a while ago:

      “NEW YORK (Reuters) – Stocks added slightly to gains after the Federal Reserve announced plans to ramp up its stimulus to the economy.”

      It’s a joke as per the usual but a great cover story to hang a rally hat on…

  • Jill December 12, 2012, 5:48 am

    Congrats, Rick, on your great FB trade. And congrats to Gary on your successful long position in the broad averages.


    What successful long position? Do you know when Gary got long? What he bought? How much he paid? If you’re going to suck up to Gary, you shouldn’t do it so gratuitously. RA


    Martin, you are exactly right about the taxes & the debt ceiling. It’s insane that Congress might vote to spend money & then later vote not to pay its bills by refusing to raise the debt ceilng– since the debt ceilng is not about NEW spending, but about paying the bills Congress ALREADY incurred. If the president were able to raise the debt ceiling alone, that would not mean that he would be able to authorize new spending alone. It would just keep us from having another “debt ceiling crisis” every few months about whether we are going to default on our bills like we are some 3rd world country– which could wreck the economy even more.

    • redwilldanaher December 12, 2012, 6:38 am

      Jill, I am really hoping that you are a paid shill at this point because if you are not then you are most certainly in the top 5 most obtuse Internet posters I’ve ever read. Do you have one iota of a clue as to how clueless you are? Do you have any idea how much natural irony each and every one of your posts is imbued with?

      Tell me why you wouldn’t prefer to be a 3rd world country Jill? You think the USSA is better as headed by your messiah?

      What ratio do you prefer? The USSA has roughly 300 million as a population total and when accounted for fairly nearly $100 TRILLION OF DEBT.

      OR you could opt for door # 2 in which a total of 52 “3rd world” countries with a total combined population of ONE BILLION people are only indebted to the tune of 286 billion pounds.

      “In the 52 Jubilee 2000 countries, a total of 1 billion people shoulder a debt burden of £286 billion.”

      Keep banking on that social security powered future income stream Jill…

    • Robert December 12, 2012, 6:43 am

      I gather you feed on government handouts then? Can’t blame you for lining up at the trough, though please don’t blame me for smirking when they close the gate behind you (and Martin) and you finally realize the trough was just a way to get you into the slaughterhouse. And by the way, the debt ceiling is a check on government power. Remove it, and those politicians intent on destroying our economy to fulfill their political goals will simply have one more tool to do so. It’s one of the reasons we are not a third world country.

    • martin schnell December 12, 2012, 2:56 pm

      Hey red,

      Let’s remember the facts.
      1. Reagan’s guys said deficits don’t matter (where were you?)
      2. Bush fought two wars while giving tax cuts (did you send yours back?)

      Jill’s points are exactly correct. Congress authorizes the spending … not the President, so the debt ceiling debate is frankly, insane.

      If they want to keep the debt ceiling they should do something very simple. Raise it by roughly the same amount as the budget deficit, at the same times as they pass the budget … since they are really the same thing.

    • Chuck December 12, 2012, 4:53 pm

      one thing these lefties will never agree on is……one rate for EVERYONE. that means if you make more you pay more….or make less you pay less. they want this scheme to continue as it is in order to BUY VOTES.

    • Oregon December 12, 2012, 6:07 pm

      Martin, you are one sick puppy. I would never claim to be a christian, but you using Jesus as a political argument for socialism is nasty. I am guessing Jesus got his reputation as a benevolent miracle worker not from what he said, but from what he did. I think he led by example, not by legislation.

      And I hope that you and Jill give a bit extra come tax time. You guys aren’t starving, right? So why not take your hands out of other people’s pockets and reach into your own for the good of the country and your own conscience. May as well take a few of the less fortunate into your respective homes as well this holiday season; just until they get back on their feet. The social safety net isn’t perfect yet so you two might just need to lead by example until the gov’t can help.

    • fallingman December 12, 2012, 6:08 pm

      Ah, life is much more pleasant in a land where we tax the hell out of the small business owner working 70 hours a week. Well, yeah, I guess it is…for the takers…and that includes everyone from welfare queens like Lloyd Blankfein to well…welfare queens.

      I also imagine it’s much more pleasant when your brother in law works all day to pay the bills while you watch TV on his coach and eat his food…but it’s probably not all that pleasant for EVERYONE. You might want to ask the guy who’s paying the freight.

      But at least he has a choice. He can boot his deadbeat relative out. I never chose to support 50% of the population, including that segment of the 1% who take more than they rebate in taxes.

      I’ve never asked for any government “service” in my life and yet, the deal is pay up or go to jail. No opting out. No competing provider. Life under an iron- fisted yet incompetent monopoly…so “pleasant.”

      Red is right. A standard tax bill where everybody pays exactly the same amount is the only scheme that passes the “fairness” test. And, as Carole would point out, it’s still thievery.

      Many will say, “But how would you fund the government?” Well, that would be hard, wouldn’t it? Because you can’t get blood from a turnip. The top 10% pay the lion’s share of the taxes for a reason…because they’re the only ones who have enough to make a difference.

      If everybody had to pay an equal share, that share would have to be quite low and the government would have to be considerably smaller.

      Maybe we couldn’t kill as many Afghan children (as young as 8 YEARS OLD!!!) with drones because the military, in their infinte wisdom, has determined that they have “hostile intentions.” Cry me a river.

      “Find out where the money is and take it.” That’s the simple unspoken goal of the state. It’s no more nuanced or subtle than that.

      You statists on this site would never have the courage to literally stick your hand in my pocket and extract money. You send your goon squad to do your dirty work for you and then pretend you’re sooooo civilized. You’re nothing but thugs.

      Sending in the Gestapo is a good move by the way, because if any of you execrable wimps were stupid enough to try to take anything from me directly…you know, in person, like a self-respecting thief would do… you’d be eating your own liver in short order as I shove it down your &*%^@$# throat.

    • redwilldanaher December 12, 2012, 7:15 pm

      Martin, love seeing the Gary tactics yet again. Sorry pal but I’m not going to defend Reagan on deficits or any Bush on any war.

      Let’s assume you’re correct about Reagan and that Tip O’Neil and his merry band of profligate spenders of that era had nothing to do with the deficits of that era. Well, shouldn’t you be pro Reagan on some level then? Even adjust for the FED’s relentless assault on purchasing power since then, his deficits probably weren’t big enough to cover Michelle Obama’s European vacations and Barry’s visits back to za fatherland… Seems like Reagan would appear to be a nice austerity model for you to appreciate, but I have digressed…

      Can you not see how the “2 parties” are guilty of the same crimes? SEE FALLINGMAN. I can’t believe for all the time you and your friends have spent at this site that you haven’t figured out that most contributors ARE NOT proud members of the Rethuglican Party. Even if they were at one time they’ve seen enough to know that they were HAD in the distant past….

      I can tell you for the record that had I had any faith left for the “system”, I would have voted for Ron Paul but I stopped voting a long time ago because it is a ruse like everything else these days and I do not want to be a party to that.

      In fact, I don’t want the spending, the deficits, the borrowing, the wars, the lies, the fools as peers etc. …. I simply want to be left alone but the juvenile side of me would love to see my state secede from exactly what fallingman described and to watch the fools that think and believe as you do sink like a stone.

      Haven’t you figured out that the only reasons why the USSA’s Peso hasn’t been laughed into the dustbin is due to its fleeting historical status and, the embedded PTB that are US agents, and the advertising that this captured government has done all over the world: “NOW listen up, you don’t get with the program, we send in HEROES, waves and waves of HEROES that will stay in your country for several DECADES as an occupational force after they’ve dropped tons and tons of HERO ordinance that will need to be replenished with some of the money we will loot from your country…”

      Here’s the bottom line Martin, you and the rest of the (misnomer) liberals @ Rick’s haven’t moved on in thought and are stuck exactly where they want you to be. Most of the folks here that upchuck when they read the nonsense y’all put out, may at one time have been Rethuglicans, but they’ve moved on to a superior understanding of how the great con works. Who’s being more progressive now Martin?

    • redwilldanaher December 12, 2012, 7:22 pm

      fallingman, I had to write a separate note to thank you for that awesome conclusion! That’s exactly how I feel and I loved reading it. If there was a way to really extricate than I’d feel much better but instead I feel as you do. The good news is that more and more people I am talking to are starting to feel the same way. Just as TPTB have managed to persuade the masses that it’s better to let someone else row the boat, many are deciding they are tired of rowing the boat and aren’t going to be extorted to that degree any longer. I’ve had 2 guys in the past week tell me that they’d rather go out in a lead hail storm than to be tangibly enslaved by our masters.

    • fallingman December 12, 2012, 9:12 pm

      Well Red, I tell you, I’ve had it. I’m not looking to make any friends among the statists. They can all go shove it where the moon don’t shine.

      I used to make a boatload of money working as a consultant with very specialized knowledge (only a handful of people in the world could do what I did) to an industry that desperately needed that knowledge or they would have had to shut down large amounts of production and lost hundreds of millions of dollars at least and probably well over a billion. Thousands of people would have been out of work. I was a bargain.

      I often worked 7 days a week. I almost never worked less than 10 hours a day. It was unspeakably stressful. Had I and the people I worked with NOT done what we did, you’d have all known about it. The fallout would have been headline news with millions of regular people suffering the consequences. There are a lot of people like me out there, working their asses off to provide a vital service…and what’s our reward? We get to pay 50% of our income in taxes to an insane government while the Martin’s and Jill’s and Gary’s of this world act as if we’re subhuman, worthy of nothing but contempt, because we don’t pay our “fair share.” They act as if no one who makes a lot of money could have ever actually EARNED it honestly.

      I ‘ve got two words for them and they aren’t “Let’s dance.” I’m no Jon Corzine. I’m no Franklin Raines.

      I “retired” officially in 2000 at age 45. I walked away.

      In truth, I “shrugged.” I got tired of writing an enormous check every year to a criminal, mafia-like cabal that was dedicated to expanding the welfare / warfare state until they could expand it no more. Lying, killing, indoctrinating, and impoverishing. Doing unspeakable things in my name. I said screw it. I can’t pay any more tribute to the empire. I have to do what I can to pull the plug on the madness.

      Hey, they might be able to force me to pay if I made the money, but they couldn’t if I didn’t.

      It’s been great. I got a life back and at least I ‘m not funding the gallows they plan to hang me on.

      I’ve done my option spread trading. I’ve traveled a little. I’ve done some teaching and training…some ghost writing, being careful to not make so much that I’d be counted among the “rich.” Since I do most of my trading in an IRA, I haven’t paid any income taxes worth noting in several years.

      I’ve been able to take care of my mother, who’ll be 97 in January. Couldn’t have done that.

      So, to those who would excoriate me for working hard and making money doing something you all sorely needed, you can relax. I’m not doing that anymore. To those who would steal from me, I say, tough luck. This golden goose ain’t producing any more of them there golden eggs. Gotta find someone else to mug.

    • redwilldanaher December 12, 2012, 11:00 pm

      Love your wrap up Fm. More are more that I know are looking to follow in your footsteps. Statists like our friends herein may run out of OPM sooner than they expect. Too bad that would be welcome news to the Marxists that are manipulating our friends. We all know how this ends…

  • martin schnell December 12, 2012, 4:33 am

    They may kick the can … but the 2% will be taxed – and remember they will pay the same tax on their first $25,000 as the guy making $25.000, and the same on the next $25,000 as the guy making $50,000 … and so on. That extra tax only kicks in on the amount over $250,000 … cry me a river.

    As for the debt ceiling … another act of stupidity. Congress passes laws to spend money then says no you can’t have the money to spend. No other country has such a stupid system. Should say something about its usefulness.

    As for the markets I’m not sure there are any investors still playing. Volumes are abysmal and the algos run supreme. In this environment “they” can put the market wherever they want it … barring some real news – and the impact of any real news will probably only last a day or two anyway. I’m guessing computers don’t feel fear or complacency like the rest of us.

    • redwilldanaher December 12, 2012, 6:24 am


      1. They will pay the same rate Martin, the RATE.

      2. People that earn more pay more. See the concept of RATE above Martin.

      3. How is it FAIR Martin, as in FAIR, that we don’t all pay our FAIR share, as in, one level fee for our great government per blanking capita? Why does each working adult not have to pay the same exact AMOUNT not RATE, repeat NOT rate Martin?

      4. Why are you all for equality Martin except for in the cases where you want things to be unequal? Who the HELL are you or any of these other clowns to elevate yourselves above the rest of us and tell us what is fair?

      5. You seem disappointed with Congress? Yet want to continue to turn more power over to them at the expense of our freedoms. WHY Martin, WHY?

    • martin schnell December 12, 2012, 2:49 pm

      Because …
      I have seen firsthand what happens in countries where the rich don’t want to pay more. Where they think they have done everything on their own. Where they think they should be allowed to have as much as they want … and to tell you the truth, I don’t want to live in those places.

      I have also seen places where incomes are more equal, where if you have more or make more, you pay more … and in my opinion these are far more pleasant places to live – for everyone.

      I continue to be blown away by the religious right’s ability to claim to be Christian, yet also their ability to think they have no responsibility to contribute to the greater society. I really doubt that Jesus would have had any problem with higher rates on the rich, on single payer health care, or on a strong social safety net. But I guess he was more of a socialist … unlike his current day supposed followers.

    • Benjamin December 12, 2012, 4:58 pm

      Yeah, whatever, martin. Your salivating over the prospect of carpet-bombing the $250k earners, and your callous disregard for them, says all I need to know about PoS, such as yourself. It’s been said many times, including in today’s article: So many of them are truly productive, hard-working small business owners. I once knew some of those. Once knew.

      But I admit that I am somewhat like you and your ilk…

      Yet, obscene as those orgies are, I am forced to restrain my baser instincts and forego the desire to see a bunch of system-gamers get their comeuppance. Why should the gross sums of money made available by the California taxpayer, among others, be given over to the federal government? In a similar vein…

      Many lawyers make $250k+. Imagine how that incredibly powerful lobby will react upon having to take home less. More lawsuits, which of course will require more rules, rule changes, etc that will allow more people to be sued? I’ve a hard time seeing otherwise.

      So no, I don’t want to eat the fruit of evil trees. On the other hand, yeah, let’s just drool and bomb away. I mean, it’s so much easier to do things when you neither have to think about them nor care for the consequences. So, yes, down with the filthy rich business owner! Up with the lawyers! Down with the state taxpayers, and UP with the federal government! And, of course, down with the “Christians” (conservative-types) and UP with the drooling, mindless swarms of zombie “humanists”!

    • redwilldanaher December 12, 2012, 6:53 pm

      Martin, it looks like you are a graduate of the “Gary” school.

      As for Jesus, I’m not a theologian but I’d bet heavily that Jesus would have preferred individual organic charity to state coercion.

  • gary leibowitz December 12, 2012, 4:05 am

    Not the likey high yet. As for kicking down the road I suspect that is the one thing all politicians know how to do. There will be some concessions, but not enought to do any real damage, or “fix” to the deficit. The top 2 percent is a non-defendable position, so it will be taxed. The Republicans can’t risk a total rout come next election. They will gladly concede this point. I stated all along that the fiscal cliff was a non-issue.

    The dogs will rally over the next 3 to 6 months. Count on FB to mount an impressive run, but the revenue stream from the mobile segment will not generate enough profits in the end. AAPL, which I have defended, will also rally over the next and last phase. It is doomed however like RIMM was. Andriod, China, and Google will dominate this market.

    I hope Rick is right on another drop. I am not to sure, that is why I made my initial bet. This market could catch people off guard on the upside. I still believe the downside is very limited.

    I have my targets to trigger my full-in bet. Once fulfilled I will give the exact time/date/price/index(s). I will post verifiable proof, if requested. I couldn’t from my prior bet, but will do so going forward to all you skeptics.

    The weak hands that rally over the next few months will be great shorts. Until that time, stay on the bull side. You will have plenty of opportunity to short after that. If SP500 does go over 1600, you can be sure a 50 percent haircut will not be out of the question.

    Patience is the name of the game right now.

    • Rick Ackerman December 12, 2012, 9:45 pm

      Gary: Shortly, I am going to delete your post as I’d said I would, since you have yet to tell us what your existing, “not-all-in” position is. I had asked for the date you acquired it, the specific trading vehicle and the price you paid.

      You needn’t offer any proof, by the way, since I don’t care what you actually did, only what you say you did. NO ONE makes money playing ETFs directionally, and it will help drive this point home when your alleged trade craps out.