GS – Goldman Sachs (Last:147.71)

A very tight stop prevented our shorting the high that preceded yesterday’s $8 plunge, but there is no way I would have risked an open-ended short based on information sent out the night before.  In retrospect, it seems inevitable that the best short you could have asked for in this stock would come off a gap-up opening that should have scared the hell out of anyone standing in its way.  In these situations, camouflageurs should reflect on the fact that the camo technique is perfectly suited to the task of extracting opportunity from the panic and fear of others. I have reproduced a one-minute chart that shows a ‘camo’ pattern that meets all of our rules and which could have been shorted with a minimum of risk and stress. Isn’t time you learned the amazing secrets of Camouflage Trading?  If you’ve been struggling for years to trade profitably, click here to change your life.