Wall Street Anxious for Cyprus to Be ‘Fixed’

We’ve told subscribers to expect the broad averages to drift lower as long as the Cyprus annoyance persists. The Dow did indeed fall yesterday — by nearly 100 points — raising the question of when a drift would officially become a rout. Not yet, for sure. Nor could it, in our estimation, unless the affair takes the sort of catastrophic turn that few seem to expect. In the meantime, Wall Street pros must be getting anxious about having Cyprus “fixed” as soon as possible so that they can get back to business-as-usual. Pumping stocks full of hot air is what they do, after all, but as long as the dark clouds of a fifth eurobank bailout are hanging over the markets, the psychological conditions that make their ruse possible will perforce remain unfavorable.

If and when Cyprus finally caves to the demands of Germany and Europe’s banking establishment, we’ll probably never know how close to a collapse the global financial system may have come. Suffice it to say, those who will claim that the whole affair never posed a major threat will be dead wrong, although they will be the only ones quoted by the news media as Europe’s ginned-up  “solution” takes root.  In fact, whatever remedy is spun, it will not allay the suspicions of depositors both large and small that what has happened in Cyprus could happen again elsewhere.  Doubts are certain to persist, and to grow, and when policymakers try to mollify the doubters, the unintended effect will be to make the next bank failure even more difficult to manage. For some of us, at least, there is already a sense of foreboding about how the ultimate failure of the Bank of Cyprus will loom large in books about how the financial system came one day to unravel.

After Clouds Have Lifted…

Joe Sixpack understands even now that the €13 billion sum being floated as the cost of the bailout is just a public relations number that the feather merchants have pulled out of thin air. As one commentator pointed out, there are probably more than a few Russian tycoons who have ten times that amount stashed in Cyprus.  These are guys with friends in high places, for sure, and that’s why there’s no way that Cyprus’ two largest banks will be allowed to fail. But the Cypriots aren’t making it easy for the workout team, having rejected Europe’s first proposal and gone to the Russians in search of a better deal. Putin to the rescue?  He’s never struck us as a soft touch.  Europe will have to find its own solution, even if it has to ram it down Cyprus’ throat. Once the clouds have lifted, look for stocks to continue blithely higher, to a summit that long ago surpassed the limits of our imagination.


Trading stocks, options and commodities in these treacherous times calls for great patience and skill. Click here if you’d like to see how Rick’s Picks approaches the challenge.

  • Marc Authier March 27, 2013, 9:08 pm

    Ahhhhhh ! That is a really funny one. And then it will be the turn for Spain, Italy, Portugal, Ireland and yes UK !

  • BigTom March 24, 2013, 6:18 pm

    Gary – you are right, definitely the pits of corruption over there, actually everywhere really, that’s for sure. But the ‘Quadrillion’ ++ of corrupted derivitives floating around from bank to bank destroying the financial world has very little to do with ‘a free lunch’ for the unwashed. Unfortunately little of that money is trickling down to the peasants. 10 billion bucks to bail out Cyprus is a rounding error while doing present day financial accounting, christmas bonus money for ‘da goldman boyz,’ or fallout money when governments pull checkbooks out of their pockets now-a-days. If all that pretend money sitting on banker books were in circulation amongst those ‘unwashed’ everywhere either there would be a)no problems or b)hyperinflation going on about now. We have neither of those events occuring. That is the real problem, not the free lunches that I do agree with you about…..
    No doubt there are big earning possibilities up ahead as you forcast. Why just yeasterday while reading government charts & graphs on the housing recovery, the massive employment recovery and of course the new daily hi almost each and every day on the stock market, the green shoots firmly rooted now & etc gets me all excited. Why again, just yesterday I saw a fellow skipping down the street twirling his umbrella and ‘singing in the rain,’ things are wonderful. Wish you well with your trades…..

    • John Jay March 24, 2013, 7:47 pm

      Big Tom,
      The way the Government calculates inflation, employment/unemployment and GDP the official figures will always show a fantasy.
      I believe if you get laid off from a well paying job, and are forced to work three part time Mac Jobs, by their calculation methods, the economy has just lost one job and created three!
      See how it works?
      I always remember George W’s reply to a lady who told him she was working three jobs to survive:
      “Fantastic, uniquely American, isn’t it.”
      That is how much they care, which is not at all.
      Carlin was right!
      And on the tax front I just spoke with my brother back in Connecticut who told me the State is talking about a new tax on home heating fuel to raise more revenue!
      Home heating oil is already as expensive as gasoline.
      But the State needs more money, because of course, they have already, Cut as much as they can”!
      Naturally they have!
      Crazy and getting crazier by the day!

    • BigTom March 24, 2013, 9:33 pm

      JJ – Sheesh, a tax on the already outrageously hi heating oil? A few years ago was looking at installing a new heating system here. Saw the price on heating oil then and said no way. Real issues are never dealt with….1)cut spending-2)psycho-tropic drugs given to children never discussed in these mass shootings. Nope. Don’t think I have ever heard that issue discussed once, yet all that info is out there if anyone wants to seek it out. It is alway ‘gotta get rid of the guns’ mantra which does nothing for the real destruction of our children….it is always ‘looky over there’……the list can be non ending but #2 here is my favorite issue that is never never never ever brought up anywhere for public discussion……

  • Bob March 23, 2013, 3:15 pm

    Rick,I’m a recent subscriber and am curious as to if it is possible to use pivot points to sell grain from a farm over the course of a year.Both inventory and future production.I’ve only watched your service for a week or so and seen intraday signals which is not possible for us because of work but we are looking more for a longer term solution of a reasonable idea of a longer term top or bottom.Is this possible to know by taking your course?


    Even before you’ve mastered the Hidden Pivot Method, Bob, you’ll be able to make trend predictions with a level of confidence that you may not have imagined possible. Many farmers have taken the course, by the way. It wil be offered next on April 24-5, and if you sign up before mid-April you’ll be able to use the discount code for $50 off. At that point, you’ll also have access to all course materials, including a recorded version of the course and the full library of more than 220 weekly tutorial sessions
    . RA

  • La nouvelle resistance March 23, 2013, 5:41 am

    We, the citizens, refuse to allocate our own funds in any form to bailout the gambling debts incurred through the financial speculation of investment banks.

    Sign : https://www.change.org/fr/p%C3%A9titions/a-tous-les-d%C3%A9put%C3%A9s-chypriotes-chypre-doit-scinder-les-banques-en-deux-cat%C3%A9gories-bonne-mauvaise-banque

  • Marc Authier March 23, 2013, 3:21 am

    They will paper it over like in Greece. These psychopath banksters should be hanged. I always have nausea when I think that up to date, ONLY one guy was put in prison for stealing what amounts to peanuts. Bernie Madoff was an angel compared to those psychopathic thugs.

  • C.C. March 22, 2013, 8:11 pm

    Gotta love that fight-pose by Comrade Putin. Say what one will, but he is just one plain ‘ole badass. Could you imagine the Savior and Colonel Putin in a 15 second smackdown? (because that’s about how long it would last…) I’d pay to see it anyway…

  • BigTom March 22, 2013, 6:35 pm

    What gets me is you know ‘they’ had to know stuff like this was going down in Cyprus. There is no way this banking crisis there was a ‘OMG what shall we do’ moment for the IMF. Their public response to the Cypriots plea for help was ‘go stuff it.’ That, IMHO was a trial baloon to see how such lack of concern for the public would float. It didn’t, and so Christine LeGarde has to take the public hit. And who cares about her. She was in volved as a public offical a few years back fleecing the French tax payers and walked free. She represents the attitude of those people at that level of governance that would not give up one iota of a crap bucket portion for the unwashed, that being you and me, despite the smiles and the public personification of pleasantness portrayed to us on MSM. Like fighting a forrest fire that is raging out of countrol, one can put resources towards the spot fires flaring up all around to save peripherals and control that damage, but the main event only god and the weather can do anything about. Cypros was a spot fire, and why they let it go as they did says something. It did follow the pattern of happening on a weekend when the public could do nothing and was not publically reported on by MSM until after the ‘net’ covered it amongst the unwashed themselves. The event left the unwashed high and dry….I guess there is a lesson somewhere there……as in a feeling of helplessness here if you are one of those people, also as in, what do we do? Kinda feel like a deer in the headlights?

    • gary leibowitz March 22, 2013, 8:29 pm

      Not understanding the outrage. Most here are angry that the EU is propping everyone up and will fail badly. Now that there is a hint of responsibility to find solutions besides an easy bailout you complain? I hope every government does the same, fix their own house by their own means. Not sure how this gets accomplished, but it is a wake up call to everyone else wanting a handout.

    • Oregon March 22, 2013, 9:56 pm

      Gary, you miss the mark so badly sometimes that I have to wonder what the hell you are even shooting at.

    • gary leibowitz March 23, 2013, 6:41 am

      I guess my bets this past year was off. Made 6 figure profit so far, all in my rollover 401K. Not bad if I do say so myself. The last 2 bets I posted on this board was also dead on. If I hadn’t read the pulse of this market than it sure was coincidental that I got it right.
      Lucky? As for my assumptions on this board on how the ending would go I was the ONLY one that suggested an economic improvement that would spark a fast, steep, and final phase up. How’s that working? I was chucked aside on that one because everyone absolutely knew this economy would never recover enough to show this kind of enthusiasm. I guess most still don’t believe the numbers. Unemployment, jobs, housing, spending, borrowing, manufacturing, are all at or near 5 year highs.

      Just have Rick verify my claim if in doubt. I spoke of these things often enough. Too bad no one took advantage. Still see that crash coming next week? Cyprus causing it? Not Greece or Italy, or Spain. I do remember the claims that every single one of these events will cause a crash. I also mentioned the market would never crash if they didn’t see a dramatic earnings change or if there was no shock event that affects us directly. I in fact can see the near term possibility of a big earnings miss. We need a couple of months data to determine that.

      So, what was it you were saying? I read the piece above. I take away from it something completely different. The EU was making a statement, just like you would have this government do, when it comes to handouts. It wasn’t the EU that came up with that silly plan. In fact I think it was a brilliant move. Got all those faltering nations to think twice about that free lunch, doesn’t it.

  • Mac March 22, 2013, 2:28 pm

    French authorities raid IMF chief Christine Lagarde’s home …
    The Independent-Mar 20
    French magistates and anti-fraud police have raided the Paris home of the International Monetary Foundation (IMF) chief, Christine Lagarde, …

  • Rich March 22, 2013, 9:45 am

    Click on name to read:

    ‘March 22nd – Just Amazing”
    by Martin Armstrong
    Princeton Economics

    Opening long Calls/Put lows at:

    69% All

    88% Equities

    31% ETFs and Indices

    Usually mark trading bottoms.

    This time the market, short-circuited by Cyprus, lead by financials, may go much lower to 7 July 2013 as VXX rises to new highs > 91.52…

    • gary leibowitz March 22, 2013, 8:02 pm

      There goes his track record! Predicted 9/11 exactly? Predicts this day is the top? Predicts Russia comes to the rescue? Not happening. I guess his conclusion that they have to be crazy to turn it down means one thing. The crazy Russians passed on this great offer.

      New highs (barely) followed by last round of corrections? Who knows. that’s my guess. April will be a big month of perhaps 10 percent before we find any sort of top. IMHO.

  • John Jay March 22, 2013, 2:22 am

    Whatever sends more foreign money here to the USA is more than fine by me.
    The real productive economy has been spread increasingly thin all over the world since Nixon’s let’s close the Gold window/let’s be friends with China moves.
    As a result the explosive growth in Government has been enabled by money printing and dubious debt for almost five decades.
    It is much closer to a flim flam scheme than it is to a functioning economic system.

    It is so out of control the the POTUS comes right out and says he is in no hurry to balance the budget.
    And Congress just reversed the USPS attempt to end Saturday deliveries.
    It is safe to say DC will never, ever enact any cutbacks.
    Wall St. is free to steal trillions as long as they enable the “Let’s buy our own bonds with imaginary money scheme”.
    So now we all have to pray they can pull it off with the help of scared foreign money seeking a safe haven here.
    So if Europe, Japan, and Argentina implode it buys us some more time.
    Because when the US Government Debt has it’s Madoff Moment, you know they will confiscate everything from we frugal few.
    Bank accounts, Gold and Silver, Real Estate, you name it.
    So now I have wound up rooting for the bad guys as my only hope of self preservation.
    Catch 22, Slaughter House Five, and Alice in Wonderland all rolled into one madhouse!

  • nitram March 22, 2013, 2:14 am

    http://finviz.com/quote.ashx?t=nugt&ty=c&ta=1&p=d take a close look here. Down market yet up. Gold miners buy signal

  • Rich March 22, 2013, 1:46 am

    FB looks ripe for a fall to 19.10…