DIA – Dow Industrials ETF (Last:168.93.)

Check Out the June 18, 15:14 post in the chat room for the precise location of the next, potentially very important, Hidden Pivot rally target.  It lies somewhat higher than the analogous target for the E-Mini S&Ps, but rather than try to rationalize the discrepancy, I’m going to suggest simply shorting either vehicle on its own terms. In the case of the Diamonds, you should use July 11 weekly puts, buying four of them at whatever strike price is selling for 0.80 or less when the target is reached or very closely approached. I will be in the chat room to provide further assistance, since this trade is intended even for relative option novices.  In addition, there is a rally target of lesser degree at 169.64 where you can try shorting (or 169.92 if any higher, owing to the lower point ‘A’ that is possible). This will be a do-it-yourself-er for more-experienced traders, but I would risk no more than 25% of the value of any sub-1.00 puts purchased when DIA hits either mark.