DIA – Dow Industrials ETF (Last:289.74)

I like the 301.60 target shown in the chart enough to suggest a play linked to it. Buyers took a couple of days to get loft above the 291.61 midpoint pivot, but it looks now like it is about to become support for a shot at D. If we assume that it will take perhaps two weeks to get there, we can use the target to set up an option trade that will risk very little if we are wrong but produce a substantial gain if we are right (aka ‘leverage’). Accordingly, I’ll recommend  buying the March 6 299/302/305 butterfly spread four times for 0.32 or better, contingent on DIA trading 292 or higher, good through Friday. If you can leg into the position for less using, for one, an rABC pattern to do the long side first (i.e., buy four 299s; the 305s can be acquired later, since they won’t move that much), then by all means do so. If you don’t know much about butterfly spreads, you should pass up the trade and wait for an opportunity you fully understand. A simpler strategy would be to leg into a vertical call spread, such as the 300/302.50 for 0.30 or less. Stay tuned to the Trading Room for further guidance on this, since it will require real-time strategizing. You can help out by letting me know of your interest. _______ UPDATE (Feb 18, 8;22 p.m. EST): In the Trading Room this morning ‘Hammer’ reported doing the butterfly for 0.32, so I’m establishing a tracking position of four spreads. The worst loss possible is $128 for a shot at a gain of up to $1,000 — pretty good odds if you think the bull market will continue to shrug off the coronavirus threat. _______ UPDATE (Feb 23, 9:45 p.m.): Far from shrugging off the threat, investors have finally figured out how much the virus could cost the global economy. Time to write off the butterfly spread and move on.