Will the United States Survive Until 2015?

America appears primed for a political revolution, but will it happen?  Or are we too glutted with middle class amenities to put creature comforts at risk?  A similar theme permeated Will the Soviet Union Survive Until 1980?, an important essay published in 1970 by Soviet dissident Andrei Amalrik. Amalrik predicted revolution would come despite the seductive appeal of the middle-class life that many Russians were beginning to experience in the post-Khrushchev era.  With so many households so close to owning a Lada automobile, a washer/dryer and a color TV, why would anyone risk rocking the boat? The average Russian had lived like a serf for centuries, after all, and so the promise of significant improvements in the standard of living was no small thing.

Such concerns may be no less relevant today in the USA, where the economy even in recession has sustained bourgeois luxuries at levels not far below the civilizational peak achieved in 2008, just before the Great Financial Collapse.  Indeed, even as joblessness mounts and the country continues to wallow in what has cynically come to be called The Great Recession, one needn’t leave the couch to enjoy a surfeit of bread and circuses that puts Rome at its most decadent to shame . However, and ironically, the escapist trash of reality TV has distanced huge swaths of the populace from reality itself.  In such a climate of hedonism and shop-till-you-drop hubris, the Founders’ concerns with liberty and the tyranny of government hold about as much interest as a philosophical treatise by Plato, Mill or Emerson.

And yet, even for those who care more about Snooki and the Weiner affair than about the state of the union, there is no ignoring the by-now overwhelming stench emanating from Washington. We have watched the most liberal president in the history of the Republic secure the fortunes of the bankers, even as the working man has seen his income erode in real terms, his debts mount to the point where tens of millions of homeowners may eventually face bankruptcy. As the economic plight of the average American has worsened, the lies we’ve been told about the economy’s supposed recovery have become increasingly brazen.  This has widened the gulf between Americans and their elected leaders.  But is the disconnect severe enough to provoke a revolution at the ballot box?  The answer, unfortunately, is: Not yet.  What more proof do we need than the failure of Fox News to take Ron Paul seriously?  Putting aside the issue of whether or not the Texas congressman is electable, his ideas have come to resonate deeply with Americans’ sense that, economically and politically, things have gone dreadfully awry.  And yet, Fox treats Paul as a political non-entity at best, as a crackpot at worst. If the Libertarian stalwart cannot stir things up at Fox, then what hope has he of emerging from the tapioca served up each day by the other news outlets?

Still, a quote from Amalrik provides hope that we will break free of our inertia and bring about the changes needed to put America back on track: “There is another powerful factor,” wrote Amalrik, “which works against the chance of any kind of peaceful reconstruction and which is equally negative for all levels of society: this is the extreme isolation in which the regime has placed both society and itself. This isolation has not only separated the regime from society, and all sectors of society from each other, but also put the country in extreme isolation from the rest of the world. This isolation has created for all—from the bureaucratic elite to the lowest social levels—an almost surrealistic picture of the world and of their place in it. Yet the longer this state of affairs helps to perpetuate the status quo, the more rapid and decisive will be its collapse when confrontation with reality becomes inevitable.”


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  • Bill June 29, 2011, 3:55 am

    Rick, Get rid of the dumb blond. It does not become you.

  • David Howard June 25, 2011, 8:44 pm

    To all of you: If you want liberty, look to your ancient past on how to get it. Parlour room sophistry will avail you naught; you get liberty in the streets. Read Washington, Gates, and Francis Marion. Or learn to walk like an Eygptian.

  • Lj June 22, 2011, 2:09 pm

    @Rick Ackerman: Hate ta confront you on your own blog, and hope I’m not having the last say on this particular blog post… But Rick, your BIAS is SHOWING!
    “LBJ was a compromise-builder who never consorted with the likes of Bill Ayers or the Weather Underground. Nor did he support such radical groups as ACORN, or belong to a church whose preacher’s “theology” was hating America.”
    PLEASE! LBJ “never consorted” with “RADICAL GROUPS”???
    Hello?! He grew up and rose to political prominence in SEGREGATED, Deep South Texas! SEGREGATIONISTS were, by definition, extremists who often used foul, underhanded, and ILLEGAL means to DEFY the 15th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution – namely, TERRORIZING Blacks & other minorities (Mexicans, native Americans) from exercising their constitutional rights to vote! And in his career, rising political star Lyndon Johnson CERTAINLY COMPROMISED with segregationists and the many other John Birch Society-esque politicians that saturated pre-WWII and post-WWII Texas (and later, in U.S. Congress & Senate in D.C., where SEGREGATION was THE LAW of much of the land, until 1965!)

    When you reserve more venom & scorn for Ayers and ACORN than you do for the perpetrators of this “SECOND __FED INSTIGATED__ GREAT DEPRESSION” (Mr. Ayers has spent much of his adult life living under the evil thumb of segregation) you are forgetting that America was FOUNDED on VIOLENT REJECTION of cruel, ruthless, & arbitrary crown (royal) authority….

  • Lj June 21, 2011, 4:31 pm

    @John Jay: Get a grip, bud! There were PLENTY of “single moms” back in the old days – they were just HIDDEN from the “My Three Sons” & “Leave it to Beaver” image presented to us by “major media.”
    “gambling was at the track” and “drug addiction was viewed with disgust”? Alcohol is a drug, and VIOLENT SPOUSAL & child ABUSE were often “accepted” (police would often not interfere in a “family matter”!)
    Those who blame the “Free Love hippies” and 1960s for the ‘decay’ of America’s “moral values” are delusional. Before prohibition, Al Capone’s Chicago mob (which included most of the Midwest and Mississippi River basin) was financed mainly by gambling AND PROSTITUTION. Prostitution was RIFE in America’s frontier, “wild west” towns. And in the 20s, 30s, and 40s striptease acts were often the highlight of the night at fancy, high society events and entertainment clubs.

    And as a final nail in this argument – just look at the bible. RAPE, INCEST, massacres of innocent villagers; selling of daughters into slavery/prostitution, abuse of children, multiple wives and mistresses (concubines) were COMMONPLACE in dozens of bible stories….

  • buck novak June 21, 2011, 7:50 am

    The end of the nanny state is near. It is not only the United States but the whole world that is in revolution. The real question is what comes next after the revolution and what people are going to revolt for and what they are going to revolt against? Another question is what is economically possible? I predict that the next leaders will be 180 degrees different and a lot tougher and smarter. This will also be a time of unparalleled opportunity as the old order is swept away. Only the strong and the prepared will survive and prosper.

  • Jacques Redou June 21, 2011, 3:34 am

    Jill June 21, 2011 at 2:27 am

    Political ideologies are very much like fundamentalist religions. People believe things for which there is zero evidence in the material world. Libertarians, being very naive, believe that McCain would have not sold the country down the river for the sake of the banksters, and they ignore the considerable evidence that Bush did that, just as Obama has done.

    Rating: 100% accurate

    And naive Libertatians are astounded that Fox, the official mouthpiece for the NeoCon branch of the Republican party, will not give attention to Ron Paul, who is a non-believer in some of the Neocon Republican religion’s beliefs. Libertarians keep giving their votes to the Republican party as if it represents them, any better than the Democratic party does. Fat chance.

    Rating: 100% accurate

    Divide and Conquer is the oldest form of propaganda in the service of thievery. Da Banksters are playing a hardball version of “Let’s you and him (Repub and Dem) fight while I make off with your money” and winning every time.

    Rating: 100% accurate

    Total: Perfect Score

    • John Jay June 21, 2011, 4:30 am

      That’s right.
      Which is why the destruction of the traditional family, destruction of the education system, and the destruction of our civil rights have all made possible the social chaos needed to enable the Ponzi schemes of the past decade to succeed. The phrase “Single Mom” did not exist when I was a boy, neither did “Homeless”. There was no drug problem, drug addicts were viewed with disgust. Gambling was at the racetrack, or Las Vegas. Everyday there are fewer and fewer oldtimers that remember what the USA used to represent. There are not enough of us left to effect any political change. The bulk of the electorate has never known anything other than the sorry state of affairs now. Which is why no one listens to Ron Paul and the Federal government gets away with murder.

    • mario cavolo June 21, 2011, 6:11 am

      Amen John Jay…

  • erik June 21, 2011, 2:57 am

    I created video on youtube and online petition regarding the US government defaulting and guess what? Very few people cared or signed it.


    Go to the blog section and check it out

  • Jill June 21, 2011, 2:27 am

    Political ideologies are very much like fundamentalist religions. People believe things for which there is zero evidence in the material world. Libertarians, being very naive, believe that McCain would have not sold the country down the river for the sake of the banksters, and they ignore the considerable evidence that Bush did that, just as Obama has done.

    And naive Libertatians are astounded that Fox, the official mouthpiece for the NeoCon branch of the Republican party, will not give attention to Ron Paul, who is a non-believer in some of the Neocon Republican religion’s beliefs. Libertarians keep giving their votes to the Republican party as if it represents them, any better than the Democratic party does. Fat chance.

    Divide and Conquer is the oldest form of propaganda in the service of thievery. Da Banksters are playing a hardball version of “Let’s you and him (Repub and Dem) fight while I make off with your money” and winning every time.

    • DG June 21, 2011, 5:07 am

      I don’t think the Libertarians are surprised at all with Fox or any other news outlet. I gave up years ago.
      There is not a true Libertarian that wasn’t disgusted with their choice of Obama or McCain. Both were corporate kneeling blow-hards, ditto for W, Clinton, and a long list of POTUS’.
      Fox does not astound me. What astounds me is that people still watch it….and believe it. Is that naive?
      I think your understanding of Libertarian is confused with thinking that it is some branch of the GOP, which it is definitely not.
      You do come to and interesting point, though, being Libertarian is futile, as it easily splits the vote. True.
      Lets address naivete:
      Democrats believe big government solves problems best. Any examples? DOE, DOD, SS, medicare, education? There is a litany of evidence of failure in the US. It has been a multi generational process, without a single Libertarian responsible.
      Republicans believe corporations can self regulate…and at the same time run deficits perpetually. Epic fail.
      and you suggest libertarians are naive. wow. I would say the Republican and Democrat supporters are naive to the point of mass stupidity. It doesn’t work! Ignorance and naivete are supposed to be one time events…which lead to wisdom. If you can’t get to wisdom, then you are just incapable of learning.

      I think you are right though, that there is little evidence that a US, libertarian government will work.
      When has it been tried? No evidence.
      Why not give it a try? We could not do worse.

      The libertarian movement is not about getting “our guy” in the white house. It is about the appreciation for basic fundamental human freedom and correctly applying that to a social construct. It is an educational quest.

      The Scots fought the English for hundreds of years for a slice of freedom. I am sure there was some loudmouth in 1299 saying “ya bloody Scots are naive to follow William Wallace, he will never win.” He did get quartered, but Robert Bruce didn’t.

      Assuming that it is possible to educate folks on the necessity of exercising liberty thoroughly, though, may be impossible. And assuming that you could do this, may, in fact, be epic naivete.
      But if you appreciate basic human liberty, you have to try. Anything less is simply cowardice.

    • fallingman June 27, 2011, 4:52 am

      What planet are you from?

      I’m a libertarian and I loathe John McCain. He is a viper, as well as being genuinely stupid, and I have no doubt whatsoever he would have sold us out to the insider elite just as fast as O and GWB. I also loathe Fox News and am not “astounded” by anything about them, other than how brazen they are. I know GWB was a fascist puppet. I never vote Republican.

      So where do you get off making these wild assertions? You don’t know nuthin’.

      Hey, wait a minute, aren’t you the one who thinks that if we just get some good people in there up in DC, genuine reform is possible? If that’s you, I don’t know that I’d go around calling other people naive.

  • Robert June 21, 2011, 12:41 am

    – What’s that? free Happy Meals?

    And all I have to do is agree to wear the schackles of perpetual debt?

    Great!- where I sign up?

    Free Happy Meals sure beats stale MRE’s eaten in the bunker while I await my armed confrontation with the roaming hoards of displaced sub-human urbanites…. 🙂


  • Benjamin June 20, 2011, 9:28 pm

    If years of being an avid wargamer of various historical periods have taught me anything, it is that revolution is human nature. They’ve come and gone, come and gone.
    Do not worry that it won’t come again. It will. Do not worry that complacency and comfort will delay or hinder it. They will not.

    What one must concern themselves with is the understanding of Liberty, both their own and among the general population, for this is what always determines the direction of the next revolution. And as it stands, it is dismal, even among those who can rightly claim to have the strongest grasp of it.

    So let’s hope things hold up another couple of years, as there is a world of difference between revolution thrust upon a people vs a counter-revolutionary stand with the Constitution that we already have.

  • DG June 20, 2011, 8:25 pm

    That spot the other day with Bill O’Reilly stumbling on the concept of Keynesian economics (he was correcting John Stossel , pronouncing it (you know with the Bill O’Reilly “I’m smarter than you” condescension)
    Keh- nees-ian (like it was about human anatomy mechanics)
    was priceless.
    Now if a guy like O’Reilly, who mainstream America worships, can’t even pronounce the word, how the hell are we supposed to even dream that we can at least, have a discussion. O’Reilly is a tool. In this case, the tool was used to mock and ridicule Ron Paul and his economic opinions. (just like Fox did in the Summer of 2007)

    And those that hang on O’Reilly’s every word should rethink what really occurs in his grey matter. Furthermore, you should really consider just how unbiased Fox news is when they clearly have an anti- Ron Paul agenda. Check out their cut paste smear job of the last CPAC results for Rona Paul’s straw poll victory. Then this O’Reilly nonsense. This is not coincidence or an accident… Fool you once, shame on them, fool me twice, and well, you know, well, uh, its not good (W quote).

    CPAC misrepresentation by Fox:

    Childrens do learn (W).

    So, if we are to avoid collapse, we must learn. Wake up. Read, listen, think without bias. There is no news organization in the MS that is honest. So quit following it.
    Quit worshipping Obama and realize their is no hope for change. You wuz suckkas. Just like those that elected W.

    The way collapse happens is for enough people to not change course before it is impossible to avoid the total train wreck.

    Seeing that OReilly is the highest rated news source for America (http://www.mediabistro.com/tvnewser/category/ratings)

    I’d say that we are screwed and the 2012 tagline should not he hope and change, but “no hope for change”.

    Unless we change 2015 may be too generous.

  • jazzmaniac June 20, 2011, 7:57 pm

    “We have watched the most liberal president in the history of the Republic ”

    Are you joking, or has the term “liberal” finally become completely unmoored from any connection with its original meaning except as a general term of opprobrium? If you had said “most corporatist president in history” I may have had to agree considering Obama’s servitude to his insurance, banking, and industrialist masters. Please tell me what it has to do with politics or parties? I’m really getting impatient with the many, many otherwise intelligent commentators who still cling to the notion that if only we had gotten McCain elected everything would be different. Ron Paul maybe, but that’s still only a dream. Try getting used to the idea that there will be no political solution. You’ll sleep a lot easier.

    • Steve June 20, 2011, 8:56 pm

      jassmaniac, what does Liberal mean in official definition ? Blacks Law Dictionary defines Liberal – Free in giving; generous; not mean or narrow-minded; not literal or strict.

      Obama is not strict in regard to Law, or Constitution, and does not seem to have any fixed value except hate for American Culture and Christianity(from O’s books). Certainly Obama is the greatest at not being literal in regard to Right and Wrong, Constitution, Liberty, Murder, or Nation or Oath of Office, or in abuse of the powers granted. Narrow minded, I would find Obama is radical in his narrow mindedness, and mean spirit against anything giving people free choice. Yet; this radicalism in bigotry and mean spirit is what defines liberals like Barney, Nancy, Schumer, LBJ, FDR, and the likes of those who are smarter and know better how I should govern my life. I must say that Obama is quite generous in forcing loans against the people and giving the funds to those who will keep him in office (like the auto worker, teacher, fireman, and city gov. unionized worker). I especially love the McD coupon that Red references. And I would agree that Obama is LIBERAL in giving away the Endowments of the People for false security in a ruthless governmental mobocracy.

      So “O” is liberal in his giving to the money/power brokers of the world like Sorros, and taking the graft of ghost writers. “O” is quite liberal and generous in forcing loans to enslave the people in corporatism legislative slavery as corporate enfranchisees. “O”‘s actions are of the bigot, and mean spirit much like Sec. Hamilton, FDR, LBJ, Schumer, Harry, Nancy, Barney, who are all viewed as “Liberals” in current confounding thought. And I must say “O” is absolutely LIBERAL in giving away everything that is the private property of Man to those who do not deserve said Endowments across the face of the Earth. “O” is quite liberal at applying the arrows of murder, and justifying murder/torture/rendition and denial of Due Process as OKay because we became criminals to catch a criminal.

      The word LIBERAL means to me, the radical extremists who seek to produce equality via mobocracy all to destroy Liberty and Individualism. These are “they” that will stop at no lie to destroy Liberty via Green Movement, or abuse like Cap and Trade to create a world that is equal in their eyes. Their eyes see “them” with millions from book deals in the new Court of the UNITED STATES Monarchy with Al the Gore providing a 30 watt mercury filled neon light bulb that will contaminate everyone in the room if it bursts for all of us common beasts of the field.

      Maybe Jazz can give a clearer definition of what Liberal means today as the meaning of the word just changes and changes as the future unfolds.

    • redwilldanaher June 20, 2011, 9:48 pm

      2011: Liberal = Statist/Collectivist

      We all know that this is the definition of liberal. My guess is that Rick intended it to be taken this way. Nominally, this puppet is as Rick wrote. Nominally.

    • Robert June 21, 2011, 5:58 pm

      “2011: Liberal = Statist/Collectivist”

      Bah. Both of the mainstream political parties in the US are Statism/Collectivism minded.

      The Dems want to play Robin Hood (siphon from the rich and re-distrubute to the poor and disadvantaged), while the Repubs want to play Daddy Warbucks (keep making the rich richer so that they will generate enough excess that their generosity will begin to overflow to the poor and disadvantaged)

      Both mindsets are equally absurd.

  • redwilldanaher June 20, 2011, 7:50 pm

    This is a great question with so many angles to it. If not, what will replace it? What causes the break up? How is that even possible given the apathy we see everywhere? Given the permeation of reality tv and other hallucinogens, would americans even notice if the Union collapsed? If a foreign power were to assume control of the FED, from the foreigners that control it now of course, and also seize the reins of reality tv production, they could “win” without firing a shot! Hang a new shingle: “under new management” and distribute free meal at McDonald’s coupons and watch the approval ratings skyrocket!

    • Steve June 20, 2011, 8:06 pm

      Red, the several States union was replaced with the federal union of states according to justice Sandra Day O’Conner – and you are absolutely Correct – nobody cares – well, not yet do they care; that democracy has replaced the Republic. Democracy GOOD – gives free MCie D’s coupon – what a great theory line – I love it. I’ll vote for the military commander who will give me free coupons for McDonalds as I really don’t care about anything else.

    • mario cavolo June 21, 2011, 6:08 am

      Hi RWD…..indeed, so many meaningful angles and thoughts here….who might be the foreign powers to start gaining more and more control of America?…the rising rich who are emigrating out to buy up the world’s assets. And who are they in today’s world?

      Starting in the 1800’s it was the Europeans who fled to America. It was the wealthy ones, many of them Jewish I believe, who were the ones who set up the new capitalism of America which still stands today, especially in the media industry.

      Today, its the Chinese in the same position of emigration. As has been mentioned of late, the wealthy Chinese are wealthier than ever and reaching out across the globe with their money for both public and private investment. They have NO interest in America’s collapse or abandoning its dollar. That will be a global suicide.

      There is recent pullback in the Chinese economy, as expected and intended by the monetary tightening, yet domestic spending/imports are up 30% plus AND exports are up 30% plus. We think they want to ruin their export sector and sink their own country by supporting the collapse of America?…of course not and so they will not abandon the dollar in an overt way leading to widespread economic catastrophe.

      What instead, they will and are doing, is becoming part of the next phase of America, buying into it on the cheap as sectors decline and need to be rebuilt or taken over. In the end, yes, their money WILL force change and its going to get ugly. Because when you’re the world’s creditor on the rise, you have some influence to dictate the deals.

      These factors play very much into whether the U.S. will survive or not. Will any coming change to the socio-economic landscape driven by incoming Asian wealth be able to support America’s lower/middle class of impotent zombies? Not likely, but maybe it will have enough of a supportive impact. Funny thing, look at the Chinese living in America today. In the LA area, they huddle together in their own community around the El Monte area, where they in fact protect their family/community from the insanity of American zombie culture around them. Exactly as the author said, $220 bucks a month for TV/video games and they’re complaining about a tough life….good grief. Chinese people, when they’re not working, hang around in the park! Its nice and its free.

      Like welfare receivers spending it on booze and cigarettes, TV/video subscriptions are a drain on the society along with unnecessary cars, not all that different. Its all too far gone and should neither Ron Paul nor anyone other person or group involved in American politics can or should be made responsible to “fix” it? I don’t know and its an impossibility anyway. I cannot envision how the societal situation there can transform to improve.

      Cheers, Mario

  • Bc June 20, 2011, 7:45 pm

    Yes. Our problem is ruling elites. Not self absorbed boomers, not overpaid unions, not peak oil, and not too much debt. Those darned elites stop us from reading the growing Internet consensus that we are drowning in debt, fighting stupid wars, destroying our currency, and running out of time. Definitely not our fault. No way.

  • C.C. June 20, 2011, 7:29 pm

    “Anyone else notice the recurring theme (or meme) that coincides with the summer season over the past 4 years?”

    Yes, most definitely.

    “Within the next 60 days, consumer economic sentiment (and therefore political will) will be at levels adequate to allow the debasers to apply their craft again with no fear of public backlash.”

    Worse yet, your observation above will serve to ‘validate’ the actions of further securities purchases, thereby putting to rest arguments of his detractors that his policies either don’t work or are a negative drag on future economic recovery. Rather perverse logic of course, but reality nonetheless.

  • bob June 20, 2011, 7:10 pm

    Homeowners that are not paying their mortgages are still spending this money on consumerism, wheather for toys or food. When this stops and they have to start paying rent, times will change.

  • Robert June 20, 2011, 6:47 pm


    Anyone else notice the recurring theme (or meme) that coincides with the summer season over the past 4 years?

    Sebastian makes a passing mention of what I think is a very important observation- The majority of people are still not hurting (despite all the talk). The neighbors are seeing their standard of living decline, but many are still not into the “pain zone” yet.

    The kids are still playing their DSI, and the cable has still not been disconnected.

    In my neck of the woods, the neighbors are not planning any big trips this summer, but the local Walmart is selling a ton of camping gear as stay-cations gain popularity.

    The downsizing of the middle class continues unabated.

    Economics-wise, the net result is an interesting study: the Fed creates inflationary force with money creation and interest rate supression, and the resultant price rises trigger real demand destruction, giving the Fed the smokescreen they need to declare that monetary policy has no bearing on the general price level.

    These cycles are all timed perfectly with normal seasonal market cycles. Coincidence? I think not.

    The Fed announced that QE2 would be over at the end of Q2. Consider analytically what the alternative economic impact would be if the Fed had scheduled QE to end coincident with a more “economically active” period like end of Q3? What impact would such a move have had on the holiday shopping season?

    TPTB are tape painting on a very large scale; outside the “awareness window” of most. They are concentrating on making certain that seasonal economic peaks are declining more gradually than the corresponding seasonal vallies, but the mean regression line still maintains a negative slope.

    Within the next 60 days, consumer economic sentiment (and therefore political will) will be at levels adequate to allow the debasers to apply their craft again with no fear of public backlash.

    The frog is being boiled so slowly that even those who understand the allegory are failing to see that the burner is only being turned up about once every 18 months, and the power brokers have made an all-in bet that public sentiment will bottom and turn back up before the water temp finally reaches 212F

    The whole thing is one big snoozer.

    There is far more interest (with me at at least) in finding the precious metal mining company that offers the best calculated arbitrage yield out there when this ridiculous PM spread trade reaches critical mass.

    Anyone speculating that the miners are leading the metals and that current price action is indicative of coming pressure on the metals prices must yield to the same logic when applied to the theory that the destruction of corn farmers would portend bearish conditions for future corn prices…

    The miners are creating forward earnings that are going to force them to do something with the cash they are generating- whether it be buying back their own shares (ala Silvercorp), or consuming each other in a massive orgy of M&A, or offering real income to shareholders via dividends.

    Even the most dense Phoenix MBA mining executive can see that cash held on the books as currencies are being debased globally is not a great idea.

    • S P June 21, 2011, 12:03 am

      Nice post.

      It is pretty boring, isn’ it? The markets crash, the Fed prints, prices go up, and the markets crash again. Ad infinitum.

      People can be bought off as long as they have a roof over their head and some food for their bellies. Even jobs are worthless now. You just need enough energy to feed the machines, who do the rest. And though the energy is declining, there is still enough of it to keep this thing going for quite awhile.

  • Jacques Redou June 20, 2011, 6:32 pm

    Ron Paul has two qualities that DISqualify him for success.

    He has Principles.

    He asks Questions.

    Of course the Go Along To Get Ahead crowd
    in Washington and in the Media will do everything they can to shut him out.

  • C.C. June 20, 2011, 5:58 pm

    Ron Paul in a second, but…

    Developing, pushing and enacting a ‘health care’ bill that is arguably one of the most blatant attempts at Constitutional usurpation in history, not only qualifies Mr. president as exceedingly ‘liberal’ (a perverted term from its origin), it elevates him beyond the scope of ‘liberal’, into another twisted realm entirely.

    “And yet, Fox treats Paul as a political non-entity at best, as a crackpot at worst.”

    The Ron Paul ‘treatment’ is not lost on accident. There is a vested interest in the media cognoscenti – surprisingly more so in the so-called ‘conservative’ media, to maintain a ‘status quo’. Without the ‘Right vs. Left’ dynamic, the entire sphere of ‘conservative talk’ becomes all but void.

    There is an obvious ‘shunning’ of Ron Paul for this very reason – because the conservative media knows if Ron Paul is elevated to prominence, many of their jobs are in jeopardy. A Ron Paul selection would literally hang the Neo-Cons with their own false rope of ‘freedom’.

    The searing truth and reality that Ron Paul brings to the debate breaches the green-zone of conservative-cum-military-industrial-complex dialogue and forces the flag waivers to come to grips with our incapacity for further geopolitical interventionism. That is where the rubber meets the road in Conserva-town – and where the Faux ‘tea party’ draws the line on who gets in, and who gets Shut Out…

    Let us not aid them in their endeavors –

    • Rick Ackerman June 21, 2011, 2:57 am

      I think you’re onto something, C.C. Is it possible, to borrow a line from Jack Nicholson’s Col. Jessep, that Conservatives can’t handle the truth?

    • Lj June 21, 2011, 4:15 pm

      @CC: obama’s so-called “health care reform” is NOT about actually PROVIDING “health care to American households” – it was/is just another BACK DOOR BAILOUTS to the corporations & financial funds who own/are the big health ‘insurance’ companies.
      Rahm Emanuel was obama’s real “ENFORCER” to shove the despised “reform” bill down BOTH right-wing conservative, AND “lefty/liberal” opponents. FireDogLake.com, Dennis Kucinich, Congressman DeFazio – EVERYONE who wanted REAL “health care reform” was AGAINST obama-care, which, like “BAILOUTS” EXTORTS money out of consumer/taxpayers, for private corporations (financial funds/banks).
      (Emmanuel actually had to “invite” Congressman Kucinich on an Obama AF-1 flight to Cleveland, where Emanuel read the riot act: Either Kuccinich ENDORSE the ‘reform’ atrocity, or Emanuel (then Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s former Wall St bagman, DCCC Dem. Congressional Campaign Committee director) would all but expel Kucinich from the Dem. caucus… and hire & fund 100 opponents against him in his home district, complete with relentless Neo-Con press/media smear jobs.)

  • nonplused June 20, 2011, 5:04 pm

    The middle class is already irrelevant to the upper class. TPTB will not be affected no matter what happens to the middle class. The more of them that go broke, the more voluntary recruits as the resource wars grow in number.

  • Edwardo June 20, 2011, 3:29 pm

    Unless otherwise informed by Rick, I’ll have to assume that his counter-factual claim, “We have watched the most liberal president in the history of the Republic…” was made mostly, if not entirely, for purposes of provocation. After all, LBJ, was, for example, vastly more liberal, in all the ways that matter, (Great Society programs anyone?) than President Obama who is merely a modestly competent rhetorician where liberalism is concerned. After all, one can’t really be a liberal, as such, and simultaneously operating to “secure the fortunes of the bankers.” Such a state of affairs doesn’t just strain the idea that President Obama is the greatest liberal in the history of The Republic, it reduces it to rubble.

    • Larry D June 20, 2011, 6:09 pm

      Somewhat true, but not even LBJ (or FDR) dared fire CEOs of private corporations and nationalize them in part.

      If you believe one can’t be liberal and simultaneously secure the fortunes of bankers you might also declare that George Soros and Warren Buffett can’t be a billionare and liberal, which would be a surprise for both of them.

    • Steve June 20, 2011, 7:37 pm

      And, everyone falsely ass u me(s) that the Republic did not die, to be replaced by corporate executive democracy with no regard for constitution or rule of Law (28 U.S.C. 3002(15). The courts are executive mobocracy in authentic and genuine reality based in fact. The executive is a corporate monarchy in succession as Commander in Chief. Just look at the symbols given to everyone that the Commander in Chief is in charge of a democracy rebellion, Amos H. Short v. Francis Ertimanager 5 Opin 354, Bennett v Bennett 1 Deady 307. Look in your statehouse and tell me who’s colors fly as the superior. Obama is liberal as was FDR in their stench and reach for corporate mobocracy. LBJ – yup! Got to agree that he was anti-Liberty.

      Because the many do not know. The ‘colors’ of the People and Liberty are of specific length and width (4 U.S.C. 1); flow on a bare staff with nothing superior to the colors (a common bare flag on a common bare staff for the People in common having Common Rights as the Sovereigns in Common over an inferior federal governmental form). Look at the flag Obama takes to Japan – it is not a War Flag of the Commander in Chief with irregular shape, silks, cords, and fringes with Eagle superior to Flag (Veterans of Foreign Wars on Flag and Country) (Department of State) Let us hope that Public Education is teaching what a Republic is – well its a good idea and maybe the youth in rebellion will stumble upon the concept of Liberty supported by a Constitutional Republic.

    • Steve June 20, 2011, 7:52 pm

      Larry, there is no such thing as a private corporation. That theory of private corporation is a smoke screen as all aggragate corporations are creations of the state under this state corporate authority. One might have a municiple-corporation, or a quasi-corporation, but; to assume that something created by the Office of Secretary of State is not public defies the powers of creation.

      Private means that there is no governmental powers, or other individual powers over “It” as in the Private Acts of Man authorized by the Laws of Nature and Natures God (Declaration, supra). One might define corporations as in corporate government hands, and in corporate enfranchisee hands, yet; they are the creatures of the same creation owing existence to the same creator. Private means PRIVATE with no superior.

      There is one exception, and democracy is trying its best to destroy that corporate structure which exists under authority of the Creator, the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God, only recognized by the state.

    • Rick Ackerman June 21, 2011, 2:52 am

      LBJ was a compromise-builder who never consorted with the likes of Bill Ayers or the Weather Underground. Nor did he support such radical groups as ACORN, or belong to a church whose preacher’s “theology” was hating America.

    • Lj June 21, 2011, 4:05 pm

      @Eduardo: Thanks for that. ANYONE who thinks Obama is “LIBERAL” is DELUSIONAL! His ENTIRE team of “Of, By, and For Golddamn-Sachs” appartchiks are ALL BOB RUBIN toadies… as in “former Golddamn-Sachs co-CHAIRMAN” Bob Rubin. Rubin & his henchmen – Larry Summers, Rahm Emanuel, Timmy Giethner – were THE DRIVING FORCE behind the Phil Gramm, Jim Leach, Thomas Bliley “Gramm Leach Bliley Act” AND the “Commodities Futures ‘Modernization’ Act (1999 & 2000 respectively) – which were the RADICAL Right-Wing “big business CAN REGULATE ITSELF”
      DEREGULATION financial atrocities that ENSURED the economy would COLLAPSE (under the sheer weight of NO OVERSIGHT CDS, CDO, & other “Derivatives” FRAUD) a few years after Rubin & Summers departed from Treasury (as Clinton’s last 2 Treasury Secretaries.)
      (i.e., FORMER GS CHAIRMAN, and President Bush-II’s 3rd & final Treasury Secretary, was CONTINUING the premeditated ECONOMIC LOOTING “deregulation” engineered by Rubin, Summers, Phil Gramm, Enron Ken Lay, Dick Armey, & etc: the NY-Texas alliance of evil.)
      btw, President Lyndon Johnson was a tragic figure, he KNEW the military (his Joint Chiefs of Staff) were LYING to him about “how easy” the Vietnam war would be, but in 1964, with Republican Righties still accusing Truman of “LOSING CHINA,” Johnson KNEW that to be seen as “SOFT ON COMMUNISM” was a DEATH SENTENCE in American politics – if he didn’t go along with the “Gulf of Tonkin resolution,” he would have been ousted from White House in ’64 elections, and BARRY GOLDWATER would have taken over – threatening to NUKE Vietnam AND CHINA!!
      Johnson was far and away THE MOST LIBERAL president America has ever had, it’s a shame his “War on Poverty” was DERAILED by Vietnam war costs (and usual cultural/ethnic conflict).
      Roosevelt, on the other hand, was not nearly as “liberal” as it appears: his “Big 3” ECONOMICS ADVISORS were BERNARD BARUCH, Alexander Sachs, and (his Treasury Secretary was) HENRY MORGANTHAU – ALL THREE CLOSELY CONNECTED to the Fed FIAT money “pump & dump” ECONOMIC CONTRACTION MACHINE (the rothschilds SPECIALTY was “pump & dump” economic predation, and the Fed was their wholly owned creature).
      It was MORGANTHAU who came up with the ‘brilliant’ idea of CRIMINALIZING GOLD OWNERSHIP, and BLAMING “gold hoarders” for the economic contraction that had been ENGINEERED by the big bankers (r’s) behind the Fed !!
      Timmy Geithner is REAPPRISING this role today: they’ve just BANNED Forex gold/silver trading, and SMEARING PMs buyers can’t be far behind!!

  • Talcott June 20, 2011, 10:19 am

    The United States will survive….but the plutocratic oligarch’s may no longer have as significant a say in its management. Revolution is on the tongues of more and more people I speak with.

  • John Jay June 20, 2011, 5:40 am

    Left to our own devices, we would implode by 2015.
    As we all know, the real estate debacle has never been addressed at all. The banks have been ignoring non payers of the mortgages they hold, and the DC gang changed the accounting rules to make it all legal. The share of wealth and income for the top 1% keeps growing. Of course, the financial markets, political system, and tax laws are all rigged in their favor and have been since the Rockefellers, Fords etc. led the way with family “Trusts” almost one hundred years ago.
    However, if we are the last man standing when the Euro zone, Japan, and China either implode before us, or in the case of China/Russia are attacked by us, we win by default. It all depends on what plan the CIA/MIC are working from. Let’s see if Congress asserts themselves over this Libya War Powers dispute. But we are already involved in Yemen, Syria, Bahrain, KSA, Lebanon, Jordan, AfPakIraq etc. There is also a rumor that Obama plans to issue an Executive Order to legalize all the illegals, bypassing both Congress and the Electorate. Your guess is as good as mine as to how it all plays out.

    • CompassionateFascist June 21, 2011, 6:59 am

      No, the US is not going to “attack China/Russia” or any other nation-state that has nuclear weapons. Only non-nuke states get attacked by US, which is why Iran wants ’em. Nor are “we” going to win. Sometime before election 2012, our debt-Ponzi economy is going to collapse, leaving the country in a state of immanent Civil War involving secession of entire states and blocs of states, beginning with Texas. If Rick Perry is the Repub nominee, 1860 = 2012. What a great time to be alive!

  • Sebastian June 20, 2011, 2:54 am

    Americans are the party with no interest in this revolution. Observe, that most Russians were oppressed by the Soviets, while most Americans are propped up by the schemers in D.C. Only net producers are oppressed in US, so they may hold an interest in “Atlas Shrugged” type of resistance. The great American majority lives off the welfare, Obamacare, Social Security, public schools, opium fields in Afghanistan, cheap oil for Arab blood and world-wide enforcement of dollar inflation.

    In agreement with Andrei Amalrik famous forecast that there will be “a collapse” when “confrontation with reality becomes inevitable” that was based on that the virtual reality of USSR was of a lower grade than reality elsewhere, it follows that as a high standard virtual reality of life in these united states inevitably hits the consciousness of our many creditors themselves leading a much more frugal life, it is their behavior that is going to undergo a revolution, especially that would lead to the collapse of their willingness to loan us their wealth.

    So I think that this is the answer for why Ron Paul is ignored. Fox knows that most Americans do not want to dive into a reality where they would have to actually work and [s*ve] (that ugly 4 letter word they use only to describe shopping for unnecessary junk on credit). (I recently chatted with a someone who was complaining of tough living, – but he still spends about $130 on TV brainwash and $90 on video games for kids a month, I wonder what his creditor in China laboring for $30 a month would have to say)

    This is why I think Americans will not do anything until others in creditor nations will implement changes to credit and may-be deny US government the world-wide inflation tax by rejecting the USD.

    When foreigners reject USD, and stop lending, that much more will have to be extracted from US producers, so some of them will cease business, others will leave, and others will shift into an even higher risk/reward category. This is where a strong leader will be requested and will arise. Then the search for a scapegoats will ensue. This time it will not be Jews. Mexicans may-be? Or foreigners in general? High earners? Landlords?