The FBI Will Get Them

[Much as I’d like to change the subject, I’ll finish out the week with this one in hopes that a few readers will take the government’s side. As things stand, most who have weighed in in the forum apparently believe that the Boston bombing, and 9/11 as well, were the work of a special-ops team fielded by Uncle Sam.  Although I am wont to attribute nearly everything that’s seriously wrong with America to bad government, I stop short of believing that ours would plan and execute mass murders in U.S. cities. RA]

As investigators sift clues that now include clear photos of two suspects in the Boston bombing on Monday, Americans have reason to be confident that the FBI will find the person or persons responsible for the deadly blast. When the Bureau says they’ll leave no stone unturned, they mean it literally.  Pulling together millions of pieces of evidence left by murderous explosions is one of the things they do best. Lockerbie comes to mind — and before it, the solution to United Airlines flight #629, which blew up in mid-flight in November 1955, killing 44 people. John Graham, who had taken out an insurance policy on his mother, a passenger, was convicted and executed.

The incident was dramatized in the 1959 Jimmy Stewart film The FBI Story. In each case, investigators literally rebuilt the planes fragment-by-fragment to solve the crime.  This they will do again, with all possible diligence, to make certain that the Boston killer does not go unpunished.  Success in unraveling this crime could come from a photograph or video, from a tipster, from fragmentary evidence at the scene, or from a combination of any or all of those things. But it will come, and we will all breathe easier when the cowardly  perpetrator of this heinous crime is in handcuffs, on his way to a holding facility.

Vigilance Now a Duty

Even then, however, the effects on America’s already wounded psyche will linger.  We have all been made more jittery by this episode, and from this day forward every unattended suitcase, shopping bag or parcel in an airport lounge, bar or restaurant will be viewed not merely with suspicion, but with fear. Airports that have grown increasingly unfriendly toward travelers since 9/11 will become even moreso, bomb scares will grow more common, evacuations all-too-familiar.  Popular foot races that draw tens of thousands of participants, such as the Bay to Breakers and the Bolder Boulder, will require rigorous security measures that will take some of the fun out of these events.  Any place where large numbers of people gather presumably will be viewed as a high-value target for the jihadists.  This new fact-of-life will impose on each of us the burden of vigilance. With the Boston bombing, it may no longer be possible to imagine a better world in which such precautions have become unnecessary.

  • Craig April 24, 2013, 8:07 pm

    All is still in the pasture….the sheep have been scared into the pen by the barking dogs (the media) and all is well. The sheep will not even question if a wolf was even there just that the dogs barked and all is well now, never to look at the past or question anything they are told…until the next manufactured crisis where all the sheep follow the barking dogs again distracted once again from seeing the butcher truck pull into the farm…

    “Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so.”
    -Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science on Society p50, 1953

    “Gradually, by selective breeding, the congenital differences between rulers and ruled will increase until they become almost different species. A revolt of the plebs would become as unthinkable as an organized insurrection of sheep against the practice of eating mutton.”
    *- Bertrand Russell, “The Impact of Science on Society”, 1953, pg 49-50*

  • John Galt April 23, 2013, 7:00 pm

    Don’t forget that the FBI handler in the first world trade center bombing passed on the chance to substitute inert material in the bomb. Always follow the money, power and oil:

  • Robert April 23, 2013, 6:58 pm

    I don’t believe everything I read…

    I do, however reflect on the philosophies of Charles Mackay following events like Boston….

  • Neil April 21, 2013, 11:36 am

    Here are two videos that PROVE that the FBI conspires to conduct terrorist attacks:

    Interview with Ted Gunderson, who was Special Agent-in-Charge in Memphis, Dallas, then Los Angeles, about the 1993 WTC bombing, OK City bombing, and 9-11.

    This is a CBS report about the ’93 WTC bombing.

  • George April 21, 2013, 8:00 am

    No proof needed to conclude a false flag event.
    US behavior in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria spells it out.
    Government, FBI and Wall Street moral values are indicative of of US being rotten to the core

  • Marc Authier April 21, 2013, 12:28 am

    So, let’s get this straight; the FBI was informed 18 months ago that Tamerlan Tsarnaev was a follower of radical Island by the Russian FSB; and Dzhokhar’s friends drove around in a stolen black BMW with the plate “Terrorista#1” on it? Oh and Jon Corzine has still not been arrested…

    Your rating: None Average: 5 (27 votes)
    From Zero Hedge.


    There are ten million reasons to vomit on the FBI, which I consider a police state institution. Police states to justify their existence create the terrorists to justify the budgets and the plundering of taxpayers. Bet you one million dollars, no 10 million dollars that the FBI budget will be increased. Dont bet with me. I am bad with money and investment but not when it’s about the FBI.

  • Marc Authier April 21, 2013, 12:04 am

    Taken from ZERO HEDGE.

    But then we learn that the FBI did indeed interview Tamerlan nearly two years ago. From AP:

    A foreign government told the FBI in early 2011 about information that Tamerlan Tsarnaev (tsahr-NEYE’-ehv), one of the brothers suspected in the Boston Marathon bombings, was a follower of radical Islam.

    Tamerlan Tsarnaev died in a shootout, and his younger brother was captured alive. They were identified by authorities and relatives as ethnic Chechens from southern Russia who had been in the U.S. for about a decade.
    According to FBI, the foreign government said that based on its information, Tamerlan Tsarnaev was a strong believer and that he had changed drastically since 2010 as he prepared to leave the U.S. for travel to the country’s region to join unspecified underground groups.

    The FBI says it interviewed Tsarnaev and relatives, and did not find any domestic or foreign terrorism activity.

    It did? Because suddenly questions emerge:

    •What did the FBI inquiry involve?
    •What unspecified “underground groups”?
    •Have the same “underground groups” recruited more young people from Boston or neighboring cities?
    •Who made the decision to absolve Tamerlan of any suspicion?
    •Which “foreign government” demanded that the US FBI get involved in the life of a then 24 year old boy and under what pretext?
    •Also, and unrelated, why were both parents abroad?
    Dead men tell not tales, and Tamerlan is now permanently muted, so it is the FBI’s word, as secret as it may, be against that of a dead man.

    As for his brother: one wonders how quickly will he recuperate, or will his serious (or critical as was reported by Bloomberg) condition in hosptial suddenly deteriorate to a condition of just as terminal silence, thus tying up all the loose ends?

    But as usual TAMERLAN was liquidated. How convenient. The FBI always gets his man. Yeah specially when it’s a patsie. Radical Islam ? Yeah like Al-CIA-aida and USA good buddies Ben Laden and the Talibans. These are MADE IN USA (CIA) monsters. I see their nice work each day in Syria done on Christians. Stop playing your hypocrital games. We know who finances these islamic radicals. USA and Saudi Arabia.

  • bachus April 20, 2013, 10:15 pm

    mirror , mirror on the wall – who has the best conspiracy theory of them all?
    wake up , terrorism is real – and to have any sympathy with these “martyr’s” takes a really bent mind.

    • Benjamin April 21, 2013, 3:33 am

      I, for one, do not have any pity for those who take the pill of temptation from the agents provocateurs. Too bad alot of “conspircay theorists” do, but that is a world better than having to put up with those who cling to their “Real American Heroes!”, sipping on their own sheep-made terror juice (piss), figuring they’re rational and safe. They rationalize and endanger themselves. Good for them. I care not what happens to them when the “necessity” of routine martial law sees them trapped inside a cold and wet prison tent, eating their former neighbors as rations.

  • Marc Authier April 20, 2013, 9:05 pm

    Some news about the terrorists. The mother of our two patsies says that the FBI was in contact with the two young men many years prior to the ”Boston Tea Party” ”Patriot Day” attack. I just couls vomit when I reand about the FBI. It was the same thing with the Oklaoma bombing by McVeigh. How as Americans can you stand this criminal s*** !!! I dont care anyways about the official version. The fact remains specially in the case of Tcheniyan terrorism, is that 100% of these terrorists are sponsored, armed and trained by the US government. It was the case in Kosovo and Tcheniya. So why suddenly would be different now ? A police state to justify its existence and its budgets creates it own terrorism and in the case of the FBI it is particularly true. Truer as ever. You can kiss goodbye to your Bill of Rights and your constitution. That’s why they chose Boston. Highly symbolic indeed.

    • Dave April 21, 2013, 12:44 am

      More chilling, the captured bomb suspect, a naturalized USA citizen as of 9/11/12 (another date coincidence???), age 19, went back to school Tues-Thurs at U of Mass/Dartmouth, acted fine, as if nothing was wrong. Mingled, tweeted, social media-ized with others.

      I propose anyone becoming a USA citizen must swear and sign if they do anything to purposely harm/kill another USA citizen, destroy property, etc. in a terrorist or similar method, they agree to the death penalty and give up all rights to trial with no lifetime imprisionment option. No more of US, you and me, paying for lengthy trials, years in prison, etc.

    • Dave April 21, 2013, 1:09 am

      Don’t Do the Crime, If YOU Can’t Do The Time!

  • KS April 20, 2013, 4:27 pm

    A question for those who don’t believe conspiracies because of the amount of people involved:
    Why was a Reichstag burning not a problem in its days, for example….it achieved its goal, no one questioned it, those who did got dealt with.

    What’s the big deal? The assumption that it should involve many people is a bit wrong…I would assume it is actually done by the hands of the radical groups, who are given the plan and are allowed the execution…Means that just several high ranking persons have to close the eyes and turn the other way at the right time.
    I would never believe myself that 100s of federal agents are in on the plan and are complacent. It just breaks the whole system of clearances.

    • Marc Authier April 20, 2013, 9:15 pm

      FBI and Oklaoma City. You get the picture of the criminals running the FBI. The FBI was warned many many many months before 911. They even gagged a turkish arab speaking translator working for them SIBEL EDMONDS who wanted to denounce the fact that FBI knew perfectly well the towers would be attacked on september 11th. Question to all those imbéciles that think that US government is fighting terrorism. Who is the government that sponsors the greastest number of terrorist organizations in 2013 and has the biggest budget to train, arm and sponsor terrorists like those in Lybia, Syria, Irak and Afghanistan ? THE US GOVERNMENT. Who financed Al-CIA-aida and Ben Laden a quarter century and are still financing them ? USA Who created and financed the Talibans ? USA Who financed the Tchechen ”freedom fighters” in Kosovo and Russia ? USA. Americans are just plain hypocrits when it comes to terrorism. Their own government is the main supporter of terrorism across the world and even in USA.

    • Dave April 20, 2013, 11:43 pm

      Rick, Peter Schiff, Ron Paul and others warn of future doom and gloom, Schiff on CNBC all the time.
      No one reacts much.
      Being warned, watching expose videos of 9-11, FBI, etc. doesn’t change those who choose the path of least resistance.
      You know if you eat French fries, refined sugar foods, you will have bad outcome, LATER in life.
      Doesn’t stop many does it, until 1st heart attack, diabetes, etc.
      This IS human nature. Hearing the truth doesn’t mean Listening to it.

  • Mercurious April 20, 2013, 3:10 pm

    My, my…just when you thought there was “nothing to see here” yet more unanswered questions on who the unidentified contractors working with the FBI was a few feet from the bomb blast. Miraculously saved by strolling across the the street just before the explosions, they seem to be looking for something with some urgency underneath bleachers directly across from the blast area. Something unexploded? Pure speculation on my part, perhaps someone lost a contact lens there.

    Of course, I’m sure there’s all some reasonable explanation. It’s not like the FBI has been involved in the middle of the majority of “terrorist incidents” in the US since 9/11. Ahhh…check that.

  • tom paine April 20, 2013, 2:49 pm

    Whoops! That was supposed to say NOT with Rick in the first clause.

  • tom paine April 20, 2013, 2:48 pm

    While I’m with Rick in blaming almost every problem on government–I think that the problem is government hijacked by Wall Street, the MIC and giant corporations–I am completely with him on his disdain of conspiracy theories that make 9/11 or this Boston bombing out to be government inspired plots. Especially with 9/11, the idea that the plotters could arrange something that elaborate without someone with a scintilla of conscience finding out about it and blowing the whistle is just a non starter as far as I’m concerned.

  • Seawolf April 20, 2013, 1:14 pm

    If I may let’s go back to 9-11 for a moment. Can someone please tell me how four men who could barely fly a single engine propeller driven Cessna were able to fly jetliners in which they had no previous experience from the mid-continent of the USA, an area which they had never seen from the air, to their targets with pin point accuracy and timing with no navigational aides other than looking out of the cockpit windows?

  • Neil April 20, 2013, 11:19 am

    Anti-conspiracy theorists, devote just 10 minutes of your life to hear it straight from the horse’s mouth. Ted Gunderson was FBI Special Agent-in-Charge in Memphis, Dallas, then Los Angeles.

    • Benjamin April 20, 2013, 12:46 pm

      Dude, you’re a freakin’ godsend! In most of my posts, this is exactly what I was refering to. I just didn’t remember enough of the details to find this vid. I hope enough skeptics are still hanging around to see it.

      Thanks a zillion!

    • Buster April 20, 2013, 7:42 pm

      Thanks Neil.
      It’s always good to hear it from someone on the other side of the fence, even if to make it simple for those among us who can’t quite see what’s being spelled out right in front of us.
      Not only is this interview liquid gold, but it’s also heartening to be reminded that there are those in the services, government & general system management who are willing to stand up & be counted.
      It can’t be overemphasized, the fact that we are all slipping further & further into deep doo doo. The cancer is right through the body but the patient can’t see it. The fourth reich is alive & kicking humanity to death, but the sheeple are lulled to sleep through it for a little while yet, but not indefinitely….
      The ‘valuable things of the Earth’ have to be shaken out of it. Sleep will not be allowed as mitigation against such crimes, so will not be an option for any of us, sadly.

  • Dave April 20, 2013, 2:04 am

    How many false convictions happened before DNA evidence was available? Over zealous prosecutors, witnesses’ faulty memory, rush to judgment, human nature to follow the crowd, etc.
    Now many in jail for years have been released after their cases were re-evaluated using DNA.
    Are we to believe EVERY official explanation of events w/o question?

    • Marc Authier April 20, 2013, 4:20 am

      Answer. NO ! Never believe the official version specially when it is about this type of crap !!!!! It is a total joke and people even with a minimum of brain know it but this story beats even 911 !

  • Marc April 19, 2013, 11:23 pm

    Although I am open-minded to the possibility that some historical and current events could involve an element of conspiracy (JFK’s assassination, government/banking sector shenanigans), it seems to me that the really big conspiracy ideas are ludicrous. It is not hard to see that a small group of powerful and/or well-connected individuals might be able to pull off an assassination or legislative coup in their favor. But any conspiracy that also requires the involvement of hundreds of other individuals throughout government and in various law enforcement agencies is rather asinine, in my opinion.

    Take 9/11 – how many people at the FBI alone would have to be accomplices, covering up evidence that was recovered and/or presenting fabricated evidence? After all, a few high-ranking puppet masters can’t control all of the evidence on the ground. The idea that such a wide web of collaborators would exist among a group of people who—at least among the rank-and-file—are in that agency BECAUSE they are dedicated to law enforcement is ridiculous. How about the video al Qaeda released to Al Jazeera and other outlets of Bin Laden discussing how they had planned it and stating that they did not actually expect it to bring the towers down? Was al Qaeda just assisting the federal government conspirators when it made that video?

    The same general point can be made for any other prominent conspiracy of that size. The moon landing was faked? It sure is amazing that so many people at NASA were willing to participate and that not one of them has ever spilled the beans to this day. It seems to me that you have to be lacking in your critical thinking abilities to swallow such ideas.

    • gary leibowitz April 20, 2013, 4:34 am

      Marc, you know not what you say. Retract before you are discovered to be yet another plant whose sole purpose is to slant the truth and deceive. It is so much more fun to imagine massive coordinated deception. If anything, doesn’t it activate the brain and allow us to become smarter? Fire up them neuron receptors.

      BTW, you must leave this blog immediately! I was here first! They only allow one man from the state controlled media to print here.

  • Buster April 19, 2013, 9:42 pm

    Truth is, things are far, far worse than most of us are willing to believe. Our own reality, though relevant enough, is just a snippit of this world. Often, our lack of empathy blinds us to what is also reality, just for someone else, but we are all destined to see the entirety. That Revelation awaits each & every one of us over the next couple of decades. Everything will become clear enough, don’t worry about that!

  • shteeeeeve! April 19, 2013, 7:45 pm

    …or manufacture them, or escort them out of the country, or just kill ‘them’. Bet they’re both dead by the end of the week. Dead men STILL don’t talk, son.

  • Neil April 19, 2013, 7:39 pm

    Woops, forgot to include the link to the recording:

  • Neil April 19, 2013, 7:37 pm

    Rick, the American public once did believe what their government told them. That began to change with the Warren Commission’s investigation of the JFK assassination. I just finished reading the book “Me and Lee”, by Judyth Vary Baker. It’s both an autobiography and a fascinating testimony of her and Lee Harvey Oswald’s activities leading up to the assassination. She knew things that none of the assassination investigators and researchers would discover. None of them knew of her until she went public a dozen years ago. Up until then she had to lay low and say nothing because her knowledge imperiled her and her family’s lives. The program “60 Minutes” spent 14 months investigating her claims. The creator of “60 Minutes”, Don Hewitt, told C-SPAN they “were convinced we were about to break the biggest story of our times… but the door was slammed in our face.”
    Also, watch this recording of the motorcade just before it turns right from Main St. onto Houston St. at Dealy Plaza. It clearly shows the two Secret Service agents escorting Kennedy’s car at the rear being ordered to stand down. They obey and the agent on the right throws his hands up three times in dismay and frustration.

  • John Jay April 19, 2013, 6:44 pm

    The biggest issue concerning 9/11 was not “Did the Government do it?”
    The defining moment was the Government reaction to the tragedy.
    Any stirring speeches in Congress about preserving our Freedoms in response to the attack?
    No, a lengthy, pre-packaged, “Patriot Act” was pulled off the shelf and rammed through Congress.
    That’s all you need to know about where we are headed.
    Reichstag Fire=Enabling Acts
    9/11=Patriot Act
    There is no turning back now, I fear.
    It is Catch 22 Writ Large.
    Once again………………….
    “Catch-22 says they have a right to do anything we can’t stop them from doing.”
    And those votes in Congress and the SCOTUS that preserve what is left of our rights keep getting slimmer and slimmer.

    • Benjamin April 19, 2013, 9:32 pm

      “No, a lengthy, pre-packaged, “Patriot Act” was pulled off the shelf and rammed through Congress.”

      Exactly. Things like that don’t get through when people generally _aren’t_ too afraid from recent happenings to challenge it.

      Compare 9/11 to Sandy Hook. People were generally saddened and angered, but not afraid. That is why the POTUS lost his cool and let Freudian-slip his real intentions, on live TV, when the anti-Second bill didn’t pass. Similarly, the general reaction to the Boston bombing has been the same as Sandy Hook, not one predominantly of fear (except by govt, going through its motions). Seems the “immune system” is finally kicking in.

    • gary leibowitz April 20, 2013, 4:49 am

      Not a shinning example of the “American Way”. Reminds me of a time when tricky dick’s paranoia bordered on delusional mistrust of everyone. How does a rational man bug your opponent when the race was already won? Make tapes of his inner circle of misdeeds because he needed to preserve his legacy?

      Yes the gutless political council thought they would be branded unpatriotic if they stood up to Bush and his machine. The use of technology is going to be our biggest obstacle in the future. The technological ease of intrusion is my main worry. Using fear as a weapon to accept intrusive behavior has worked in the past and I am afraid will do so in the future.

  • Andrea Zinga April 19, 2013, 6:19 pm

    It’s a tragic commentary on the state of affairs today
    that so many of the nation’s best minds (which is how
    I think of your contributors en masse) would conclude
    the Boston bombings were a government plot.
    In large part I blame the Internet. This medium that
    has brought us so much has also brought us the
    proliferation of opinion on every conceivable subject,
    from every conceivable belief system and frame of mind.
    The blurring of lines that began with the mainstream news media morphing steadily into “infotainment”,
    continues with the Internet– where speculation, erroneous or misleading “facts”, or outright hysteria
    masquerades as truth. And where, based on the slightest proclivity, one can find a huge body of material to support that bent and cause it to lean mightily in one
    That said, it looks like Rick wins his bet; because based on the information today I am guessing we will hear
    soon of a link to some terrorist training camp or religious
    brainwashing in some other country somewhere.

  • gary leibowitz April 19, 2013, 4:49 pm

    Another full truth: These terrorists were home-grown straight from the CIA or is it the FBI. Hmmm. I forget.
    The Russian names are aliases. Here is another 9/11 conspiracy in the making. I find it amazing that when experts explain why or how something works the paranoid individual dismisses the scientific evidence as a government plant. I had thought Rick agreed to the same conspiracy theory but I guess I was wrong. I suspect if Rick didn’t personally know an expert in the field he would be in the same camp as a lot of you. Too bad we all don’t have close friends in every economic and scientific field to prevent us from always assuming the worse. So much distrust about everything is a sad commentary. I suppose just by making this observation I will once again spring up the idea that I am here to “confuse” the issue. Yes I am a government plant that happened to also give pretty good advice on making money. I suppose that was my intent, entice you with my good equity calls and thereby convert you over to my philosophical stand. I am the government watchdog making sure I don’t have to call one of my dogs on you.

    • Dave April 19, 2013, 5:45 pm

      Be careful, there are plenty of sympathizers near Sahadi’s on Atlantic Ave, short distance from Montague.

    • gary leibowitz April 20, 2013, 5:00 am

      I live near there so I do know what you are talking about. That is no different than having race disruptions along Eastern Parkway between Jews and Blacks, where there is a constant 24/7 police presence. Race, color, ethnic differences, will always be a catalyst to bring out our own fears and prejudices. Welcome to America!

  • KS April 19, 2013, 4:43 pm

    @Troll April 19, 2013 at 7:15 am
    Wire tripped..thanks.
    Last posting on my part. I specifically stay offtopic. My final attempt to show RA and other posters, that there is a consistent paid(?) force present here, that tries to distract/annoy or change the flow of conversation, according to the rules I set out above in reply to Gary. And it shouldn’t be taken lightly.
    The behavior of trolls can only be extinguished by two strategies:

    1. Positively identify the troll and use some means to prevent him/her from communicating at all.

    This ranges from extraordinarily difficult to impossible on the internet, since even if one succeeds in uniquely identifying a troll by, perhaps, a static IP address, and banning transmissions from that address, the troll can, and if the intensity of his/her psychopathology is sufficiently high, will, find a way to obtain another venue from which to re-enter the conversation.

    2. Ignore the troll utterly and completely. Behave as though the troll does not exist. This requires not only not responding with words to what the troll says, but also not deleting what the troll says. This works not because the troll does not receive attention, it works because the troll experiences no amusement.

    This, unfortunately, appears to be much more difficult for some people than it should be. To defeat trolls, it is necessary to eschew any belief that one must always defend against disrespectful treatment directed toward oneself or others. It is also necessary to have patience and to be completely consistent, as trolls recognize this defense and will attempt to wait you out. They will assess the personalities of those involved in the conversation and will tailor remarks to different individuals, aiming outrageousness at some, while attempting subtle inveiglements with others, in order to generate a response. However, if all present consistently and completely ignore the troll for a long enough period of time, the troll will eventually decide that the situation is not worth his/her time, and will leave to seek more profitable hunting grounds.

    • Troll April 19, 2013, 8:52 pm

      Your comments would make more sense if someone like Gary had an impact where people’s trading is concerned, KS, hence the penny stock analogy, where “basher” and “troll” posts show up on a far too regular basis. Many of the people frequenting this site are professional traders who took Rick’s course and really don’t need Gary’s advice.

  • Dave April 19, 2013, 3:20 pm
    • Rantly McTirade April 19, 2013, 3:31 pm

      Check his self-professed ‘worldview.’
      Enough Kumbaya nonsense; East is East.
      West is West-and ‘Good Fences(and fence
      guards) make Good Neighbors.’

    • Cam Fitzgerald April 19, 2013, 4:54 pm

      So they got them already. Wow. That was pretty fast. Didn’t even make it to the weekend and already they are in the crosshairs. Pretty darn good if you ask me.

  • Dave April 19, 2013, 1:50 pm

    Explain, Rick, who are DaBoyz? Why should we believe you when you mention them? Maybe they are a figment of your imagination from childhood? I know people who work on Wall St and say no one controls the markets.

    • Craig April 19, 2013, 5:33 pm

      Come on Dave “da boyz” is absolute conspiracy theory, jekyll island is proven made up story and the kennedys, rockafellers, bloomberg etc all made their money legit and did it because they are just smarter then any of us. I have an uncle I trust completely that has worked at the SEC for 50 years and he tells me that the entire finical markets are a completely level playing field and no one has inside information or any advantage over anyone. JPM and Goldman can only make money off their smarts just like the retail investor no matter how big the positions they have and have no real power by using leverage over Joe six pack. Joe six pack is just not smart enough to listen to Gartman and CNBC close enough. All market transactions by the big institutions are above board 100% otherwise the government would immediately arrest and convict any wrong doing even for a few hundred dollars. My uncle states this as fact and I believe him completely. I refuse to even look at any evidence any “financial writer” has or thinks they know that would change my mind.

      The above is also about as believable as the official 9/11 fable.

  • Benjamin April 19, 2013, 11:45 am


    “Although I am wont to attribute nearly everything that’s seriously wrong with America to bad government, I stop short of believing that ours would plan and execute mass murders in U.S. cities.”

    What do you suppose it does with all of its special limbs? All these agencies have powers that put them above the law in some way, shape, or form. There can only be one reason why, and that is to allow them to do whatever it takes to gain and retain control over people.

    On the other hand, in the case of 9/11, we have muslims. I’ll never trust a muslim. Ever. Period. End of story. Their special little book, among other consistent displays of thier real intentions, explains why.

    Consider together those two grounds. Would the two cooperate if there was (from thier perspectives) a pressing need and something to gain from it? Nothing about either says that they wouldn’t.

    As far as 9/11 conspiracies go, I’ve little interest in deciding which version of What Really Happened is true. It’s just not imperative that I do. It’s not as if one of the many versions has to be true in order for the FBI, CIA, and the ETC to be bad. The beasts have a bad nature. That’s more than adequate grounds to be distrusting of them.

    Anyway, Rick, I have a question… You said U.S. cities. As opposed to suburbs and small towns?

  • TruthWarrior April 19, 2013, 8:13 am

    For all of you out there with open minds who don’t yet know the 9/11 evidence, this is for you.

    First, understand that the science/engineering core of the 9/11 truth movement is Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

    A good intro into the AE911Truth evidence is contained in this 15-minute video:

    The latest AE911Truth documentary, “9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out,” video is here:

    The evidence conclusively points to explosive controlled demolition as the most likely cause of the collapse of the Twin Towers and Building 7 on 9/11. Without a doubt a new investigation is called for.

    My top 4 bits of evidence are:

    1. Free-fall of Building 7 for 8 stories. All 81 support columns disappeared, providing zero resistance, for 100 feet. Explosives have done this in the past, but fire has never been known to. No one has shown how it is even possible for fire to do this. The government reports do not demonstrate how it is possible.

    2. Nano-thermite, a high-tech incendiary explosive, was found in the 9/11 dust and reported in a peer-reviewed scientific journal. The U.S. government did not test the 9/11 dust for explosives and refuses to even today.

    3. Evidence of molten metal is consistent with thermite. All sides agree that office fires, even with jet fuel, are not hot enough to melt steel. However, iron-rich micro-spheres were found throughout all the trade center dust by multiple individuals and organizations. They formed from airborne molten metal droplets and had a chemical fingerprint similar to known thermite byproducts. When the scientists testing the nano-thermite chips (above) heated the chips in their lab, the chips ignited and produced iron-rich micro-spheres identical in shape and chemical composition to the micro-spheres found in the dust. The government investigative reports do not explain the micro-spheres in the dust nor the burning molten metal found under all three debris piles for several weeks after 9/11. This molten metal is however explained by thermite, which can continue burning in oxygen-starved environments, even under water.

    4. Many dozens of witnesses reported explosions on 9/11 and many explosions are evident in videos and audio recordings.

    The case for explosive controlled demolition is obvious to any open mind.

    • redwilldanaher April 19, 2013, 4:13 pm

      Many intelligent people just can’t bring themselves to the full truth. It’s unfortunate. Thanks for the links etc.

  • Troll April 19, 2013, 7:15 am

    @ KS Give it a rest. We can find the garbage of which you accuse Gary of anywhere on the net. Gary is a number of things, but to suggest he is any of those things you suggested, all I can say is: have fun investing with your over-the-counter penny stocks. This is a “big boys” site. Got it?

  • Jon April 19, 2013, 6:30 am

    The next thing to watch for is the splitting of the dollar, one will be world dollar ( perhaps SDR) , one will be a domestic dollar, guess which one they’re going to devalue?

  • Chris from Luigi's April 19, 2013, 4:40 am

    Just can’t get past WTC 7

  • maddog April 19, 2013, 3:01 am

    I have nothing to contribute to this subject, but I do have a story I would like to tell.

    I was in line at the post office mailing tax returns to my clients. The guy in front of me says to the clerk, ” I haven’t talked to my wife for over a year.” I said, ” why, are you mad at her?” He said, “no, I just didn’t want to interrupt her.”

    • Mac April 19, 2013, 11:10 pm

      I was at the post office and a lady asked me where the tax forms are. I said, “I don’t know, I don’t pay income tax.”

      All you freedom talkers should opt out of contributing funds to the problem.

  • Jill April 18, 2013, 8:24 pm

    Gary, you sure were right about the market testing 1539 support next. Why did U cash out your short position, even though U expected further decline?

    • gary leibowitz April 18, 2013, 8:37 pm

      Jill, I wanted a quick and easy gain, both on the upside and downside. I expected today or tomorrow to reverse and have a nice rally. If this is going to be a 2 to 3 week correction we will see large swings both ways until the decisive continued drop to its bottom support, wherever that is. I don’t have the patience to see the yo-yo moves.

      I could be wrong and this can be a normal and steady 5 wave drop, in which case I missed out on a much larger profit potential. I could even be wrong and this is the start of a major drop and trend reversal but I give those odds small.

      In the end it is just a guess, based on past chart patterns etc…

    • Jill April 18, 2013, 9:08 pm

      Thanks for your reply, Gary. I wouldn’t be surprised if this week ended down big. And if next week the market continued on its merry bullish way for another week or 2 at least, to pick up all that end of month retirement fund contribution cash. A lot of times at the end of one month & beginning of the next, the market suddenly gets bullish, forgetting any bearish tendencies it had the week before.

    • gary leibowitz April 18, 2013, 9:29 pm

      Currently it looks like we have a bounce from 1539. If it hold I expect the next 2 days to be pretty impressive rallies. Just a hunch. I normally allow the swings and stay the course, but my nerves are getting to me as we approach what I believe is the end game. My analytical self says that will not happen for another 3 months, but no matter how well disciplined you think you are emotions can take over. I have actually made 3 quick bets in a row and made a nice profit, but in so doing I violated the free-riding clause and as such am now restricted (90 days) to only buying after the prior bet has settled in the account. That means if I want to play my scenario next week I must commit to a drop that lasts 3 to 5 trading days after my initial bet. Perhaps I should have trusted my original assumptions. live and learn.

      If you are in for a longer stretch I would wait this out. My expectation is for the SPX to hit 1450 for a bottom to set in.

    • KS April 19, 2013, 5:36 am

      It is great to see the two sides of the same troll talking to each other. Did you both sit there and kept pressing the refresh button? Exchange emails already 🙂

      I only pop in once more to point out a troll, who is addicted to this place. Hey there, Gary…
      Trolls use a wide variety of strategies, some of which are unique to the internet, here are just a few:

      1. Make outrageous comments designed to distract or frustrate: An Alinsky tactic used to make people emotional, although less effective because of the impersonal nature of the Web.

      2. Pose as a supporter of the truth, then make comments that discredit the movement: We have seen this even on our own forums — trolls pose as supporters of the Liberty Movement, then post long, incoherent diatribes so as to appear either racist or insane. The key to this tactic is to make references to common Liberty Movement arguments while at the same time babbling nonsense, so as to make those otherwise valid arguments seem ludicrous by association. In extreme cases, these “Trojan Horse Trolls” have been known to make posts which incite violence — a technique obviously intended to solidify the false assertions of the think tank propagandists like the SPLC, which purports that Constitutionalists should be feared as potential domestic terrorists.

      3. Dominate Discussions: Trolls often interject themselves into productive Web discussions in order to throw them off course and frustrate the people involved.

      4. Prewritten Responses: Many trolls are supplied with a list or database with pre-planned talking points designed as generalized and deceptive responses to honest arguments. When they post, their words feel strangely plastic and well rehearsed.

      5. False Association: This works hand in hand with item No. 2, by invoking the stereotypes established by the “Trojan Horse Troll.” For example: calling those against the Federal Reserve “conspiracy theorists” or “lunatics”; deliberately associating anti-globalist movements with racists and homegrown terrorists, because of the inherent negative connotations; and using false associations to provoke biases and dissuade people from examining the evidence objectively.

      6. False Moderation: Pretending to be the “voice of reason” in an argument with obvious and defined sides in an attempt to move people away from what is clearly true into a “grey area” where the truth becomes “relative.”

      7. Straw Man Arguments: A very common technique. The troll will accuse his opposition of subscribing to a certain point of view, even if he does not, and then attacks that point of view. Or, the troll will put words in the mouth of his opposition, and then rebut those specific words.

      Sometimes, these strategies are used by average people with serious personality issues. However, if you see someone using these tactics often, or using many of them at the same time, you may be dealing with a paid internet troll.

    • redwilldanaher April 19, 2013, 4:11 pm

      KS, thanks for making the case yet again. I’ve long suspected this to be the case with our indefatigable friend but one can never be sure. I lean towards thinking that he just has a compulsion.

  • Christine April 18, 2013, 5:26 pm

    Craig I think it was on April 18th at 2:30am posted that “Pressure cooker bombs were a first, Who ever heard of that”? The Algerian’s used pressure cooker bombs in Paris in the 80’s in a rash of bombings. They were hidden in the metal garbage cans. Today in Paris there are not many of the metal cans left. They use a very minimal frame that the clear plastic trash bags are suspended from.

  • redwilldanaher April 18, 2013, 4:59 pm

    Just voicing my support for those that have contributed to the forum with a focus on NOT BELIEVING anything that the government or corporate media or big pharma or anyone else tells us. I respect Rick and normally find myself in close agreement with him on key issues but as I’ve noted before, I don’t believe that Rick is cynical enough.

    My bottom line is that is has all been CAPTURED. All the “assets” that made the former USA the USA, have been captured and are used by elites just as assets in a corporation are used right down to the logo (Stars & Stripes). I am with all the cynics in this forum. People simply refuse to confront the truth for psychological reasons I suppose.

    People may want to get “here” but they’re brainwashed too and if they are one of the few that aren’t, then it just becomes a relativsist thing: “sure the USSA is ultra corrupt but it still beats the hyper ultra mega corruption in my homeland…”

    Way to go humanity! You’ve done it again…

    • Buster April 18, 2013, 7:00 pm

      Don’t worry, Red, we’ll all know soon enough (& too soon for my liking!) just how screwed we all are. I’ve spent most of my life seeing things coming far away down the road that nobody’s seen or wanted to see around me. (Oh what tales I could tell!) You have to be a bit detached (or ‘touched’ as you’ve probably noticed already!!) to see, I suppose, otherwise the constraints of seeming logic & normalcy bias are just too strong.
      In summation of our current situation, I can only conclude that we’re about in the late 1930’s, just before the world got to grasp how deep a hole it was really in. It was all about the debts then & yet again it’s all about the debts now, but this time around we’re much closer to the singularity. The whole world of humanity nailed frantically by the madmen on the debt cross for all we’re worth….for ‘The Agenda’…. power, control, self justification, worship even.
      Do people really want to know it? No, but it makes no difference what any of us want. It’s all baked into the cake & an inevitability. Maybe it’s part of their program or maybe it’s part of our education. I don’t know?? but coming it surely is & even with my detachment I feel very uneasy, especially just recently. I have a bit of a sense for these things. It’s like I can feel the quake coming a bit like the animals do. On some occasions I do my party trick on a real rational skeptic. It’s bizarre, even to me after so many times, as I really don’t understand it myself. But it goes along the lines of guessing someones birth-sign, or more often a number that I can’t possibly know, like a recent occasion when a workmate had just bought an engine part, & said “Do you know how much they charged me for that!?”
      “£162”, said I.
      “How the hell did you know that!!??” he gasped.
      “I didn’t, I just ‘felt’ it”.
      Their amazement is usually soon followed by requests to perform on demand & particularly to buy a lottery ticket. Sadly, the ‘feeling’ is there, then it’s gone. Researchers seem to be making some scientific sense of all this airy stuff, though, which is an area of study that I’ve been looking at recently. Very interesting, to say the least, especially as they seem to concur that it’s linked to emotion, or a ‘feeling’. Strange stuff!
      Anyway, the resistance is building against TPTB (even despite Gary’s support campaign for all their great solutions!) I guess tens of millions evicted, bombed, poisoned/drugged, taxed to death, jobless & future-less dispossessed souls aren’t going to all lie down & die quietly?? Maybe it’s the rebellion that reveals the ‘man of lawlessness’, I wonder? But they’re hopelessly outgunned even before Obama’s gun control laws take hold. The sheeple have always been easily misled & usually end up shooting or bombing each-other like barbaric idiots, anyway, as the latest debacle may be testament to, so it doesn’t make any difference either way. Stuck between the barbarity of the sheeple & that of TPTB is between a rock & a hard place, indeed. So who’s the lawless one? Both, I suspect. Northern Ireland did the same for generations & changed nothing, like fools or puppets, I don’t know which. In fact it took only one bomb planted in the only place that TPTB cared about to get a solution. Yes, just one bomb in ‘The City of London’ was all it took & the money just rolled in. (Look up ‘Empire of The City’ to make sense of this fact.)
      These are dark days indeed, but hey! The stockmarket’s up so all must be fine & dandy!

  • Bam_Man April 18, 2013, 4:32 pm

    Low of the day on AAPL so far at $394.91
    If that holds, then Rick will have been off by 2 cents.
    That would be scary.

  • BKL April 18, 2013, 4:14 pm

    Good night to the most interesting group on the web.
    Behave yourselves, America. There is no substitute for mass conformity to social norms. It is the only way we can live together.

    Guns and bombs are not as efficient. They have expensive side effects which are often registered as increases in GDP. Look for a bump-up in the numbers in Boston.

  • mava April 18, 2013, 8:41 am


    Yes, I see that, I see the things you mention. And they had applied to me as well, way back when. But that is changeable. I know, because, I have already went thru all that. It’s better, once you done with burying your beliefs. There is certain sense of clarity, and detachment. The detachment makes it easy to see things that belief make all but invisible.

    All these people I am arguing against, are very bright folks. I mean, look at RA. The dude had figured out the impossible and regularly predicts the market. But, like you said, people were grown up certain way and groomed to think certain way. Taught to think that never questioning somehow equals love and patriotism. So, they resist the contradictory evidence before they use it to question the assumptions. Taught to think that the government is looking out for the people. Or, again, as is the case with RA, commit one of the gravest errors – underestimate the enemy. Imagine Spartacus not believing the news of Persian invasion, because “these fools won’t figure out how to cross the straights”.

    What I see again and again in US, people refuse to take the judgment in their own hands. “Read this debunking article”, or “Watch this damning video”, or “This expert said so and so”, and so on and on. No one is willing to swing for himself, but only to refer to various other people.

    But all these other people are liars. This is why they are “the authority”. Like it had always been in history. You are your own best friend. You have to doubt everything.

    You have already went thru this, obviously. But what about others?
    What about your own understanding? Do you think the building can collapse because the top of it did crush a few floors? Do you think the building can both, fall with almost free fall speed and at the same time get destroyed by an energy released during the collapse? Can a temperature inside be at the same time high enough to only soften the beams, yet melt other metal and make it visibly pour out? Be low enough that you can see human beings in the middle of action, yet high enough to keep steel red hot for days after, and often enough so that could be captured on videos, and have all the cars around towers way down on the pavement burn to bare metal?

    I mean come on guys. This is America, after all. You all did go to school. There is no university physics or math here. We do not need any experts to see what is obvious.

    And. Once you decide to look at it, and find something scary, this isn’t the end of the world. Because, if that scary stuff is true, then it already exist, and the really scary part is that you’re were not paying attention.

    I don’t know when. But I trust that Americans will wake up. Sometimes, I am just losing my patience. Then I look at groups like architects and engineers for truth and get my hope renewed, and then I can wait another year.

  • John Jay April 18, 2013, 5:46 am


    “Catch 22” and “Slaughterhouse Five” sum up my feelings about the ever expanding Police State.
    It is way past the point of turning things around.
    It would take 70 million voters to restore the Republic, we would be lucky to muster 20 million, tops.

    So Yossarian’s lament that everyone was out to get him killed, and the Tralfmadorian’s advice to Billy Pilgrim to ignore the horrible parts of life and concentrate on the happy parts cover all the bases for me on this topic.

    “Catch-22 says they have a right to do anything we can’t stop them from doing.”

    The truth about everything the government has been up to since JFK won’t surface for about another 80 years, when everyone culpable is long dead.
    So the best thing to do is to follow Orr to “Sweden” (Refuge), just like Yossarian.

    • Benjamin April 19, 2013, 11:36 am

      Hi, John. Afraid I’ve no further comment to make on the OP. It did have me thinking. A bit too much, though, for a continued conversation. Anyway…

      “It would take 70 million voters to restore the Republic, we would be lucky to muster 20 million, tops.”

      The Republic is in the process of being restored, in my state. Even as others seem absolutely determined to dive head first into the cesspool of global tyranny.

      Long story short, this is not about frogs and boiling water. This is about multiple pots of popcorn kernels. Not every one will pop. It’s impossible to know when a particular one will. All that can be said is that we have the pots of popcorn and the necessary heat to make them pop. Therefore, they will, as they are.

  • Dave April 18, 2013, 4:40 am

    Rick, you ARE uncannily accurate! A Paul Revere buff may be the answer to the bombing.

    The British major demanded Revere explain the gunfire, and Revere replied it was a signal to “alarm the country”. As the group drew closer to Lexington, the town bell began to clang rapidly, upon which one of the captives proclaimed to the British soldiers “The bell’s a’ringing! The town’s alarmed, and you’re all dead men!

  • ralph kramden April 18, 2013, 3:00 am

    “Major Strasser has been shot. Round up the usual suspects.”

    “All the world’s a stage,
    And all the men and women merely players:
    They have their exits and their entrances;
    And one man in his time plays many parts…”

    Hey Rick,

    The innocent …..”freedom from guilt or sin through being unacquainted with evil : blamelessness”.

    “Vigilance Now a Duty” ….You Say…

    The bandwagon quickly can transform into the train car
    transporting YOU to the gulag, dachau, the killing fields… oops…
    forgot FEMA….

    History is replete with illustrations…..

    Our “Government” is but “One” among many that have “PROMISED” ………
    ‘a chicken in every pot’……”Full Speed Forward”……”Change You can Believe In…….

    My Point…….

    Your Words … Sir,

    “it may no longer be possible to imagine a better world in which such precautions have become unnecessary.”

    In the past i have found Your words to reflect “the truth”.

    Now, Sir, I doubt Your resolve.

    What Say You?????

    • Rick Ackerman April 18, 2013, 10:32 pm

      Grotesque, brazen lies have come to sustain our way of life, ‘Ralph’, but because the State has become all-intrusive, it’s not possible to opt out without inviting great hardship. A corrective epiphany surely awaits, but in the meantime all that we as individuals can do is live in accordance with our highest principles.

    • Dave April 18, 2013, 11:54 pm

      For a needed laugh, start at 8:55 in video. What $$$ can do…

  • Benjamin April 18, 2013, 1:56 am

    The following is in no way an attempt to put words into the mouth of the soon-to-be quoted. It’s just me, being my surly self, directing my shortage of energy at an all-too-common sentiment I’ve picked up on since the bombing (and well before that, really, which explains a great deal of how we got Here).

    Rick said, in response to Andrea Zinga: “The duties of vigilance will be imposed on us incrementally, as occurred in Israel and, over many years, Northern Ireland”.

    Whoa, careful there Rick. That can be construed as citizens securing their free state (ie militias), which would be anti-federal extremism and, therefore, a flat-out admission of bombing a Boston Marathon on Patriots Day. I dare construe it as such, so I’ll notify the alphabet agents, shortly. But on a more serious note…

    Folks, if we’re all going to make in this 21st century, we _can’t rely_ on any of that old-fashioned, anti government terrorist-speak (as outlined in That Outdated Document). Besides, any one of us could be the terrorist. How can potential terrorists be relied upon to watch out for other potential terrorists?!

    So we need protection from ourselves. And that’s why we have to have things like the DHS and TSA. And what’s wrong with them? They do wonderful things, like harass and detain handicapped children and seize the stuffed animals of said child-terrorists until they cry. And so what if they can’t perfectly protect us at all hours of the day? It’s enough that they say they’re only looking out for our safety!

    So, anyone who can’t see that the fe[de]ral government is the one and only way to deal with the increasingly dangerous world we live in is — aside from being an automatic terror suspect — just wanting to be soft on all the whiners. Yes, that’s right. One big, soft-hearted terrorist, the most dangerous kind there is! And no, it doesn’t have to make sense because it’s what the sheepherders say to the no-information geniuses of our finest Idiocratic era (and we all know how right those two are about everything else)!

  • Erich Simon April 18, 2013, 12:25 am


    One thing I’ve noticed since 9-11 is that at virtually all key technical junctures where the equity markets are in danger of punching through key long-term support, far removed from the efficacy of the printing power of the Fed, and inviting a (global) stampede of money (‘money has a mind of its own’), there has been a sudden ‘terror’ media event, real or hyped (a coupla beards from Jersey dug up from a dusty FBI file) to offer distraction should the markets come crashing down, and direction to any finger pointing away from the politicians who looted this country three generations out.

    The Boston bombing adorning in bloody regalia the covers of all the media papers inside all the stores I have visited, supplanting Jodi Arias across all the TV news, with similar expression across secondary’s and tertiary’s… one would think that hundreds or thousands had been killed. And yet the bombs were placed at the finish lines, guaranteeing the most camera coverage with practically the least human casualty given that some 500,000 people were in attendance.

    This reminds me of the anthrax attack in 2001, the origin of the anthrax confirmed to have come from a military base in Maryland. There too were 1,000 FBI agents employed, with no satisfactory resolution, probably another distraction. My point is simply, gold got whacked, a preamble that can not go ignored. The equity markets appear to be wavering. There are ‘goblins’ lurking around every corner, Korea, China, Japan, Syria… Jordan. Pandemic. If I am correct then something big is in the offing. “Our true enemy has not yet shown his face.”

    • richard diamante April 18, 2013, 12:44 am

      here , here, now this is interesting way of posing questions.. look out below!!!!!!

    • Benjamin April 18, 2013, 2:08 am

      Well said, Mr. Simon. The following is what especially stood out, to me…

      ” […] one would think that hundreds or thousands had been killed. And yet the bombs were placed at the finish lines, guaranteeing the most camera coverage with practically the least human casualty given that some 500,000 people were in attendance.”

      My memory is hazy but I don’t think the reactions to the OKC bombings — which killed and injured so many more — were as pronounced as the recent bombing. Were there, to borrow from yours fallingman’s post, exactly 1,000 FBI immediately put to the task? Was any branch of the military allowed to swarm in and make it look like martial law was taking place? If my memory still works, things back then were tame by comparison. I ask rhetorically what is different this time around…

    • Dave April 18, 2013, 4:08 am

      Non rhetorically, internet, phones with video, social media and Al Jazzera English cable channel.

  • Marc Authier April 18, 2013, 12:03 am

    Yeah the FBI will get him since they are the ones that planted the bombs. These US government criminals caught on camera pressing on remote controls as the bombs explode. What a disgusting evil empire USA has become. It’s not the first. I wipe my ass on the official version of JFK murder and 911. Yeah corrupt fascist country runned by a bunch vicious psychopathic crooks.


    Yeah, but unlike the vicious psychopathic crooks running most other countries, our vicious psychopatic crooks have at least allowed free speech to flourish. Odd, isn’t it, that perhaps two thirds of the people in this world would give an arm and a leg to live in our corrupt fascist country? RA

    • Dave April 18, 2013, 2:19 am

      I doubt those 2/3rds yearning to be free newbies are reading your newsletter. Why should they come when you’re predicting future Armageddon? The USA needs to save our ink for money printing not food stamps.


      Re-read the above, Dave, and you’ll see that you’ve created an impressively tight string of non sequiturs. RA

    • Dave April 19, 2013, 7:10 am

      Maybe I can make it a Haiku.
      I happen to like the word irregardless, regardless if it is an actual word or not.
      Why can’t it become a word?


      Poof! It’s a word. RA

  • gary leibowitz April 17, 2013, 11:36 pm

    I am amazed at how many correct predictions I have made over the months yet everyone here would prefer to ignore them since it doesn’t fit into a certain ideology. Now that’s massive blinders. I am still sticking to the notion that this correction, which could go as low as 1450 on the SPX, will be followed by another 3 month rally. I have no idea how high it goes, just how long. The current drops, even though it seems steep, is not impulsive in nature. It is an orderly drop, with a lot of major rotational moves. My assumption for the immediate future rests on the notion that deflation doesn’t speed up and overwhelm investors. I also will stick to a round of spiraling deflation that will kick off the next equities drop, but only last one year so, followed by some innovative Fed stimulus plan. Nothing in life is straight forward, so be careful when making long term bets, and most important be open minded and change with the situation. I have had a glorious winning streak these last 17 months. In truth I have done very well these last 3 months simply because my nerves and fear have risen as we come closer to my assumed topping pattern. Made so very timely short term bets that is uncharacteristic of the last years run. I know that this winning steak will not last, and the law of averages suggests I will have a series of losses.

    Good luck to all.

    • Rick Ackerman April 17, 2013, 11:50 pm

      Gary: The other day, possibly after I rolled my commentary to the next day’s offering, I posted something to the effect that your market timing has not been too bad, not at all. It’s your politically tainted, crackpot ideas that are so reprehensible.

      Incidentally, given the recent S&P high at 1597, here’s a prediction you made in January that cries out for an update:

      If I see 1600 plus on the SPX in the next 4 months I will be betting the ranch on a minimum 25 percent drop over the last 6 months of this year. I have been hooked on the idea called “the contracting fibonacci spiral.”

      This fibo spiral thing sounds pretty cool, actually — especially since so few would be paying any attention to it. RA

    • gary leibowitz April 18, 2013, 12:17 am

      Yes I did make that call. Actually I was looking for 1629 plus but it got close enough. The technical and fundamentals however didn’t pan out with my expectation, and that is why I announced that I expected one more wave up (after this correction). I am not fixed on a date, or price. I actually still stick to the notion of a 25 percent drop over last half of year. That still brings up to 3 months into play. Just as your method shows multiple possibilities, so does mine. In fact that is the main reason why I keep going in and out of these last 3 month trades. I still have the fear this last wave could be the last one. I just don’t place myself into a corner and stick to it. I am a computer analyst by trade, and so place more emphasis on those skills, which require constant re-analysis as conditions change. I don’t really expect my exact scenario to become reality but it is great to guess. So far my long standing macro view is pretty much in focus.

      As for my crackpot political rants, I would vociferously disagree. If anything it would be hard to distinguish my views against the mainstream ones. It is your group that calls every action by the governments of the world as evil. It is your group that makes outrageous notions of hidden agendas, and massive manipulation. Me, I look for the simplest conclusions unless shown otherwise. I am a simple straight forward analyst that uses what is available to make decisions on my model projects. I don’t go out of my way to dream up all the possibilities no matter how far fetched. In the end it would not allow me to finish my task. Perhaps that’s why I base my investment decisions on proven paths. I would go insane if I was to question every action as a hidden variable. That would create infinite future possibilities, which I am not capable of processing. So therefore I don’t go there.

    • redwilldanaher April 18, 2013, 5:07 pm

      Gary, the problem that you have is that you intentionally conflate things. My problem has never been your index predictions, its the way that you spew establishment propaganda into your predictions. As I’ve noted several times, fine you think the market goes higher, that’s great, just don’t tell us it is all legit or that what they are doing is justifiable. They centrally planned the stock market using it as a pysops tool and what they’ve done before, since and during and will do tomorrow is CRIMINAL. End the conflation Gary, just end it.

    • gary leibowitz April 18, 2013, 9:04 pm

      Red, unlike you I have no evidence or even common sense anecdotal evidence that everything that we witness has a hidden ulterior motive. Heck even this Boston event is thought to be a diversion tactic away from the problems of the market. How utterly ridiculous.

      It is impossible to refute any of these bizarre claims since there is no valid way to approach them. I can declare ghosts as real entities that sit by my side and give me absolute 100 percent clarity on future events. I can also say that the reason I am not 100 percent correct in these predictions is because I purposely want to deceive so my real source is not revealed. Prove me wrong! I deal in science and facts as we know it. If the science or evidence changes the facts than I want to know and understand these new development and build on my knowledge. All you leave me with is vague non verifiable garbage that a 5 year old can make up and post on a blog, which seems in itself to become proof.

      Not my style. I guess it is not enough for me to decide, based on history, that governments do what is necessary to maintain a status quo on the current societal norm. If that involves catering to the money makers, or trying to prevent an economic collapse than I accept them. I don’t condone them, or even think they are the right choices, but I can “understand” the motivation behind it. You on the other hand think everyone in control are sociopaths and behavioral deviants whose sole purpose is to destroy the masses while lining their own pockets with power and money.

      I can never win these arguments since you are “locked” in a mindset that relies on paranoia and distrust. I do wonder why Rick changed his mind on 9/11. He was as adamant as most on this board concerning the government conspiracy to fake an attack. He mentioned a friend of his convinced him that a building can fall on its own without detonation. I just wonder why he would never use an expert that was at the scene to corroborate this. It seems that paranoia prevents one from accepting truths unless they themselves witnessed it, or have a trusted friend that did. Sad to think we can’t trust anyone.


      My thoughts concerning 9/11 haven’t changed at all, Gary, so I’m not sure what you’re talking about. I never even remotely believed that 9/11 was an inside job. As for Mark Loizeaux convincing me that a building can fall “on its own,” in this case the Trade Towers had a little help in the form of 50,000 gallons of flaming jet fuel. Loizeaux is arguably the foremost expert in the world on the subject of controlled demolition, and I therefore tend to believe him when he says that it was not shaped charges that destroyed the buildings. It is his father who invented the technique of controlled demolition, after all, and Mark Loizeaux has worked in the business for more than 40 years.

    • Mercurious April 19, 2013, 3:28 pm

      Gary, you lost me when you tried to conflate obvious government involvement–Google FBI involvement in domestic terrorism–with alien races etc. I don’t have enough time in the day to waste chasing all the red herrings that are dragged across our paths like that.

      By all means, feel free to believe the federal government is here to help at the very highest levels rather than a criminal syndicate that is disguised as government of, by and for the people. When I look up “useful idiots” in the dictionary, I would expect to see your name next to it.

  • Flaconear April 17, 2013, 7:45 pm

    5-2 odds … I would probably take that bet. With 1-5 adults on psychotropic meds in America and the haywire effects of mixing them up it’s all but certain they played some role. That and having schizophrenics sleeping in parks because we can’t afford to provide any other care for them.

  • Andrea Zinga April 17, 2013, 6:31 pm

    As the anchor who broke the 1996 Olympic Park
    bombing to the world, I have to raise an eyebrow
    at two of your observations (and would anyway).
    First, concerning vigilance “from this day forward”:
    we have had ample opportunity to become more
    vigilant, but in fact most humans continue to
    function from within their own personal fog and
    framework. Consider the recently surfaced
    photograph of a large pack sitting brazenly
    INSIDE the security fence, on the runners’ side.
    NO one on either side apparently noticed it until–
    if the “after” photograph is to be interpreted as
    it appears–the pack exploded. Perhaps that will
    turn out not to have been the actual bomb pack:
    it doesn’t change the fact that there it sat where
    it shouldn’t have been.
    And second, your reference to “jhihadist.” No
    one yet has claimed responsibility for Boston, and even considering the possibility of a “new style” of jhihadist attack, it seems to me that a key element of their war has always been the ability to brag about it. Given Oklahoma City, Atlanta, Newtown or even your own example from 1955, too often it is just the work of a demented individual with an axe to grind. It is crucially important to American principles of justice to prevent another Richard Jewell, whatever the nationality. (Note: I was on the news set for approximately the first 2 hours– long before Richard Jewell and even before we were allowed to say that the explosion in Atlanta’s Centennial Park was a bomb.)


    Thanks for your interesting post, Andrea. I would argue in response that the “fog” of unawareness will gradually lift as bombings and evacuations become more common in this increasingly terrorized world. The duties of vigilance will be imposed on us incrementally, as occurred in Israel and, over many years, Northern Ireland.

    Regarding the question of who did it, it was of course speculative for me to say the bombing was the work of a self-styled jihadist. At this point, on what is merely a hunch, I’d lay you 5-to-2 on it. I doubt I’d have many takers at those odds. RA

    • mario cavolo April 18, 2013, 6:37 am

      Thanks for contributing Andrea. Nah Rick, its reasonable to give it an even 50/50; its either foreign terrorist related or one of many incredibly and justifiably pissed off Americans with an axe to grind who went over the edge into sociopathic oblivion to justify the “attention vs. statistics vs. harm” ratio. When a human being isn’t “in his right mind”, all bets are off…

  • gary leibowitz April 17, 2013, 6:16 pm

    Rick, I wonder how many of your followers believe every bad action is attributable to this government? The notion that this event could possibly be our government is so absurd it can’t even be defended. If someone believes we as a race were manufactured (cloned) from aliens or that ghost are real, how to you prove it isn’t so.

    I should stop now since there is no topic, no matter how outrageous, or how illogical, that I can try to dismantle. If most of your members are as irrational and emotional as this bunch they have no chance of ever making money in this game.

    • richard diamante April 18, 2013, 12:35 am

      more an more one must start to question the status quo.. are you so maive gary or just in denial??
      certainly , the whole us gov is not involved in daily trying to thik up`lets get joe amerca… no but we live in a declining empire and would it be the forst time in himan history when the gov of the people starts to so bad things in an attempt to “regulate the decline” etc etc,
      wake up bozo.. or are you some sort of plant as well??

    • gary leibowitz April 18, 2013, 3:37 am

      Richard, I would have said that the 70’s was the time of evil intentions. We supported puppet governments that exploded in our face. We had a stock market that looked like a roller coaster ride, we had hyper inflation, massive government and private strikes mostly from that dreaded anti-American group called unions. We had riots, the most unpopular war ever, that was telegraphed on TV daily.

      So I guess you can pinpoint any era and declare we need a government purging. I guess you weren’t old enough to remember those times. I am sure Rick was.

      If you look hard enough there is never a time in history from any regime that can’t be used as propaganda against that government to stand. Funny though that throughout all this I wonder who would trade their citizenship for another. I hear the lauding of China from Mario yet would anyone really want to live in a dictatorship? If accused of any wrongdoings what are your recourse? Make no mistake China “could” be on the right road to a fruitful next 100 years of improved standard of living for all and freedom to choose where, what and how. They are still at a major crossroads where at any moment they can shut all freedoms down. There is no ability to demonstrate or have sit ins or elect people that can change their politics. What type of system will they adapt? In their very long history there is no notion of democracy as we know it, “yet”.
      They still align with Iran, North Korea, Russia, and “control” third world nations in Africa for their minerals, etc… Lesson to be learnt, no country is ideal. Chose which will allow the most freedoms, if that is what you seek. And the winner is….

    • mario cavolo April 18, 2013, 6:31 am

      Gary makes a clear point about China, there are plenty of worthy things happening here, yet it is a society based on an entirely different set of rules and standards of “freedom”. Its like “America runs on the yellow/blue/green freedom model and “China runs on the orange/gray/pink freedom model. It is very difficult to compare. It is clear that there are very specific things freedom does and doesn not mean here and there. I can not and do not and would not ever cross many lines here, no one is free to say “name” our leader is a douche bag, an idiot, an incompetent leader” here. Interestingly, did you all read about the guy in Turkey who was convicted for tweeting sarcastic, criticism of the Islam religion there? So that’s Turkey’s version of freedom, of what you are supposedly “free” to do or say or not do or say.

      Here in China, we enjoy the delight of freedom from high violent, gun-based crime and its side effects. As Cam pointed out, look at the state of security which Israeli’s must tolerate, while clearly the state of daily life in America continues in that very same direction. Not here, joyfully, not here in China and that is a form of freedom to appreciate, as Americans are discovering more and more with each passing day. So, in return, I’ll take the other lacks of freedom, the lack of such supposed explicit freedom of speech against the government.

      Meanwhile, if a society is more and more laced with violent people with intent, then that’s it, innocent citizens will be victims. Any idiot can make a small bomb and terrorize people and commit a crime if they really are intent on it. It is unreasonable to expect a government to be able to control that outcome. There is a limit to the reasonable policies a government can implement and enforce to keep its citizens safe. Let’s be thankful for any law enforcement official who is serious about their role to protect us against the ass&^%es who live amongst us.

    • Dave April 18, 2013, 9:14 am

      Mario wrote: Here in China, we enjoy the delight of freedom from high violent, gun-based crime and its side effects. As Cam pointed out, look at the state of security which Israeli’s must tolerate, while clearly the state of daily life in America continues in that very same direction. Not here, joyfully, not here in China and that is a form of freedom to appreciate, as Americans are discovering more and more with each passing day. So, in return, I’ll take the other lacks of freedom, the lack of such supposed explicit freedom of speech against the government.

      One doesn’t need to move to a communist country to enjoy what you have, just take a drive up to Canada, you get similar freedom from gun based violence along with freedom of speech and American style food choices and there are Chinatowns in some Canadian cities if you need it. Their socialized health care is supposed to be good and one doesn’t have to worry about being subjected to Chinese style torture if arrested.

    • mario cavolo April 18, 2013, 10:15 am

      Canada, nice choice! I loved my three months up in Vancouver and also up in Three Rivers north of Montreal.

      Meanwhile, I can’t believe people still call China a “communist” government. That’s funny if not hysterical and inaccurate at best…the best anyone can do is call China a hybrid.

    • Dave April 18, 2013, 6:32 pm

      Unlike a true hybrid car that can run totally on electric with gas as a backup or assist, China seems more like the most popular and highest sold Ford Explorer with EcoBoost, averaging 16/23mpg, providing the illusion of going green while still guzzling gas.

  • Neil April 17, 2013, 5:34 pm

    Yes Rick, I have no doubt they will “find” the person responsible. Watch this:
    Then watch this:

  • Mercurious April 17, 2013, 5:18 pm

    Whatever else it was, it was a failure of security on a massive and unprecedented scale. Go to

    to get some idea of the level of security that surrounded this race. And yet we’re to believe that someone smuggled backpacks filled with pressure cooker nail bombs to within a few yards of the finish line undetected?

    At some point, people need to grow up and face the truth. It was one of two things: An inside job or the most utterly failed security plan since Ford Theater. Based on what is known about the security in situ, I’m betting it was on the inside.

    You can’t bring a water bottle on a plane but you can bring a pressure cooker to a major media focal point?


    • gary leibowitz April 17, 2013, 5:42 pm

      Are you for real? There is no such thing as a fool-proof security system. This marathon ran 26 miles long. Had 500,000 spectators. Stop putting blame on the “system”.

      I work in lower Manhattan, near the Nasdaq building.
      Security is pretty darn good with camera surveillance, police, barricades,and traffic patterns, that prevent any vehicle from getting close to the NY Stock exchange. Yet we have terrorist threats all the time. The subway system is impossible to monitor all the time and all the stations. Can it happen there? You bet.

    • Dave April 17, 2013, 6:45 pm

      Et tu Gary? Where downtown NYC is the NASDAQ building? It’s in Times Square.

    • gary leibowitz April 17, 2013, 9:45 pm

      NASDAQ has its main headquarters downtown, right next to the building I work from.

      As for the suspects, so far they do have some video shots that might very well be the perpetrator. If so than this might be resolved in days.

      Rick, I’ll take you up on that bet. If it wasn’t a group, which now seems most logical since they made no announcement, I would bet it’s an ex-serviceman. I hope I am wrong and you are right.

      As for my recent ETF bets I made 3 short and fast bets in a row and have been spanked with free-riding. I never before made so many fast short term bets before this. It was worth it though since I made a nice profit. Sold my current 8,000 shares at 28.48
      I still expect another 2 weeks of drawdowns.


      With the release moments ago of photo images of two, um, swarthy suspects, one with a lean face, heavy eyebrows and an aquiline nose, I’m guessing that you and ‘Flaconear’ would now need better odds to take that bet
      . RA

    • fallingman April 18, 2013, 7:05 am

      Gary…you work? When do you find the time between your many posts? What is it…10…12? One loses count. Or does somebody pay you to post comments?

    • Mac April 19, 2013, 11:00 pm

      There is no such thing as a fool-proof security system.

      Paris removed their trash cans decades ago. Seems our elite security folks would have thought of doing the same.

  • gary leibowitz April 17, 2013, 4:39 pm

    The latest evidence is that the device is crude but the timing mechanism is not. It could very well be someone trained in demolition. The military does train people using a pressure cooker. if I was to guess I would say it is a home grown individual with a military background.
    Since no one group can forth to claim their responsibility a one or two man operation is most likely.
    If so that would make it hard to determine in a short period of time. I am assuming they are looking into disgruntled veterans first, and work their way to other suspects. If it is not from a veteran than this process can go on for years. A lone individual is very hard to catch.

    • gary leibowitz April 17, 2013, 4:45 pm

      BTW, SPX of 1539 should be first test of support. I suspect we go as low as 1450 before it is over. Should only last another 2 or so weeks if this is another corrective move. Gold looks dead in the water. Absolutely no upward action with this equities drop. I believe die-hard gold bugs will be tested, and possibly for another few months. IMHO

    • Craig April 18, 2013, 12:46 am

      Your correct there is a good explanation….they blew it up. The owner of the building silverstein admitted they decide to “pull” the building! He said on tape they decided to bring down the building. So they want you to believe they wired a 47 story building with explosives in a few hours after #1 and #2 fell with small office fires inside, then hit the plunger at five pm to “save” the surrounding buildings. Watch the evidence, then say it isn’t so.

  • fitch April 17, 2013, 4:00 pm

    ban pressure cookers over 16 oz.

  • mava April 17, 2013, 4:00 pm

    RA: “In each case, investigators literally rebuilt the planes fragment-by-fragment to solve the crime.”

    And in case of 9-11, they have promptly shipped ALL evidence to China. I don’t think that was a case of outsourcing of the meticulous process.

    Stop pretending, Rick. It is obvious, the government itself commits all of these crimes! Everyone in the world already knows this, only here, we have some people hurt so deeply (no wonder), they still deny the obvious.

    • JimK April 17, 2013, 6:02 pm

      I have an Uncle who is a member of the National Academy of Scientists and is a civil engineer, as well as a close acquaintance who is a detonation engineer, and a cousin who teaches architectural engineering. All three of them independently came to the conclusion that a controlled demolition brought down the buildings on 911. Once a person gets that the physical evidence, even from just the available video newscasts that day, is enough to determine that it was controlled demolition, there is a major problem with the official narrative. Once a person looks at the rest of it with an open mind, the evidence is overwhelming that the 911 Commission Report is bogus, including commissioners who have declared it a politicized from the start. This ‘tin hat theory’ is not going away and has some heavy duty military and engineering people squarely behind it, who have risked their careers to demand a new investigation. Visit which is Architects and Engineers for 911 truth.


      The world’s foremost expert on controlled demolition is someone I know both professionally and personally. Based on his say-so, I am completely satisfied with the “official” explanation for the collapse of the Trade Towers. RA

    • Dave April 17, 2013, 8:46 pm

      Rick, have you watched any of the conspiracy videos for 7 WTC? Seems its later that day collapse can be reasonably questioned… especially since other nearby buildings didn’t collapse.

      Are you satisfied with “official” Warren Commission findings on JFK killing and Oswald as solely responsible?


      Oswald? The only thing that would surprise me is if Walt Disney turns out to have been his handler. RA

    • Craig April 17, 2013, 11:49 pm

      The FBI will follow the trail of bread crumbs left for them to follow so they blame the “correct” group that will be demonized to take are rights another inch.

      Rick suffers from Stockholm syndrome and has invested to much into the lie that 911 was not as the official story says to even look at any evidence. To just look at the OVERWHELMING evidence just 2 minutes worth (for starters) would be to admit he has been wrong for over 10 years. He has not watched the excellent utube “this is an orange” a two minute video that will start you down the rabbit hole of knowing what went down that day…two minutes that’s all…see it is pride that keeps him from watching, not time.

    • Craig April 18, 2013, 12:10 am

      I challenge everyone here and Rick for 100th time to watch “this is an orange” and tell me how building 7 fell at 5pm without any planes hitting it. Anyone that says the seismic activity from #1 and #2 is a lunatic as they want you to believe that activity “shook” 80+ steel columns to dust 6 hours after but yet broke ZERO windows. Also a small diesel fire at 1000 degrees in the basement on one side could not melt 80+ columns to collapse AT THE SAME TIME (same second to be precise) even if steel did melt at 1000 degrees on just that day (3000 degrees all the other days of the millinium). Someone tell me how? Please, just how this happened? Besides BBC reporting the building collapsing into it’s own footprint an hour bride it happened WITH THE BUILDING BEHIND her of course the feed broke a minute before it collapsed….tell me how? Watch the video first, of course we know you are too chicken to even look at one bit of evidence.


      I’m sure there’s a good explanation, Craig. RA

    • Craig April 18, 2013, 12:36 am

      Ummm NO! They have never explained it…they won’t touch it. Left out of the 911 commission report! A building not hot by a plane, one o the biggest in NYC housing the CIA, SEC, Secret Service and other collapses and no explanation! Good thing Giuliani moved his crisis center from there to the peir the night before. The smoking gun of 911 is building 7! Watch for YOURSELF and decide! 99% of Americans will say only 2 buildings collapsed on 911. They have shut down any media coverage of it for 10+ years and there is a reason. Your own eyes will tell you…you don’t need an engineer to tell you….it’s THAT OBVIOUS!!!

    • Craig April 18, 2013, 12:40 am

      And you should see the videos of NIST and 911 commission “authorities” squirm when ever they have been asked about it.

    • gary leibowitz April 18, 2013, 3:19 am

      JimK, I am sure you already saw the articles debunking all the claims but here it is anyway.

      People first start assuming foul play and then build their case from that premise. I have an open mind and look at the evidence objectively. I was in walking distance to the collapse and was able to view Broadway from my building. It was like a c rated movie was filming the event. The 200 foot dark cloud was moving down Broadway and small animated people were slowly being engulfed in the cloud as the tried to outrun the cloud. My building management had the foresight to shut the outside vents as the sky turned black and engulfed my building. The most surreal event I have ever experienced.

    • Craig April 18, 2013, 3:45 am

      Gary…. So let me get this straight…the obvious evidence that everyone can see with their own eyes but is too lazy to look up is “debunked” is such a laughable way that only the people that have never seen the evidence could believe AND it’s wrote by a dual citizen isreali….Benjamin chertoff…..and you believe it…..that name sounds familiar…oh that’s rights he is the freaking cousin of isreali dual citizen Michael chertoff….hmmm don’t you think that is a little odd and a conflict of interest…not to mention how they did not debunk anything except say “may have” 152 times. Watch the footage read the article then use your brain…people are so lazy!

    • Dave April 18, 2013, 3:48 am

      mava, growing up white in the USA means being brainwashed since birth. We’re better and more privileged than most everyone else in the world, haven’t you heard? There is no other country we are raised to want to emigrate to. It’s all here. That means holding onto certain beliefs that may be false and experiencing discomfort, disbelief, shock, stress when they are challenged.

      Thus we can’t expect Rick to consider or accept EVERY conspiracy theory, no matter how obviously true some may seem to be (7 WTC, JFK, Lincoln?…) when many of them require thinking unpatriotic, anti-American, anti-Gov. Then he would sound like Alex Jones, controversial maybe a little nutty, fringe.

      People think statin drugs, to lower cholesterol, are helpful and necesary because it has become an established “fact” when actually Big Pharma is using them to undermine the population as they cause more harm than good. Same with vaccines. If you like many others are unwilling to explore why most vaccinations are unnecessary, health undermining, dangerous vs. accepting the propaganda about them and how Big Pharma uses them to control and make $$$, then you are no different in being unwilling to examine your own established belief system that is comfortable and seems so undeniably true. Same for the FDA who declares that GMO milk, corn, and upcoming giant salmon absolutely poses NO health risk. Or the dental industry that still teaches mercury amalgam fillings are completely safe and root canals can not possibly lead to Alzheimers, Parkinsons, etc. later in life.

      Either you remain a sheeple or you become informed and decide whether leaving the herd is for you. Not everyone is able to go against the grain.

    • gary leibowitz April 18, 2013, 4:11 am

      Craig meet the authors.


      David Dunbar is executive editor of POPULAR MECHANICS and led the editorial team that produced the groundbreaking cover story debunking the conspiracy theories surrounding 9/11. He has also directed the magazine’s coverage of the war in Iraq and Hurricane Katrina.

      Brad Reagan is a contributing editor to POPULAR MECHANICS and has reported for the magazine on digital forensics and on the counterterrorism programs of the New York Police Department and other law enforcement agencies. He was previously a staff writer for The Wall Street Journal.

      Popular Mechanics is read by 9.6 million people every month. With more than 100 years of expertise in covering science and technology, the magazine is ideally equipped to confront the rumors surrounding 9/11 and explore the evidence with scientific facts.

      Conspiracy if I ever saw one. Popular Mechanics? Why they have no understanding of science. Did you actually read the article with an “open mind”?

      What I find interesting is if you yourself, or a person you trust has expert knowledge on a topic you would follow your own or their own advice on a topic. If not, then you would naturally assume the worst. Has anyone here noticed how disturbing that is? To always live in a psychotic state surely doesn’t help you to live a long and healthful life. It has got to be extremely stressful since you really can’t change or fix the wrongdoing.

      Why do certain people always assume a distrustful manner? It’s got to be derived from our genome makeup. What percentage of the population is always distrustful? If you really want to start worrying, think about this. In the not too distant future we would be able to pinpoint the gene sequences that affect behavior and alter it at birth.

    • Dave April 18, 2013, 4:54 am
    • Craig April 18, 2013, 6:58 am

      Gary….so I read the article at least seven times word for word and it is a bunch bulls*t that insults Antibes intelligence that can see the film footage of what happened during and after and all pics that prove everything popular mechanics says is a bulls*t coverup. Te editor of popular mechanics was the cousin to the DHS secretary! Are that gullible? Have you never seen the footage of building 7? Have you not seen the pics of the firefighters standing around the beams of #1 and #2 that are cut diagonally? The evidence is overwhelming and te popular mechanics and 911 commission Reports are the most obvious attempts of a horrible coverup that was only successful because of the compliciant media and lazy guilible people like you. Don’t tell mento read the awful coverup with an open mind….how about you read I and then look at all the evidence!!! You don’t even have to talk about all the obvious things that show they did it (like the security of the twin towers was done by bushs brother Noel and his contract ended on 9/10/01, or all 3 buildings had elevator work done the months leading up, and so many more I can’t list) just look at the freaking videos of WTC7 and the pics of everything is solid proof to anyone with a brain! Don’t refuse to look at the evidence (freaking lazy) and say I didn’t read the article. Then the classic at the end….the spiritual advice that I should be a sheep like you to live a full life and believe everything I am told and just go through life like a dumb sheep while our country has zero future based on this “attack” and the plans for our demise all depend on the acceptance of this lie! You children will be enslaved and killed due to your ignorance, laziness and unwillingness to standup (in your case even admit) to evil. The evidence is overwhelming to anyone that takes an hour and just watches a few actual videos of the footage that proves this all lies. You probably believe that only 3 frames of video of the pentagon exist of the “plane” (cruise missle) hitting the pentagon and that the pentagon and white house zero air defense systems…how dumb are you?

    • Craig April 18, 2013, 7:32 am

      Since you are so lazy I will do it for you, watch this 2 minutes:

      And then read this:

      Office fires!? Office fires!? Watch the video, do seeing a towering inferno? NO! First time in history folks an “office fire” caused a STEEL columned build has ever collapsed let alone in 7 seconds!

      Then tell what YOU think from seeing with your own eyes, is it really this hard to get anyone to look with their own eyes for two minutes, are we all this lazy that 2 minutes is not worth your childrens future? That’s right if you look (Rick) you know it will prove it and you will have to do something about it your a man, but if you stick your head in the sand and say it not true without looking then you don’t have to be a man and stand up for he countrynor your childrens future.


      The conspiracists have assembled voluminous evidence that it was planted explosives, not super-heated jet fuel, that brought down the Trade Towers and WTC7. I choose to believe the “official” story, based mainly on statements made by Mark Loizeaux, whose father, the late Jack Loizeaux, pioneered the technique of controlled demolition with the founding of CDI in 1947. I met Jack and Mark in the spring of 1972 when they were in Atlantic City to take down the Traymore Hotel. I covered the story as a reporter for the Atlantic City Press. The job required two separate blasts and took months to complete. I got to know the family well during that time. As a result, I trust not only their expertise, but their integrity.

      Readers can Google “Mark Loizeaux” and judge for themselves. The conspiracists have harrassed him and other expert “deniers” for years, in part because a few experts, including Mark, were initially baffled by the way the buildings pancaked. Of course, their uncertainty — call it waffling, if you want — will forever be part of the conspiracists’ lore.

      That said, I would not deign to characterize the conspiracists as whack-jobs. There is sufficient evidence to suggest that they may be onto something. However, much as I am engaged by their arguments, I am not persuaded. I believe that jihadists, acting on a plan hatched years earlier by bin Laden, and without help from Mossad, the CIA, or any other conspiratorial party, succeeded brilliantly. RA

    • Craig April 18, 2013, 9:46 pm

      Thanks for the full answer. I used to argue FOR the “official story” for 5 years and make all kinds if excuses for the holes in it. Even though after many hours of research there is zero doubt in my mind about #1,#2 and the pentagon I know those three can be argued until the cows come home….that’s why I generally don’t bring those up at all. The 100’s of holes in the rest of the story can not be argued until you know the buildings were wired. Those facts seal it up.

      BUT (you knew it was coming) building 7 by its own self proves the entire crime was committed by insiders. Building 7 alone and just from one angle of footage proves everything and completely disproves the official story….when you see all 10+ videos of #7 from different angles it is even more obvious. I refused to look for 7 years and I only had to see it ONCE to know I was wrong for 7 years and it hurt me inside to know I was that wrong about the event.


      I have more trouble believing that the much taller Trade Towers pancaked perfectly than I do WTC7, especially since the former took massive hits from the side. It doesn’t seem implausible to me, or even illogical, that 50,000 gallons of fuel could have seeped its way along the main structural elements of the buildings, melting enough steel onto lower floors to cause the pancaking. Whatever the case, although the facts mustered to “prove” that it was an inside job are, to put it mildly, engaging, they are not sufficient to persuade me that officialdom not only got the story all wrong, but that they did so deliberately and conspiratorially.

    • Dave April 18, 2013, 10:14 pm

      Rick, 7 WTC was across street from 1 and 2 WTC. It was not a very high building. The Popular Mechanic article finds excuses, like a tank of diesel in the basement had a line going up through the building to an office and that “fueled” the fire. I’m no fire code expert but didn’t know you can run gasoline lines through an office building.

    • Craig April 19, 2013, 4:51 pm

      Sooooo where is just ONE picture or ONE bit of video footage that shows anything but small office fires…they don’t exist ANYWHERE no evidence of raging fires or massive damage…steel pillared buildings are not the house o cards they want you to believe. Many buildings in NYC got split in half or partially crushed and did not collapse at all…steel not wood framed. Chinese building (only the steel frame was built) was on fire for a week….did it collapse? Nope they scraped off the carbon and kept building it.

      Gov not capable?

      Operation Norwoods (declassified) 1960’s blow up school buses and shoot down American airliners in America to blame cuba, never went operational, JFK said hell no, Bobby said let’s do it!

      Operation Gladio (declassified) 1970’s blow up school buses in Europe and shoot up malls etc. Went operational, confirmed by many Italian authorities that these were done by American special forces…reason ?you guessed it, take the guns in Europe…mission accomplished!

    • Mac April 19, 2013, 10:57 pm

      I am completely satisfied with the “official” explanation for the collapse of the Trade Towers. RA

      And you are OK that tower 7, Rudy’s city-wide command bunker, was completely evacuated in the morning, had explosions early in the day, then late in the day (after the plane designated as the cover story for tower 7 fill into PA), after reporters said it had collapsed, spontaneously collapsed at free fall speed.

      Tower 7 is the smoking gun. It had been wired to drop, the plane cover story went down in PA, and they simply dropped it.

  • fallingman April 17, 2013, 3:40 pm

    Talk about asymmetric. Could be one person with a crude device costing almost nothing who’s causing this fear and disruption. Not that I dismiss the false flag theory.

    They’re assigning 1,000 FBI agents to the case. Not 999 or 1001, mind you. It’s the exact number required after careful consideration.

    Let’s just hope they aren’t pulling any from the financial fraud division. Oh wait.

    Never mind.

    • bill carson April 18, 2013, 2:03 am

      pressure cooker bombs. man that is a first. the men in the photos with the heavy objects in their backpacks, you know the ones talking into their microphones and listening in their earpieces, look like some kind of black operations operatives. one can only hope that no american soldier would ever do such a thing to fellow americans but sometimes i have to wonder. the times they have changed and many brain washed fools will do whatever they are told, for a few shekels more

  • John Jay April 17, 2013, 2:13 pm

    We are all John Yossarian/Billy Pilgrim now!

    • Benjamin April 18, 2013, 2:14 am

      Not saying you’re normally a long-winded big-mouth or anything, but so few words from you seems to me cryptically brief. Holding anything back, John?

  • Flaconear April 17, 2013, 1:24 pm

    It is just so hard to figure out how someone could perpetrate such a terrible act of terrorism. It couldn’t be because of Guantanamo, Abhu Ghraib, the School for Americas, … propping up despicable dictators like the Shah of Iran and his secret police[ and dozens of South American dictators], the CIA rendition program of torture and now drone murder without trial or charges.

    It couldn’t be because of our troops stationed in 275 foreign nations, our economic hit men offering their leaders a choice of corruption or death. It couldn’t be because all Israeli bombs in Palestine say “made in USA” on them. It couldn’t be because the Americanization we force on other cultures means drugs, same sex marriage, Lady Gaga, corporate takeover, the barrage of sexuality to sell products, undermining of traditional values, family stores out of business supplanted by Walmart.

    It is just so hard to figure out… especially with our military over in Afghanistan and Iraq trying to “help” out. Making threats to Iran and N.Korea to keep the world safe. After Fallujah they must know how sincere we are.

    • Rick Ackerman April 17, 2013, 5:18 pm

      Yeah, sure. If we’d just leave those poor, suffering jihadists alone, they’d go about their business peacefully.

    • Kiwi April 18, 2013, 2:23 am

      “Yeah, sure. If we’d just leave those poor, suffering jihadists alone, they’d go about their business peacefully.”
      Well did America have any problems before you invaded their country? Did the Vietnamese take the war to America after they’d left?
      A lot of Americans may be looking for revenge but ironically can’t seem to see that the people on the other side will feel exactly the same way when THOUSANDS of them are killed by invasion and drones.
      It’s called hypocrisy.
      IF some from the Middle East did this America has only itself to blame. Get used to it or get out.

    • Mac April 19, 2013, 10:53 pm

      Actually Rick, if we had left Saddam alone he wouldn’t have been given USA chemical weapons on the Kurds, nor give that technology to Syrian. And Iran would have a strong counter weight.

      Our meddling, to assure the petro dollar, is causing problems. And don’t forget our CIA overthrew Iran’s democratically elected government in the 1950s to … wait for it … assure we could profit from Iran’s sovereign oil.

  • Dave April 17, 2013, 11:16 am

    They may get “him” but conspiracy theorists are saying this is another step by global elitists to gain control of the masses and take more rights away.

    • JimK April 17, 2013, 1:43 pm

      It will be a surprise if there isn’t an increased presence of TSA or equivalent in areas other than airports as a response to this. “Show me your papers, open that bag, hold your arms up, stand with your feet apart…” The place will look more and more like Northern Ireland or other police states, with soldiers in cammo with fully automatics on the street corners and in the bus stations, behind sandbags, to make us all safe.

    • Cam Fitzgerald April 17, 2013, 1:52 pm

      You should go and live in Israel for a few weeks to see what it is really like. Your description of security details above is just a hint at what daily life is like there. Imagine not being able to get on a bus with luggage, go to a theater without passing sniffer dogs and metal detectors and having troops posted on rooftop malls and shopping centers. And the airport detail in Tel Aviv…..makes the TFSA look like a bunch of school girls (no offence to the TFSA intended).

    • Dave April 17, 2013, 2:04 pm

      Plus, you don’t hear Israelis whining about losing their freedom like Americans do. Nor do they censor Google searches like China does.

    • Rick Ackerman April 17, 2013, 5:16 pm

      I’m too cynical to believe in most conspiracy theories, Dave, since they tend to ascribe intelligence and cunning to agents who time and again have been proven to be imbeciles. I exclude from this judgment The Banksters, however, and all other villains named in ‘The Creature from Jekyll Island’. Even then, however, to the extent we have all become enslaved by debt, we debtors must share blame equally with creditors.

    • Neil April 17, 2013, 5:37 pm

      And yet, Cam and Dave, the Israelis are still not safe.

    • Cam Fitzgerald April 18, 2013, 10:04 pm

      Uh…Yeah, Neil. Maybe because 20% of Israeli citizens are actually Muslim Palestinians and because the demographics of the country tell us that as those families have a much higher fertility rate (more babies) than the Jewish residents that the population will in time be split 50/50. Kind of creates a problem down the road and suggests we all need a meaningful peace to break out before the country gets there.

    • Cam Fitzgerald April 19, 2013, 8:28 am

      I am not big on conspiracy either, Rick except in the case of those who run the global financial system and none of us have any doubt about that.

      Who is to say the conspiracy is necessarily supposed to be bad for the general public though? Take the crushing of gold for example…..did it not seem inevitable that the howling and negativity of all those gold fanatics who oppose every last attempt by the Government and Fed to instill some confidence would not finally be met by a brick wall.

      Those who adore gold are unique amongst investors as being amongst the people most in opposition to everything that was intended to stabilize our system.

      They are in a very small minority too and so will never gain the support of the wider public who carries on their day to day business blithely unaware of what awaits us all down the road. But maybe that bad future is not so certain. If confidence could be instilled there is at least a small hope we will pull out of our death spiral and perhaps even see a recovery (eventually).

      So gold had to be killed. It has been killed. The Doomers and Gloomers and negative ranters really needed to be shut up if there was ever going to be any hope at all. Taking away their measuring stick for proving our problems are insoluable just seemed like such an obvious answer.

      By the way….did you know gold was destroyed on the anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic? How weird is that? I just picked it up on Al Korelins Economics blog in the comments section. A very good point is being made.

      Posts on Golds decline: Titanic

  • PhotoRadarScam April 17, 2013, 8:27 am

    We need stricter laws to make bombs illegal to buy, make and sell, and background checks. That will keep this from happening again.

    • BDTR April 17, 2013, 12:48 pm

      Banning ball bearings at bomb shows would help, too.

    • richard diamante April 18, 2013, 12:14 am

      why not ban everything at all events at all hours…
      while your at it why not put up military checkpoints every 1o meters..
      sure rush to regulation and giving up more civilliberties is allways the answer.
      this is a teerible event . obviously what ever twisted mind was behind it should be ¨”put down”.
      htat mins could be anyone from home grown fantatic, to shadowy gov skuldugery agents.. who knows
      one might infer who was behind it in real, is what will come of this..
      gee.. The Posse Comitatus Act is the United States federal law (18 U.S.C. § 1385, original at 20 Stat. 152) that was passed on June 18, 1878,

      this seems to be one of the latest casualties.. from the aftermath,,
      think there was a reason the founding fathers , wrote this into the constitution ?
      why has it more or less been honored up until now?
      th boston police, mass state police , and fbi are somehow not sufficient?

      no sont be supprised to see more and more active miltary in the streets of the hometown usa . asking to take your civil liberties

      rember the frog in hot water story..
      he jumps out if it is hot rite away.
      but just sits there if one raises the temp slowly until he is cooked.

      water getting hot enough america?

    • Craig April 18, 2013, 12:58 am

      The sheeple frogs are telling us the water is still too cold. And everyone that’s says but the water is boiling is a conspiracy theorist even thou they can show all the evidence (burns and bubbles) The frogs trying to warn the sheeple frogs are an ememy of the state and they will turn the sheeple frogs to kill or imprison the aware frogs and say the ones warning you were the ones that turned up the heat.

    • allen April 19, 2013, 4:36 pm

      Funny how conspiracy theories are laughable on these type of things but da sleezballs and the likes are suppressing or holding up the price of stocks, metals etc blah blah blah.Just sayin.

    • TruthWarrior April 19, 2013, 9:16 pm


      While we’re on the subject of ‘funny’ here’s something you might enjoy. Watch with glee as NIST engineers first explain how Building 7 free-fall is impossible in a fire-caused collapse, and then admit later on that, awe shucks, free-fall did occur for 2.25 seconds (100 feet, 8 stories).

    • Mac April 19, 2013, 10:50 pm

      why not put up military checkpoints every 1o meters.

      Seems like that is what has happened in Boston today. No freedom for law-abiding people.

      When we are ready to stop the wack-jobs, we will allow open carry. The wack-jobs will be assured of being quickly stopped. Until then, the terrorists are winning because we make ourselves safer by locking down the city.