The Death of Comedy

Political headlines have grown so boring and stale lately that a teen prank keeps turning up near the top of the news. This is a story we’ll continue to hear about until something even stupider captures our attention. I’m referring to the Tennessee co-ed who had herself photographed, bare midriff, with a pistol tucked in her waistband. With a ‘Women for Trump’ t-shirt to complete her political statement, it’s not hard to see why the young lady’s picture has gone viral (click on inset). Her politics apparently are conservative, and that’s why her stunt has brought the thought police out in force.  Some things we simply don’t joke about, and guns are near the top of the list. But if we stopped joking about everything that the forces of political correctness have declared out-of-bounds, comedy as we know it would cease to exist, along with its salutary effect on our badly frayed nerves .  Come to think of it, other than late-night talk-show jokes about Trump, comedy in TV-land actually has ceased to exist.  Or am I just imagining it?

  • none April 12, 2018, 7:54 am

    News News News

    It seems incredible but almost every daring German offensive was known well beforehand. Yet, in every case, those in power refused to see what was right in front of them. The most chilling warning of all came far earlier: before the war had even started.

    The warning came from an analyst dispatched to Hitler’s Germany in 1938. In 1939 he delivered a sobering prediction: the worst conflict in history was about to begin.

    He reported: “War is coming to Europe, but not until September at the earliest.”

    On September 1, 1939, Hitler launched his attack on Poland. World War II had begun.

  • John April 12, 2018, 5:16 am

    You’re a keen observer of life Rick. Fascinating.

  • John Jay April 12, 2018, 12:11 am

    In your run of the mill brutal police state, comedy is likely to have you doing your stand up routine in the Gulag!
    We are not quite there yet in the USA, but you can see it from here!
    You would have to be a simple soul not to believe POTUS Trump has not entertained thoughts of a C-5 air shuttle to Gitmo for his “Enemies List” !
    I would not blame him, much of what the Hillary/Obama supporters in the Deep State are up to looks like sedition/treason to me!

    A sense of humor has already been declared verboten in the education establishment.
    An establishment that in my opinion is now part Cargo Cult, part buffet for pedophiles, part commissar camp!
    I imagine those of us left with a sense of humor will be reduced to furtive one liners chalked up on walls on some dark street!
    Looking over our shoulders for the approach of the John Cleese type Centurion!