We Are Shocked…SHOCKED! that the Fed Has Turned Dovish

Perceptions that the Fed has turned dovish sent stocks wafting higher last week, but how high can they go if driven by this allegedly ‘new’ piece of information?  There was never much room to do any significant tightening in the first place; now, with the housing and auto sectors rolling over, odds of another rate hike this year are practically nil.  Under the circumstances., with the stock market seeming to discount Fed actions that had already been discounted to death, we should be very skeptical toward the rally. Although I have higher targets outstanding for the major averages and bellwether AMZN, the targets are not much higher, and so we should be prepared to fade strength in the week ahead.

  • John Jay July 17, 2017, 11:41 am

    Yes, and the real crisis is the states of Illinois and Connecticut, broke and obstinate, are seeing the most productive of their citizens and corporations fleeing the taxman!

    As a dilettante historian, we are already at the stage where the Roman empire simply forbade anyone to leave their town, or to follow any occupation except the one their father had.

    Oh, how the states would love to have that power, and just move right into Feudalism!
    Alas, that is one of the powers reserved for the Federal Government, where they are already hard at work on that problem.
    Declare everything you own on a government form when you leave the USA, under penalty of whatever they dream up!

    At the end of the Roman empire, their taxmen would not even accept their own debased coins for taxes, you had to pay in grain, hides, etc. or gold or silver bullion!


    It is all falling into place now, and all the pieces fit!

  • John Jay July 17, 2017, 12:20 am


    I am double shocked that the Fed is planning to sell off their multi trillion dollar balance sheet, starting…………….real soon!


    To whom?

    The world wonders!


    The Yellowstone caldera will blow before the Fed’s “real soon” comes to pass. The buyers will be the same institutional nitwits who, believing the Fed’s inflation hoax, have been selling bonds with abandon all along.. RA