Looking for a safe, easy way to start trading?
I can show you some simple set-ups that will have you trading profitably quickly even if you have never pulled the trigger before, and even with a small account.
Here’s what else you’ll be able to do
after watching this two-hour video:
- ** Leverage violent price action for exceptional gains without stress
- ** Select trading vehicles matched to your bank account and appetite for risk
- ** Reap fast, easy profits by exploiting the ‘discomfort zone’ where most traders fear to go
- ** Enter all trades using limit orders that avoid slippage, even in $2000 stocks
- ** Leapfrog the years-long learning curve it usually takes to become profitable
- ** Learn how to read the markets so that you no longer have to rely on the judgment of others

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Rick loves going ‘counterintuitively’ against the herd, since that is where the best opportunities lie. He’ll show you exactly how, using ‘mechanical’ trade set-ups that exploit peak moments of fear and uncertainty.
You Could Soon Be Crushing It with
the ‘Mechanical Trade’ Secret!

- ** Put It to Use Instantly. Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, you’ll be able to trade whenever and as often as you please with as little as $2,000-$5,000 in your account.
- ** Trade Less, Enjoy Life More. No need to spend your days glued to a screen. Using ‘mechanical’ set-ups, your profitable work day can be over before most traders have had their second cup of coffee.
- ** Minimize Risk. It turns out that the best place to get into a trade is when other traders are scared half to death. This technique is designed to get you aboard when they are diving for cover. You will be astounded at how often ‘mechanical’ set-ups catch the exact low of a trampoline bounce.
- ** A Proven Strategy. Visit the Rick’s Picks chat room and see for yourself. Subscribers are using and sharing ‘mechanical’ set-ups all day long to make trading easier and more fun than they ever dreamed possible.
- ** Fully Automated. Yes’ ‘mechanical’ means you can put risk management on autopilot. Once you are in the trade, it will manage itself with simple rules so that you can avoid getting shaken out like everyone else.
- ** Amazingly Versatile. Trade any vehicle at any time of day or night. Scalp in and out of a $3,000 stock like Amazon with a small account and no fear of slippage.
- ** Start trading NOW! Learn the ‘mechanical’ secret and you can start using it immediately. Even better, ‘mechanical’ set-ups will allow you to get long or short in any stock or future at will, since opportunities always exist on the one-minute bar chart.
- ** Embrace Violent Swings. In love with bitcoin? Over the last two years, ‘mechanical’ set-ups have produced only a single losing trade in this ultra-volatile vehicle. Ask traders in my chat room if you are skeptical about this claim.
Fearful of the wild price swings that have become all too common in these deeply troubled times?
Let me show you how to leverage the stock market’s craziness for consistent profits and a more relaxed lifestyle.
** Avoid bumping heads with the rubes and village idiots who make markets so wacky
** Waltz into winning trades just as the last loser is being violently ejected
** Dramatically shorten your learning curve. This method will work quickly – and well
** Conquer your fear of pulling the trigger, since ‘mechanical’ entries will give you new confidence.
** Trade options BETTER than most pros, even if you know nothing about options. I promise that this is true.
Why Most Beginners Fail

They all start with a system. The trouble is, few beginners have the patience, discipline or diligence to stick with a system long enough to make it work. They invariably get seduced by another system that promises to make it easier. Trust me, learning to trade profitably will never be quite as easy as they might hope. But if you take the time to master a trading system, the payoff will be a comfortable lifestyle that working stiffs can only dream about.
Using a trading system, no matter which, is absolutely key for one reason: Whenever you trade, it will anchor your observations so that you can learn from your mistakes. That is the ‘magic’ trick that has enabled virtually every trader to become a great one. None of them was born with horse sense.
…And How You Can Avoid Their Biggest Mistake
The good news is that anyone can develop winning trading instincts by using a systematic approach every time one trades. The “Mechanical Set-Up” secret that I will teach you is not necessarily the best system ever devised. But it is good enough to allow you to make money as you learn, and to sharpen your observations so that you begin to understand the very rhythms of the market. It is the quickest path to grasping the psychology that animates markets. Reach that point and you will do what every trader does: increase your position size.
That is the beauty of trading: Anything that works in a small way can be scaled up to produce even bigger gains. When you are able to make $300 a day consistently using ‘mechanical’ levels, you will discover that you can just as easily make $3,000, or even $30,000. This is not something to dream about. It is a real possibility that exists for you if you merely take the time to learn what I have to teach you.
I stand behind these words personally. My students will attest that I interact with them in ways that make learning not just easy, profitable and even fun. Smoothing the learning curve is the goal of Rick’s Picks and my two chat rooms. They draw great traders from around the world who speak a common language when referring to charts and trading tactics. Sign up for my course on The ‘Mechanical’ Set-Up’ and you will possess the key to a better, more satisfying life.
Rick Ackerman
Publisher, Rick’s Picks
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The trick is to accurately…
and consistently read price bars so that you see what others miss. Apply my simple rules, and with practice you will develop the kind of horse sense that only the most successful traders possess. You’ll find out how to do this with zero previous experience, but first…

Who is Rick Ackerman?
For the last 20 years, Rick has been the editor and publisher of Rick’s Picks, an online service geared to traders from novice to expert. Before that, his Black Box Forecasts provided technical forecasts for floor traders on the major exchanges. He has been trading himself for more than 40 years, including 12 as an options market-maker on the floor of Pacific Stock Exchange. CNBC and Bloomberg have featured his work, and he has written on the markets and the economy for numerous publications, including Barron’s and The San Francisco Examiner.
A headline in Barron’s labeled him an “intrepid trader” after he helped the FBI solve a notorious pill-tampering case. He received a $200,000 reward and a guest appearance on FBI: The Untold Story.
In the trading world, Rick is known for the unusual accuracy of his price predictions and for the Hidden Pivot Method he uses to trade and forecast. His provocative insights and timely trading calls have made him a frequent guest on shows hosted by Max Keiser, Greg Hunter, Jim Goddard and Cory Fleck, among others. His thoughts on the markets and the headlines have also been featured on ZeroHedge, Seeking Alpha, Benzinga, The Daily Reckoning, FX Street, Financial Survival Network, Crush the Street, Jory Capital, Howe Street, Gold-Eagle.com, Goldseek.com, 321Gold.com and Kitco.
About the ‘Mechanical’ Trade Set-Up
It is the simplest, most profitable trick I’ve discovered in 40 years of trading. I wish I’d known how to use it when I worked as a market maker on the floor of the Pacific Stock Exchange in the 1980s. How it would have simplified my life!
But I saved you the work.The 'mechanical' set-up I will teach you has taken nearly five years to hone and perfect. Everything you need to know in order to master the technique is contained in the two-hour video lesson.
Here is a summary of the course, which is divided into six segments:

Module #1: How to Set Up Your Trading Account

Step-by-step, I’ll show you how to set up a trading account that suits your budget and your appetite for risk. There are several ways to go, but this is the best, based on long experience and feedback from my subscribers.
Module #2: Turbocharging the ‘Mechanical’ Set-Up by Using ‘Reverse’ ABC Patterns

This is a trick that everyone in the Rick’s Picks trading room has been dying to learn. It inverts our usual trade set-up to produce an obscure one that is all but unused by others. Obscurity is arguably the most valuable edge a trader can possess.
Module #3 The ‘Mechanical’ Trade: Art and Science

A detailed breakdown of ‘mechanical’ set-ups, along with two simple rules that obtain in all of them. There is a little bit of artfulness involved, too, as you are about to discover.
Module #4: Risk Management

Wait till you see how easy this is using the three ‘mechanical levels’. Your trades will actually manage themselves, using an autopilot strategy capable of outperforming even the most experience traders.
Module #5: Planning Your Trading Day

This is optional, since, as I noted earlier, you can find easily find day-trades that will make you a quick $200-$500 simply by jumping on any chart at random. But it can create more spare time for you if you arrange the day so that most of the trading happens in just an hour or two.
Module #6: A Simple Way to Develop Horse Sense

This little add-on is worth the price of the course. I mentioned earlier that the most successful traders are able to learn from their mistakes. This is an easy and systematic way to do it that requires no memory tricks or notes. It will also help you lock in winning patterns in the back of your brain.
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…And There’s More
In addition, you’ll receive instructions for using ‘impulse legs’ and ‘midpoint pivots’. The latter was once a well-kept secret so powerful and useful that it was the centerpiece of a course I once offered for $2,500.
Together, These Resources Will Provide…
** A few simple rules for finding and leveraging the most opportune trades
** A way to manage risk expertly from entry to exit without having to work at it
** Laser-precise price targets to drastically reduce entry risk and enable perfect exits
** A swing-for-the-fences strategy designed to let profits run
** Trade-entry skills that will get you aboard after the last loser has bailed out
** A system that you can start using immediately to make consistent profits
** Broad flexibility in choosing a trading vehicle perfectly suited to your goals
How Much for All of This?
In the past, I’ve sold courses containing the material described above for as much as $2,500. This video lesson offers the most detailed explanation to date of the ‘mechanical’-trade secret. It contains everything you need to know in order to recoup your investment quickly.
My marketing director priced it at $997. But in order to make this latest version of the course available to as many of you as possible,
I’ve knocked another $500 off the price, making it just $497. Register today to take advantage of this exceptional offer. I promise you’ll look back on your decision to enroll as one of the best investments you’ve ever made.
Myth #1: Trading is a full-time job
The Truth:
An Hour a Day Will Suffice. Trading doesn’t have to take up all your time. During the hour-long tutorial sessions that come with this course, I’ve done actual trades that have generated profits of $300-$500 in just minutes. If that’s all you need to live well, then plan on trading for just an hour or two a day. No preparations are necessary if you are just scalping.
Automate! What if you could set up trades before the opening bell and be out with a profit before most traders have had their second cup of coffee? I’ll teach you how to automation entries and exits so that you can literally snooze while you earn. I don’t recommend this, but one of my trading partners is so good at it that I’ve learned to appreciate his easy finesse.
Myth #2: Trying to Time the Swings Is Risky
True enough. Most market timing methods that attempt to predict the swings perform poorly. The batting average of these methods gets even worse in a roller-coaster market. But there’s a reason I’ve been a successful trader for decades, and why thousands of students of my methods have, too.
The Truth:
You Can Limit Risk: There are many ways to do this, and the proprietary ways I will show you are powerful and effective. The sweet spot for all trades turns out to be where most traders feel queasiest. You can exploit this with ‘mechanical’ levels that will allow you to sit with bland detachment outside of their fear zone.
Precision. Hidden Pivot Analysis is best known for its stunningly precise trend and target calls. This can be very helpful for drastically reducing entry. With just a few hours of practice, you will be better at it this trick than many who do it for a living.
Synergy: Combining ‘mechanical’ levels with ‘camouflage’ and ‘reverse-pattern’ triggers that are possible with the Hidden Pivot Method will put you into trades that even the best thinking machines evidently do not see. The result are trades that instantly take wing because there are relative few profit-takers to weigh them down.
Myth #3: Trading Is Too Complicated
Some trading methods are indeed heavy on math, charts, and other mind-boggling encumbrances. I’ve seen traders who use as many as a dozen screens, projecting a veritable light show of alerts, indicators, oscillators and other visual cues.
The Truth:
Simplify, Simplify, Simplify! I use very simple charts that contain no technical indicators or even volume bars; all I care about is price. And although I could easily get by with just a single monitor, I use two so that I can stay in touch with subscribers while I trade.
30 Days to Trading. Even if you’ve never made a single trade in your life, within just three to four weeks you’ll have the confidence to jump into opportune set-ups that will generate profits while limiting risk. Skeptical? Ask anyone in the Rick’s Picks chat room whether I’ve exaggerated.
Look, Ma, No Math. I was a college English major, for Pete’s sake, and no whiz with numbers. That’s why the method I’ve developed is mainly visual, with a few simple rules to help lock in winning trades. The rules are designed to make it very simple and to allow one to initiate trades without letting emotions get in the way.
Here’s my promise to you: Once you fully grasp the simple secret of the ‘MECHANICAL’ Trade Set-Up, you’re going to be stunned at how precisely you’ll be able to nail market highs, lows and key turning points. Master just a few simple rules and visual tricks and you’ll be able to get in and out of trades with the kind of precise timing that “experts” will tell you is impossible.
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Living Life on Your Terms…
I want you to imagine yourself two months from now. You’re executing trades with payoffs that have doubled your day-job income. All you had to do to get there was press the button below to enroll in this course.

Think how excited…
You’ll be when you are producing substantial income with just 60 to 90 minutes of work a day. You won’t have to draw down your capital because you will be making money from the start.
A year from now you will be confident and comfortable with ‘mechanical’ set-ups. Income will flow steadily, and there will be very little stress. You will be booking consistent profits, and this will give you the confidence to take the inevitable, small losses in stride. You will know how to read charts like a pro and execute winning trades just by applying a few simple rules each time you trade.
You will be able to travel to beautiful places, eat at fine restaurants, and indulge in your favorite hobbies while developing new ones. You will lavish gifts on your loved ones, your kids, parents and friends. You will be congratulating yourself for figuring out what many traders never will: Beating the market consistently does not require special talent, just discipline, patience and the confidence to understand that your big winners will more than offset the small loser. Signing up for this course will be the most important step you have ever taken as a trader.